M96 Top Fed Carbine: imitation of the "Bren" machine gun
The design of the M96 bolt box allows you to rearrange the rifle and get an imitation of the "Bren" machine gun. For this, the forend, pistol grip and butt are mounted above the bolt carrier. And the rifle itself is turned upside down. In this design, we get a very wretched weapon, without sights and prone to quick clogging. Of course, after rearranging the stock, the M96 will not become a light machine gun, since it is still the same civilian self-loading rifle.

Looking at the photo above, you can make sure that even large debris can easily get into the gap above the handle. And the lack of sighting devices deprives the shooter of the ability to conduct accurate fire.
In order to improve the reliability of the mechanisms, as well as to provide the shooter with the ability to conduct accurate shooting, the manufacturer has developed a kit for converting a rifle into an imitation of a machine gun of the "Bren" type (Bren LMG Conversion Kit). This term is not official, but for convenience it is used quite often. The manufacturer calls it a "top fed kit": a top fed kit.
The M96 top fed kit consists of the following parts:
- a barrel with an offset front sight;
- gas tube;
- rear sight;
- U-shaped piece to protect the barrel release button.

In December 2019, at the GunBroker auction, this conversion kit (not a rifle) was sold for $ 2.995. The seller indicated in the description that such kits are very rare.
In March 2020, a page for pre-ordering M96 rifles was launched on the manufacturer's website. Robinson Armament listed the price for the kit at $ 1.495. The top-mounted rifle was priced at $ 3.995, and the rifle with a "classic" magazine location was set at just $ 2.495.

M96 ribbon-fed
The author did not believe the rumors that there are M96 in nature and with a tape feed. However, in 2012, on a foreign forum, a site user posted a picture of the M96 in an unusual configuration.

The user claimed that Arizona-based arms company Arms Tech developed and even patented a similar conversion kit. According to him, the product was named Revere 96A1. Allegedly made in a single copy, the conversion to a tape feed (with the replacement of some parts) would have cost $ 13 thousand. Any mention of it has been removed on the Arms Tech website. It also indicates that the company was founded in 1987 for development in favor of the Special Forces of the US Army and law enforcement agencies. Specializes in the development and manufacture of special weapons and accessories.
By the way, the Robinson Armament website says that, perhaps, the company will offer M96 rifles, including belt-fed rifles. They do not promise, they just suppose. Agree that such products are designed for a very rare amateur. Unless collectors are interested.
Carbine M96 Recon
In addition to the "expedition rifle", Robinson Armament developed a shortened version called the M96 Recon. Based on the specs from the user manual, the M96 Recon differed only in barrel length, overall length, and weight. Due to the shorter barrel, this modification was called a carbine.

Special purpose rifle (carbine) SPR-V
In 2001, Robinson Armament announced that it plans to enter the arms market segment for the army and law enforcement. For this purpose, versions of rifles and carbines were developed with the ability to conduct automatic fire. Modifications were also envisaged with a folding stock. To this end, the manufacturer provided a sample of the M96 chambered for 5.56x45 mm cartridges for testing at the Picatinny Arsenal (a research organization under the US Department of Defense). Later it was reported that 15 thousand cartridges were shot from the rifle without a single breakdown.
In response to the September 11, 2001 attacks, the United States and NATO allies launched Operation Enduring Freedom. Military operations were planned not only in Afghanistan, but also in the Philippines, Somalia and other hot spots. The US Special Operations Command was faced with a situation in which soldiers in these hot spots felt a shortage of 5.56x45 NATO ammunition. At the same time, a significant amount of captured ammunition was captured. Mostly Soviet cartridges 7, 62 × 39. The special operations command considered the option of using captured Soviet-style ammunition. However, for a number of political and economic reasons, the command did not want their soldiers to use captured Russian-made weapons. There was a need for an American-made weapon, but capable of firing captured cartridges.
Already at the end of 2001, the Robinson Armament company provided for testing 6 units of automatic weapons chambered for 7, 62x39 mm. The weapon was developed on the basis of the civilian M96 Recon carbine. To avoid additional funding, the modification of the M96 automatic carbine was carried out under the Special Purpose Rifle / SPR program (special purpose rifle) and received the designation V ("Option"). So the Robinson Armament SPR-V rifle was born from the carbine.

The Robinson Armament SPR-V rifle was powered by standard Soviet AK-47 magazines. It was equipped with a muzzle brake from the SOPMOD set with the ability to mount a silent firing device (PBS) manufactured by Ops Inc and Allen Engineering.
(SOPMOD is a set of additional weapon equipment designed for special forces of NATO countries. Knight's Armament, which we already know, as well as Insight Technology, Trijicon and several others, are developing and producing elements of the set.)
A little later, the manufacturer offered an upgraded version of the SPR-V rifle. It was equipped with a folding stock, a Picatinny rail (for the entire length of the bolt box), and also included elements of the "SIR" mounting system from A. R. M. S. and a collimator sight Aimpoint CompM2.

In the competition for a new rifle for special forces, Knight's Armament competed with the AR-47 rifle, created on the basis of the M4 carbine. However, none of the rifles were selected for mass production. Reason: the competition was canceled. But during the tests, the Robinson Armament rifle attracted representatives of the private military company Blackwater, and they ordered a batch of SPR-V for their training center. Details of the deal are unknown. Knight's Armament's rival AR-47 rifle hasn't gone missing either. Its civilian version (semi-automatic) is manufactured by Excalibur Arms (Florida, USA).
Carabiner RAV 02 MC
After the cancellation of the competition, in which the SPR-V carbine participated, Robinson Armament continued to work on improving this weapon. The next modification was designated RAV-02. Some sources mention RAVE-02 and RAV 02 MC. The term "Subcarbine" is also sometimes used.
Defense Review's David Crane spoke on the phone back in 2002 with the owner of Robinson Armament. At the time, Alex Robinson reported that work on the new modification was in full swing. He stressed that the RAV 02 carbine continues to develop the idea of a weapon designed to solve all the problems that the M4 / M4A1 carbine is currently facing (2002). Including problems with the quality of the ammunition used.
Like the previous models of the company, this complex is also multi-caliber. Most likely, the same conversion kits are used as for the previous modification. It is powered by both 5.56x45 NATO cartridges and Soviet 7.62x39 and 5.45x39 cartridges. Moreover, the system allows using not only standard AK / AKM box magazines, but also drum magazines. The weapon works great with both steel and brass cartridges. According to Mr. Robinson, the RAV 02 outperforms the M4 carbine in terms of reliability.

For mounting the body kit on the weapon, a Picatinny rail and elements of the "SIR" attachment system are provided, thanks to which additional equipment can be attached at angles at 3, 6, 9 and 12 o'clock. Externally, this is a smaller version of the SPR-V carbine. The RAV 02 has a barrel length of about 12 "(30 cm) and features an AK-74 style muzzle brake.
There is evidence that Robinson Armament also offered a civilian version of the RAV 02 carbine, in which only single shots were possible. The civilian carbine was equipped with a fixed stock, while the automatic (for the army and law enforcement forces) was folding. The further fate of the Robinson Armament RAV 02 carbine is unknown.
Robinson armament xcr
In August 2004, RMDI (owned by Alex Robinson) filed a patent application, and only on October 6, 2009 patent # 7,596900 for "Multi-caliber ambidextrously controllable firearm" was obtained. In other words, for the next weapon system, the distinctive features of which are multi-caliber and ambidextrous. That is, it is convenient for both right-handers and left-handers. In one of the previous parts of the article, a light assault machine gun LAMG from the Knight's Armament company was described, with which a left-handed person could also be controlled.
Many agree that the new weapon was developed on the basis of the Robinson Armament M96 rifle, which, in turn, was a development of the Stoner 63 system. In the Background of the Invention, the applicant notes that the weapon can be adapted to fire ammunition of various calibers. The invention relates to a modular firearm with improved performance characteristics. In addition, some of the controls are duplicated.
On modern serial rifles RobArm XCR, the fuse box and the magazine latch button are double-sided. (In the automatic version, the fuse box is combined with a fire mode translator.) The slide stop button is made under the index finger, located in front of the trigger guard and is convenient for both right-handers and left-handers. While the cocking handle is located on the left.

It is worth noting that the provisional patent application for the invention was filed on August 4, 2003. Under US law, an applicant has 12 months during which he is eligible to file a patent application.
When filing a provisional application, it is not required to submit the claims and the declaration of the inventor. Examination of preliminary applications on the merits is not carried out, information about them is not published. Submission of a preliminary application is convenient when negotiating with potential partners, customers, as well as when looking for funding sources. As a rule, during these 12 months the applicant evaluates the situation and makes a decision whether it is worth investing in the invention or not.
The manufacturer claims that the adjustable ejection system has been developed to avoid stovepipe. The sleeve removal mechanism has also been improved. In particular, the ejection port and a deflector.

A year later (in 2005), without waiting for the publication of the patent, Robinson Armament has already completed the development of a new XCR (Xtreme Combat Rifle) rifle. This designation also has an alternative decoding: Xchange Caliber Rifle (rifle with interchangeable caliber). The rush was due to the fact that the company wanted to have time to take part in the SCAR competition for a modular assault rifle for special operations forces, which was announced by the US Special Operations Command.
SCAR program
On March 20, 2002, the revision of the SPR program (Special Purpose Rifle, special purpose rifle) was announced. The main reasons were:
- positive feedback on the new Mk 262 (5.56 mm) ammunition with a heavier bullet, which was tested by the US military in Afghanistan. It is produced by the Black Hills company;
- development of a special-purpose cartridge with improved ballistics and destructive power, as well as moderate recoil. The new cartridge was created by the Remington company. As a result, the manufacturer offered the market a 6.8 × 43 mm cartridge, which is known as the 6.8mm Remington SPC (Special Purpose Cartridge), or 6.8 SPC.
Taking into account these events, and not only, the command announced new requirements for the assault rifle. Initially, the program was named SOFS-CAR (Special Operations Forces Combat Assault Rifle). Then the abbreviation was shortened to the SCAR we know.
The SCAR program resembled another project from the same US agency. The project was named the Enhanced Carbine Program and was initiated with the aim of modernizing the M4A1 carbine. The modernization of the M4 carbine was to create a modular system based on it, with a high degree of component unification. Depending on the task being performed, a modular system should be provided with a set of interchangeable barrels of various lengths, as well as a conversion kit for various ammunition. The list included the following ammunition: 5.56 × 45 mm NATO, 7.62 × 51 mm NATO, 7.62 × 39 mm (Soviet), 6.8 × 43 mm SPC and others.
In addition to interchangeable barrels and the ability to use ammunition with improved characteristics, the M4 carbine modernization program included a wide range of sighting devices. Required the ability to mount from the simplest mechanical to optical, for sniper fire.
A key requirement was an M1913 Multi-Rail Handguard (Picatinny) mounting system. The mounting bar should occupy the entire length of the upper surface of the bolt box, while the barrel should be freely hung out. This requirement led to the creation of the SIR fastening system mentioned above.
The author believes that both projects are a continuation of the Special Purpose Rifle / SPR program (special purpose rifle), which started after the September 11 attacks. We all already know that Robinson Armament was involved with the SPR-V rifle.
Over time, the requirements of the SCAR program regarding ammunition were changed, leaving only 5.56 × 45 and 7.62 × 51 mm NATO on the list. However, it was decided to provide a conversion kit consisting of several quick-detachable parts in the basic configuration. Samples of rifles chambered for 5, 56 × 45 mm were presented by Cobb Manufacturing (bought by Bushmaster in 2008), Colt's Manufacturing Company, FN-USA Herstal, Heckler & Koch USA, Israel Weapon Industries (IWI), Knight's Armament Company, Robinson Armament and several others. As a result, FN signed a contract for further testing. It is noteworthy that Colt products took 3 places at once: 2nd, 3rd and 4th. We are talking about rifles Colt SCAR Type A, Type B and Type C. The main difference between Colt SCAR Type C is a gas engine with a piston. The Small Arms Review reported that the Type C was the first rifle built in an unconventional design for Colt.

Instead of multi-caliber, the US Special Operations Command stated that the weapon must be equipped with a grenade launcher. This requirement was announced two months before the submission of samples for the competition. Alex Robinson is still outraged about this.
This was offensive and unfair, since otherwise our rifle met all the requirements.
After all, the XCR rifle from Robinson Armament has long been perfected, the weapon has been tested many times. Mr. Robinson continues to suspect that there was a case of corruption in the SCAR competition.
Regardless of the SCAR program, Colt was working on a rifle with the designation IAR (Infantry Automatic Rifle). This weapon was planned as a replacement for the light machine gun (SAW), adopted by the United States Marine Corps.
It is customary to compare new samples with already known systems. For example, locking the barrel by skewing it according to John Browning's scheme (M1911). Another example: this product was developed based on the AR platform. Or, conversely, with an eye on AK.
When developing the RobArm XCR rifle, both the solutions of Y. Stoner and MT Kalashnikov were partially used. For example, in the XCR, the automation is based on a gas engine with a long piston stroke (AK). The barrel is locked by turning the bolt by 3 lugs. They mimic the Stoner (AR) shutter in shape. When disassembling the weapon, the upper part of the receiver with the barrel hinges down and breaks (AR). The ejection window is realized without a shutter, in the AK style. The general scheme of the product allows you to use a folding butt, or not use it at all (AK).
(Everyone is free to compare anything with anything: even MAS-49/56 with FN-49, etc. The main thing is that both samples correspond to the same class and that both of them are well known to the interlocutor / reader.)

It is common knowledge that the competition was won by a complex that was proposed by the American division of FN Herstal. There is evidence that the Robinson Armament XCR rifle was not allowed to participate in the SCAR competition for a banal reason. According to the official version, the candidate delivered blank firing adapter 20 minutes late. The photo below shows the product, due to the absence of which the RobArm XCR rifle was allegedly excluded from the SCAR competition.

A story with a delay of 20 minutes could well have happened. At one time, the author of the article was the head of corporate projects and took part in fairly large tenders. Therefore, the author knows for certain that they tried to get rid of competitors even before the announcement of the tender and up to the moment of the announcement of the decision of the tender commission. There were cases when they even challenged the decision of the commission or intrigued the winning competitor already during the delivery. There were all kinds of things. They tried to cut off at least one competitor just before the start of the competition. For this purpose, the "earlier" tender participants were waiting for their opponents at the entrance to the secretariat almost with a stopwatch in their hands. A participant who was literally a minute late had every chance of not being admitted to the competition for violating the procedure.
No other photos of the automatic version of XCR SCAR could be found. Therefore, below I will give images of the civil (semi-automatic) version. The manufacturer assures that he did not make radical changes to the design.
Civilian version of the Robinson Armament XCR-L
After the failure in the SCAR competition, Robinson Armament decided to release a civilian version of the XCR rifle. So, weapons without automatic fire were designated XCR-L (Light). According to a statement on the manufacturer's website, the civilian version of the XCR-L turns 10 years old in 2020.

To fire cartridges of a different caliber, it is required to install a barrel, piston and vent tube that are compatible with this ammunition. You also need to replace either the entire shutter, or disassemble the shutter and replace two parts in it (Extractor & Carrier Tail). The return spring is versatile and does not require replacement. Some types of ammunition require a corresponding magazine.

At the time of writing, the manufacturer offered XCR-L (Light) rifles for the following ammunition:
5, 56x45 NATO;
7.62x39R (Soviet);
.224 Valkyrie (5.6x41);
6.5x39 Grendel;
6.8x43 Remington SPC;
.300 AAC Blackout (7.62x35).

Over time, the manufacturer has expanded its range so much that almost every rifle can be considered unique. Only barrels of different lengths for one rifle configuration can be up to 8 units to choose from. The shooter can even choose the rifling pitch for his barrel (twist). On the Robinson Armament website, using the configurator, you can select most of the components and parameters for your future rifle. Up to the color of the rifle and the shape of the butt.

Barrel replacement is easy and quick. Of the tools, only a 6-point wrench is needed. The barrel fixes the screw, which is located in front of the magazine receiver shaft. Some experts argue that the screw connection is not the most successful type of fastener for the barrel of a weapon, especially for special forces. There is an opinion that the thread can be torn off sooner or later, with all the ensuing consequences for the weapon and the shooter.

To disassemble the weapon, press the spring-loaded lever, which is located in front of the butt on the left. A light pressure is enough, and the upper part of the receiver, together with the barrel, folds down. The author believes that the latch lever is also not the most reasonable solution for fixing parts of the bolt box. The latch lever can be accidentally pressed or caught by items of clothing. And then the box "disintegrates" into 2 parts, and the shutter parts and the return spring can fly out of it. And they usually fall into the mud.

The author had doubts about the reliability of the bolt box latch. At the end of the article, a video of testing a rifle with severe contamination is posted. To do this, the tester covered the weapon with sand, and then (without shaking) fired a single shot. As a result, the upper part of the receiver with the barrel fell back down. This defect manifested itself several times.
The top and bottom of the receiver are held together by a connecting pin (pin). In one of the previous parts of the article, my reader recalled a case related to a quick disassembly pin. On the Stoner 63 system, due to vibration loads, this pin had a tendency to fall out. As a result, the SEAL fighter died, accidentally firing a machine-gun burst into his chest. After that incident, the smooth pin was replaced with a screw retainer. A quick disassembly pin was left on the RobArm XCR. The intensity of fire for a rifle and a machine gun is, of course, different, but we are dealing with a modular system. In addition, a kit for switching to a tape feed is mentioned above.

The reloading handle is located on the left side of the bolt box, above the magazine receiver shaft. At least for a right-handed person, this is a big plus. After all, the shooter holds the weapon with his dominant hand for the pistol grip and controls the trigger with his index finger. And the change of the store and the delivery of the cartridge is carried out with the free left hand. The photo below is a visual demonstration.
A cutout is provided in the bolt box for guiding the movement of the reloading handle. The cutout is covered with a metal bar that prevents the internal mechanisms from getting dirty. During reloading, the bar moves back, along with the handle. And during firing, the handle with the bar remains in the extreme forward position.

The gas regulator in position "7" is used when the weapon is heavily contaminated or for low-power ammunition. Position "S" (in other versions "0") is used when using the PB. In the "S" position, the automatics are disabled and the liner is not ejected. The rest of the provisions are for ammunition of various capacities. The weaker the ammunition, the higher the figure.
It is believed that Alex Robinson collaborated with the Bushmaster company. As a result, Mr. Robinson allegedly took part in the development of the Bushmaster ACR (Adaptive Combat Rifle) rifle. The author was unable to find evidence of this version. But in the public domain, documents were published testifying to the lawsuit. Essence: violation of the rights of the patent owner.
Thus, RMDI LLC (founder Alex Robinson) brought several firearms manufacturers to justice for the use of intellectual property:
- Magpul Industries, in the Masada modular system;
- Bushmaster Firearms, in the civilian version of the Bushmaster ACR semi-automatic rifle;
- Remington Arms, in the Remington ACR automatic rifle;
- Rock River Arms, in the LAR-8 rifle.

Some time later, the manufacturer developed and offered the market a heavier rifle XCR-M (Medium). At the time of writing, the manufacturer offered XCR-M rifles for the following ammunition:
.308 Winchester (7.62x51);
.243 Winchester (6.2x52);
.260 Remington;
6.5mm Creedmoor.

Pictured above is a used rifle with a set of interchangeable barrels chambered for 6.5mm Creedmoor and 7.62x51 (.308 Winchester) cartridges. The kit includes 5 magazines for 10 rounds and 4 magazines for 5 rounds. Kit cost: CAD $ 2,850.

The cost of the XCR-L rifle starts at $ 1.995, and the XCR-M version starts at $ 2.495 and up, depending on the configuration. According to data for the year 20017, the company has 25 employees and produces about 5,000 weapons per year.

XCR rifle batch for Germany
In Europe, Robinson Armament rifles were represented by EL BE tac from Germany. The EL BE tac office was located in the Glusing commune, which has a population of about 120 people. It “represented” and “was”, since with the onset of COVID-19, the company suspended its activities and even turned off its website.

The path of RobArm rifles from the USA to Germany turned out to be long and difficult. Alex Robinson met a guy named Lars Bruggemann in 2013 in Germany, at the IWA OutdoorClassics exhibition. By that time, Lars Brueggemann had mastered the profession of a gunsmith at Sport-Systeme Dittrich and at the same time received a license to trade in arms. During the show, a German gunsmith thoroughly examined the XCR system and was deeply impressed. Later, Lars Brueggemann traveled to the United States several times to get acquainted with the production on the spot. Finally, the parties agreed and began to organize the import of Robinson Armament rifles to Germany.
The process dragged on for 2 years. At the SHOT Show 2015 (Las Vegas, USA) Lars Bruggeman told a Deutsches Waffen-Journal reporter that the first batch of rifles will arrive in Germany in the middle of summer. However, the shipment of weapons was cleared through customs only in February 2016. So the XCR rifles went on free sale only closer to the spring of 2016.
Rifles for Germany practically did not differ from those sold in the US market as standard. Unless the A2 pistol grip has been replaced with Ergo Grips. The XCR-L rifle for Germany is equipped with a 30-round magazine from C-Product Defense, and the XCR-M is equipped with a 20-round magazine from ASC.

Additional markings were added to rifles for Germany. First of all, the added year of production, the abbreviation of the countries (manufacturer and importer), as well as the name of the selling company "EL BE tac" are striking. However, there are other differences in marking on the bolt boxes.

In Germany, the XCR-L rifle was offered for the following cartridges:.223 Remington;.300 Blackout; 6.8 Remington SPC; 6.5 Grendel; 7.62 × 39 and 5.45 × 39. Trunks: 10.5 "(26.67 cm); 14.7" (37.33 cm); 16.75 "(42.54 cm) and 18.6" (47.24 cm).
The XCR-M was offered for.308 Winchester,.260 Remington,.243 Winchester, 6.5 mm Creedmoor and 6 mm Creedmoor. Could be completed with barrels from 9, 5 "to 20" (24, 13 - 50, 8 cm long).
The standard XCR-L was priced at 2,999 euros in Germany, while the XCR-M was charged at 3,499 euros or more. The seller provided a Lifetime (First Owner) Warranty on all parts subject to wear and tear, excluding the bolt and barrel.
At the end of my article, I traditionally cite footage from video games in which Robinson Armament rifles were lit up.
RobArm rifles in video games
Alliance of Valiant Arms (2007)

Grand Theft Auto V / GTA5 (2011)
Righteous Slaughter 7 (Jimmy)

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (2016)

That's all I wanted to tell you about Eugene Stoner's system and the development of his idea. I hope the series of articles turned out to be quite informative and interesting.
Thank you for the attention!