Reconstruction of the railway-based strategic missile system is a necessary task today. This is at least a response to the development of the so-called American missile defense system, complete with the concept of a rapid global strike, the task of which is to nullify our nuclear potential and make it ineffective. And we need to look for means and ways to break through this missile defense - only then will there be confidence that a quick global strike will not take place.
The railway complex has a number of advantages that made us return to the idea of using it. The main thing is maneuverability. It will be very difficult for the enemy to track the location of the complex. However, the BZHRK "Barguzin" will certainly be equipped with a less heavy rocket than the previous one - "Molodets", developed by the Dnepropetrovsk design bureau "Yuzhnoye" and produced in Pavlograd. Most likely it will be a product based on Yars.
The BZHRK also has disadvantages that should not be ignored either. First of all, there is the problem of safe operation of such a complex. Yet this is not a stationary launch pad, but a railway platform. The rocket contains toxic propellants, at least in the warhead disengagement system. Anyway, traveling around the country with a nuclear warhead - there are serious additional risks. Plus, experience shows: there is a very heavy load on the railway, both in the literal sense - due to the huge mass of the train, and figuratively - schedules and schedules break down.

The reconstruction of the BZHRK should not be viewed as an exhaustive response to the American approach of weapons of mass destruction to our borders. For nuclear deterrence to be effective, we need to create a group of precision weapons such as cruise missiles. We have it, but we need to increase the number and work on new, more effective designs. And the main thing is to base these weapons as close as possible to the territory of the United States. We can blame Romania and Poland as much as we want for deploying missile defense systems on their territory, but you need to understand: the main player is the United States. And they deliberately bring these funds to the territory of other countries, primarily to Europe, so that we can conflict with our neighbors and, in the event of an armed conflict, hit them. And the territory of America will remain intact. And with the understanding that it is not Turkish, Polish or Romanian means of attack that are approaching our borders, but American ones, we need to bring strike forces to the territory of the United States, including those with small-sized nuclear weapons. This will be the most effective deterrent.
We cannot create land bases in countries adjacent to the United States, so the main load will fall on the fleet - surface and submarine. We'll have to have logistical support points for our ships to enter there during combat patrols, but no more. This is also the answer to those who say that Russia does not need a powerful ocean-going fleet.
And when the Americans feel that their territory, their infrastructure is at gunpoint, they will begin to negotiate. Let us recall 1962: on the one hand, there was a rather tough confrontation, but on the other, it was after the Cuban missile crisis that the Americans agreed to conclude agreements, including on the anti-missile defense system and on strategic missiles. When they projected Hiroshima and Nagasaki onto themselves, they immediately began to negotiate. And now something similar is needed, although it is advisable not to bring the matter to a crisis.