At the end of October 2016, a delegation from the Academy of Military Sciences of the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA) paid an official visit to Moscow. During the visit, a Russian-Chinese scientific seminar on the topic “Military reforms. Experience and Lessons”. Leading scientists of the Research Institute (Military History) of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces and the PLA Academy of Military Sciences discussed the issues of military reforms of the past and present in Russia (USSR) and China. The article examines the main directions of modern military policy and military development of the PRC.
Reforms in the PLA began from the very beginning. In November 1949, the first major reorganization of the PLA took place, the Air Force was created. In April 1950, the Navy was created. Also in 1950, the leading structures of artillery, armored forces, air defense forces, public security forces and workers 'and peasants' militia were created. Later, chemical defense troops, railway troops, signal troops, the Second Artillery Corps (nuclear missile forces) and others were created.
During the 1950s, with the help of the Soviet Union, the PLA was transformed from a peasant army into a modern one. Part of this process was the creation of 13 military districts in 1955.
Since the victory in the civil war and the formation of the PRC, the PLA has been constantly decreasing, although it remained the largest in the world. The number of military districts was also reduced: in the 1960s, their number was reduced to 11, during the reform of 1985-1988 - to 7. At the same time, the level of training of troops and technical equipment was constantly improving, and the combat potential of the Chinese army was growing.
One of the "four modernizations" announced by Zhou Enlai in 1978 was the modernization of the military. In the course of it, the army was reduced, its supply with modern equipment was improved.
Since the 1980s, the People's Liberation Army of China has undergone significant transformation. Prior to that, it was mainly on the ground, since the main military threat to China was considered the "threat from the north" - from the USSR. In the 1980s, the main focus of efforts was the independent Taiwan, supported by the United States, and the conflict in the South China Sea over the possession of the Spratly Islands. The appearance of the army was changing - there was a gradual transition from the massive use of infantry to the actions of a few, well-equipped, highly mobile formations in cooperation with the Air Force and the Navy. Deng Xiaoping stressed that the PLA should pay more attention to quality over quantity. In 1985, the army was reduced by a million people, and in 1997 - by another half a million - to 2.5 million people.
The PRC closely monitors world military conflicts and takes into account the experience of innovations. At the same time, the experience of military reforms in the USSR (Russia), European countries and the United States is being actively studied. The PLA is no longer preparing for large-scale ground operations, but is improving to participate in high-tech local conflicts, possibly far beyond China's borders. There is an increasing focus on mobility, intelligence, information and cyber warfare. The PLA adopts weapons purchased in Russia - the latest destroyers, aircraft, anti-aircraft systems, as well as numerous samples of its own production - Jian-10 fighters, Jin-class submarines, Liaoning aircraft carrier, Type-99 tanks and many others.
Military reforms and modernization of the PLA affected the quality of the army, especially the officers in terms of their rejuvenation, the introduction of new military ranks. The military education system was reformed. Instead of 116 military educational institutions, several dozen educational institutions of a new type appeared - the University of National Defense, the Command Institute of the Ground Forces, the Military Pedagogical Institute, the Military Economic Institute, the Military Institute of International Relations, etc. The leadership of the Armed Forces set and successfully solved the problem - by 2000, all officers had to have a higher education.
Now the military service system combines compulsory and voluntary service, being in the people's militia and serving in the reserve. The period of compulsory military service has been reduced in all branches of the Armed Forces to two years. The extra-urgent service, which had lasted before 8–12 years, was abolished, and a contract service was introduced for a period of at least three and not more than 30 years.
The pace of reforming the Chinese army has gradually increased since the end of the 2000s. A powerful breakthrough was made in equipping the PLA. The People's Republic of China is currently taking unprecedented steps to reform its armed forces. The growth of economic potential contributes to the implementation of the outlined plans. Reforms and modernization of the armed forces are viewed by the military-political leadership of the PRC as an integral part of social and economic development. If not long ago the goal of transforming the armed forces in China was considered to be the achievement of superiority over the countries of the Asia-Pacific region in order to ensure the regional security of the country, now the role of military force in protecting national interests is considered in a global context. PLA soldiers are involved in UN peacekeeping operations and in international humanitarian missions, the Chinese Navy has joined the international fight against piracy in the Gulf of Aden.
The PRC's military security strategy provides for a wide range of measures of a political, economic and military nature. According to the military-political course chosen by the CCP, the PLA reform should ensure the security and national unity of the country. This, in turn, presupposes not only the protection of China's land, sea borders and airspace, but also ensuring the country's security at all levels along the path of its strategic development.
Since 2006, China has been implementing the National Defense and Armed Forces Modernization program. Today we can say with confidence that the first stage of this program, which includes the creation of fundamental foundations and transformations, is coming to an end. By 2020, the CPC expects to achieve so-called general progress in the main areas of modernization of the PRC's Armed Forces.
During the Russian-Chinese scientific seminar “Military Reforms. Experience and Lessons”leading researchers of the PRC in the field of military history spoke about the changes in the military development in the PRC at the present stage. As noted, at present, the transformation process encompasses not only the Chinese Armed Forces, but also many spheres of social life, such as politics, economics and culture.
The head of the Chinese delegation, Political Commissioner of the PLA Academy of Military Sciences, Lieutenant General Gao Donglu, stressed in his speech that the People's Liberation Army of China is currently at a new stage in the development of reforms. At the present stage, the main task of reforming the Chinese Armed Forces, according to Lieutenant General Gao Donglu, is the creation of a scientifically grounded and rational control system, an effective system of joint operational command, in proportion to the structured organizational and staff structure of the Armed Forces, as well as increasing the army's combat effectiveness by eliminating structural contradictions. and problems of a political nature. Ultimately, the main task is to create a powerful army, "capable of fighting and winning."
The Chinese side presented the report “The Process of Implementation of Military Reforms and Modernization of the Chinese Army. Experience and Lessons”, presented by the head of the European armies research department of the PLA AVN Foreign Army Research Department Senior Colonel Li Shuyin. She said that China is taking into account the changes taking place in the world arena and adapting to the global trends in military reform. At the same time, the Chinese leadership believes that following the large-scale use of information technologies in the military sphere, new forms of military and combat operations may appear in the near future: “The war has already entered a new era of“instant destruction”. Based on these realities, the goals and objectives of the military reforms carried out by the PRC are being built.
In the content of this task, the speaker identified four main components:
- improvement of the command and control system;
- optimization of the number of the Armed Forces and the organizational and staff structure;
- determination of the political course of the army;
- integration of the army and society.
At the same time, improving the command and control system is the most important issue requiring the application of the main forces and ensuring a breakthrough in other areas.
In the report, the Chinese side commented on the renewal of the system of central military command and control bodies subordinate to the Central Military Commission (CPC) of the PRC.
The General Staff, the Main Political Directorate (GPU), the Main Logistics Directorate (GUT), the Main Directorate of Arms and Military Equipment (GUVVT) were transformed into 15 military-administrative units, which are directly subordinate to the supreme military body - the Central Military Council (TsVS), the chairman which is Xi Jinping. As a result of the transformations, the following were established: the Joint Headquarters, the Office of the Central Military Commission, the Political Work Directorate, the Logistics Support Directorate, the Arms Development Directorate, the Combat Training Directorate, the Defense Mobilization Directorate, the Central Military Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Political and Legal Commission, the Scientific and Technical Committee, the Division Strategic Planning, Department for Reforms and Recruitment, Department of International Military Cooperation, Revision Directorate and Main Organizational and Records Directorate (Office of Affairs) of the Central Military Commission.
According to the Chinese side, the changes will make it possible to make the work of the headquarters of the Central Military Commission, the executive authorities of the Central Military Commission, the central military service bodies, more clearly delineate the powers of leadership, construction, command and control, and simplify the implementation of four main functions: the decision-making process, planning, execution and evaluation.
The speaker stressed that when reforming the PLA, special importance is attached to the recommendations of military science.
The Chinese side noted the changes that have taken place in the military-administrative division of the PRC territory.
On February 1, 2015, 7 military districts were transformed into 5 zones of combat command (Eastern, Southern, Western, Northern and Central), to which all formations and formations in their zone of responsibility are subordinate in peacetime and wartime.
Thus, the new command and control system provides for the transition of the Chinese Armed Forces to a three-tier system of operational joint control: CVS - zone command - formations and units. In the combat command zones, respectively, the commands of the Armed Forces were created with the corresponding control structures: the command of the Ground Forces, the command of the Naval Forces, and the command of the Air Force.
On December 31, 2015, the headquarters of the Ground Forces was created, at the same time the Strategic Support Troops were created. The strategic nuclear forces ("second artillery") were renamed the Missile Forces. Thus, in the PRC there were 5 types of armed forces: the Ground Forces, the Naval Forces, the Air Force, the Missile Forces and the Strategic Support Forces. At the same time, a three-level command and control system was created: TsVS - type of the Armed Forces - units and formations.
The PLA logistics system was improved. On September 13, 2016, President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping signed a decree on the creation of the Joint Logistics Support Troops of the Central Military Commission.
The Joint Logistics Support Troops provide logistical support and strategic and operational support. They include the base of the united logistic support (Wuhan) and five centers of the united logistic support. The combined logistical support troops constitute the backbone of the rear services and form an integrated support system in the general command and control system for comprehensive systemic, united and pinpoint support of troops.
Chinese representatives explained that in the future, reforms of the PRC Armed Forces will be aimed at reducing the number of the PLA.
In particular, the main reductions will affect military command and control bodies and non-combat structures. In the military command and control bodies, reductions in the number of personnel at all levels will be carried out, and the number of leadership positions will also be reduced. In the troops, the main thing is to reduce units using outdated military equipment so that the vacated staff structures can be used to replenish the new combat capabilities of the troops.
The Chinese side expressed confidence that after the reforms, the PLA's combat capability, its ability to resolutely defend the sovereignty, security of the country and its peaceful development will significantly increase. At the same time, the PLA continues to pursue a defensive strategy in the form of a military doctrine of "active defense" with the aim of protecting regional and global peace.
In his closing remarks, the head of the Chinese delegation emphasized that the reform of the PRC's armed forces is revolutionary in nature. The PLA is developing with an emphasis on interspecific interaction, mobility, the introduction of innovative technologies capable of ensuring the compactness of the armed forces and their constant combat readiness.
The reforms of the PRC Armed Forces, according to Chinese military historians, are designed for the period up to 2049. Its main goal is the creation of an informatized armed forces capable of successfully operating in military conflicts using information technologies. The main content of the modernization of the PLA at the present stage is the informatization and computerization of the Armed Forces, strengthening their combat capabilities by increasing the interaction of their types during joint operations. The CPC sees the ultimate goal of military reform in the creation of armed forces capable of effectively carrying out nuclear deterrence, successfully operating in a modern high-tech war on a local scale, as well as during anti-terrorist operations.
Summing up the results of the seminar, Russian and Chinese military scientists came to the conclusion that the field of military reform requires careful and in-depth study, it was proposed to publish a joint scientific collection in the near future. The parties expressed a common opinion on the importance of bilateral scientific cooperation in the field of military history.
It should be noted that the reports presented by the Chinese side were as open as possible. Analyzing the speeches of Chinese scientists, we can conclude that the reform of the armed forces of the PRC is large-scale, as it is accompanied by cardinal decisions of the military-political leadership. The mechanisms of political control over the armed forces are changing. Of the old military structures of the Chinese Armed Forces, only the Central Military Council remains. But from a structure that carried out the general political leadership of the military sphere, it turns into the main body with 15 structures of direct subordination.
The PLA's logistics support system is being radically changed.
According to experts, the Joint Headquarters is weaker than its predecessor: it has lost control over the education and training system, mobilization, strategic planning and other areas. In addition, the units of the abolished General Staff that operated in cyberspace and were responsible for maintaining electronic warfare are likely to go to the Strategic Support Forces.
Taking into account the measures of the ongoing reform, China's military doctrine retains its predominantly defensive character.
At the same time, in Beijing, the main threats to China are still attacks on the sovereignty of the PRC by separatist forces acting under the slogans "For the independence of Taiwan", "For the independence of East Turkestan" and "For the independence of Tibet." The Chinese political leadership does not ignore the build-up of the US military presence in the APR, which is pursuing a strategy of "restoring the balance of power" and putting pressure on the PRC through bilateral treaties with the countries of the region. The increase in China's military potential is largely due to preventive measures, which are needed as an element of opposition to modern American weapons systems in the Asia-Pacific region. That is why China concentrates the main forces of the most advanced Navy and Air Force in the south of the country to solve sea and oceanic tasks in case of a possible confrontation with the United States.
China also attaches great importance to the PLA's ability to respond quickly to emerging national security challenges. Recognizing the low probability of a world war in the foreseeable future, the military reforms of the PRC are primarily aimed at the readiness of the PLA for local wars. In this regard, recently, the PLA has been actively creating mobile forces to act in local conflicts along the perimeter of the state border, as well as to provide support to the people's armed police. They can include up to a third of the PLA.
It is also worth noting that the political and military leadership of China is actively involved in international cooperation on global security issues. In this area, China has created and is implementing a "New Type of Security Concept Based on Interstate Trust." According to the provisions of the concept, mutual equal security must be built on mutual trust and cooperation between states through dialogue, on interaction in the matter of security - with non-interference in the internal affairs of other states and without causing damage to third countries. Also, great importance in the concept is attached to the promotion of the idea of preventing a threat or damage by military force to the security and stability of other states.
The steps taken recently by the political leadership of the PRC through the SCO, ASEAN and the CIS indicate that China, trying to occupy a leading position among the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, is simultaneously trying to show the failure of the West's information campaign aimed at creating world public opinion about The "Chinese threat".
Relying on growing economic power, the PRC is improving the quality parameters of its defense potential on the basis of science and advanced technologies. At the same time, the main vector of attention in this area is aimed at enhancing the potential for nuclear deterrence, creating conditions under which the most economically developed eastern and coastal regions of the country will be maximally protected from air and sea strikes.
The armed forces of the PRC, a number of structures of which have not undergone major changes since the civil war in China in the 1930s, will change beyond recognition in the foreseeable future. According to Chinese scientists from the Chinese People's Liberation Army's Academy of Military Sciences, it will be the most innovative military on the planet.