Tank T-80U-M1 "Bars" is fast and unobtrusive on any terrain, capable of marches over long distances and transported by all types of transport.
In different countries, the creation of new models of military equipment and new technologies continues. Serious attention is also paid to the modernization of the models in service. This is due to the presence of a significant amount of equipment in the troops, and the tendency to reduce costs for the purchase of new weapons. Two more features should be noted, firstly, the life cycle of military equipment is very long (15-20 years), and secondly, progress in a number of areas so significant that it allows you to achieve a qualitative improvement in its combat characteristics without significantly changing the appearance of the object.
An example is the T-80 tank, which was adopted by the Russian army in 1976. Machines of this family are produced by the Omsk Production Association 'Transport Engineering Plant named after the October Revolution. T-80U tanks are equipped, according to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Igor Sergeev, the most combat-ready elite divisions of the Russian army …
It initially had a significant potential for modernization. The conceptual need to improve the combat and operational properties predetermined the phased modernization of vehicles of this family. Today it is the T-80U-M1 Bars tank, which has retained the classic layout scheme, in which the main armament is located in a rotating turret, the power plant and transmission - in the rear of the hull, the crew - separately the tank commander and gunner - in the fighting compartment, the driver - in the control compartment.
Like its counterparts, the T-80U-M1 Bars tank is fast and unobtrusive on any terrain, capable of marches over long distances and transported by all types of transport.

The variety of requirements for a tank and a wide range of targets, both in terms of the degree of danger for the tank itself and in terms of their level of protection, led to the need to equip the vehicle with a more advanced armament system, ensuring the defeat of the enemy, both ground and air, at a distance of up to 5000 m.
On the T-80U-M1 Bars' tank, a smooth-bore cannon is installed - a type 2A46M launcher of 125 mm caliber, stabilized in two planes. trouble-free gun 2A46M-1.
The modern 1A45 fire control system includes a laser rangefinder, wind sensors, tank and target speed, roll, charge and ambient temperature, and a tank ballistic computer. This system, in conjunction with a unique undercarriage with a high smoothness of motion, allows effective fire on rough terrain at speeds up to 35 km / h and any position of the turret. According to this parameter, the tanks of the T-80U family have no equal.
The gunner controls the fire in battle, but the guidance and aiming devices installed on the tank allow the commander to determine the most dangerous target, aim independently of the gunner and, by pressing the "target designation" button on the control panel, turn the turret and align the gunner's aiming line with the aim or take full control of the gun on yourself ("Double" mode) and hit the target.
The guided weapons complex (KUV) allows with almost 100% probability of hitting an armored or low-flying target with a missile guided by a laser beam, at a distance of up to 5 km KUV 9K119 has increased noise immunity, is easy to control and maintain.
The T-80U-M1 tank can be equipped with a Buran night infrared sight or a Russian (Agava-2) or foreign thermal imaging sight. When installing a thermal imaging sight, the gunner and commander are able to fire a 9M119 guided missile both day and night.
The automatic loader provides a rate of fire of 7-9 rounds per minute. Abroad, only the French Leclerc tank has an automatic loader. The T-80U-M1 automatic loader carousel conveyor holds 28 rounds, while the French Leclerc and Russian T-90s carry 22 rounds.

The T-80U-M1 tank is protected from modern anti-tank weapons due to:
• combined multilayer protection of the upper frontal part of the hull and the combined filler in the turret, • a complex of built-in explosive reactive armor (ERA) of the hull and turret, as well as armored bulwarks with ERA elements, • complex of active protection "Arena", • systems for setting curtains of the "Shtora-1" optical-electronic countermeasures complex.
The use of VDZ in the 80s made it possible to significantly increase the degree of protection of tanks from cumulative shells, however, after the explosion of VDZ, part of the surface area of the main armor remains unprotected. Development of an active protection system over the past 10-20 years has been carried out in many countries. However, it was only in Russia that they were brought to the production of ready-made systems, Arena is one of them. Having no analogues in the world in terms of technical characteristics, it is designed to protect tanks from anti-tank grenades and missiles fired by all types of infantry weapons, as well as from land and air ATGMs flying at a speed of 70 to 700 meters per second, regardless of the control system and types of warheads
The "Arena" complex installed on the T-80U-M1 "Bars" tank is switched on and off from the command control panel, after which all subsequent operations are performed automatically. In addition to working in the main automatic mode, in emergency situations, the commander can control it manually, for example, to destroy obstacles or to create close protection against infantry.
"Arena" protects the tank in any weather, in any combat conditions, including movement and aiming, regardless of the angle of approach of the weapons. The design of radars and information processing sights provides a high level of protection against interference, does not react to false and random signals, and acts only when a serious danger appears or if the threat is flying directly at the tank.
The active defense system doubles the survivability of the Bars, and when tanks are used for peacekeeping purposes and the settlement of local conflicts, when the enemy has mostly light anti-tank weapons at his disposal, by 3-4 times. The use of the "Arena" active protection complex in combination with the "Shtora-1" optoelectronic suppression complex makes it possible to increase the tank's protection by 3-5 times.
Instead of the GO-27 radiation and chemical reconnaissance device, which is installed on almost all Russian armored vehicles on the T-80U-M1 "Bars" tank, there is a complex with high speed and sensitivity. Its maintenance requires less work. The new device is compact and easier to use. Built-in control allows you to quickly check the status of devices and receive information about the malfunction of the main units.
The automatic fire extinguishing system extinguishes a fire within 150 milliseconds.
For communication on the T-80U-M1, the R-163-50U radio station and the R-163UP radio receiver are installed, operating in the VHF range in an anti-jamming mode, in which an automatic enumeration of many pre-selected frequencies occurs and the channel most free from interference is determined. There is a channel for transmitting telecode information and radio communication based on an address.

Tank T-80U-M1 "Bars" is equipped with a multi-fuel gas turbine engine with a capacity of 1250 liters from. with a hydrostatic transmission (GOP) (specific power - 27, 2 hp / t), which significantly exceeds the parameters of both Russian and foreign tanks and determines high maneuverability and mobility. Significantly larger than that of diesel engines, the torque reserve excludes the possibility of stopping the engine during overload and reduces the number of gear changes when driving over rough terrain.
High dynamic and accelerating characteristics allow you to quickly leave the firing zone. A tank accelerates from a standstill to a speed of 50 km / h in just 17-19 seconds, and makes a "jump from a spot" by 3-5 meters in 1 - 2 seconds, which makes it possible to ricochet a flying projectile. The experience of using the T-80U in combat shows that individual tanks withstood up to five hits of shells and guided missiles and continued to perform the assigned task. Compared to the T-80U tank, the Bars is simpler and more convenient to operate and maintain. In the near future, it is planned to install on it a boosted engine with a capacity of 1400 l / s.
The GOP is designed to significantly increase agility, speed, maneuverability and reliability of on-board gearboxes (BKP). When passing a real route, an average speed gain of 12% was obtained, and single turns - up to 33 percent. At the same time, the turning radius is infinitely adjustable, the number of switchings of the BKP in the turning mode is sharply reduced. The smoothness of the course has increased, and, accordingly, the accuracy of shooting has increased.
Fuel consumption has decreased by 5-10%, while the service life of the units has increased:
• transmissions - by 30%;
• undercarriage - by 50%.
The number of controls is minimized - steering wheel, gas pedal, brake pedal. This allows the driver to focus on the road, on the terrain, on the battlefield, and ensures his long-term performance. Efforts on the governing bodies decreased by four times. Reduces the fatigue of driver-mechanics on long marches.
The possibility of using various types of fuel (diesel - basic, kerosene - backup, gasoline - reserve) greatly simplifies the material and technical supply of parts.
The auxiliary gas turbine unit GTA-18 with a capacity of 18 kW ensures the functioning of all complexes and systems of the tank in the parking lot with the main engine turned off.
When fighting on the defensive, the use of an auxiliary power unit significantly reduces the level of infrared radiation, which significantly reduces the likelihood of detecting a tank using thermal imaging sights.
Fuel consumption during a military operation is significantly lower than that of tanks equipped with a traditional diesel engine without an auxiliary power unit.
During the operation of military equipment in difficult climatic conditions, in particular in areas with a tropical climate at high temperatures and high humidity, when not only work, but simply human activity becomes difficult, Russian military equipment without air conditioning sharply loses its combat qualities. Employees of the Krios research and production enterprise, who participated in the development and manufacture of the air conditioning system for the Mir orbital station, worked on the creation of an air conditioning system (ACS) for the tanks.
The SKV developed and installed on the Bars tank has increased reliability in case of significant mechanical overloads and the ability to carry out repairs in the field.
The air conditioner designed for the Bars has an individual distribution of cooled air for each crew member. As a result, only the working areas are cooled, and not the entire internal volume of the tank. The advantages of such an air conditioning system in comparison with systems of the general exchange type include: efficiency and the possibility of using ventilated vests in combination with fire-resistant suits. In addition, the air conditioning system not only cools the air, but also dehydrates it, which is especially important in countries with hot and humid climates. The presence of the auxiliary unit GTA-18 allows you to turn on the air conditioner in the parking lot without starting the main engine.
On tanks of the T-80U family, an asphalt track can be installed to preserve road surfaces on the march along concrete and asphalt roads.
For the production of tanks for export, a number of measures have been worked out to increase their competitiveness in the world arms market. A distinctive feature of the T-80U family of tanks is the possibility of ordering them in various configurations, taking into account the conditions and capabilities of the buying country.

1. Smoothbore gun - launcher type 2A46M4
2. Illuminator for optical-electronic countermeasures "Shtora-1"
3. Closed installation with machine gun NSVT 12.7 mm
4. Optical heads of the Shtora-1 optical-electronic countermeasures complex detect laser irradiation and rotate the tower towards its source.
5. Illuminator for optical-electronic countermeasures "Shtora-1"
6. "KAZ" DROZD-2
7. Transverse component of wind speed.
8. A system for setting aerosol curtains from anti-tank missiles with a semi-active guidance system of 81-mm aerosol-forming grenades 3D17 in 3 seconds. forms an aerosol curtain covering the protected object.
9. Radar "KAZ" DROZD-2