By birthright

By birthright
By birthright

We drank for the queen / For our sacred home / For our English brothers / (We will not understand each other) / We drank for the universe / (The stars will come in in the morning) / So we will drink - by right and duty! / For those who were born here!

By birthright
By birthright

Here they are - the Anglo-Indian officers of the Kipling era.

And it so happened that once these lines were written by Rudyard Kipling in his poem "By Birthright", describing, in general, a typical and everyday scene for the British colonial troops: British officers sit and drink! They make toasts and … regret that they were born here, in India, that the nurses were their local, native women, which in the end it is difficult for them to understand their English brothers. Well - at one time Kipling experienced it himself. In India he was a "Sahib Ruddi", with whom the native servants were worn as if with a written sack for only his golden hair. His mother sent him to study in England, where in a private British school he was first whipped, and then put in a corner. The boy got sick, he experienced such a shock. In India, he could walk in the park and shout: "Out of the way, angry Ruddy is coming!" And here?!

In Soviet times, Kipling was the "bard of British imperialism", but if you think about it, he was a very intelligent man and a real patriot of his homeland, during the years of the Boer War, at his own expense, he opened gyms and shooting clubs throughout England to prepare young Englishmen for harsh military service. And it is precisely in the mouths of the officers of his poem that Kipling puts his vision of the problem of migrants: “The fathers carried their faith and labor to a foreign land. They obeyed them, but children are here by birthright!"

And today the same problem arises in Russia, and the problem is very acute. Some believe that migrants from the former republics of Central Asia are taking away jobs from Russians. Partly yes, but this is only partly. Because the "aliens" are used in jobs that do not require high qualifications and, accordingly, are low-paid. It would seem that we did a little work, received money, some of it was returned back to the country's economy through illegal "donations" and extortions, and this seems to be even good. But what is good, it only seems so!

At one time, the economy of the USSR rose to the workers of the GULAG. It was a cheap labor force that brought the country unheard of wealth - timber, ore, coal. They were not paid "northerners", they did not build warm housing, they were not brought oranges, but fed with gruel, so that the profit from their use reached hundreds of percent. It is not for nothing that the first serious crisis in our economy began precisely with the closure of the last camps of the Gulag. Instead of "slaves of conscience", workers were needed who had to be paid. And pay in full!

The same is happening today. The use of relatively cheap migrant labor raises the employers' rate of return, but not by increasing labor productivity and improving its quality, but solely by intensifying it. That is, it’s as if we, instead of a hydraulic hammer, would beat the scrap iron before melting by means of a cast iron head, which would be lifted up by the ropes by some people from “there”.

That is, new technology is not being introduced in a number of industries and construction, because migrants are invited to hard work. Finishing - yes, the Russians work there. And so realistically, we have more and more everything the way Mayakovsky wrote about it: "Black does black work, white does white!" What is racism? No - just the economy! In Spain, negroes also work in the gardens, and not the Spaniards themselves - I saw it with my own eyes. They also sweep the streets in resort villages, but now the Spaniards are cleaning the storm sewers with the help of some clever machine. But what will happen when those migrants who have somehow taken root here with us will have children growing up? They traditionally have many children. We all can already see a lot of women walking the streets of our cities in long dresses and embroidered trousers with strollers, and in them there is one baby-baby, and another one or two are already mincing nearby. By the way, in overpopulated India, which has already surpassed China in terms of population growth, there are only … 2, 47 children per woman! Since for the stabilization of the population it is necessary to have two children per family, it means that all this gigantic increase is accounted for only by this little tail of 0, 47! And now their women have this "tail" more than ours, therefore, children with a specific cut of the eyes on the streets of our cities will be more and more over time.

Again, there seems to be nothing wrong with that, but … "by birthright here!" - we must not forget about this, so in the end they will tell you that they are Russians too. Russians, whose mentality is such that most of them do not recognize Russian culture, do not know the Russian language properly, but … they claim to have a better life than their parents! This is the problem, and every year it will only get worse!

Already today, the children of migrants in the same Moscow in those schools where there are more than 30% of the classrooms, seriously affect the quality of education of Russian children. Teachers have no time to study with them according to the program, because the children of migrants do not speak Russian, and therefore half of what they are taught do not understand. The quality of education of the titular nation suffers, which means that even more "black labor" will be required, therefore, labor productivity will decrease even more! But then, having somehow finished school, many of them - why are we worse ?! - will go to our universities and we will also have to teach them, because they pay, they are ready to pay for education, but they will not receive it of high quality anyway, or, shall we say, they will receive it, but not all.

In the USA, where, for example, some of my former students study, no one gives them concessions for poor knowledge of the English language: if you don't know the language, these are your problems, don't study. Since Soviet times, we have developed a very tolerant attitude towards foreign students, especially from countries "following the socialist path of development." Well, the student does not know the language well, well, God bless him. Learn! The main thing is that you pay money for your studies. We are accustomed to "feeding" the "fraternal peoples" and helping the "disadvantaged", seeing this as a manifestation of proletarian internationalism. As a result, "the collective farm is over," but the tolerant attitude remains!

But now another problem has arisen: "generic tourism". Yes, don't laugh! Many women from the East in the last month of pregnancy come to us and give birth here. According to official data, in Moscow, every fourth newborn is from Central Asia, in St. Petersburg - every fifth. And many mothers immediately refuse, they end up in orphanages, receive Russian citizenship, real estate - how good! So the growth in the birth rate, which we talk so much about, is by no means at the expense of Russian women.

That is, in reality, they go to Moscow to give birth to several HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of women from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan a year. Is free! Because this is our law! And why not use it? We are clean, the doctors are good! And the fact that their women with tuberculosis end up in wards with ours is the cost of "production". And again, data from the Moscow government indicate that $ 5 billion is spent on medical care for migrants.rubles from the budget, including childbirth. And what do we get in the end? Fatherlessness from orphanages, which is not socially adapted, and is suitable … well, what serious it can do, only for dirty work and more … multiply!

That is, friendship is friendship, but for obstetrics you need to take money from these countries and thus make up for the budget losses!

Because the real problem on planet Earth today is ONLY ONE, but very serious and terrible. No, this is not global warming, not global cooling, and not the notorious aliens from outer space who took our appearance and live among us! This is an uncontrolled increase in the birth rate of the world's population, which has already exceeded 7 billion people and is growing and growing, primarily due to some countries in Asia and Africa. And it may happen that someday we will have the last mug of fresh water and the last canister of fuel left for us "for three", and … what kind of "brotherly help" and tolerance will we then remember? No, then we will remember the "law of the jungle" and we will not get away from this if we do not take measures today! Ahead we have "The Age of Hunger and Murder" - as Ivan Efremov wrote about this in his prophetic novel "The Hour of the Bull!"

By the way, the end of Kipling's poem is very impressive: “We will stretch the cable from Orkney to Cape Horn / Forever and ever / This is our land (and we will tie the knot tight) / This is our land (and we will capture it in a noose) / We are the ones who was born here!"

Pay attention - a loop!