Ranger - from the English. ranger (wanderer, hunter, forester, huntsman, mounted policeman).
The task of the rangers is to carry out special operations.
The motto is Rangers lead the way! (Rangers ahead!).

US President John F. Kennedy, speaking of special forces, which also include rangers, said: “This is a completely different type of warfare, completely new in its intensity, but at the same time as old as the war itself … This is a guerrilla war, demolitions, rebels, assassins … War from ambushes instead of conventional hostilities … War by covert penetration into enemy territory, instead of open aggression …"
The first mentions of rangers date back to the end of the 17th century. Then, to fight against the Indian tribes, the first special unit was formed, headed by Captain Benjamin Church. In contrast to the regular army, which acted on the tactics of line formation and conduct of open operations, the Church Rangers were trained to conduct quick raids at any time of the day, raid and covert actions. In the middle of the 18th century, the so-called Ranger Corps was created, successfully performing similar tasks during the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783). Rangers also performed reconnaissance and border patrol missions. Historical documents contain information about the actions of the ranger units during the Anglo-American War (1812-1814) and the American Civil War (1861-1865).

Rangers in the current sense of the word appeared during the Second World War. On June 19, 1942, the 1st Ranger Battalion was formed on the territory of Northern Ireland, which then took part in the North African campaign. Later, 5 more battalions were formed, which operated in the European theater of operations (landing in Normandy) and in North Africa. And the rescue of more than 500 American prisoners of war from the Japanese camp Cabanatuan in the Philippines in January 1945 is the result of the famous operation of the 6th Ranger Battalion.
After the end of World War II, all ranger battalions were disbanded as unnecessary. The rangers were remembered again in 1950, when the Korean War began. After assessing the situation, the leadership of the US defense department came to the conclusion that the army is in great need of special units for reconnaissance, organizing ambushes and raids, as well as patrolling. Therefore, 17 companies of rangers were hastily formed, which, after an intensive training course, were transferred to Indochina.
In 1969, the 75th Infantry (Airborne) Ranger Regiment, consisting of 13 separate companies, was created to participate in the Vietnam War. However, in 1972, at the end of the war, the regiment was also disbanded.
The rangers were heard again in 1983, during the American invasion of Grenada. Two battalions of rangers marched in the forefront of the landing. Later, the 3rd battalion was formed, and 1986 is the year of the formation of the current 75th regiment. A Training Brigade was formed to train new recruits at Fort Benning. Rangers of the 75th Regiment participated in operations in Panama (1989), Somalia (1993), Haiti (1994), and the Persian Gulf (1991). On October 19, 2001, soldiers of the 3rd Battalion were the first to land in Afghanistan during a military operation against the Taliban. On March 28, 2003, the same battalion made a parachute landing in Iraq.
Admission to the rangers
Military personnel from among the officers and sergeants of all branches of the ground forces, who submitted the appropriate report, can become candidates for enrollment in the ranger courses. If a person who wants to become a ranger does not belong to this category, then, in order to be able to write a report, he must first voluntarily take a sergeant course.

According to the order of the US Department of Defense, in each division, on the basis of existing training centers, preliminary training in physical training, orientation on the ground, adjusting artillery and aviation fire, working at a radio station, demolition work, the ability to provide first aid at the battlefield, etc. In particular, in terms of physical fitness, the candidate must push up from the floor 80 times in 2 minutes, do 100 body lifts in 2 minutes from a supine position, arms behind the head, legs bent at the knees at right angles and 15 pull up on the bar. Cross training is assessed at a distance of 3.2 km (standard - 12 minutes). All these exercises are performed one after the other (10 minutes rest is allowed between exercises).

The preparatory course program provides for a high intensity, similar to that in which the ranger cadets are engaged. However, there are differences - for example, in these courses, candidates do not have to do without sleep and food.
One of the elements of preliminary preparation is throwing marches. In four days, candidates must complete four 10-kilometer marches over rough terrain - two with a load of 18 kg and two with a load of 20 kg. The standard time for each march is 90 minutes.

Courses end with tests. Non-combined-arms candidates are additionally assessed for their ability to command an infantry squad in defense, offensive, and reconnaissance.
The organization of such preliminary courses allows us to screen out unsuitable candidates even before the submission of documents to the admissions office of the ranger courses. After passing the tests, copies of the qualification sheets of those who successfully passed the tests, along with the report, personal file and characteristics, are sent to the ranger school.
Those who successfully pre-qualify for the Ranger Courses are sent to the Ranger Training Battalion at Camp Derby in Fort Benning. For the period of the course, they are temporarily deprived of their military ranks, receiving the title of "cadet". First of all, the recruits are shaved off - this is how the psychological impact is carried out (at the same time, it is useful from the point of view of hygiene). In order to finally eliminate the distinction between the cadets, they wear camouflage uniforms without insignia.

At Camp Derby, the "Ranger Assessment Phase" (RAP) is held, during which the level of physical and combat training of the future ranger is checked. It is noteworthy that the standards here are lower than at the preliminary preparation stage. It is required to perform 52 push-ups from the floor in 2 minutes (80 times at the stage of preliminary preparation), 62 lifts of the body in 2 minutes (100 lifts at the stage of preliminary preparation) and six pull-ups on the bar (15 times at the stage of preliminary preparation), as well as run 3, 2 km in 14 minutes 55 seconds (12 minutes).

One of the main ones are tests on water. Future rangers must swim 15 m in full gear, then, while in the water, take off their equipment and swim another 15 m. A number of tests of psychological stability are also carried out here. From a three-meter springboard, the cadet is pushed blindfolded into the water (in full gear, with a weapon in his hands, while he must shout the motto "Rangers are ahead!"). After falling into the water, the cadet, without dropping the weapon, must remove the bandage and swim to the shore. The next stage is carried out on the so-called "bungee" - a cadet descends from a platform 30 m high, in the middle, with a shout "Rangers are ahead!", He falls into the water. Next comes the turn of the "Derby Queen" - this is how they call a special strip of 25 high obstacles. It is on this strip that the largest number of insufficiently physically prepared candidates is eliminated.

In the next stages of testing, combat training exercises are performed, which are called "Ranger Stakes". In particular, in one of them, it is necessary to assemble a sample specified by the instructor from a heap of components of various weapons (for example, an M4 carbine or an M240V machine gun) and then zero it in. The ability to transmit and receive a radiogram, encrypt and decrypt a message is also tested. Skills are tested in orientation on the terrain (day and night), providing first aid to a victim with wounds of varying severity, etc.
The further training program is divided into stages of 12 - 18 days and is designed for 65 days. After testing and screening out those who did not pass the test, a complex of combat and physical training sessions is held on the basis of the 4th training battalion of rangers for a week. The program includes studying the procedure for planning an operation, preparing a combat order, familiarizing with the technique of conducting reconnaissance and sabotage operations, collecting, processing and submitting intelligence information to the command. Experienced instructors give lectures on survival techniques, terrain orientation, ambush and counter-ambush actions. The basics of demolition are being studied, mining and engineering training is being conducted. Classes are also held on the methods of escape from captivity and the order of exit to their troops.

Intensive physical training classes are invariably conducted (at this stage, mainly cross-country) and hand-to-hand combat (this discipline in the US Army is separated into a separate type of training, you can read about it here). A survival lesson is also required (in the further course of study, this is one of the main and most dangerous elements).
During the subsequent stages of training, there are no more theoretical lessons in the classroom - all training is carried out in a continuous cycle in the woodlands and mountains of Georgia, in the desert at the Daguway Proving Ground in Utah and in the swamps of Florida: obtaining a combat mission, planning, preparing, performing, report and analysis. Against the general tactical background, each next task is a continuation of the previous one. The development and management of the assignment is carried out by the cadets themselves. Even moving from one state to another is carried out as an airborne or airmobile operation. The cadets feed on food (dry rations), which are dropped in bags directly from helicopters to the parking areas or descend in the specified area by parachute from aircraft. Food intake - once a day. Three meals a day (including hot) are provided only at the stage of mountain preparation. The minimum necessary time is allocated for sleep, while we are not even talking about some previously prepared resting places. The 8-hour sleep is allowed only four times before the parachute landing classes.

Classes are conducted as part of groups, and their size of groups may vary depending on the conditions of the assigned task - for reconnaissance, for example, a group of five to six people is formed, and the task of destroying an enemy object is carried out by 30-50 people. An experienced instructor is present with each group. His task is only to control and evaluate the actions of the trainees, and only as a last resort the instructor is allowed to take the lead. The direct management of the group is carried out by the cadets themselves. The sequence of performing the duties of the senior is determined by the instructor, while he does not announce his decision in advance. Moreover, even in the course of one operation, at different stages of the operation, the group is led by different cadets. With this approach, trainees have to always keep themselves abreast of the tasks being performed, and not inertly follow orders, so that later, when accepting leadership, they have full control of the situation. All this forms the cohesion of the groups and a common understanding of the essence of the operations being carried out.

The actions of each student are constantly assessed by the instructors with the accrual of credits. In total, you must score at least 50 points out of 100 possible. Passable topics can be passable and not passable. For credited topics, points must be accrued without fail, for non-credited ones - they are credited as incentive in case of successful completion of tasks. By the way, it is precisely because of this point system that some cadets stop further training if it becomes clear that in the remaining time the required amount of points will not be scored (even if physically all tests are passed). Those who drop out due to a lack of points are not eligible to re-enroll in courses. However, if the course is not completed for a valid reason (for example, injury), they have the right to repeat the course.
The main element of the training of the rangers is the thorough training of airborne and airborne operations. Working out of the actions of groups is carried out in a variety of conditions - day, night, in explored and unfamiliar territory. The main strategy of these operations is the readiness of small mobile units to carry out tasks to control the indicated areas and neutralize sabotage and partisan detachments, and provide urgent assistance to their troops that have been ambushed or in a tactical encirclement. At the same time, each of the rangers is trained not only in the order of actions in these situations, but also in the ability to plan such operations. The training of airborne and airmobile operations is carried out against a different tactical background in mountain conditions, forest, jungle and desert throughout the entire training period.
Cadets are also trained in the procedure for organizing all types of ambushes, counter-ambush operations, long-term reconnaissance and sabotage actions, penetration into the enemy's rear from the air, along rivers, and from the sea. A ranger prepared for operations in the deep rear must be able to drive various vehicles, as well as quickly (2 minutes) change a car wheel.
The cadets are working on the issues of capturing partisan bases and destroying their infrastructure, capturing and holding key points of the terrain; capturing or killing guerrilla leaders. Camp Frank Merrill in northern Georgia trains mountain training and mountain warfare.

The main objective of the courses is to prepare, in a short time, a highly professional soldier who has the skills of an experienced warrior, who is ready morally and physically to successfully complete any task assigned by the command in any situation. However, you can carry out training and exercises with personnel as much as you like, but you still cannot prepare them for real combat operations. That is why the most important in the training of rangers is given to modeling the actions of a potential enemy. During the training, a specially created OPTEC Threat Support Activity acts as an adversary. The personnel of this unit use Soviet weapons and equipment, including Mi-24 helicopters (it is with this equipment that the US armed forces can collide around the world). In the areas where cadets perform tasks, there are well-equipped command posts, warehouses, launch and firing positions of the enemy, there are several bridges that are designed specifically for detonation (then they are quickly restored). In addition, simulation ammunition and charges are widely and in large quantities used during the course. The officers-leaders of the "enemy" subunits know the terrain well and skillfully play out the scenarios of the exercises. The enemy's task is to detect, surround and capture the group. Captivity is also included in the training program. Those captured are taken to a special camp, where they are tested for psychological stability (they are deprived of sleep, tied to poles, lowered into waste pits, etc.). The ability to fulfill such an educational question as escape is also assessed here. If the trainees did not manage to run on their own, after a while they are released and offered to stop further passing the course. Those who agreed go to their home unit, the rest return to the group and continue their preparation.

Taking into account the conditions of the training, there are frequent cases of injury and even death of cadets. In 1995, a group of eight people, escaping pursuit by the "enemy", was forced to hide in a swamp, as a result of which four cadets died from hypothermia, the rest ended up in hospital beds. However, the US Army Command believes that such a risk is an integral part of quality training (all Ranger candidates are warned about this).
Here it is necessary to mention also the fact that not all who successfully completed the courses continue to serve in the ranger units. They stay here at will. The rest return to their units, where, as a rule, they become instructors in reconnaissance, sabotage and counter-guerrilla activities. For those who have graduated from these prestigious courses of officers and sergeants, a "green light" opens up for further career advancement and promotion.
Those who have successfully completed the training course and expressed a desire to serve in the ranger units are entitled to wear a special patch with the inscription "Ranger" (the rangers themselves call it "horseshoe") and are sent to one of the battalions. The rest return to their units, where the availability of ranger courses allows them to move up the career ladder more successfully.
However, the end of the course does not mean the end of the preparation. The newly minted ranger is enrolled in the unit, where he serves for a year. Only after that he is admitted to the study of the basic training course.
Rangers in the US Army are represented by the 75th Infantry Regiment. The regiment consists of three combat (1st, 2nd, 3rd) 610 people each and four training battalions. The battalion consists of a headquarters company and three ranger companies. In addition to three platoons, each company includes a platoon of weapons (90-mm recoilless guns and 60-mm mortars). The 1st Battalion is deployed at the Hunter Army Aviation Base (Georgia), the 2nd at Fort Lewis (Washington), and the 3rd at Fort Benning (Georgia). These Combat Ranger Battalions are part of the Rapid Reaction Force and are constantly on a three-month alert cycle.

The duty ranger battalion is in constant readiness to dispatch anywhere in the world for 18 hours. Another battalion is resting, servicing weapons and equipment, and the personnel have the opportunity to go on holidays and dismissals. The third battalion is conducting intensive combat training and exercises. At least once a year, a sudden combat alert is conducted for each of them, with the loading of all personnel on airplanes with preparation for landing. All battalions participate in jungle, mountain and desert exercises. Urban drills are organized twice a year. During every three years, exercises are conducted twice in northern latitudes and twice - amphibious operations.

The personnel of the ranger battalions, both combat and training, often take part in various experimental studies. They are conducted by the US Army Command in order to analyze the combat experience of using new weapons and tactics collected around the world in local wars.

The battalion (660 people) includes a headquarters, a headquarters company (about 50 people) and three infantry ranger companies. On the basis of the battalion, up to 60 sabotage and reconnaissance groups can be formed, capable of raiding behind enemy lines to a depth of 450 km with the following tasks: collecting intelligence information, disabling important objects, disrupting communications, disorganizing control, communications and work of the rear, organizing ambushes, etc. Larger ranger units or a full battalion can operate behind enemy lines in order to prevent or delay the advance of its second echelons and reserves, strike at command posts and important rear facilities.

To increase mobility during raiding operations, each battalion is armed with 12 special RSOV vehicles and 10 motorcycles. The RSOV (Ranger Special Operations Vehicle) is a modernized version of the Land Rover, the crew is 6-7 people, the vehicle is equipped with one 7.62 mm M240G machine gun and an Mk19 automatic grenade launcher (or 12.7 mm Browning ), The set of weapons also includes an RPG or ATGM.

One of the ranger battalions is constantly on full alert as an immediate reaction unit RRF-I (Ready Reaction Force One), capable of being deployed within 18 hours after receiving an order. One of the RRF-I companies is in readiness for transfer within 9 hours after receiving the order. The change of battalions on such a duty is usually carried out in 12-14 weeks.
The ranger infantry company in all battalions has the same structure and consists of a command squad, three infantry platoons and a weapons platoon. The number of the company is 152 people, of which 6 are officers.
The Ranger Infantry Platoon consists of a command section (three people), a machine gun squad and three infantry squads.
An infantry squad of 9 people organizationally consists of a squad leader and two groups - "A" and "B", each of 4 people: a group commander (armed with a 5, 56 mm FN Scar-L rifle), a grenade launcher (armed with an XM grenade launcher -25), a machine gunner (armed with a 5, 56 mm M249 SAW light machine gun) and a gunner (FN Scar-H assault rifle). The squad leader is also armed with an FN Scar-L assault rifle. Thus, in total there are 7 FN Scar submachine guns in the department, two of which are equipped with FN40GL grenade launchers, and two M249 SAW machine guns.

The machine-gun department includes a squad leader and 3 machine-gun crews of 7, 62-mm M240G machine guns, consisting of three people: a machine gunner, an assistant machine gunner and an ammunition carrier. In total, the machine gun department is armed with 3 M240G machine guns and 7 FN SCAR assault rifles.
A platoon of weapons consists of a command squad (3 people), mortar and anti-tank sections, as well as a sniper section. The number of platoon personnel is 27 people.
The mortar section has 8 personnel and includes two mortar crews of 60-mm mortars, three people each.
The anti-tank section (10 people) includes three calculations of the FGM-148 Javelin ATGM, three people each.
The sniper section consists of three sniper pairs, two of which are armed with XM-2010 and M200 Intervention Cheytac sniper rifles, and one with a 12.7mm Barrett sniper rifle.
Armament (arranged by the number of samples purchased and accepted by the division)
Automatic machines
- FN Scar H, L
- Barrett REC7
- HK 416
- M4A2
Machine guns
- M240 (various modifications)
- M60E3
Sniper rifles
- М110 SASS
- Remington XM 2010 ESR / M24E1
-Barrett MRAD
- CheyTac Intervention M-200
- Barrett M107
- Beretta 90two
- Colt M1911 HI CAPA