So, in the previous article, we went (maybe not in such detail) on rifles, which are quite "tomorrow". Which should replace the modern caliber 5, 56 mm (and possibly 7, 62 mm) by 6, 8 mm.
Replacing the M4 in the US Army: not the HK416! 23 October 2019 21 943 71.
Now it's the turn for the cartridges. After all, such a simple thing as a cartridge is a serious component in any army in the world. And it’s not as simple now as it seems.
We will start with the table that has already been posted in the above material.

Here, over the years, it is perfectly scheduled when, what kind of ammunition will be given time and (most, probably, most importantly) money. It is probably worth introducing the participants to make it clearer.
Combat Projectile - Combat ammunition.
Reduced Range Ammunition (RRA) - training ammunition.
Combat Tracer - Combat Tracer.
RRA Tracer is a training tracer. Training, if we understood correctly, with a reduced powder charge, since the literal translation of RRA is a reduced-range ammunition.
CCMCK is a training kit for training in conditions close to real ones.
This ammunition will become the object of close attention, for it simply raises a mountain of questions for us. And we will certainly return to it. In the meantime, here is a video that explains the mechanics of the SSMSK, it is clear from it why we got so excited.

Well, now let's go for ammunition.
The fact that the guys at Devcom are not stupid is beyond doubt. The plan for the development of an innovative rearmament program for a US soldier is well written and takes into account all aspects of training and application.
The order for new ammunition was filled by all companies participating in the competition. Now we will try to understand in more detail what the best gunsmiths in the world have come up with.
Conventionally, all presented cartridges can be divided into two main categories - hybrid and telescopic.
Hybrid ammunition:

Its distinctive feature is a two-piece sleeve, which consists of a metal capsule, a base and a polymer sleeve body.
It is difficult to say which specific polymer is used in the manufacture, of course, all this is kept in the strictest confidence by the manufacturers. But if you delve into the relevant literature, you can draw some conclusions.
Plastics with a high melting point include fluoroplastics and polyamides, as well as heat-resistant plastic niplon. For example, the melting point of PTFE is 327 ° C (for PTFE-4 and 4D). Polyamides (caprolon, caprolite) have a softening point of 190-200 ° C, and the melting point of such plastic is 215-220 ° C. Glass and carbon fiber niplon has a melting point above 300 ° C.
Of all the variety of polymers for operation at high temperatures, plastics based on organosilicon resins are suitable. The maximum operating temperature of such plastic can reach 700 ° C, which, in principle, is quite suitable.
Again, in addition to temperature conditions, it is also necessary to deal with the expansion of powder gases, which, in addition to heat resistance, also adds strength problems. For some reason, no one wants to see a swollen sleeve in the bore after shooting.
However, we can say with confidence that it is not cheap, not at all cheap. Of course, in the pursuit of weight loss, the question of price fades a little, but with the same success you can roll up the sleeves of evergreen papers with presidents.
Telescopic chuck:

Here's the truth, reminds of "innovative" ammunition. In the last article, we showed him how it works.

Of course, the concept of the operation of such a weapon leaves a lot of questions. Although, if you look at it from the other side, you get only one moving part that does not carry the axial load. Looks pretty reliable. And the recoil seems ridiculous, because now half a kilogram of iron does not hit your shoulder when fired.
The system is interesting precisely because it combined the German developments of a caseless cartridge, where the bullet is embedded in a powder charge. There was such a development on the prototype rifle of the future G11.

In the new cartridge, the primary propellant charge "sends" the bullet, while the secondary one already accelerates it. Well, there was a time when we joked about "pocket artillery" … Apparently, this time has come.
Note that sleeve sizes 7, 62 and 6, 5 (later changed to 6, 8) are identical.

This suggests that the modularity element loved by the NATO members has not gone anywhere, and now, after a simple replacement of the barrel for the required caliber, you can get a more powerful rifle or, in general, a "Marksman".
And for a machine gun, this is generally a routine procedure.
The telescopic chuck looks more preferable for use as it is more innovative and with a fairly balanced performance.
Now about what the change entails not only ammunition, but also the caliber.
Rearmament is a costly business, new weapons, new ammunition. A wider and longer cartridge needs a magazine that is longer and wider. And with the change in the size of the store, we begin to think about the size of the pouches. If you estimate even "by eye", it becomes clear that a standard pouch for a 5, 56 x 30 magazine, which allowed you to use two magazines, will now cope with only one 6, 8 * 30.
Of course, a country with such a budget for the army dresses its soldiers in modular systems with the ability to change pouches. But there are also full-fledged vests that will have to be abandoned. Or, alternatively, sew new ones.
At first glance, the program for changing the caliber, cartridge and rifle / light machine gun looks very expensive. But then such an interesting dependency diagram may appear that even the budget of the US Army will shudder.