In the article about the Warren Evans rifle, we got acquainted with one of the first options for implementing a screw magazine. The modern development of the idea can be traced to the Calico M960 and Bison submachine guns, previously there was material about the Chinese submachine gun with a Chang Feng screw magazine. In this article, we will try to get to know one more representative of this rare subspecies of weapons, which should have lived on the territory of Hungary, but, as often happens, was deleted by ruthless evolution as unsuitable for survival. We are talking about the pistol of Robert Veresh, which was "fed" from an under-barrel auger magazine with a capacity of 33 rounds.
The history of the development of the Veress pistol
In the process of studying any topic that goes into the depths of history, one cannot fail to notice that many facts from the biographies of certain people coincide, and the developments themselves are often repeated. So, the designer Robert Veresh had not previously worked with firearms, like the dentist Evans, however, he was still an engineer, so he had a more complete idea of what he was doing and what he wanted to get as a result.

The main idea of the designer was to create a competitive pistol with a large-capacity magazine, which could be opposed to the Israeli Micro-Uzi. Just as in the case of Israeli weapons, it was decided to first make a version without automatic fire, and only after that make a submachine gun based on the pistol. It is for this reason and for the layout that we will designate the variant of weapons without automatic fire as a pistol, and the variant with the possibility of firing bursts - a submachine gun.
The main priority for the designer was the possibility of hidden carrying and preservation of the operability of the weapon, regardless of the quality and type of ammunition. Realizing that he did not have his own knowledge in the field of designing firearms to create a workable model, the designer worked only on the general concept and made a layout, which he presented at the exhibition in Nuremberg in 1989.

The efforts were not in vain, the gunsmiths Hindlmeier and Wittner became interested in the project. The three designers managed to create the first workable weapon model, which was named VHW, based on the first letters of the names of the designers who worked on it. The new weapon had a magazine with a capacity of 36 9x19 rounds, but so far it was only a pistol, without the possibility of automatic fire.
Veresh failed to complete the work together with those with whom he started it. Disagreements between the designers and a number of domestic difficulties broke this trio. I had to look for new partners, which Robert Veresh found in the German arms company Jagd-Hammer.
It was thanks to the designers from this company that it was possible not only to achieve the result that was originally planned by the engineer, but to organize the production of new weapons.

In the process of working on the new pistol, the magazine capacity had to be slightly reduced (up to 33 rounds), while the magazine itself was repeatedly reworked in order to achieve an optimal balance between size, capacity and reliability. The bolt group also underwent changes in the search for a common base for weapons with single and automatic fire. Special attention was paid to reliability in adverse conditions.
The first batch was insignificant, only 60 units. The designer offered these pistols to collectors, who immediately sold them out. In addition to the civilian market, the designer set his sights on a large order from the military, which were provided with several units with the ability to conduct automatic fire for testing.
I must say that the military was delighted with the new submachine gun. Both small dimensions and high reliability were noted with severe contamination of the weapon. However, the results in the accuracy and accuracy of automatic fire left much to be desired, which is quite expected with such an arrangement and the absence of at least some shoulder support. Nevertheless, these figures were better than that of the Israeli Micro-Uzi, since the submachine gun could be confidently held with both hands, using the magazine as a forearm.

Separately, it should be noted the successful implementation of the supply of ammunition in this PP. During military tests, a submachine gun was loaded with cartridges with various types of bullets, as well as with different weights of gunpowder, while there were no delays in automatic fire.
Despite good performance and an overall good impression of the weapon, a large military order did not follow, since they simply could not find a niche for the new PP. Everything was limited to only a few small parties.
Veress pistol design

Despite the general unusual appearance, the design of the pistol is quite simple, one might say, the most common. The automatic system with a free bolt is placed in the receiver, from which only two small stops for cocking the bolt are removed. The firing mechanism is striker. The auger magazine is also not news, we have seen the use of coil springs inside a rotating auger more than once.

The frame of the weapon is made of aluminum alloy, which facilitates the overall structure, the receiver is steel. Between the fully adjustable front sight and the front sight there is a button, when pressed, the weapon is disassembled. Many people compare the Veress pistol to the Micro-Uzi, finding common solutions in the design of the weapon. It is difficult to judge how correct this is. With the same success can be compared with any other sample of weapons with a similar design of the bolt group. But a comparison of the characteristics here is more than appropriate, since the Veresh pistol was originally designed as a competitor to Israeli weapons.
Veress pistol characteristics
The total mass of the pistol is equal to two kilograms without a magazine, which is a lot for a pistol, but for a submachine gun it is quite acceptable. The length of the weapon is 305 millimeters with a barrel length of only 127 millimeters. Such a short barrel and pistol layout made it not the most accurate and accurate weapon, even the manufacturer claims an effective fire range of up to 25 meters, and manufacturers usually like to overestimate this parameter. The height of the pistol is 160 millimeters. The thickness of the weapon due to the auger magazine is 61 millimeters.

To all this, it's nice to add the characteristics of the store itself. The weight of which is 450 grams without cartridges, and 860 grams when loaded with ammunition. The length of the store is 146 millimeters. Capacity - 33 rounds.
It is difficult to assess a pistol and a submachine gun. If we consider this weapon as a pistol, then it becomes clear that any other sample of this class will win both in terms of compactness and characteristics, in the end, simply in weight, so in the context of a pistol, the weapon in question is clearly not the best.

The complexity of the assessment begins when considering the Veress pistol as a submachine gun. On the one hand, it can be compared with full-size weapon options, which are presented in huge numbers, and as a result of comparison, draw a conclusion about the complete failure of the designer's development. On the other hand, we must not forget that this submachine gun was designed as a weapon for concealed carry, which means that many of its parameters were underestimated for the sake of smaller dimensions. And if we consider Veresh's pistol as a special weapon, then the designer can be given a solid five, since he coped with the task.
Well, if we evaluate the Veresh pistol as a competitor to the Israeli Micro-Uzi, then the weapon wins in all respects, except, of course, the price.