BTR-4 is designed to transport personnel of motorized rifle units and their fire support in battle. The armored personnel carrier is used to equip units capable of conducting combat operations in various conditions, including when the enemy is using weapons of mass destruction. The armored personnel carrier can be a basic vehicle for equipping special rapid reaction forces and marines. The armored personnel carrier can perform assigned tasks both day and night, in different climatic conditions, on roads with different surfaces and in complete off-road conditions. The operating temperature range of the ambient air is from -40 to + 55 ° С.
The BTR-4 has three compartments:
Front - control compartment
Middle - engine compartment
Rear - fighting and airborne compartments
This arrangement allows you to quickly transform the fighting and airborne compartments without changing the layout of the power plant and transmission to create a wide family of vehicles.
The carrying capacity of the chassis of the armored personnel carrier allows you to create not only versions and a family of vehicles, but also to install additional armor protection against automatic small-caliber guns.
On the basis of the BTR-4 can be created:
command vehicle BTR-4K
combat reconnaissance vehicle BRM-4K
repair and recovery vehicle (BREM)
fire support vehicle MOP-4K
BTR-4KSh command and staff vehicle
armored medical evacuation vehicle BSEM-4K, etc.

The Ukrainian state-owned company Ukrspetsexport handed over the first batch of BTR-4 armored personnel carriers to Iraq, the organization said in a press release.
"The Iraqi side meticulously approached the acceptance of this equipment. In particular, every second accepted vehicle passed a firing test. The Ukrainian armored vehicles were highly appreciated by the Iraqi side with a minimum number of comments," Ukroboronexport said in a statement. The approved vehicles are expected to be shipped to Iraq in April 2011.
"Currently, the acts are being drawn up, and this will give us the opportunity to receive 250 million hryvnia for the first batch of cars, including 4 simulators for driving and fire control, two special maintenance vehicles, as well as 26 new engines manufactured in a very short time", - said the first deputy chairman of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration Vladimir Babaev.
According to the first vice-governor, the second batch of vehicles - 62 armored personnel carriers - should be delivered to customers by July 1, and by the end of the year it will be necessary to make another 148 vehicles.
Earlier it became known that under the terms of the contract, Iraq has the right to impose penalties on Ukraine in the amount of one percent of the transaction amount per month, starting from the second month of delay. For the delay under the contract for the supply of aircraft in mid-January 2011, Iraq demanded a fine from Ukraine in the amount of 165 thousand dollars, but later the parties managed to agree on the lifting of the sanctions.

In addition to the money for the Iraqi contract, the plant. Malysheva should receive state funds: 100 million hryvnia - money for the production of the Bulat and Oplot tanks, which the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine ordered the Malyshevites.
“This is an additional burden on the enterprise, but with such a load, the plant no longer just lives, it will work actively, and I believe that by the end of the year we will get rid of the problem of arrears in all types of payments at this enterprise: both wages and Pensionny fund,”said Vladimir Babaev.