The T-90S missile and gun tank was put into service in 1993. The T-90 missile and cannon tanks are a new generation of Russian tanks that include original design developments and the best layout and design solutions for the T-72 and T-80 tanks. The T-90S tank was created on the basis of a thorough study and understanding of the tactics and strategy of using tanks in real conditions of modern combat, taking into account many years of experience in military operation of T-72 tanks in various countries of the world, as well as the results of many years of intensive tests in the most severe conditions. The T-90S tank retains the peculiarity of domestic tank building - the classic layout scheme, in which the main armament is located in a rotating turret, the power plant and transmission are in the rear of the hull, and the crew is separate: the tank commander and gunner in the fighting compartment, the driver-mechanic is in department of management. Almost every unit or system of the T-90S tank has a new quality.
The automated fire control complex is designed to conduct effective aimed fire at long ranges with artillery shells and a guided projectile from a tank gun on the move and from a place at moving and stationary targets by the gunner and commander, day and night, as well as from a coaxial machine gun. Provides an increase in the effective firing range and an increase in the night vision range, including by installing a television sight in the tank. A guided weapon system with a laser-beam control channel allows firing a guided missile through the cannon barrel from a standstill and on the move at stationary and moving targets at ranges from 100 to 5000 m. guidance systems with tracer feedback. The system of automatic all-round visibility, detection and protection of the tank from anti-tank shells with semi-automatic laser homing heads provides interference to anti-tank vehicle control systems with laser rangefinders and target designators. The closed anti-aircraft gun allows the commander to conduct aimed fire using remote control drives for air, and in stabilized mode - at ground targets, while remaining under reliable armor protection. Built-in explosive reactive armor is effective against APCR and HEAT shells. The combination of built-in reactive armor and multi-layer armor gives the tank additional options for survival in extreme combat conditions.

The main armament of the T-90S is a smoothbore gun of 125 mm caliber with increased accuracy and high ballistics. The use of an automatic loader made it possible to achieve a high rate of fire (up to 7-8 rounds per minute), which favorably distinguishes the T-90S tank from most foreign tanks. The capabilities of a tank gun to combat ground-based armored and low-flying air targets have been expanded through the use of a guided weapon system, which makes it possible to destroy any most modern tank before it comes close to effective firing range from its cannon.
The tank is traditionally equipped with a diesel engine, the main advantages of which over a gas turbine engine, especially in hot climates and sandy soils, are:
- a slight drop in power at high ambient temperatures;
- high reliability in dusty conditions;
- 1, 8-2 times less fuel consumption.
The main tank T-90S can overcome water obstacles up to 5 m deep along the bottom with non-stop combat missions after overcoming the water obstacle. The vehicle has built-in equipment for self-digging, a device for hitching minesweepers and can be transported by all types of transport.

Tactical and technical characteristics
Combat weight, t 46.5
Crew 3
Multi-fuel diesel engine, liquid cooling
power, kW (hp) 735 (1000)
specific power, kW (hp) / t 15, 8 (21, 5)
125-mm smoothbore cannon 2A46M, automatic charging
rate of fire, rds / min. up to 8
type of shot armor-piercing sabot, cumulative, high-explosive, guided missile
machine gun, coaxial with cannon 7, 62-mm PKTM
anti-aircraft armament 12, 7-mm machine gun "Kord"
Ammunition, pcs.:
shots to the gun
(including in the automatic loader) 43 (22)
rounds 7, 62/12, 7 2000/300
9K119 Reflex guided weapon system
Maximum firing range, m 5000
Fire control system day sight-rangefinder, device
built-in sight alignment control, gunner's night sight
(electro-optical or thermal imaging)
Target identification range of the "tank" type, m up to 3000 (thermal imaging channel)
Two-plane stabilizer
Sighting and observation
commander's complex:
target identification range of the "tank" type, m:
at night 700-1200
in the afternoon 4000-10000
Combined armor protection, built-in
dynamic protection, complex
active defense "Arena"
Systems for launching smoke grenades, protection against weapons of mass destruction, automatic PPO
Length with gun forward, mm 9530
Tower roof height, mm 2230
Speed, km / h:
average on a dry dirt road 40-45
maximum 60
Cruising on the highway, km 550
Fuel tank capacity, l 1200 + 400
Overcome ford
(with preliminary preparation), m 1, 2 (1, 8)
Overcoming water obstacle with OPVT, m up to 5
Means of communication:
VHF radio station R-163-50U
VHF receiver R-163-UP