The S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile system was put into service on April 28, 2007 by the RF Government Decree. In 2007, the Red Banner Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment was the first in the Air Force of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to re-equip with this air defense system. An appropriate material and technical base has been created and the personnel of this regiment has been trained. On August 6, 2007, in the Moscow region, the first division and the command post of the S-400 air defense system took up combat duty. According to the combat training plan, the regiment's personnel annually carry out live firing at one of the Air Force training grounds.

It should be emphasized that mobile air defense systems of Russia have higher performance characteristics in comparison with similar foreign complexes, including American ones, to combat missile attack weapons and can be quickly deployed as part of a non-strategic missile defense system of the European community.

At present and in the near future, the air defense missile systems of the Air Force of the S-300 and S-400 types can form the basis of the system of fire destruction of missile attack weapons in flight. They are designed for air defense of military groupings and critical targets against attacks by cruise, aeroballistic and ballistic missiles for tactical and operational-tactical purposes, as well as from aircraft of army, tactical and strategic aviation. They provide effective repulsion of massive air raids by modern air attack weapons in conditions of intense electronic suppression and are capable of performing a combat mission in any weather conditions, day and night.

The S-400 system outperforms the American Patriot in many respects. In modern combat, the stake in overcoming air defense is often made at low altitudes. Thanks to the vertical launch of the S-400 missiles, it can fire at targets flying from any direction without turning the launchers. The Patriot complex, due to an inclined launch during a maneuvering battle, is forced to deploy launchers or place them in advance in missile-hazardous directions, which invariably leads to a decrease in firepower. An important factor is the time of transfer of the complex from the traveling to the combat position. If the Russian complex is transferred to a combat position in less than 5 minutes, then the Americans need 30 minutes for this.

Brief description of the main design features of the S-400 air defense system
The Triumph system is designed for highly effective protection of the most important political, administrative, economic and military targets from air strikes, strategic cruise, tactical and operational-tactical ballistic missiles, as well as medium-range ballistic missiles in combat and electronic countermeasures.

The system provides:
• destruction of air targets at ranges up to 250 km;
• defeat of non-strategic ballistic missiles at ranges up to 60 km;
• high probability of hitting all types of targets due to effective algorithms for missile guidance and combat equipment 48N6EZ and 48N6E2 missiles
• high noise immunity;
• autonomous solution of combat missions;
• the possibility of integration into the air defense groupings.
The air defense system includes the following elements:
Controls 30K6E:
• command post 55K6E;
• radar detection 91N6E.
Up to six 98Zh6E anti-aircraft missile systems, each consisting of:
• multifunctional radar 92N6E;
• up to 12 launchers 5P85TE2 and / or 5P85SE2 with four missiles in transport and launch containers on each launcher.
Optionally attached funds:
• all-altitude radar 96L6E
• mobile tower 40V6M for antenna post from 92N6E.
BASIC CHARACTERISTICS of the S-400 "TRIUMPH" air defense system
The number of simultaneously tracked target tracks up to 300
Radar viewing area (azimuth x elevation), degrees:
- aerodynamic targets 360x14
- ballistic targets 60 x 75
Range affected by range, km:
- aerodynamic targets 3 … 250
- ballistic targets 5 … 60
Minimum / maximum target height, km
- aerodynamic 0, 01/27
- ballistic 2/27
Maximum speed of the targeted target, m / s 4800
The number of simultaneously fired targets 36
The number of simultaneously guided missiles 72
Deployment time of system tools from the march, min 5