Domestic weapons: personal opinion. Specialist's Notes

Domestic weapons: personal opinion. Specialist's Notes
Domestic weapons: personal opinion. Specialist's Notes

"A dagger is good for someone who has it, and bad for someone who does not have it at the right time."

(Abdullah, "White Sun of the Desert")

Firearms are an essential attribute of civilization. Since ancient times, weapons have served as an instrument of protection, obtaining food, conquering territories. And always a weapon is a tool that fulfills the will of its master, criminal or servant of the law, invader or defender of the Fatherland.

For eighteen years, small arms have been my constant companion. In the heat and cold, day and night, in different parts of the terrain, in different regions, in the shooting range, on the training ground, in battle, in everyday life - it is always with me. Over the years, many samples of domestic military weapons and quite a bit of foreign ones have passed through my hands. I know what each sample is capable of, what to expect from it, what to hope for and what to fear.

And, of course, everyone has their own opinion, which often does not coincide with the widespread. Not without my active participation in combat situations. And I can judge about weapons, perhaps, with a greater right than other "experts" on the Internet and some "weapon" magazines, which describe at length the merits and demerits of this or that type of weapon. The main trouble with domestic small arms is mediocre, and sometimes just terrible ergonomics, and, of course, low workmanship (this does not apply to the Soviet period).

But, as they say, how many people - so many opinions. So, let's begin…

Self-loading pistol small-sized PSM

It can be deciphered as “Self-Soothing Pistol. Maybe you’ll get lucky.” There is a known case when a wounded man with five bullets in his stomach fired from the PSM walked independently to a medical facility located one and a half kilometers away.


5, 45 mm PSM self-loading pistol

Moreover, he was slender in addition. A very accurate pistol, at the level of small-bore sports pistols. Very compact. James Bond would be happy with it. On a combat pistol, a spur on the lid of one of the magazines would not hurt. Suitable as a spare pistol, but not as a primary weapon. Plus the problem with the lack of ammunition.

Makarov PM pistol

A legendary pistol without a doubt. The standard of reliability, relatively compact, always ready for battle. Even despite its venerable age, it still remains in the ranks, is actively used both in the shooting range and in battle. The classic pistol for civil and police use. Of course, this is not a pistol for target or high-speed shooting, but placing three bullets in the center of a standard target (circle with a diameter of 10 cm) from 25 m is not a problem for this "old man". He is capable of more. Some of our PMs allow you to lay five holes in a circle of 6 cm. As for the small stopping effect of a bullet, I can say that this is what individuals say who, at best, kill paper targets and have never fired in a combat situation. It is important to hit the vital organs of the "target", otherwise even a rifle bullet will not guarantee a reliable defeat.


9 mm self-loading pistol PM

Some problems are posed by Pst steel core bullets, which sometimes ricochet off solid obstacles. In recent years, the situation with ammunition for PM has changed, cartridges with bullets have appeared, which have an increased stopping effect and increased penetration capacity of PBM (7N25). For example, the PPO cartridge for law enforcement agencies allows the use of weapons (pistols and submachine guns) in enclosed spaces, in settlements, with a low probability of dangerous ricochets, due to the absence of a solid core in the pool. There is information about the poor quality of PPO cartridges, unstable characteristics, but the cartridges supplied to our unit do not bring unpleasant surprises and the weapon works like clockwork with them.

Makarov pistol Upgraded PMM-12

Modernization of PM under the cartridge of increased power. Improved handle ergonomics, increased capacity magazine. It is used with both Pst and PPO cartridges, since standard 7N16 cartridges are very rare and have not been produced for a long time.


9-mm self-loading pistol PMM

Springs in stores work with overstressing, so they quickly lose their elasticity, which leads to delays in firing. Poor quality plastic from which the feeder is made causes cracks, as well as wear or breakage of the feeder tooth.

Pistol Tula Tokarev TT

Another weapon legend. Much has been said about him, but very little can be added. More suitable for military use when on alert. For its relatively small size, it is one of the most powerful pistols in the world.


7, 62 mm TT self-loading pistols

And to the touch it is much more pleasant, for example, PYa and any "Glocks". Completely unsuitable for urban firefights and self-defense. The large penetrating ability of a bullet and the absence of self-cocking can lead to prison (through and into a random passer-by) or to a cemetery (you must have time to cock the trigger).

Stechkin automatic pistol APS

The same age as PM, even more popular. A pistol with a capital letter. Reliable, powerful, accurate, with a large ammunition load and the ability to conduct automatic fire. It is often used as the main weapon in operations in confined spaces, when using bulletproof shields when only one hand is free. Automatic mode is used when shooting at close ranges to create a high density of fire and a greater likelihood of destruction.


APS pistols with standard stock holsters and pouches


APS pistols in a converted hip holster with a rubber grip and a twisted pistol strap

A favorite of employees of special units, in demand now. Even before the pistol enters the unit, a real "hunt" is already underway for it. Some, having tasted the "delights" of the APS, prefer to exchange them for the old, sometimes disassembled APS. The pistol has a streamlined shape, does not cling to anything when quickly removed from the holster. Some problems with holding are created by the pistol grip, which has been polished over the years by palms and clothing. In hot and cold weather, the pistol has a tendency to "slip" from the hands. But this minor nuisance is eliminated by putting a piece of a bicycle tube or pad on the handle, for example, from Uncle Mike's.

The pistol is rather big, but with the proper skill and experience it can be carried discreetly, like all pistols. I usually wear it in a custom-made underpants holster, without any fasteners for quick release, and with a twisted pistol strap, or in a matching shoulder bag.

I never use a fuse, even if there is a cartridge in the chamber, no one is outraged by the lack of fuses on most revolvers, and a loaded self-cocking pistol is as safe as a loaded revolver. When working in urban conditions, I carry the pistol in a converted hip holster, and not fastened - the design of the holster allows you to hold the pistol even in an inverted position. I carry spare magazines on my left thigh in a homemade pouch. One magazine always with an open valve for quick retrieval.

Yarygin pistol PYa

A miracle of domestic weapons thought. Although, undoubtedly, the long-awaited type of army pistol. Powerful, moderately ergonomic, with a capacious magazine. But … I doubt that in Soviet times it would have been adopted. The pistol is frankly "raw". Angular, with protruding parts, as if hewn with an ax. The workmanship is appropriate. When ten new pistols were fired with sporting cartridges issued for training firing, two pistols were stuck in the casings, one misfired, and after a second prick - a shot. When equipping stores, the sharp edges of the sponges cut fingers and in order not to die from periodic bloodletting, you have to take a file in your hands. With an increase in the magazine capacity by one cartridge, it would be necessary to move the holes to control the number of cartridges (the Ministry of Internal Affairs adopted an 18-round pistol). The holes themselves are located on the right side, and in order to visually determine the number of cartridges, the magazine must be completely pulled out of the handle or be left-handed. It was probably not possible to move the holes to the left wall of the store or to the back.

The magazine latch is not protected by anything, accidental pressing while wearing is not uncommon. In the best case, you can lose the magazine, in the worst - to remain in the face of danger with an empty chamber, because when you accidentally press the magazine latch button, it moves down from the chambering line and the bolt slips past the cartridge. And the store is kind of like in the handle, pressed by a latch. The store itself should have been made as an APS store, with large windows, or as a PSM store, in order to make it easier to equip with cartridges. The slide stop lever is located close to the safety catch and when one of the levers is pressed, the other gets under the finger, which requires additional efforts. On some relatively new pistols, the bolt spontaneously breaks off the slide delay. The back of the shutter is downright openwork construction. Probably specially made for collecting various garbage. (Unlike PM and APS).


9mm automatic pistols APS

The notch in the front of the bolt is probably a tribute to fashion and nothing more. When using this notch, fingers bump into the sharp edges of the front of the frame. Maybe it is used to check the presence of a cartridge in the chamber, as is done on foreign pistols? But for this there is an indicator of the presence of a cartridge in the chamber.

Double sided safety lever. Good decision. But in the presence of only a right-hand regular holster, this solution remains unclaimed. The same can be said about setting the safety catch with the hammer cocked. A completely superfluous function. When removing the pistol from the holster, at the same time cocking the hammer does not present any problem. Moreover, the self-cocking on the PYa is soft and does not greatly affect the accuracy of the first shot.

Domestic weapons: personal opinion. Specialist's Notes
Domestic weapons: personal opinion. Specialist's Notes

9-mm self-loading pistol PYa

What cannot be taken away from the PY is a smooth descent and a quick return to the aiming line after a shot. It is more suited for high-speed shooting. The similarity of USM PYa and PSM is obvious and noticeable even to a non-specialist. Why not make the fuse the same as on the PSM structure and place it on the bolt, ensuring the simultaneous removal from the fuse and the cocking of the trigger. And at the same time close the rear part of the shutter from possible clogging by foreign objects. Forefinger protrusion on the front of the trigger guard. Maybe he increases the accuracy of shooting - I did not notice much difference. The pistol throws up in the same way as with a normal grip. And with such a wide brace, for a normal grip you need not have an index finger, but a tentacle. Sights had to be streamlined in order to prevent snagging on clothing or an operational holster.

The pistol has only one spare magazine in the kit. The standard cartridges with the Pst bullet differ from the 9x19 Luger sports cartridges used in firing practice in the level of acoustic impact on the shooter, greater recoil force and a strong flash when fired. As a result, the shooter learns about these features only when using the pistol in combat conditions. When using cartridges with a Pst bullet in closed rooms, dangerous ricochets were observed, which can be corrected by replacing half of the wearable ammunition with cartridges with lead-core bullets. In general, this is the case with this pistol. Complete analogy with domestic and foreign cars. They are similar, but something in ours is not right …

Pistol Self-loading Special PSS

Here about him, you can say with full confidence the phrase that is abused in our country - "has no analogues." Compact pistol, flat enough for concealed carry. Accurate, unpretentious, always ready for battle - no need to attach a silencer.


7, 62-mm special self-loading pistol PSS

Used as a second or third weapon. Rarely, but if necessary - he is ready for your service. A pistol is not uncommon for those who have it. There are no problems with cartridges either.


NRS-2 knife, PN14K glasses, PSS pistol, SP4 and 7N36 cartridges

Revolver TKB-0216

A fundamentally degraded version of the Smith and Wesson revolvers. Its only advantage is its smooth and gentle descent. Given its large dimensions, it would be possible to use more powerful ammunition, for example, SP10, SP11.


9-mm revolver TKB-0216 (OTs-01 Cobalt

Poorly fitted grip cheeks. Often the drum axle unscrews spontaneously.

PP-93 submachine gun

Compact submachine gun with good fire capabilities. With some experience, you can "plant" the entire store in the target. Quite good accuracy when firing automatic fire with one hand. The APB modification includes a PBS and a powerful laser target designator LP93. Unfortunately, either PBS or LCC can be attached to the barrel at the same time. Fastening is carried out with a latch and has a large backlash. The shoulder rest is still a masterpiece. Thanks to the small recoil, it is still possible to cope with the embryo of the butt plate, but due to the poor fixation of the shoulder rest in the firing position, the bullets do not always go in the desired direction. And over time, this knot looses even more.


9 mm APB submachine guns (modification PP-93) with installed PBS (above) or LTSU (below)

The magazine latch button is very good. No complaints, which cannot be said about the platoon handle located in a very interesting place. To quickly cock the shutter, you need to train for a long time, since you need not just pull the handle, but before that you also have to drown and do not forget to return it back, like on a PC. Otherwise, during the shot, you can get the handle returning with the bolt on your fingers. The translator-fuse is located on the "right" side, but the flat shape does not always allow you to quickly rearrange the fire modes, especially in winter, with gloves.

9 mm submachine gun SR-2M "Veresk"

A powerful submachine gun, accurate, with a lot of ammunition. The samples purchased for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation do not have a standard collimator sight - one of the main attributes of this weapon. Instead of a standard cover, there is a cover from the AKS-74U assault rifle and a bag for AK-74 magazines. Apparently, the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not have enough money, or the responsible officials did not consider it necessary to purchase weapons in the standard configuration.


9-mm submachine gun SR-2M with a 30-round magazine. There is a 20-round magazine nearby.


SR-2M submachine gun - fuse and reloading handle are located on the right side

At the first communication, the ill-conceived arrangement of the controls is surprising. The fuse is located on the right side, although if you place it on the left side, under the thumb, then it would be possible to quickly bring the weapon into combat readiness, and also quickly put it into a safe state. And all this with one hand. The translator of fire modes, on the contrary, is used most often once, and quick access to it is optional. For quick reloading, it would be necessary to move the bolt handle to the other side or make it double-sided. With the stock folded, on some samples, the right pull overlaps the folded cocking handle by a couple of millimeters, and the handle has to be pulled out from under the stock.

When the "Heathers" entered the unit, everyone who took their hands paid attention to the too long shoulder rest. When shooting in a bulletproof vest, this is very noticeable, especially when holding on to the front handle.

By the way, about the handle. The thing, of course, is necessary. When using the grip lock, sooner or later it pinches the skin on the index finger. The grip itself is located close to the muzzle, which heats up very much during intense shooting and does not add comfort to the hand. It would be nice to install a plastic overlay at the bottom of the muzzle. A muzzle with compensation holes would not hurt. When holding the weapon by the front grip, the sharp edges of the lower part of the forearm cut into the hand. Tolerable, but unpleasant. More recently, during an operation, I tried to silently send a cartridge into the chamber. That is, accompany the bolt carrier with your hand, avoiding the impact of moving parts in the forward position. I did it out of habit, as this trick “rolls over” on 9A-91.

The bolt pushed out the upper cartridge, which pulled the lower cartridge along the way. As a result, the upper cartridge buried itself in the breech section of the barrel, the lower cartridge came out halfway from the magazine, propped up the upper cartridge from below and jammed the magazine, which was impossible to remove. I had to, holding the bolt carrier with my left hand, pick out the upper cartridge with my right finger, push the lower cartridge back into the store. In the instruction manual, this delay is attributed to a malfunction of the store. And this is - on the new PP with a shot several shots. In general, in terms of size, ease of use and power, the CP-2M is inferior to the proven and reliable machine 9A-91.


Kalashnikov assault rifles

As for any "authoritative" statements about the world's best machine, the most reliable, the strongest, which you can not clean, throw from any height, and so on, I will say the following. Kalashnikov assault rifles, I think, are not the best in the world. Otherwise, the whole world and the nearest inhabited planets would be armed with them. In the eighties, the most common rifle in the world was the Belgian FN FAL. This speaks of her fighting qualities, since Belgium is a small country and cannot afford, like the United States and the USSR, to give, sell for cheap or use weapons as a reward for loyalty to herself.


7, 62-mm assault rifles AKMS and AK 1954 release

In this situation, in addition to the agreed price, quality plays a decisive role. A lot of materials appeared in the press about the developed samples of weapons, which at one time surpassed the AK family in many respects, but it turns out that at that time the fighting qualities of these samples were not decisive in choosing the best one. And it is difficult to call Kalashnikov (I personally respect him very much) the sole author of the design, because, again, according to media reports, dozens of institutes and enterprises participated in the creation of the AK family and its fine-tuning. Undoubtedly, the Kalashnikov assault rifle is both beautiful and reliable and convenient for someone, but for my work it turned out to be not very suitable.

In my work, I often have to carry a loaded weapon. The situation is interesting: on the one hand, you need to be ready for the immediate opening of fire - therefore the fuse is removed, the cartridge is in the chamber. On the other hand, there is no obvious threat, there are citizens of the Russian Federation around, you have to move around, perform some kind of hand manipulation, and therefore it is better to keep the weapon on the safety lock. To open fire, one movement is desirable, and preferably the shooting hand. The Kalashnikov assault rifle is not a weapon that can instantly open fire. To do this, I need to either keep the fuse off (and constantly shake at the thought of an accidental shot). Or take the machine gun in your left hand, remove the right one from the pistol grip and remove the machine from the safety lock. A lot of time and a lot of manipulation. The reloading handle is also on the right side and again forces you to remove your hand from the trigger. A short, low stock, an awkward pistol grip, the junction of which with the receiver rubs the skin between the thumb and forefinger.


7, 62-mm assault rifle L1A1 -English modification of the Belgian FN FAL

The butts of the AKS-74 and AKS-74U assault rifles do not bring much joy to the hand either. I understand that the right-hand position of the stock swivel is very convenient when the stock is folded, but the weapon is mainly worn in the firing position, and this position of the swivel is not very convenient for me personally, especially if you carry it with the barrel down. The magazine has many protruding parts that make it difficult to remove the magazine from the equipment and insert the empty one back. I do not understand the reluctance of the people responsible for the supply (at least the police) to adopt increased-capacity magazines. Four-row and drum magazines are used all over the world, except for our hearts. Paired shops are not used from a good life. If you don't go to the mountains or shoot at targets, all "authoritative" statements about the imbalance and weighting of the weapon are forgotten in a close-range firefight. When cleaning the premises, when it is necessary to create a high density of fire and the enemy is so close that any normal person has a natural desire to have as many cartridges as possible in the store (while it is desirable that they would not run out). And no one will remember about the imbalance and excess weight.

If any factory or company would come up and release drum magazines or ties for pairing AK-74 magazines, I think I would not be the only one who would buy such magazines for a reasonable price.


7, 62-mm AKM assault rifle (with installed PBS-1 and GP-25) and 5, 45-mm shortened AKS-74U assault rifle

Reliability of AK and M16

The most important feature of the AK (in comparison with the M16 family) is reliability. There are no questions - the AK can not be cleaned, raped as you want, but he will shoot and shoot. Well, first of all, the weapon still needs to be cleaned - any. Secondly, the reliability of the AK is based on the high recoil rate of the moving parts and the large gap between them. Hence the main disadvantage - increased dispersion during automatic firing. Personally, I think that for the army or for those who use a weapon, mainly carrying it on the shoulder or firing a few rounds at a shooting range, the Kalashnikov assault rifle is even unnecessarily good. This weapon is unpretentious, allowing a somewhat barbaric attitude towards itself. I think the AK fully meets the requirements for mass weapons.


5, 45-mm AK-74M assault rifle, improved by the owner

And for my work I need an assault rifle of 5, 45 mm caliber, with a thickened barrel 30 cm long, with a large-capacity magazine, a low-noise firing device, a slide delay, a double-sided fuse, an automatic safety on the trigger, an adjustable stock and Picatinny rails for the front grips, collimators, optics, lanterns and target designators. The ideal option for such a weapon is the presence of interchangeable barrels (standard and compact length for indoor operations). The presence of a replaceable barrel will lead to a more complex design and an increase in cost. But it is cheaper to have one machine gun with two barrels than two machine guns of different sizes. We sometimes have situations when we are forced to take with us to operations, in addition to the standard AK-74M, and small-sized weapons of the 9A-91 type, and silent, depending on the situation, which often changes during one single operation.


5, 56mm American M16 assault rifle

As for reliability … Designer Korobov said that he wanted to create a machine gun that would help a soldier survive in a trench, and not outlive all soldiers in a trench … Comments, as they say, are unnecessary. Personally, I don't need 200% reliability. 100% reliability and 100% ergonomics are enough for me. Now about the eternal dispute between AKM and AK74. Without any doubts. Only 5.45mm! (During my military service, I had a lot of weapons in my hands. There was also an AKMS with a PBS-1 and a GP-25. There was also an AK-74. And after the army there were and are many different models, including the AK-74M, and AKS-74U.) First, ammunition. I can take a lot more cartridges 7N10 (5, 45 mm), carry them further, and shoot before the barrel overheats more than PS arr. 1943 (7, 62 mm). Secondly, the trajectory of the AK-74 bullet is much flatter, which is of great importance in battle, and the bullets have no less penetration and destructive power. Thirdly, the accuracy of the AK-74 is in no way worse than that of the AKM. As for ricochets and annoying discussions about shooting through branches, then all pointed bullets ricochet - these are the laws of physics. And you need to aim better through the branches. And in general, there is an old principle: I don't see - I don't shoot.

We conducted a spontaneous experiment once. At the firing range, several shots were fired offhand, with a high rate at chest targets located on different sides of the shooter, which looks like life. It turned out that the AK-74M (5, 45 mm) returns to the aiming line much faster than the AKMS assault rifle (7, 62 mm). If you give a long burst of AKMS, which is often done by normal people in a difficult situation, then most of the bullets will just rip through the sky. But the AK-74 allows such liberties, including hand-held shooting. To put a big plus on AKM for the presence of a muffler is not serious. Even in my office, far from Moscow and the supply bases, 100% of the personnel have silent weapons, with various modifications. And there are plenty of cartridges for it. And the fact that AKM shoots with US and PS cartridges is also not a special plus. Almost any of the silent weapons is better than the AKM assault rifle with the PBS-1 - more heap, lighter, more compact. And the gross cartridges PAB-9 and BP pierce what AKM with cartridges PS and US cannot do. Not to mention the 5, 45 mm PP and BP cartridges, which we have a shaft, and they are not inferior to the BZ cartridge and the like. So AKM is not a leader here either. And the knock of moving parts on the AKM with PBS, and the same on the OTs-14, is not drowned out by cotton from the PBS.

And again about the ricochet when firing from the AK-74. I read and hear about it all the time. It seems that all the shooters only hit the branches, they run out of cartridges, and in powerlessness they throw their AK-74 on the ground and look with envy at the happy owner of the AKM. And he mows the bushes with the hooligans hiding behind them, like a machine gunner with the Minigun mows the jungle in the Predator. By the way, in the films it is passed off as the truth. In fact, not a single person on earth can do this, because this machine gun has no sights, is powered by batteries, such as automobiles, has a recoil of more than 100 kg, and spits out in a small line as much ammunition as a person is not able to carry. I will repeat myself. All pointed bullets ricochet. AKM has no advantages. Are the ricochets so strong that you can't even hit the target from one store. Or maybe find a gap? Or maybe it's better to aim?

From any machine …

And finally, the simplest example. You have AKM, and other ignorant people have AK-74. Ammunition - only those that are with you. Sometimes the cartridges run out. However, not all. AK-74 owners can easily share cartridges with each other. And you? I have a 1992 AK-74M. With a stock that does not unfold the first time, with a gas piston, on which a layer of chrome is thinner than a child's hair, with a pistol grip from the Saiga and a pirate copy of the forend with a grip, with a Cobra sight that does not withstand proximity to an underbarrel grenade launcher, and the main advantage of this machine is that it exists.

Special automatic machine AS "Val"

Very comfortable, handy. So it asks for hands. The butt itself finds a point of support in the shoulder, the cheek lies in the right place on the butt. Of the domestic folding stocks, the AS stock is the best. The rough surface allows you to firmly hold the fire control handle, which is also facilitated by the very shape of the handle. The relatively long aiming line has a beneficial effect on shooting accuracy. Comfortable, despite its small size, the fore-end has the same non-slip surface as the grip. The fore-end is completely covered by the folded butt and in this position it is difficult to shoot, for example, in a tight space, holding the weapon securely. To correct this shortcoming, I installed a handle on the muffler body. Almost every detail in the machine helps to improve accuracy and reduce noise when firing. According to these parameters, it surpasses all the same type of domestic machines. For example, at a distance of 100 m, lying with an optical sight, I hit the bottom of an inert VOG-25 shot. Certainly not from the first shot.


A 9-mm assault rifle with an additionally installed front grip and a flashlight.



Spare magazines and clips with cartridges for their equipment.

The machine gives a lot to its owner, but it also requires special attention. This applies to maintenance, or rather cleaning. Anyone who has dealt with AC and BCC cleaning after shooting will understand what I mean. Gunpowder P-45, used in standard cartridges, gives abundant carbon deposits, which hardens after some time, you have to sweat to get rid of it. The lion's share of the time is taken by cleaning the separator and the inner surface of the muffler as the most susceptible to the destructive action of powder gases. Here various powders and gels for cleaning dishes are used. But, despite all these little things, the machine is very good. Although it requires delicate handling. I love this machine and it loves me back.

Rifle Sniper Special VSS "Vintorez"

Great rifle. Compact, handy, precise. In our division it is used with the shops of the AC machine.


9mm VSS sniper rifle. The muffler is equipped with a place for installing additional equipment

The standard SP-5 and SPP cartridges have, to a small extent, different ballistics, so our snipers, depending on their preferences, bring their rifles to normal combat under the type of cartridge they like. Only the absence of a cheek on the butt is depressing, which, apparently, was made for the sake of a quick transition, when shooting, to mechanical sighting devices.

Small-sized automatic machine 9A-91

A real "workhorse". Compact, powerful machine. Streamlined shapes. In the dashing nineties, it was widely used as a concealed carry weapon, in the capture of criminals in the cabin of a vehicle or in a residential building. Due to its small thickness, weight, folding loading handle, it was often carried secretly, under a jacket, behind a belt or on the side on a belt loop over the shoulder. The stock in the folded position does not extend beyond the dimensions of the machine. Easily and quickly transferred from the traveling position to the combat position and vice versa. Super reliable. Shoots at any degree of pollution. Sights are very clearly "outlined", but due to the small length of the sighting line, aiming more than 50 m is ineffective, and more than 100 m is unrealistic.


Upgraded 9A-91 with collimator sight

The machine has several modifications: The first is equipped with a compensator, has a fuse-translator on the left side. The second is completed with a reduced-size silencer and translator. There is no compensator. The third (1995) - is completed with a silencer, a bracket for mounting optical sights. In this regard, the flag of the translator-fuse has been moved to the right side. There is a variation of this modification, which does not have a bracket for mounting optics. The last modification has an oversized fore-end. Moving the fuse box to the right side made it more difficult to manipulate. Small store capacity. It would not hurt to include a magazine of increased capacity or a coupler for two magazines. The difficulty of replacing it. Availability of one spare store. The magazines of some machines are not fixed in the necks of other machines due to the excess of the thickness of some magazines and the mismatch of the windows for the magazine latch with the latches of some machines.

Stores were produced with feeders of different designs and different hole locations to control the presence of cartridges. At first, the feeders were produced with the right-hand arrangement of the upper cartridge. Then they produced feeders with a left-hand arrangement of the upper cartridge. Stores with feeders of the second type have a hole for controlling the number of cartridges, made one cartridge thicker than with feeders of the first type. As a result of poor quality control, the manufacturing plant began to receive Type 1 feeder magazines with late design magazine bodies. When such magazines are loaded with cartridges, the cartridge case is visible in the hole, which signals that the magazine is fully equipped with 20 cartridges. There are actually 19 rounds in the magazine. All this leads to problems in the receipt and delivery of weapons and ammunition.

There are no guides on the fore-end for attaching the flashlight and the front handle. With the abolition of the compensator, the front handle would not have been superfluous. The bolt handle is poorly fixed in the firing position, folds spontaneously, which creates difficulties when reloading in a combat situation and when using gloves. When shooting SP5, PAB-9, BP cartridges into the ground and solid obstacles at an angle, almost one hundred percent ricochets are observed.

Shooting and grenade launcher complex OTs-14-4A "Groza"

Impossibility of shooting from the left shoulder. The shooter's face is located above the hole for ejection of spent cartridges and, accordingly, the outgoing powder gases. The inconvenience of replacing the store.


9/40-mm grenade launcher system OTs-14-4A


Option OTs-14-4A silent sniper rifle

Just one spare magazine. The fuse translator does not allow them to be used quickly. When shooting in a helmet and bulletproof vest, it is quite problematic to “kiss” normally. After the shooting, a tedious cleaning awaits you. It turns out that after several stores, cleaning the "Thunderstorm" is even more dreary than an AC machine gun and a BCC rifle because of the many hard-to-reach places in the receiver.

Dragunov SVD sniper rifle

Nothing bad to say. An excellent rifle, time-tested. When using plastic fore-end pads, it was not possible to achieve a snug fit to the fore-end assembly, which slightly jars the elegant look of this beauty. To mitigate the recoil, the butt plate of the GP-25 grenade launcher is often used. The standard sight basically meets the requirements for a rifle.


7.62mm SVD sniper rifle


7, 62-mm SVD-S sniper rifle with folding stock

Dragunov SVD-S sniper rifle

Compact version of SVD. The thicker barrel gives more consistent results. The shape of the fire control handle is not conducive to its firm hold. The rifle "kicks" sensitively when firing.

SVU-AS sniper rifle

The dimensions and accuracy are better than those of the SVD. My SVU-AS has a factory shot - 2.5 cm by 100 m, an LPS bullet, 4 shots. When shooting, you can stand nearby, unlike the SVD, the recoil is not strong in comparison with the SVD. Weight - 5.5 kg, but not very heavy. Due to the fact that the pull of the trigger is a long, thin plate, and is hidden under a high, poorly fixed cover, when the trigger is pressed, it bends, rests against the cover. And then it transfers the effort to the trigger. Therefore, the descent is long and unpredictable. When shooting, especially from a bipod, the power of the compensator is such that it blows the rifle a few centimeters to the side, the target is lost from sight. Without optics, with a mechanical sight - very accurate, convenient type FG42, especially since the sight and front sight were copied from it and the front sight guard was added. It is strange that nowhere and no one is mentioned about this.


7, 62-mm shortened sniper rifle SVU-AS

Sniper rifle SV-98

Club, but shoots well. The passport contains the best group of 10 shots - 8.8 cm by 300 m. The assembly is in the best domestic traditions. When assembling the shutter at the factory, pins were inserted into the holes from below, and a guide bar was attached from above, which should be attached to the shutter with these pins. When attaching the bolt to the rifle, the bar fell down and jammed the bolt. I barely took it apart. Then I wondered how this bar was attached. Bulky shops, obviously overcomplicated. Included Sport Unified Carrying Case - Long for rifle only, but does not hold a silenced rifle. A whole epic happened with the sights for this rifle. They entered the unit only with night sights. So they stood idle. Then one good man presented the unit with an expensive Zeiss scope - Diavari 2.5-10-50T. A year later, we received PPO 5-15x50.


7, 62-mm SV-98 sniper rifle

Then, after a considerable period of time, we received the Belarusian POSP 4x12-42W sight with attachments for the Weaver rail. Although the rifle has a Picatinny rail. The fixing pins on the sight bracket preventing longitudinal displacement did not fit the rifle rail, which was corrected with a file. It turns out that for a couple of years the rifles were not used for their intended purpose. Due to the lack of scopes. The rifle is bulky and loses to the SVD in terms of maneuverability. In practice, the accuracy of the SVD is quite at a level corresponding to the conditions of its use. In mountainous terrain, the weight of the SV-98 is a significant burden.

Reliability untested by time and operation forces the sniper to take on the SVD, SVD-S or VSS, VSK-94 operation. They are proven and reliable. And the SV-98 is often assigned the role of a competition rifle.

Sniper rifle SV-99

I think the reason for its appearance in service is as follows. Izhevsk had to sell something. And then someone from the responsible officials who had read or heard from their entourage about the use of small-bore rifles in the United States as "killers" and "light-destroyers" came up with the idea to buy such things. And Izhevsk is right there. A pupa rifle, but practically only suitable for sports and recreational shooting. The powerful cartridge "Marmot", I think, will not withstand, and with weaker cartridges you will not immediately dump anyone. Since it is in service as a sniper, ammunition for firing is released at rates corresponding to rifles of normal caliber. That is, it makes no difference what to shoot from - from SV-99 or from SVD and SV-98. It's best to shoot with normal caliber rifles. The telescopic sight bracket does not have a locking pin and after removing the scope it is impossible to install it exactly in the same place.


§ 5, 6-mm SV-99 sniper rifle

Kalashnikov light machine gun Upgraded RPK-203

Possesses sufficient firepower at close range. Put the forend as on Vepre-12, bipod on the bar, front grip, collimator, drum magazine. If you go deep, then the trigger should be done as in the American IAR with "front and rear sear". If desired, conditions for the use of the PKK can be found. In close combat, in the city, to create a curtain of fire, if the PK machine gun is too lazy to carry. In general, you need a machine gun for automatic cartridges, belt-fed, with replaceable barrels of different lengths and a folding stock. At one time there was a very good RPD-44 machine gun. The prototype of all today's machine guns chambered for less powerful than rifle. Compared to a machine gun, the PC is more compact, allowing the machine gunner to carry more ammunition. Modern conditions of warfare, for example, in settlements, and the tactics of special units provide this type of machine gun with a right to exist. Small modernization by installing a new plastic fore-end of a longer length, a system of strips for the front grip and bipod, a lightweight butt (skeletal construction is possible).


7, 62-mm RPK-203 light machine gun

It is a pity, due to the presence of a return spring in the butt, it will not be possible to make it foldable. Place the bipod closer to the breech to facilitate the transfer of the direction of fire. And be sure to place the sight rail on the receiver cover. That's it - the mini-PC is ready.

Kalashnikov machine gun Upgraded Easel PKMS

Powerful machine gun. He does not like to bend the tape back when shooting - the possibility of a delay is likely. Lack of a folding stock and a full-fledged forend. And this machine gun is often fired from hands. Includes all boxes for 200 rounds. And it is used, as a rule, without a machine. Large dimensions, with long wear, the carrying handle loosens. The best way to do it is like the Americans, like the SPW. You can put on a muzzle brake-compensator, otherwise it bounces when firing from a hard surface. And the box for cartridges is more compact. Underbarrel grenade launchers: GP-25. It is still the best in its class.


7, 62-mm PKMS heavy machine gun

Compact and fast-firing. Of no small importance is the ability to shoot at a distance of less than 100 m. The sight allows this. Over time, the junction of the barrel with the trigger body is loosened up. On some of the frequently used grenade launchers, the clamps loosened from rust. When fired, they broke, and grenade launchers flew from machine guns. The features of the self-cocking trigger have a negative effect on the accuracy of fire.


My favorite grenade launcher. Convenient sight, almost "pistol" trigger, smooth and relatively soft. Convenient fuse. There is no installation on the sight for shooting at a distance of 50 m. When shooting at close distances, when you press against the butt, you can get a blow.


5, 45-mm AK-74 assault rifle with GP-25 grenade launcher


5, 45-mm AK-103 assault rifles with GP-30 and GP-34M grenade launchers


5.45 mm AK-103 assault rifle with GP-30M grenade launcher


Almost the same. There is no fuse, which makes me very disappointed. An extractor that plays the role of a cleaning rod. It does not understand the stowed position. The high-pressure chamber is now firmly attached to the GP-34 barrel. Descent like a water pistol. Do not compare with GP-30. The scope is more difficult to handle. When installing a sight of 50 m, you have to press your cheek against the ridge of the butt, and after the shot you wake up. Like a blow to the jaw. The butt plate is twice as thick as the old one and it is almost impossible to shoot in a bulletproof vest and a vest. And most importantly, when installing, the cleaning rod is removed, and the kit is prefabricated, only there is nowhere to put it.

Hand Grenade Launcher Special RGS-50M

Multipurpose weapon, with appropriate ammunition. There are no sling swivels for fastening the belt. Have to carry in a bag. During the application, repeated cases of mismatch of the trajectories of the shots with the sight settings were revealed.


50-mm hand grenade launcher special RGS-50M

Hand-held anti-personnel grenade launcher RG-6

The high density of fire is negated by the time spent on loading. Together with the 20 rounds of ammunition, it is a heavy load on the shooter, especially in personal body armor. Moreover, a normal grenade launcher, in his right mind, will never give up a machine gun with ammunition. With the shoulder rest folded, the butt pad prevents you from normally grasping the control handle and opening fire. Although such situations do exist. It would be possible to make another hole in the base of the grenade launcher to extend the shoulder rest by five centimeters. Swivels on the left side, like on GM-94, would not hurt either. On the right side of the arrow there is a machine gun. On the left - a grenade launcher as an additional weapon.


40-mm hand-held anti-personnel grenade launcher RG-6

Grenade launcher Magazinny GM-94

It can successfully replace RG-6 and RGS-50. Very ergonomic. Fully reversible. There is an indicator of the presence of a shot in the grenade launcher. Allows you to shoot at a distance closer than 50 m. At one time, the soldiers of the US Navy S. E. A. L. They would have given a lot for the GM-94, since when fighting in South Vietnam, they had to use a heavy (more than 8 kg without shots), inconvenient EX-41 grenade launcher.


43-mm manual magazine grenade launcher GM-94

Carbine Special 18.5 KS-K

At one time, the KS-23 carbine was developed as a weapon that allows you to deliver a projectile of a larger volume and mass to the target than a 12-gauge weapon. Now weapons are being adopted for a reason that is clearly the opposite of what was the basis for the transition to weapons of 23 mm caliber. Moreover, 12-gauge weapons are often presented as the ideal weapon for close-range operations. Apparently, not without looking back at foreign experience. But there criminals usually use pistols, revolvers, guns. And the use of smooth-bore weapons to neutralize them is quite adequate. In addition, their city buildings are made of less thick and durable material than ours. We have a different situation. The criminals are armed, most often with automatic weapons, and the doors in the apartments are most often made of iron. Our smoothbore weapons are an inadequate response to a threat.


Special carbine 18.5 KS-K 12 gauge

Bulky weapon. The dimensions, even with the stock folded, do not allow working with it in a tight space. The design of the weapon does not allow installing the fore-end with strips for the front handle and attachments, since the stock retainer spring is located in the standard fore-end in the folded position. And with a fast rate of fire or shooting with a folded stock, the front grip is not a superfluous detail at all. The rubber butt pad is designed in such a way that it is possible to fix the butt in the folded position after a couple of blows with the palm, due to the fact that the rubber does not allow the retainer to engage with the butt. When the magazine is equipped with eight rounds, it cannot be fixed in the weapon. To attach even an empty magazine to the carbine, again, a blow from the bottom of the palm is necessary in order to fix it.

In conclusion, I can say that all of the above is not only my personal opinion, it is the opinion of my colleagues and colleagues from other departments. We work with weapons not only at the training ground or in the shooting range. Very often it is necessary to use weapons for their main and historical purpose. These are the realities of our life. It may seem that I am overly critical of some samples. Or too pampered and want a "comfortable" weapon. But there are no trifles in my work. Especially related to weapons. Any little thing, a hitch with manipulations, an uncomfortable attachment is even worse - a delay in shooting can adversely affect the integrity of my skin. And I trust only those weapons that I personally tested at the training ground or in battle.
