Old Russian warriors actively used all kinds of throwing weapons - bows, sulitsy, etc. Not later than the XII century. the first crossbows or crossbows appeared in the arms of the rati. Such weapons, showing high combat qualities, gained a certain distribution and remained relevant for the next several centuries.
The question of origin
The origin of the Old Russian crossbow was previously the subject of controversy. For some time, the version about the borrowing of such weapons from the Volga Bulgars was popular. This happened during the armed clashes of the second half of the XIV century.
However, the annals also contain earlier evidence of the use of crossbows. Also, there are many archaeological finds that confirm the data of the chronicles. Due to this, the period of the appearance and development of the first crossbows was moved to the XII century. In addition, chronicles and finds made it possible to clarify the history of ancient Russian throwing weapons.

The first mentions of crossbows are found in the Nikon and Radziwill chronicles in the descriptions of the events of the second half of the 12th century. Fights with the use of such weapons took place near Novgorod and Chernigov, which makes it possible to estimate the approximate area of its distribution at that time. There are drawings in the annals that show the design of the weapon quite accurately.
Available data suggest that Ancient Russia borrowed crossbows from its western neighbors. By that time, crossbows were widespread in Europe, and Russian warriors could not help but notice them. Thus, the “Bulgarian” version looks untenable.
Short story
In various archaeological complexes on the territory of the Russian principalities, many crossbow arrowheads, parts of crossbows, etc. have been found. However, some of the findings are of great interest. So, when exploring the city of Izyaslavl, they found the remains of an arrow, in whose equipment there was a belt hook for pulling the bowstring. The city was destroyed no later than 1241, and by this time its defenders had crossbows. It is curious that the hook of the Izyaslav crossbowman is one of the oldest things of this kind in all of Europe.

In the same period, the crossbows of the Russians continue to be mentioned in Russian chronicles; the first mentions also appear in foreign chronicles. Soon the crossbow becomes a constant "hero" of the chronicles and illustrations to them. Such weapons were actively used in all major battles over the next two centuries.
Interesting references to crossbows are found in descriptions of the battles for Moscow with the troops of Tokhtamysh. Later, according to the chronicles, crossbows were actively used as a defensive weapon of fortresses. Mentions and descriptions of both hand-held crossbows and larger stationary or portable products date back to this period. With their help, they threw enlarged forged bolts or hewn stones.

The last mentions of crossbows in the army are in documents from the end of the 15th century. In 1478 Ivan III sent an army to Novgorod, equipped with cannons and crossbows. In 1486, the Russian ambassador Georgy Perkamota told the Milanese authorities about Russia. He mentioned that earlier the Germans had brought crossbows and muskets to the Russians, and such weapons became widespread.
Hereinafter, crossbows are referred to only as storage units. In particular, they are present in the inventories of the property of Boris Godunov and the Armory, compiled in the 17th century. Apparently, these were items of a respectable age, made long before the compilation of inventories.

It is believed that the Russian crossbow fell out of use in the army a little earlier than the European crossbow. However, the lack of references is not always associated with the lack of exploitation of weapons. However, the lack of direct evidence does not allow us to correct the existing picture.
There are no exact data on this score, but it is known that the crossbow was never a truly massive weapon of the ancient Russian army. In terms of its numbers, it was seriously inferior to more simple-to-produce bows. During the excavations, a significant number of arrows and crossbow bolts were found, but the share of the latter does not exceed 2-5 percent. from their total number.
Design features
Unfortunately, the chroniclers did not leave accurate technical descriptions of crossbows, although a number of chronicles contain drawings showing such weapons. They are not very accurate, but they still allow us to draw some conclusions. In addition, there are archaeological finds showing the design of the crossbow, ammunition for it and auxiliary devices included in the shooter's equipment.

By their design, Russian crossbows were as close as possible to foreign crossbows. The same architecture was used; various new developments were regularly borrowed and introduced. At the same time, some solutions, probably, were not used in our country or were not widely used.
The basis of the construction was a wooden plow (bed) and an iron, steel or horn bow. The trigger mechanism was based on the simplest lever. Such a design could be carried out on different scales - both in the form of hand weapons and as an easel system for fortress walls. Archaeological finds show that in Russia there were crossbows pulled with a belt hook. There is also reason to assume the presence of a weapon with a gear-swing mechanism. Probably, the "goat's leg" lever mechanism was borrowed from foreign weapons.

The main ammunition for the crossbow was a bolt based on a wooden shaft and a metal tip. By their design, Russian-made crossbow arrows were similar to foreign ones. Over time, the design of the bolt has undergone some changes to improve the fighting qualities.
The bolts of the early periods had cutting-type points driven into the shaft. The mass of the tip did not exceed 20-40 g. In the XIV century. the widespread use of ferrules with a sleeve began. They were stronger and heavier, up to 40-50 g.
According to the findings, one can observe a gradual change in the shape of the tip. The oldest samples had an acute triangular shape and a square cross section. Then the elongation of the tips was reduced, and the section was transformed into a rhombus. Then rhombic tips appeared. There were laurel-shaped products - they could have a rhombic or flat section.

It is easy to see that the change in the shape of the crossbow tips was directly related to the development of armor. The sharp triangular point with a square section was effective against chain mail, but with the advent and spread of plate armor, it gave way to rhombic armor. This allowed crossbows to show maximum efficiency against the actual armor of the enemy.
Thus, the manual crossbow was considered as the main means of fighting the enemy's protected infantry or cavalry. Heavy easel crossbows, in turn, used mainly stones - a convenient means against accumulations of manpower attacking the fortress. Despite the relatively small number, crossbows of all types made a certain contribution to the fight against the enemy in different conditions.
From the war to the hunt
Abroad and in Ancient Russia, crossbows were originally used as a military weapon. They maintained this status for several centuries, and the situation only changed with the advent of early firearms. Squeaky and muskets first pushed the crossbows, and then completely removed them from service as a morally obsolete weapon.

Over time, the crossbow ceased to be an exclusively military weapon and mastered the hunting work. After leaving the army, he remained in the arsenal of hunters and continued to serve in a new capacity. However, as in the case of military weapons, hunting systems were of limited distribution. The crossbow was notable for its relative complexity, which limited its potential in all areas.
At the forefront of progress
It is easy to see that the ancient Russian crossbow crossbow as a whole repeated the fate of a number of other types of weapons. This product was borrowed from foreign armies and introduced in accordance with their own needs. As far as possible, an independent revision was carried out or foreign solutions were borrowed. Due to this, the weapon always met the current requirements and allowed the warriors to successfully solve combat missions. However, the emergence and spread of fundamentally new firearms hit the potential and prospects of throwing systems.
The self-shot left a definite mark in the military history of Ancient Rus. Later, he found application in the hunting industry, and by now it has become a sports equipment. By all this, the crossbow confirmed that its design has great potential. And borrowings can be necessary and useful - if you take and implement them wisely.