Over the past decades, Interior Ministry officials have been armed with Makarov pistols. But now, along with the disappearance of the term "militia", weapon legends are also disappearing. The police are using new pistols designed by Yarygin "Grach" and PP-2000 "Vityaz", reports Expert Online.
The Interior Ministry claims that rearmament is a logical continuation of last year's reforms. According to the interlocutor of Expert Online, the police, for the first time since the middle of the last century, will be armed with pistols and machine guns adapted specifically for the city. He believes that in this rearmament there is only one inconvenience - the need to teach people how to use this particular, fundamentally new weapon. The ability to shoot from Makarov and Kalashnikovs will not help here.
It is these models of weapons that have been in service with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense for decades. It was convenient: the commanders could be sure that a young policeman who was accepted into the ranks of the PPS would be able to shoot from a Kalashnikov assault rifle or a Makarov pistol. According to experts, now it will take weeks and months to retrain employees. Vityaz submachine guns and Rook pistols are a completely new powerful weapon.
The rearmament process will be divided into stages, as they say in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. To begin with, the rearmament of police special forces has begun: the first pistols of the new design were received by the fighters of the Moscow special forces. Police Major General Vyacheslav Khaustov, head of the Special Forces Center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow, promised that the employees of the special purpose center would switch to using the new, more convenient Yarygin pistol "Grach".

Experts say that the Kalashnikov assault rifle and the Makarov pistol are weapons intended for use in military conditions, and not in the city. According to experts, the weapons that have served faithfully to the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for half a century are hopelessly outdated. One of the special forces fighters, with whom the journalist of "Expert Online" managed to talk, admitted that the tactical, technical and combat characteristics of the Yarygin pistol are higher.
"Rook" hits more closely, the bullet has a stopping effect - the bullet hitting the target does not fly right through, but gets stuck in the body. Also, the bullet has less ricocheting ability, which is extremely important when used in urban conditions.
The Makarov pistol magazine is designed for eight rounds, while the Rook has seventeen rounds, which is also a significant advantage.
Soon, the police will change the army Kalashnikov assault rifle for more modern weapons. According to the plan, the PP-2000 "Vityaz", a fundamentally new automatic weapon, will enter the armament of special forces and detachments of the traffic police. According to experts, a 9-mm machine gun is more compact than a Kalashnikov, moreover, it has less recoil. Again, the "Vityaz" is designed for close combat, has a greater accuracy of fire, and its magazine capacity is 44 rounds. Also, the Vityaz's rate of fire is higher than that of the AKSu-74 with a caliber of 5, 45 mm.
The bullet intended for the new machine also has a number of advantages, for example, increased penetration. AKSu-74 had a serious problem - bullets with a displaced center of gravity often hit passers-by. It is for this reason that various police units argued that Kalashnikov's short-barreled automatic weapons were unsuitable for shooting in urban environments.