Coalition and Malva. Prospects for self-propelled howitzers on wheeled chassis

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Coalition and Malva. Prospects for self-propelled howitzers on wheeled chassis
Coalition and Malva. Prospects for self-propelled howitzers on wheeled chassis

Video: Coalition and Malva. Prospects for self-propelled howitzers on wheeled chassis

Video: Coalition and Malva. Prospects for self-propelled howitzers on wheeled chassis
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Currently, the Russian army is armed with a number of self-propelled artillery units with howitzer weapons, made on a tracked chassis. In the foreseeable future, it is planned to adopt two howitzer self-propelled guns on a wheelbase at once. Such a technique, having characteristic advantages, will be able to successfully complement the existing tracked self-propelled guns.

Tracks or wheels

Currently, the self-propelled artillery of the Russian army, with rare exceptions, is represented by armored vehicles on tracked chassis. For example, it is on the tracks that all 152-mm systems move - 2S3 Akatsiya, 2S5 Hyacinth-S and 2S19 Msta-S. The promising ACS 2S35 "Coalition-SV" is also made on a redesigned tank chassis.

As you know, the tracked chassis is characterized by high maneuverability and mobility on difficult terrain. In addition, when developing it, it is easier to provide the necessary safety margin corresponding to the mass of the artillery system and the power of its recoil. At the same time, the wheeled chassis is easier to manufacture and operate, and also exhibits better road performance.

In the recent past, it was decided to develop domestic howitzer artillery using both chassis options. It was planned to create a number of new samples with varying degrees of unification, adapted to work in different conditions. With their help, it would be possible to increase the flexibility of the deployment and use of ground artillery. The leading role in the development of new samples was given to the Nizhny Novgorod Central Research Institute "Burevestnik".


The first to appear was the 2S35-1 self-propelled gun project "Coalition-SV-KSH", made using the units of the original 2S35 self-propelled gun. Development work "Sketch" was also carried out, during which several self-propelled guns with different weapons were created at once. Howitzer artillery in this ROC was represented by the product 2S43 "Malva".

Wheeled "Coalition"

In parallel with the ACS 2S35, a unified project 2S35-1 was developed on a tracked base. It provided for the installation of a ready-made uninhabited fighting compartment on a four-axle KamAZ-6560 automobile chassis. Before being turned into a carrier of a weapon, the vehicle underwent a revision aimed at increasing the carrying capacity and strength. The armament turret was also redesigned for installation on a new base. At the same time, the 152-mm 2A88 gun and automatic loader remained the same.

The prototype "Coalition-SV-KSh" was built in 2015, and at the same time its tests began. In the future, various reports were regularly received about the successful continuation of work and about plans for the adoption of a new ACS into service. The exact shape of the new combat vehicle also became known. Her images were published in the parking lot and in a combat position.


The latest news about the 2C35-1 project appeared a little over a year ago, in May 2020. It was reported that by that time a small series of new self-propelled guns had been manufactured. It was planned to complete the entire set of tests by the end of the year, after which the customer had to make his decision. It is not known whether all these plans were fulfilled. News about the adoption of the "Coalition-SV-KSH" into service has not yet been received.

Earlier, at the testing stage, representatives of the army revealed their intention to bring the 2S35-1 to service in the army. They were not going to give up such a project. It is very likely that the issue of adoption for service is being decided right now, and the industry is preparing a full-fledged mass production. However, the details of such plans and activities were not disclosed.

Howitzer "Malva"

Several years ago, the Central Research Institute "Burevestnik" began the ROC "Sketch", the purpose of which was to create a number of samples of self-propelled artillery, incl. howitzers on a wheeled chassis with the code "Malva". This project provides for the use of a four-axle chassis BAZ-6010-027, on which an artillery unit with a long-barreled 152-mm howitzer is openly mounted. Ammunition boxes are provided next to the breech of the gun; loading is done manually.


The prototype "Malva" was made last year, and soon it was shown at the "Army-2020". On May 9, the combat vehicle took part in the parade in Nizhny Novgorod. In early June, another shooting took place, which was attended by high-ranking representatives of the Ministry of Defense. In the relevant media reports, the public was able to see the 2C43 product in action for the first time.

It is reported that the tests of the ACS "Malva" are nearing completion, and the customer is showing some optimism. During a recent visit to the training ground, Deputy Defense Minister Alexei Krivoruchko noted that such equipment meets the requirements and is expected in the troops.

As Izvestia writes with reference to sources in the Ministry of Defense, the new 2S43 self-propelled guns will enter service with the newly formed artillery brigades as part of the ground and airborne troops. The issue of creating such formations in the Airborne Forces has already been resolved. Plans in the context of the ground forces are still being worked out. They will be accepted only after completion of work on "Malva".

Development prospects

The prospects for wheeled self-propelled guns in our army as a whole are obvious. The Ministry of Defense has made a fundamental decision: such samples will be developed and put into service. Right now, work is underway on several similar samples in different classes. Two 152-mm howitzer self-propelled guns, a pair of 120-mm self-propelled guns and an 82-mm mortar based on the armored car are undergoing tests. All of them have great chances to enter service, and we are mainly talking only about the timing of their appearance in the army.


With the help of promising 2S35 and 2S35-1 self-propelled guns on different chassis, it is planned to begin rearming the divisional artillery of the ground forces. With their help, it will become more flexible and efficient. The increase in all indicators will be obtained both due to a unified fighting compartment with new weapons, and with the help of two fundamentally different chassis. At the same time, the ground forces will not yet abandon the Msta-S / SM self-propelled guns and other similar equipment.

ACS 2S43 "Malva" also has a chance to get into the army. In terms of the combination of combat and other characteristics, it can be considered as a modern and more mobile alternative to the existing 2S5 "Hyacinth-S" vehicle. Their joint and alternate application will allow obtaining the same results as in the case of the two variants of the "Coalition-SV".

Plans for the deployment of 2S43 products in the Airborne Forces are of great interest. At the moment, these troops do not have their own self-propelled artillery in 152 mm caliber, and the appearance of the Malva will understandably increase their combat potential. At the same time, the new wheeled self-propelled gun fits into the limitations of military transport aviation and can be parachuted by landing method. It should also be borne in mind that within the framework of new projects for the Airborne Forces, not only 2S43 is being developed, but also other samples with different characteristics and capabilities.


Waiting for the result

It should be noted that all the desired results can be obtained only in the medium or long term. At the moment, two 152-mm self-propelled howitzers are at the testing stage, and the timing of their entry into service has not yet been officially announced. However, the Ministry of Defense and industry are already making plans for the production and supply of equipment to the troops.

Apparently, it won't be long to wait. The main part of the remaining work on the "Coalition-SV-KSH" was planned to be completed by the end of last year. At the same time, they were previously going to perform the entire test cycle of the tracked 2S35. It is not known whether these plans were fulfilled. The development of "Malva" started later than the "Coalition" and came to testing only last year. Accordingly, news about the adoption of the 2S35 / 2S35-1 may arrive in the near future, and messages about the 2S43 will have to wait until 2022-23.

But on the whole, the current situation is conducive to optimism. The Ministry of Defense made a fundamental decision to strengthen ground artillery with wheeled combat vehicles, and the industry has developed such equipment and is already preparing for its serial production. This means that in the coming years, the army will receive new equipment, and with it a whole range of new capabilities.
