On July 27, 1953, full-scale hostilities were completed in Korea. According to experts, this conflict of the Cold War period can be viewed as a war between the United States and its allies on the one hand and the forces of the PRC and the USSR on the other.
Sixty years have passed since the ceasefire, but many details of that war remain hidden.
There are many reasons for this: the American side is not too keen to reveal the scale of its losses and the miscalculations of the military leadership. Even now, the official data mentions the ratio of losses in air battles of 12: 1, naturally, in favor of the "UN forces".
During the fierce hostilities, war crimes were frequently committed, including against the civilian population. Naturally, the United States does not want to remind about this once again, so as not to spoil its "democratic image".
In turn, the USSR carefully concealed the facts of the participation of Soviet soldiers in hostilities. For a long time, the official point of view generally denied this fact.
Chinese People's Volunteers entered the war in October 1950. In fact, it was they who saved the DPRK from complete defeat. However, despite heavy losses, they failed to achieve complete victory in this conflict.
For their part, the North Korean authorities claim that they managed to "defeat the American imperialists" on their own, and the aid from abroad was purely logistical.
In this regard, many facts have received wide publicity only now, when the direct participants are almost gone.
One of the most interesting moments of those hostilities was air collisions at night.
Shortly after the United States entered full-scale hostilities on the Korean Peninsula, its Air Force achieved complete air supremacy.
To prevent the defeat of the North Korean allies, on November 14, 1950, JV Stalin ordered the formation of the 64th Fighter Aviation Corps (IAK). It consisted of 2-3 fighter aviation divisions, two anti-aircraft artillery divisions and one aviation technical division.

American aviation began to suffer heavy losses from collisions with Soviet jet MiG-15s. At that time, the main striking force of the American Air Force in Korea was the bombing units of the Strategic Air Command (SAC). They were armed with B-29 and B-50 strategic bombers.
After the loss of about 20 "flying fortresses" during two raids (not counting cover fighters), the American command had to change tactics, significantly reducing the number of day sorties. If earlier small groups and single light bombers B-26 "Invader" were sent on night raids, now they are joined by heavy B-29s.
In addition, the Americans have a new Sharan night targeting system, which made it possible to conduct effective bombing.
The Soviet command, in turn, strengthened the air defense systems, both from the air and from the ground.
The 10th searchlight regiment and the 87th anti-aircraft artillery division were transferred to Andong. This made it possible to create a continuous light spotlight field. On the hills, there were radar posts of the P-20 type radar. Also, the night aviation regiment of La-11 fighters was urgently formed.

The last Soviet piston fighter La-11 with North Korean identification marks
The regiment was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Andreevich Efimov. And the main task of the 351st IAP was to cover important strategic facilities of the DPRK: a hydroelectric power station near the city of Singhisu, a bridge over the Yalujiang River near the city of Andong, the Andong airfield and Anshan itself.
The first victory was won in the fall of 1951, when Senior Lieutenant V. Kurganov managed to shoot down the American Air Force B-26 "Invader" night bomber at low altitude at night.
The La-11 fighters had enough weapon power and speed to successfully fight the main enemy of that time - the B-26 night bomber, which flew at low altitude.
Since the La-11 had no radar, the pilots had to rely on moonlight or searchlight.

B-26 "Invader"
But with the B-29 piston "Lavochkin" it was difficult to cope. When entering the bombing area, the "flying fortresses" gained great altitude, and then went down to the target, picking up speed up to 620 km / h, which practically deprived the La-11 pilots of the opportunity to conduct effective fire. Because of the distance, American planes often left with impunity.

The command of the 64th IAK had to re-equip one squadron with jet MiG-15bis. This squadron began its combat missions in February 1952. The Americans quickly detected the presence of jet MiGs in the night sky over Korea with the help of radar, so the activity of the B-29 heavy bombers decreased.
In any case, the Soviet night fighters managed to repel several large raids with the help of anti-aircraft gunners, searchlights and radar posts.
On June 10, a group of B-29s carried out a night raid on bridges near Kwangsan. Near the target, they were met by a light field, and from the darkness a blow was struck by Soviet pilots. Two B-29s were shot down, another was seriously damaged and fell on the territory of South Korea. One badly damaged bomber managed to make an emergency landing at the Daegu airfield. In this battle, the deputy commander of the 351st IAP, captain A. M. Karelin, proved himself, who shot down two and damaged one B-29.
The next time A. M. Karelin, at that time already a major, managed to distinguish himself on July 3, 1952. An RB-50 reconnaissance aircraft, which was part of the 91st SAC Reconnaissance Squadron, was shot down in the light field.
From June to September 1952, Soviet pilots shot down at least seven American aircraft.
The American command had to change tactics. Now in front of the bombers flew squads of night interceptors, which cleared the way to the target. In addition, electronic warfare aircraft appeared in the strike group, which were supposed to suppress the radar guidance of fighters and anti-aircraft artillery.
Several night squadrons arrived at airbases in South Korea, which were equipped with all-weather jet fighters with radars. Among them were the 513th Night IAE of the American Marine Corps, which were armed with F3D "Skyknight" aircraft and the 319th EIP (fighter-interceptor squadron), armed with F-94B "Starflre" aircraft.
Beginning in the fall of 1952, American fighters intercepted MiGs before approaching a target or after a combat mission. On November 2, the first collision with the participation of jet planes of the two sides occurred. According to Western sources, one MiG-15 was shot down in this battle by an American infantry pilot in an F3D-2.

Night interceptor F3D-2 "Skyknight"
According to Soviet data, the pilots of the 351st IAP shot down 15 American aircraft in nighttime clashes. Among them: 5 V-26, 9 V-29 and RB-50 reconnaissance aircraft. The losses of the Soviet military amounted to 2 La-11 and 2 MiG-15. One pilot died - on August 8, 1951, senior lieutenant I. V. Gurilov got on the La-11 in a tropical typhoon and crashed. In November 1952, the second La-11 crashed on takeoff, but the pilot, Senior Lieutenant I. A. Alekseev, managed to escape. On MiGs, Senior Lieutenant I. P. Kovalev was shot down (November 8, 1952, survived) and Major P. F. Sychev from the corps management (November 19, 1952, died).
In March 1953, the 351st IAP was sent to the Soviet Union. He was replaced by the 298th IAP.
In March 1953, the Americans became active again. On the night of 5-6, a group of 17 B-29s raided the city of Ondjong. In total, five such raids were carried out this month, with the participation of at least 10 B-29s, which were covered by F3D-2N and F-94.
In April, the Americans decided to change the tactics of night raids on targets that covered the MiGs. Groups of bombers began to be sent only in bad weather or on moonless and cloudy nights, so as not to fall into the light fields of searchlights.
Despite the complication of combat conditions and opposition from night interceptors, the pilots of the 298th IAP still managed to achieve good results.
It destroyed 2 F-84 and 2 F-94, knocked out 4 B-29, 1 B-26 and 1 F3D-2N. It is worth noting that, according to the American side, the Soviet pilots won 8 victories, shooting down 3 F-84, 1 F-94 and 1 B-26, as well as knocking out 2 B-29 and 1 F3D-2N. The regiment's losses amounted to 2 MiG-15bis, one pilot was killed.
Recently there was information that a special reconnaissance aviation group, commanded by the Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant Colonel N. L. Arseniev, participated in the conflict. She was armed with the latest Il-28 at that time. The group was transferred to China in the summer of 1950. The pilots made almost half of the sorties at night, participating in hostilities until the end of the war. It is worth noting that in 1953 (possibly even earlier), the pilots carried out not only reconnaissance missions, but also bombed them. According to unconfirmed information so far, two Il-28s were lost during night raids.
Already before the end of hostilities, a group of 10 Chinese pilots (on the MiG-15), commanded by Senior Lieutenant Hou Sou Kyun, was prepared for night flights. They were based at the Miaogou airfield, not far from the 3rd AE of the 298th IAP. Soviet pilots passed on their experience to their colleagues, having taught them to fly in difficult meteorological conditions and at night. The Chinese began combat missions at the end of June, but they rarely met with opponents, only the commander managed to distinguish himself, who seriously damaged the F-94 in the Anei area in July. The American plane had to make an emergency landing on the coast of the DPRK.

Night interceptor F-94B "Starfire"
At the end of 1950, shortly after the start of the fighting, all DPRK aviation was either destroyed or blocked at airfields.
Taking into account the experience that the Soviet military received during the Great Patriotic War, it was decided to create a separate night aviation unit of the DPRK Air Force. Subsequently, it became a night aviation regiment of light night bombers, which were given command by Park Den Sik. At the end of 1951, he was awarded the title of Hero of the DPRK. Initially, this unit included several squadrons, which were armed with Soviet Po-2 light bombers.

Beginning in the summer of 1951, the pilots of the night aviation regiment made night combat missions, attacking targets behind the front line. On June 17, a bomb attack was carried out on an airfield in Suwon, during which 9 F-86 Saber aircraft were destroyed. Po-2 also attacked fuel depots and facilities in the port of Incheon and Yondipo airfield.
On June 21, the regiment's planes bombed the Seoul-Yongsan railway station. On June 24, an airfield in Suwon was attacked (10 aircraft were destroyed). Another squadron of the unit on the same night attacked an enemy convoy near the villages of Namsuri and Bouvalri, destroying about 30 vehicles. On June 28, the squadrons of the regiment bombed enemy troops in Yondiphe, Incheon, Yongsan and in the vicinity of Munsan.
On January 1, 1953, a night bomber aviation unit commanded by Park Den Sik destroyed a large tanker in the port of Incheon, as well as several military depots.
In 1952, the night units of the DPRK Air Force received Soviet Yak-11 and Yak-18 aircraft, which could carry not only small bombs, but also rockets. Several squadrons of the North Korean Air Force, armed with La-9 and La-11 piston fighters, were also transferred to night sorties. They carried out raids on the territory of South Korea. And although by that time these aircraft were already outdated, the North Korean pilots were able to deliver a lot of problems to the enemy.
Po-2 night sorties inflicted not only material damage, they also had a moral impact on enemy soldiers who could not feel safe even at night. The American soldiers got the Po-2 nickname - "Crazy Chinese Alarm Clocks."
To counter the Po-2, the command of the US Fifth Air Force used piston aircraft F-82G "Twin Mustang", F4U-5N "Corsair", F7F-5N "Tigercat" and AT-6 "Texan". The F-82G was in service with the 339th Air Force Squadron, and the F7F-5N with the 513th US Marine Night Fighter Squadron.

F-82G "Twin Mustang" night fighter
American F7F-5N "Tigercat" were able to shoot down several Po-2 aircraft. Also F7F-5N "Tigercat" were used in night attacks of ground targets in North Korea. On July 23, 1951, one of the F7F-5N "Tigercat" (pilot Marion Crawford and operator Gordon Barnett) was seriously damaged and crashed on landing. The operator managed to escape, but the pilot was never found. It should be noted that more than half of the night flights were carried out with the participation of the F7F-5N "Tigercat".

Night interceptor F7F-3N "Tigercat"
In the summer of 1952, the 513th AE received the F3D-2 "Skyknight" night fighter-interceptors. The first night radar victory was won by the crew of such an aircraft, pilot S. A. Covey and radar operator D. R. George.
On the night of November 2, they shot down the first jet MiG-15bis. During the fighting, the F3D-2 "Skyknight" pilots shot down seven enemy aircraft.
In March 1952, the 319th fighter-interceptor squadron, armed with Starfire jet fighters, arrived in South Korea. The pilots immediately began combat missions. True, the first interception turned into a tragedy: the pilot did not take into account the difference in speed and crashed right into the tail of the pursued Po-2. Both planes crashed. The next night, the squadron lost another fighter: the pilot took into account his colleague's mistake and extended the flaps and landing gear to reduce speed, but as a result he also lost altitude. The plane crashed, crashing into one of the hills, and its crew was killed.
The first victory was won only in April. The crew, consisting of the pilot, Captain Ben Fiton, and the operator, Lieutenant R. Lyson, managed to shoot down the enemy Po-2. The pilots of this squadron won their last victory on January 30, 1953, shooting down another Po-2. During the hostilities, the pilots of the 319th EIP made 4694 night flights, shooting down 4 Korean aircraft: 3 Po-2 and 1 La-9 and dropping 1108 tons of aerial bombs.

Fighter F4U-5N "Corsair"
In June 1953, a squadron of night fighters F4U-5N "Corsair", which was part of the fleet - VC-3, which was based on the American aircraft carrier "Princeton", joined the hostilities. Its main task was to intercept North Korean aircraft at night in the Seoul area. During the hostilities, Lieutenant Bordelon distinguished himself, who from June 29 to July 16 shot down 3 Yak-18 and 2 La-9 of the Korean military. This is the only pilot in the fleet who managed to achieve such a high result.
In general, the success of the US night interceptors was not very impressive. And, oddly enough, the most difficult target was the hopelessly outdated "old man" Po-2.