Uncertain future and limited prospects. Army jetpacks

Uncertain future and limited prospects. Army jetpacks
Uncertain future and limited prospects. Army jetpacks

Half a century ago, several leading countries were actively involved in the topic of the so-called. jetpacks and other individual aircraft. At that time, technologies did not allow creating such a product with a sufficient level of characteristics, and gradually interest in the direction disappeared. Now new technical and technological capabilities have appeared, which have already become the basis for promising projects. Predictably new jetpacks are grabbing the attention of armies - but their military future is still uncertain.

Promising sample

Several versions of jetpacks with various features are being developed and tested at once. The British company Gravity Industries Ltd. has achieved the greatest success and fame to date. with his project Jet Suit ("Jet Suit").


"Jet suit" is made in the form factor of a vest and a pair of bracers, connected by flexible sleeves and cables. On the back of the user is the main turbojet engine, which provides flight, and on the hands are located in pairs smaller and more powerful motors needed for stabilization and taxiing. Jet Suit weighs 27 kg; the total engine power reaches 1050 hp. Acceleration up to 85-88 km / h is provided (in the experimental flight they accelerated up to 136 km / h) and flight within 5-10 minutes.

Jet Suit is already on sale to everyone; the company-developer also organized courses for training future "pilots". Recently, GI has also demonstrated its development to government agencies in different countries, incl. the armed forces. Several similar events have taken place in recent months.

Armies study

Earlier this year, GI and the Royal Netherlands Navy Special Operations Forces (NLMARSOF) organized tests of the Jet Suit. Combat training operations were carried out, in which new equipment was used in the most active way.


In mid-April, a video of this exercise was published. A group of NLMARSOF fighters on motor boats approached a merchant ship with a conditional enemy. One of the participants wore a Jet Suit. At a given distance from the vessel, he took off, then independently reached the vessel and landed softly on the deck. After that, the soldier threw a rope ladder from the side, and his comrades climbed onto the ship to conduct a training battle with a conditional enemy. After that, the "pilot" left the ship and returned to the boat.

In early May, a video of a similar exercise conducted by the Royal Navy and the British Marines was released. They followed the same scenario as in the Netherlands, but with minor differences. So, the landing was carried out not on a merchant ship, but on a battleship - the patrol ship HMS Tamar (P233). In addition, the landing was performed not on the deck, but on the superstructure. After the battle, three pilots immediately landed on the helipad.


The Pentagon is also showing interest in the subject of jetpacks. In March, the advanced development agency DARPA launched a program to study this direction. In the near future, it was planned to accept applications from developers of such equipment, and then conduct evaluative and comparative tests. Several American and foreign organizations were expected to participate in the program.

After determining the circle of participants, the first phase of the research and development program will begin, for which six months are allocated, according to March reports. At this stage, participants will be able to receive assistance in the amount of $ 225 thousand. The most successful samples will proceed to the next stage and receive an additional $ 1.5 million. The circle of participants and the timing of the planned events have not yet been disclosed, but it can be assumed that they Gravity Industries Ltd.


Non-military structures are also showing interest in jetpacks. Last September, the GI product was tested by the Great North Air Ambulance Service, a British rescue service. With his help, the paramedic was able to find a conditional victim in a hard-to-reach area in just a minute and a half, provide the necessary assistance, and also prepare him for evacuation. In general, the "suit" was highly appreciated.

Benefits and Limitations

Jetpacks have a number of important features that should be useful in various fields, incl. in the army. At the same time, despite all the progress in recent years, significant shortcomings remain that hinder their implementation and full use. Perhaps, in the future, it will be possible to get a better balance of pros and cons, which will lead to a change in the situation.

The main advantage of the jetpack is the increase in human mobility without the use of "traditional" aircraft. A fighter or rescuer can independently fly and carry some payload, regardless of other equipment. In addition, the portable aircraft is more compact than other models, it is characterized by increased maneuverability, etc.


Modern technologies and components make it possible to obtain sufficiently high flight performance. Jet Suit is the most successful modern model in its class and surpasses similar designs of the past in its main characteristics. It can be expected that in the future, designs will become even more perfect and will show higher performance.

At the same time, the available parameters impose serious restrictions on the operation. The flight duration is no more than 5-10 minutes, depending on the speed, seriously limits the range and operational radius. As practice shows, the jetpack will help to catch up with the departing ship by air, but the transfer of soldiers over long distances is still impossible.

The carrying capacity of the backpacks is still limited, which will require a reduction in the equipment of the rescuer or paratrooper. This will keep the flight performance at an acceptable level, but will noticeably hit the operational and combat efficiency.


In a military context, a big problem is the survivability and combat stability of jetpacks. A flying fighter turns out to be a fairly simple target, and special means are not required to defeat him, small arms are enough. At the same time, it will not be easy to protect the paratrooper from bullets. Bulletproof vest, helmet and other products are perhaps the heaviest piece of equipment that can go beyond the carrying capacity of the aircraft.

The survivability of modern backpacks based on turbojet engines also leaves much to be desired. Any bullet is capable of causing fatal damage to the engine or fuel tank, provoking the destruction of the structure, fire and death of the paratrooper. The need to provide sufficient protection is again faced with the problem of carrying capacity.




Limited prospects

Thus, the jetpacks of the latest models in their characteristics and capabilities surpass the developments of the past, and also show their wide possibilities of application for peaceful and military purposes. All this becomes a reason for optimism and allows developers to talk about the greatest future for their products.

However, a more thorough study of the topic shows that a number of specific questions and problems still remain in the field of individual aircraft. Some of them make it difficult to introduce new technologies in certain areas, while others hinder the development of the direction as a whole. It is not known whether it will be possible to deal with all these problems in the foreseeable future and at an acceptable price.


It can be assumed that the existing and developed samples really have certain practical prospects. They are quite capable of finding applications in different areas, but in certain areas, much progress is not expected. Perhaps these are only temporary problems, although the fundamental impossibility of effectively using jetpacks for some tasks cannot be ruled out.

Recent demonstration tests show that the "Jet Suit" copes with the role of sports equipment for extreme athletes, and is also useful in providing assistance, even with some restrictions. Military use remains questionable. Recent exercises showed the general capabilities of the Gravity Jet Suit, but did not take into account all the possible and characteristic threats and risks. The practical and theoretical value of such tests is at least ambiguous.


It should be noted that the DARPA agency recently joined the study of the subject of jetpacks. In the near future, it plans to study all available proposals and ideas, conduct full-scale tests of equipment and draw conclusions about the military prospects of the direction. Such news is of great interest.

It is possible that the developments of commercial organizations and the supervision of the Pentagon will finally lead to the emergence of a full-fledged army jetpack. However, it cannot be ruled out that the American research program will come to negative conclusions, and the curious direction will again be abandoned. In any case, DARPA will make every effort and draw the most objective conclusions. In addition, the agency will set an example for other countries that do not yet know whether to pursue an ambiguous but interesting direction.
