77 aircraft and over 100 helicopters in 2013

77 aircraft and over 100 helicopters in 2013
77 aircraft and over 100 helicopters in 2013

Unlike the shipbuilding program, the aircraft industry is showing steady growth in all respects. The state defense order was fulfilled almost 100%, and in a number of positions it was overfulfilled. New equipment en masse went to the troops. So, in 2012, the troops came 40 aircraft of all types, and this one already 77! In the helicopter industry, the growth is not so great, but this is already limited by the portfolio of orders and the total workload of enterprises with export and domestic supplies. So, compared with 292 helicopters built in 2013, this will be around 320 pieces for all customers. Separately, it should be noted the general state of the industry, which is gradually gaining momentum. So, in 2012 it was built for military and civilian customers 68 aircraft of all types, and this year only under the state defense order + civil aviation - 107 machines, excluding export orders! In civil aircraft construction, with 30 aircraft built, they reached the turn of 1993. Well, now in more detail on deliveries under the SDO for 2013.


12 Su-35S according to the report on December 25 from General Viktor Bondarev. All the transferred cars went to Dzemgi.


14 Su-34, the whole year were transferred in batches of 1-3 cars. The contract for 32 aircraft from 2008 was closed. The first two aircraft were also delivered under the 2012 contract for 92 aircraft of this type.


14 Su-30SM - 4 (54, 55, 56, 57) were transferred to Lipetsk at the beginning of the year, then aircraft 1007-1016 (01-10) to Domna.


4 Su-30M2 - 79810387938 bn 20 red, 79810387939 bn 40 red, 79810387940 bn 40 red, 79810388101 bn 30 blue, the first 4 Su-30M2 under last year's contract. Adopted at the end of December 2013, the drive to Dzemgi and Uglovaya, one car will be overtaken this year, on December 27, 2 cars (20 and 40 red) left for Krymsk.


4 MiG-29K / UB - 2 MiG-29K and 2 MiG-29KUB were transferred to the Navy on November 25 from a contract for 24 shipborne fighters of a new type.


18 (20) Yak-130 under the contract dated December 8, 2011 for the supply of 55 aircraft. All planes left for Borisoglebsk. At the end of December, the first pair of Yak-130 2014 was delivered ahead of schedule.


1 An-148-100E. The first aircraft was delivered on December 6, 2013 under a contract until 2017 for 17 aircraft for the Air Force. The aircraft was transferred to base 800 in Chkalovsky.

77 aircraft and over 100 helicopters in 2013!
77 aircraft and over 100 helicopters in 2013!

3 An-140-100 13A007 for the Russian Air Force made its first flight on February 19, 2013, delivered to the customer on April 5, 2013. Factory 13A004 (RA-41255) transferred on October 13. Factory 13A009 was transferred to the Navy aviation on December 21.


3 L-410UVP-E20 for the Russian Air Force. The aircraft marked OK-JDC arrived in Nizhny Novgorod on June 26, 2013 for a further flight to Chkalovsky. The aircraft marked OK-JDD arrived on July 9, 2013 in Nizhny Novgorod, then made a further flight at the place of deployment in Chkalovsky. L-410UVP-E20 OK-JDE On 13 October, the Air Force accepted the third aircraft of this type.


Tu-154. The last production aircraft Tu-154M with registration RA-85042 was handed over to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on February 19, 2013.


Tu-214ON. The long-term construction was finally finalized, and the Air Force took it into trial operation on August 20, 2013.


At least 14 Mi-28Ns - transfer of 10 aircraft to the ZVO in the 15th brigade to the Ostrov base: numbers 01-10. 4 sides were added to the 546 base.


At least 17 Ka-52. So, on December 25, a batch of 14 vehicles was transferred, which will be transported to Rostvertol and assembled in 2014, the recipient is the 15th brigade. Also, 3 new Ka-52s were delivered to Chernigovka. We do not count 16 helicopters assembled in 2013 at Rostvertol, because the transfer of machines in 2012 from Progress.


At least 8 Mi-35s: a batch of 2 vehicles in the Southern Military District (Korenovsk) and 2 ZVOs in Ostrov on October 20, 4 more Mi-35s were transferred to Ostrov as part of the delivery of 10 helicopters in December.


4 Mi-26s were handed over to w / n numbers 53, 54, 55, 56 during the year, all newly built.


53 Mi-8AMTSh. For the year, the plant in Ulan-Ude exceeded the plan for 2013 and handed over 53 Mi-8AMTSh to the troops. General Viktor Bondarev reported on the receipt of the helicopters.


More than 10 Mi-8MTV5: delivery of two vehicles to Tver in February 2013, w / n 84 and 85 yellow.6 new helicopters to the base near St. Petersburg - from November 18, 2013. Small deliveries went to the Southern Military District and the Western Military District without specifying the exact amount.


At least 6 Ansat-U. Helicopters with w / n numbers 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 yellow to the Syzran center on March 20, 2013, possibly, these are 2012 cars that were overtaken in February. Six new Ansat-U, according to a press release dated November 22, 2013. Delivery to Syzran.


In terms of aircraft repair, everything is not so rosy. A rather low quality of work is noted at many enterprises; it is still necessary to restore order in the industry and saturate it with new equipment. However, there are some positive developments here. So, during the year 3 AN-124-100 were repaired: RA-82030, RA-82035, RA-82037. The program of modernization of the Su-25SM is also continuing: during the year at least 12 aircraft were transferred, mainly to Primorsko-Akhtarsk.

More planes are to be delivered next year. The largest growth is expected for Irkut. But by helicopters, we should expect deliveries in the region of hundreds of vehicles, maybe. and less.
