The second largest series of surface warships in the world with a displacement of over 5 thousand tons. To date, 14 units have been commissioned; five more were laid and completed. By the beginning of the next decade, their number promises to reach 20.

The European military-industrial complex, which managed to be buried and inveterate by the efforts of the domestic media, turned out to be more alive than all the living. The construction of ships under the FREMM program is taking place against the backdrop of a gradual and continuous strengthening of European fleets, which can hardly be explained by the surge of militarism or preparations for a major war. The emergence of projects such as FREMM is just a consequence of a developed economy, in which even minimal defense costs (within 2% of the GDP of these countries) are enough to completely renew the composition of their navies. The observed situation is also greatly facilitated by the technologies of our time, thanks to which the frigate acquires the value of a rank 1 ship. Its presence can be felt throughout the entire theater of war. A couple of decades ago, to install weapons with similar characteristics, a ship with twice the displacement was required.
In a number of aspects, FREMM is a step back compared to the previous European project CNGF, within the framework of which 4 Horizont frigates were built - a pair each for the French and Italian navies. Objectively speaking, these are the best ships for solving air defense missions ever created in the history of the navy.

The current FREMM is different.
Reduced air defense capabilities and the minimum composition of strike weapons (half of the frigates do not have them at all) indicate a lack of intentions to conduct full-scale military operations. FREMM (Frégate multi-mission) are patrol ships of the far sea zone, focused on participation in low-intensity conflicts, police and humanitarian operations. This conclusion is emphasized by the priorities of their design, in which significant volumes of the hull and superstructure are allocated for the placement of rigid-hull high-speed boats and helicopters.
A certain role is played by financial constraints, which are caused by the reduction of ammunition and other design compromises. The very variegated composition of the series of frigates, which are built in four modifications (air defense / PLO / multipurpose / multipurpose shock), is explained not by the popular concepts of "modularity", but by a more prosaic reason - the desire to keep the cost of units within 600-700 million euros. Each frigate is equipped with only a fraction of the available equipment. The choice of tools to be installed is determined by its "purpose".
Structural underloading and "reserved volumes" are in one way or another characteristic of most modern ships. However, in the case of FREMM, saving has become a priority for the entire project.
Certainly not missile cruisers or dreadnoughts. But do not flatter yourself. As noted, modern technologies allow more than it might seem at first glance.
French frigates (subclass "Aquitaine") are routinely equipped with the "Hercules" radar, with an instrumental detection range of 250 km, with the ability to track up to 400 targets. The same multifunctional radar system provides control of anti-aircraft missiles on the cruising section of the trajectory. No additional illumination radar is required - FREMM frigates are armed with Aster missiles with active guidance heads.

Italian frigates (subclass "Bergamini") are equipped with a more advanced radar "Kronos" with an active phased antenna.
In addition to the main multifunctional radar, European frigates are equipped with an additional 2D centimeter range radar for detecting small surface and low-flying targets. French - "Terma Scanter" high definition. Italians - "Leonardo SPS-732", emitting weak pulses in a wide frequency range, "red noise" to make it difficult to detect its work. Unlike the enemy's RTR, which do not pay attention to too weak signals or take them for radio interference, the Leonardo SPS-732 processor gradually accumulates data and, according to the theory of probability, determines the position of the target.
The flight range of Aster-30 anti-aircraft missiles, according to the data presented, is 100+ km. However, six of the eight French frigates (in the "budget" PLO version) cannot boast of this capability. Their armament includes only the Aster-15. Missiles of this type, due to the absence of a launch stage and a reduced "dead zone", are ideal for close interception. But they have a limited flight range (only 30 km).
Other notable features and "high-tech" innovations in the assets of FREMM frigates:
- cruise missiles SCALP-Naval - the European analogue of "Calibers" and "Tomahawks" with a lower launch weight (1400 kg), stealth technology and a flight range of 1000 km. In reality, SLCMs were installed only on French ships (16 UVP). The Italians limited themselves to the reserved space for vertical launchers;
- VULKANO adjustable artillery shells of 127 mm caliber with a declared firing range of 120 km. For Italian "multipurpose" frigates only;
- two sonars - under-keel and towed, with a low-frequency antenna. The Italians are equipped with an additional GAS for mine detection;
- only on Italian frigates - MILAS anti-submarine missile system, a rather rare occurrence for European ships;
- the French also did not remain in debt - the standard equipment of the frigates included the all-aspect Artemis system for monitoring the situation in the infrared range in conditions of any visibility and at any time of the day.

The list of differences in the composition of the weapons of French and Italian FREMMs can take more than one page, and Latin abbreviations and numbers will cause boredom even for a specialist. This material is not intended to be a technical report. Its purpose is for readers to have their own opinion about these controversial ships.
Strictly speaking, the frigates "Aquitaine" and "Bergamini" are two different projects using a hull similar in shape and some technical solutions (for example, the SYLVER type UVP). They are related by the common characteristics and the tasks they face. Ideal compatibility for operations as part of a single operational unit.
Each of the countries strives to support domestic producers. Hence the national flavor in the "stuffing" of each frigate. From anti-ship missiles of our own production (the French - the traditional "Exocet", the Italians - "Otomat") to the deck devices for forced landing, mooring and movement of helicopters. Unlike the French using their own Samahé system, the Italians chose the American TC-ASIST.

Despite all the fraternization of European peoples, surrounded by the NATO Link-21 data exchange network, the ships of France and Italy remain independent in such critical areas as control and decision-making. The frigates of each country are equipped with their own CIUS. The French system is called SETIS. The Italians have "Athena".
Not to mention such "trifles" as encrypted communication channels. For example, the equipment of French FREMMs includes communication equipment via military satellites of the Syracuse series.
There are differences in the power plant. Both subclasses of frigates use a modern combined diesel-electric transmission with the ability to connect a full-speed gas turbine. At the same time, the Italian project implies the possibility of simultaneous operation of rowing electric motors and a gas turbine engine operating on both shafts. Due to this, the Italian FREMM have a slight advantage in full speed (30 versus 27 knots). Also, either due to the better efficiency of the power plant, or due to the increased supply of fuel, the Italians have an advantage in the cruising range of the economic course.
The French chose the German MTU diesel engines as the power plant for the economical running, the Italians - their own Isotta-Fraschini. To move at full speed, all frigates are equipped with an Italian gas turbine Avio LM2500, a licensed copy of General Electric. In addition, all frigates are equipped with an auxiliary thruster in the bow of the hull.
Based on the "tabular" characteristics, among the ships of the FREMM class built to date, the Italian multipurpose version "Carlo Bergamini" looks the most attractive. There are long-range anti-aircraft missiles, and a radar with AFAR, and a pair of artillery systems of 127 and 76 mm calibers, and even a hangar designed for two helicopters.
As for the lack of cruise missiles, a half dozen CRBMs do not solve anything in any conflict. Equivalent - departure of a pair of tactical aviation units. Much more important is the ability of "Bergamini" to provide zonal air defense / missile defense of sea formations, this is the purpose of the existence of a ship of 6700 tons.

The French also do not sit idly by. In 2016, at the shipyard in Lorient, "Alsace" was laid down, the differences of which from the basic FREMM were so great that it was classified as a new type FREDA ("air defense frigate"). Among the main differences is the reconfiguration of the frigate's bow with the installation of 32 SYLVER missile silos in the "tactical" version (instead of 16 "short" silos for self-defense missiles and 16 "long" silos for CD on the base FREMM). As ammunition - any combination of the "Aster" family of anti-aircraft missiles to provide air defense in the near and far zones. To keep the cost of the ship at an acceptable level, the designers had to sacrifice a towed antenna.
In addition to the four basic ones, FREMM has a couple of export modifications - "Tahiya Misr" for the Egyptian naval forces and "Mohammed VI" for the Moroccan Navy. However, there is not much to talk about there: export frigates differ from French ones by dismantled SLCM mines. But the customer is satisfied - there even such ships will pass for flagships.
The Americans are showing some interest in the project, considering FREMM as the basis for their promising FFG (X) frigates. For those who are not in the know: the United States and Italy are bound by invisible but strong ties in the field of military shipbuilding. For example, the shipyard in Wisconsin, which massively builds ships in the coastal zone of the LCS, is part of the Italian Fincantieri Group - the same one that created FREMM.
Most of all, I would hate to see comments like "French and Italians great, seven feet under the keel" right now. Unlike any news about the renewal of the American fleet, the news of the strengthening of the sea power of the Europeans does not cause that excitement, the desire for all kinds of curses and accusations of militarism.
Dear Sirs, let's be logical to the end. We are talking about the fleets of NATO countries that continuously commit provocative acts and participate in creating threats against Russia and our allies. From regular trips to the Black Sea to missile strikes on Syrian territory. The existence of the FREMM armada directly contradicts our interests. This is the enemy. And it is very bad that he surpasses us in the number and quality of combat units.
As for the purely technical side of the issue, FREMM is another example of the fact that modern ships are designed only for single shots and counteracting point attacks. They are not ready for a serious confrontation at sea.