Norway has a land border with a total length of 2,515 km, while the length of the coastline exceeds 25 thousand km (more than 83 thousand km including the islands). The area of the exclusive economic zone is almost 3.4 million square kilometers. In this regard, Norway needs a developed naval force and coast guard capable of protecting its interests at sea. Consider the state and prospects of the coast guard fleet.
History of the issue
The Norwegian Coast Guard or Kystvakten (Hüstvakten) was established in 1976 as part of the armed forces. The real activity of this structure began in 1977, and at that time it did not have special opportunities. The original staff of BOHR included only 700 people. There were several boats of their own, and larger vessels were rented from private companies.
In the future, the guard was updated and strengthened due to people and new technology. Ships and boats were built on purpose, transferred from the Navy or leased. Due to this approach, despite limited funding and other difficulties, the Norwegian SOBR during its existence managed to obtain and master more than 40 boats, ships and ships of different classes.
At the moment, the Kystvakten ship group includes only 15 pennants, divided into two units depending on their capabilities and tasks. There is an "external" Ytre kystvakt fleet for offshore operations and an "internal" Indre kystvakt - for solving tasks in the coastal zone. The first includes 10 combat units, the second - half as much.

It should be noted that until recently there were only 13 vessels in the Kystvakten structure. BOKHR received two new pennants just a few days ago, on December 14, in accordance with another lease agreement. Thus, over time, the Coast Guard does not change its approach.
Indre kystvakt
Five small ships of the Nornen class are the main SOBR instrument in the coastal zone. They are intended for patrolling water areas and searching for surface objects, for direct protection of the coastline from the enemy, and are also capable of solving search and rescue or police tasks.
The project was developed by the Norwegian design bureau Skipsteknisk AS and implemented by the Polish plant Stocznia Remontowa Gryfia. In 2006-2007. five ships were built, named after the characters of Scandinavian mythology. The development and construction of the ships were paid for by Remøy Shipping, which also became their owner. However, immediately after the completion of construction, the ships were leased to the SOBR.
The original contract provided for the lease of five ships for a period of 15 years. In 2011, a decision was made to buy out the ships. A one-time payment of NOK 477 million (about US $ 50 million) saved more than NOK 110 million (about US $ 12 million) during the remaining service life. According to the existing plans, the operation of the ships "Nornen" will continue until the early thirties.
The ships KV Nornen (W 330), KV Farm (W 331), KV Heimdal, (W 332), KV Njord (W 333) and KV Tor (W 334) have a length of 47 m and a displacement of 760 tons. The hull corresponds to ice class 1C … The movement is provided by a diesel power plant. The armament is represented by a large-caliber machine gun. Also on board there is a variety of equipment for rescue and other operations.
Ytre kystvakt
The oldest representatives of the "external" Hüstvaktn fleet, capable of operating offshore, are the three ice-class patrol ships of the Nordkapp type. They have been under construction since the late seventies and entered service in 1981-82. Initially, a larger batch was planned, but the order was reduced for financial reasons.

The ships "North Cape" have a length of 105 m and a displacement of 3200 tons. The power plant based on four diesel engines provides a speed of up to 22.5 knots. The crew includes 52 people. The armament consists of one turret with a 57-mm automatic cannon and three large-caliber machine guns. At the stern there is a platform for receiving a helicopter. Due to the available equipment, the ships are able to monitor the situation and identify intruders. They can also be used in search and rescue or other operations.
In 2001, the Norwegian Coast Guard received the icebreaker KV Svalbard (W303). In 2005, the KV Harstad (W318) entered service. Their main task is to ensure the passage of other ships, but it is also possible to perform the functions of armed patrol ships.
With a length of 103 meters, Svalbard has a displacement of 6375 tons. It is equipped with 4 diesel engines and 2 rudder propellers. The maximum speed is 18 knots. The crew of 48 people can use a developed complex of navigation and other equipment, as well as weapons in the form of a 57-mm artillery mount. "Harstad" has a length of 82 m and a displacement of 3170 tons. Its power plant includes two diesel engines, two propellers and one bow thruster. The icebreaker develops a speed of up to 18 knots. Armament - 40-mm automatic cannon.
Three Barentshav-class patrol ships were built in Romania by order of Remøy Shipping, in 2009-2010. leased to the Norwegian BOHR. They replaced three outdated pennants, reducing operating costs and improving overall fleet efficiency. In the Barentshav project, the approach to the creation of a power plant is of particular interest. Marine diesel engines can run on liquefied natural gas, which significantly reduces harmful emissions compared to traditional fuels.
The ship of the Barentshav class with a length of 92 m has a displacement of 3250 tons. On diesel fuel, the ship develops a speed of over 18 knots, on gas - about 16.5 knots. Armament - one 40-mm cannon. Special equipment includes towing and rescue equipment, crane, etc.

On December 13, an agreement was signed for the lease of two new ships for Hustvaktn. In accordance with this agreement, Boa Offshore AS is transferring two anchor supply and handling vessels to the SOBR. As part of the Coast Guard, they will become the ice-class patrol ships KV Bison (W323) and KV Jarl (W324). The lease was concluded for five years with the possibility of renewal for the same period.
The ships "Bizon" and "Jarl" were built in 2012-14. commissioned by Boa Offshore and intended for use in the mining industry. The construction was carried out within the framework of Sino-Norwegian cooperation. In recent years, Boa has been experiencing financial difficulties that have forced it to sell part of its property, incl. two ships.
The ships KV Bison (W323) and KV Jarl (W324) have a length of 92 m and a displacement of 7300 tons. Ice class - DNV + 1A1 and ICE-S. There are towing devices and a variety of rescue equipment. Due to their past "specialty", the new patrol ships can effectively deal with oil spills. Armament on the ships is not yet available, but may appear in the near future.
Rearmament prospects
The possible acquisition of two new ships by the end of 2019 became known only a few months ago, and until recently, the main details of such plans were not provided. The latest events came as a kind of surprise to the public.
The plans of the command for the foreseeable future are already known. In 2013, they ordered the development of a new project of a patrol ship with the code "6615". Initially, it was planned to build only one such ship, then the series was increased to three with an option for the fourth. According to the latest news, the construction of a fourth ship is now unlikely.

The ships KV Jan Mayen (W310), KV Bjørnøya (W311) and KV Hopen (W312) will be built and handed over to SOBR in 2022-24. Their delivery will make it possible to remove obsolete ships of the Nordkapp type from Kystvakten while maintaining the desired size of the fleet and some increase in its efficiency.
According to the known data, plans for the development of the Navy and the Coast Guard of Norway are determined for a period until 2034. There is only one new program in the interests of the Coast Guard - Project 6615 or Jan Mayen. The construction, purchase or lease of new ships is not yet planned. However, the impetuosity at the conclusion of the contract for "Bizon" and "Jarl" does not allow completely excluding such a development of events.
Optimal tool
Thus, at the moment, the Norwegian Coast Guard fleet is large enough and is quite capable of solving the assigned tasks. At the same time, fairly old ships with limited capabilities remain in service. The average age of the rest of the fleet remains within reasonable limits. The pace of development of Kystvakten can be negatively affected by various factors, from the supporting role of this structure to limited funding.
Nevertheless, the Hustvaktn command is taking all possible measures and increasing the grouping of ships, and also planning future rearmament. With all the objective limitations, the current composition of the SOBR in the form of 13-15 ships can be considered optimal and providing further effective service.