The PLA Navy has a fairly large fleet of missile boats - about 130-150 units. several types. The most widespread representatives of this class are Type 022 or Hubei catamarans. They were built from the beginning of the 2000s, and to date, more than 80 units have been added to the combat composition. Such boats combine high running characteristics and wide combat capabilities.
Updating processes
In the late nineties, the Chinese Navy had a large number of missile boats of several projects. At the same time, the average age of such a fleet was constantly increasing, the equipment became obsolete morally and physically, and its tactical and technical characteristics were less and less consistent with the current requirements. The need to create a new boat became obvious.
The promising project received the working designation "022". In foreign sources, the boat is often referred to according to the NATO classification - Houbei. The development of the project was carried out at the turn of the nineties and two thousandths. There is no precise information about the studies that preceded the design, as well as about the specifics of the design of the project and the deployment of the series.

Abroad, they learned about the new Chinese boat in the spring of 2004. Then, at one of the shipyards in Shanghai, an unusual hull was seen, which clearly had nothing to do with well-known projects. In the summer, the boat was launched for completion and subsequent tests. By the beginning of 2005, the head "Type 022" was accepted into the Navy.
It is known that in 2006-2007. a total of four shipyards in Shanghai and Guangzhou were involved in the program for the construction of new missile boats. Having established production, they could build up to 10 boats annually. Thanks to this, the Chinese fleet was able to count on an early replacement of outdated missile boats with imperfect weapons.
Offshore platform
From the known data it follows that the project "022" had several main tasks. Some of them are associated with driving and maneuverability, visibility, etc. it was proposed to solve by creating a special design of the hull and superstructure, as well as by introducing a power plant and other systems with the required parameters.

The boat "Type 022" is built according to the catamaran scheme and has an interesting hull design. The side hulls, which are in the water and keep the boat afloat, differ in their limited cross-section and width, but are made as long as possible. The thin nose of such a hull rises minimally above the surface and literally cuts through the waves, which is associated with the need to increase the running characteristics.
T. N. the bridge connecting the two hulls and containing the main systems and assemblies resembles an ordinary boat. He received an inclined stem and a V-shaped bottom of the traditional ship shape in the bow. The keel and sides normally do not touch the water, and behind them is a simple flat bottom. On such a hull, a superstructure of limited height is installed, behind which the mast is located. In the aft part of the superstructure, box-shaped launchers for anti-ship missiles are provided.
The surface of the boat "Hubei" indicates the use of stealth technology. The hull and superstructure are composed of straight surfaces with smooth edges, located at different angles to each other and to the horizon. At the same time, as far as is known, the structure is made of metal, and a mass of protruding parts is preserved on the deck and superstructure, which can reduce the effect of subtle forms.

The boat is equipped with two diesel engines of 3430 hp each. Each of them runs on its own pair of water cannons, installed in the stern of the side hull. The catamaran structure and water cannons allow a speed of 36-38 knots.
"Type 022" has a length of 42.6 m and a width of approx. 12 m and draft 1, 5 m. Displacement - 224 tons. The crew includes 12 people. The range, autonomy and other parameters remain unknown. In this case, the boats are able to operate freely in the coastal zone, at some distance from the bases.
Armament issues
Project "022" provided for the use of a whole range of electronic, artillery and missile weapons. The radar H / LJQ-362 is responsible for the search for surface targets. It provides object detection and target designation at ranges up to 100 km and altitudes up to 8 km. There is an H / ZGJ-1B optoelectronic station with day and night modes. All these tools are integrated into the H / ZFJ-1A fire control system.

The main weapon of the Hubei is YJ-83 anti-ship missiles. In the stern of the superstructure, there are two launchers of four anti-ship missiles each. The launch is carried out into the front hemisphere. Having found a target or received target designation from the side, the boat's crew enters data into the rocket's automation and launches. Provides firing single missiles and a salvo with an interval of 3 seconds.
Anti-ship missiles YJ-83 have a length of more than 6, 3 m and a weight of 800 kg, of which 190 kg falls on the warhead. The flight to the target is carried out at subsonic speed. The range of later missile modifications is up to 250 km. Such a missile is capable of incapacitating surface ships of various classes, up to frigates and destroyers.
For targets in the near zone, the boat carries an H / PJ-13 artillery mount with a 30-mm six-barreled machine gun - a copy of the Soviet AO-18. The control of this weapon is carried out using an optoelectronic station on the mast. Also on board the boat there are MANPADS. There are two installations for shooting noise.

Rocket flotillas
The lead boat Type 022 was handed over to the PLA Navy at the end of 2004. Soon after, three more hulls were noticed at the Shanghai plant, completed and delivered in 2005-2006. The inclusion of new enterprises in the construction program has made it possible to dramatically increase the pace and volume of production, reaching the level of 10 boats annually. Already in 2008, foreign media reported that China had 40 boats of a new project.
For several years, boats "022" have become the most massive model in service with the Chinese fleet. According to various sources, the Navy currently has at least 60-80 such boats. Most sources mention 83 pennants. They are distributed among several units within all three naval fleets based in different ports.
The task of the new type of missile boats is to protect the coastal zone from surface ships of a potential enemy. Their use is regularly practiced in the course of various exercises. In addition, Type 022 boats are used to protect the country's interests in remote areas. For example, along with other ships and vessels, missile boats participate in patrols near the disputed Spratly Islands. Obviously, they can be used in other operations in other areas.

Benefit the Navy
To date, up to 83 Type 022 missile catamarans have been built, and they have become the most massive combat units of the PLA Navy. Such quantitative indicators are associated with both relative simplicity and low cost, and high potential. Project "022" provided for the use of the most modern components and new solutions, which provides a number of important opportunities.
Due to the catamaran structure and water-jet propellers, the Hubei boat is capable of developing high speed and quickly reaching the missile launch line. The discreet design reduces the likelihood of early detection and effective retaliation. The missiles used show sufficiently high flight and combat characteristics and are quite capable of performing the assigned tasks - especially when firing salvo forces by one or several boats.
Thus, the problem of updating the surface forces was successfully solved. The PLA Navy received dozens of new boats with improved characteristics and expanded capabilities, and this made it possible to abandon a significant part of the outdated combat units. Most likely, the Type 022 boats will retain their place in the fleet for a long time, and they will only be replaced in the distant future.