You can hit a flying ballistic missile in different ways. It can be destroyed by a blast wave and shrapnel in the active section of the trajectory, and warheads should be hit on the descent. An interceptor missile can carry a conventional or nuclear charge, including a neutron one, which destroys a warhead. Of all the methods of intercepting and hitting ballistic targets, American specialists in recent decades prefer the so-called. kinetic intercept - this concept provides for the destruction of a target with a direct strike from an anti-missile.
History of the issue
According to known data, the possibility of carrying out kinetic interception was studied in the United States almost from the very beginning of the creation of antimissile defense. However, due to the great complexity, such a concept did not receive real development for a long time, which is why the old anti-missile missiles carried fragmentation or special warheads. Interest in kinetic interception reappeared only in the early nineties after the well-known events.

GBI rocket launch, March 25, 2019 US Department of Defense photo
During the war in the Persian Gulf, the Iraqi army massively used operational-tactical missile systems. The US Army used Patriot anti-aircraft systems to protect against them, but the results of their work were far from desired. It turned out that MIM-104 missiles successfully aim at ballistic targets and even hit them. However, the impact of the fragmentation warhead was insufficient. The enemy missile was damaged, but continued to fly along a ballistic trajectory; the warhead remained operational and could hit the target. In addition, control over the results of the air defense missile system was seriously hampered. The damaged ballistic missile on the radar screen did not differ much from the whole.
Subsequently, it was reported that Iraq carried out over 90 launches of tactical missiles. More than 45 missiles managed to hit with the MIM-104 missiles, including destroying them in the air. Several more missiles were successfully attacked, but were able to continue their flight and fell on or near their designated targets.
As a result of the events in the Middle East, serious conclusions were drawn that predetermined the further development of American missile defense systems of all classes and types. In practice, in a real conflict, it was found that a ballistic target cannot be guaranteed to be destroyed with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead. The principle of kinetic interception was considered a convenient way out of this situation.

Launch of the THAAD rocket. US Army Photos
It is not difficult to calculate the physical features of kinetic interception. Iraq used an export version of the Soviet 8K14 missile. The dry weight of such a product with a non-detachable warhead 8F14 was 2076 kg - not counting the possible remnants of fuel. The maximum speed of the rocket on the downward trajectory is 1400 m / s. This means that the kinetic energy of the product can reach almost 2035 MJ, which is equivalent to an explosion of about 485 kg of TNT. One can imagine the consequences of a collision of a rocket with such energy with any other object. The collision is guaranteed to destroy the missile, and also cause the detonation of its warhead. It should be borne in mind that the energy parameters of the collision process also depend on the characteristics of the interceptor missile.
A detailed study of the concept of kinetic interception already in the early nineties led to well-known consequences. The Pentagon recommended developing all new anti-missile systems based on similar ideas.
Upgraded Patriot
Already in the early nineties, the development of a new modification of the Patriot air defense system, which received the designation PAC-3, began. The main task of this project was to create a new anti-missile, capable of attacking and destroying ballistic targets at speeds up to 1500-1600 m / s. The design work took several years, and in 1997 the first test launch of a new missile called ERINT (Extended Range Interceptor) took place.

SM-3 rocket launch, the target of which is a failed satellite. Photo by US Navy
ERINT is a product with a length of over 4.8 m, a diameter of 254 mm and a mass of 316 kg. The rocket is equipped with a solid-propellant engine and an active radar homing head. With the help of the latter, an independent search for a target is carried out with an exit to the point of collision with it. The firing range reaches 20 km. Interception height - 15 km.
It is curious that the ERINT missile, using kinetic intercept as the main method of operation, carries an additional warhead - Lethality Enhancer. It includes a low-power explosive charge and 24 relatively heavy tungsten submunitions. In a collision with a target and a missile detonation, the elements should scatter in the transverse plane, increasing the area of destruction of the anti-missile.
The Patriot PAC-3 air defense system with a new missile was put into service in 2001 and soon replaced the previous modifications in the US Army. This technique was repeatedly used in the framework of exercises, and in 2003 in Iraq it had to participate in real battles. During this period, the Iraqi army carried out about a dozen launches of operational-tactical missiles. All these items were successfully intercepted on the descending trajectory. The falling debris posed no danger to the troops.

Scheme of SM-3 missiles. Figure Missile Defense Agency /
In 2015, the Patriot PAC-3 MSE (Missile Segment Enhancement) air defense system entered service. Its main element is the modernized ERINT anti-missile missile, which has improved flight performance. Due to the new engine and improved control systems, the range and height of destruction, as well as maneuverability, have been improved. At the same time, the basic principles of work have not changed - the destruction is still carried out by collision with the target or with the help of flying striking elements.
In 1992, the development of a fundamentally new ground-based mobile anti-missile system THAAD was launched. This time it was about creating a missile defense system capable of intercepting medium-range ballistic missile warheads outside the earth's atmosphere. The maximum speed of the intercepted target was supposed to reach 2500-2800 m / s. Development took several years, and in 1995 prototypes of the future THAAD vehicles entered the testing range.
The rocket of the THAAD complex is a product with a length of 6, 2 m with a diameter of 340 mm with a launch weight of 900 kg. There is a solid propellant engine that provides a flight range of more than 200 km and a target destruction height of up to 150 km. Unlike ERINT, the THAAD missile is equipped with an infrared homing head. A separate warhead, even an auxiliary one, is absent. The defeat of the target is carried out by aiming and colliding.
From 1995 to 1999, 11 test launches of THAAD interceptors were carried out - the vast majority of them involved the interception of a target missile. 7 launches ended in failure of one kind or another. Four launches were considered successful. The last two test firing confirmed the ability to intercept ballistic targets.

Missiles of the SM-3 family. Drawing Raytheon /
In 2005, a new stage of testing began, during which the THAAD complex showed better results. The vast majority of launches ended with a successful interception. According to the test results, the complex was put into service. The first connection with such equipment took over duty in 2008. Subsequently, new complexes were deployed in all dangerous areas. Several systems of the United States were transferred to friendly countries.
Naval missiles
The most important component of the overall US missile defense system are the carriers of the Aegis BMD complex. It can use anti-aircraft missiles of several types with different characteristics. In the past, a fundamental decision was made to switch to the kinetic interception principle. Modern ship-based anti-missiles lack a separate warhead.
The development of the promising RIM-161 SM-3 rocket began in the late nineties. At the beginning of the 2000s, the first version of SM-3 Block I was tested. The first tests were unsuccessful, but then the required characteristics were obtained. Then there were two improved versions with increased characteristics. Rockets of the "Block 1" versions with a length of 6, 55 m and a diameter of 324 mm could fly at a range of up to 800-900 km and an altitude of up to 500 km. The defeat of the target was carried out using a detachable combat stage of the transatmospheric kinetic interception.
A further development of the RIM-161 project was the SM-3 Block II project, which actually proposed the construction of a completely new rocket. So, the diameter of the product was brought to 530 mm; the resulting additional volumes were used to improve flight performance. The SM-3 Block IIA modification used a new and improved combat interceptor stage. In their current form, the Block 2 interceptor missiles can fly at a range of about 2500 km and an altitude of 1500 km.

Product launch SM-6. Photo by US Navy
All versions of the RIM-161 rocket underwent the necessary tests, during these events a significant number of targets were destroyed. In February 2008, an SM-3 Block I rocket was used to destroy a failed spacecraft. New exercises using the SM-3 are regularly held.
The main carriers of the SM-3 interceptor missiles are the Ticonderoga-class missile cruisers and the Arleigh Burke-class destroyers equipped with Aegis BIUS and Mk 41 launchers. Similar interceptors can also be used by the Aegis Ashore land-based complex. It is a set of shipborne assets located in ground structures and is designed to solve the same combat missions.
GBI missile and EKV product
The largest, notable and ambitious US missile defense development is the GMD (Ground-Based Midcourse Defense) complex. Its key component is the GBI (Ground-Based Interceptor) missile, the exoatmospheric kinetic interceptor EKV (Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle). Also, the GMD includes numerous means of detection, tracking, control and communication.

A GBI missile in a silo launcher. Photo by Missile Defense Agency /
The GBI missile has a length of 16.6 m with a diameter of 1.6 m and a launch mass of 21.6 tons. Watch and launch are carried out using a silo launcher. A three-stage rocket with solid-propellant engines ensures the EKV is brought to the calculated trajectory of the encounter with the intercepted object. The launch of the GBI rocket to the required trajectory is carried out using a radio command system.
The EKV interceptor is a product with a length of 1, 4 m and a mass of 64 kg, equipped with a number of necessary equipment. First of all, it carries a multi-band IKGSN. There is also equipment for processing signals from the seeker, which contains algorithms for determining real and false targets. The interceptor is equipped with engines for maneuvering when approaching a target. The warhead is missing. When colliding with a target, the EKV speed can reach 8000-10000 m / s, which is enough to guarantee its destruction in a collision. Such characteristics make it possible to combat flying medium and intercontinental-range ballistic missiles. The defeat is made before the release of warheads.
The first tests of individual GMD components took place back in the late nineties. After the US withdrawn from the ABM Treaty, work intensified and soon led to the emergence of a full-fledged complex and the deployment of several new facilities. According to open data, to date, the GMD complex has performed 41 test launches of antimissiles; in almost half of the cases, the task was to intercept the target. 28 launches were considered successful. As the tests were carried out, the elements of the GMD complex were being finalized. For example, in recent tests, EKV CE-II Block I interceptors are used.

Interceptor EKV. Drawing Raytheon /
For a long time, the interception of training targets was carried out with only one GBI missile with an EKV product. On March 25, the first such tests took place, during which they simultaneously carried out two launches of anti-missile missiles at one target. The first of the interceptors successfully hit the flying target missile, after which the second hit the largest debris. The simultaneous use of two interceptor missiles should increase the likelihood of successful target interception.
Currently, GBI missiles with EKV interceptors are on duty at Vandenberg (California) and Fort Greeley (Alaska). In Alaska, 40 silos with anti-missile missiles have been deployed, in California - only 4. Two such installations were used in recent tests. According to known data, the deployed GBI missiles are equipped with EKV interceptors of modifications CE-I and CE-II Block I. The bulk of the older products are still.
Unrealized project
To effectively defeat a target, all modern US missile defense systems must use one or more missiles. In the case of the ground complex GMD, this leads to unnecessary complexity and high cost of operation. Each GBI missile carries only one EKV interceptor, which can make the missile unacceptably expensive in every sense.
In the past decade, a new missile defense system called the Multiple Kill Vehicle (MKV) has been under development. The project was based on the concept of a combat stage with several small-sized interceptors. One GBI-type missile was supposed to carry several MKV interceptors at once. Each such product was supposed to weigh about 10 pounds and have its own guidance. It was assumed that MKV will be able to show the required combat effectiveness when the enemy is using ICBMs with a multiple warhead, as well as in the conditions of using missile defense breakthroughs. It was understood that a large number of MKV interceptors would be able to hit both the real target and its imitators, thereby solving the combat mission.

The proposed look for the MKV interceptor. Figure
Leading organizations in the defense industry were involved in the development of MKV. In 2008, several tests and experiments took place using early prototypes. However, already in 2009, the MKV program was closed as unpromising. In 2015, the Pentagon launched the MOKV (Multi-Object Kill Vehicle) project with similar goals and objectives. There is information about the necessary work, but the details have not yet been disclosed.
Pros and cons
As you can see, the concept of kinetic interception has long and firmly occupied its place in the US missile defense systems. The reasons for this are well known and understood. After a long search and development of a whole line of interceptor missiles, it was determined that the best characteristics of destruction are provided by a high-speed kinetic interceptor. A collision with such an object turns the ballistic target into a pile of debris that does not pose any danger.
However, kinetic interception is not devoid of significant drawbacks that have to be dealt with at the design stage. First of all, this method of hitting a target is extremely difficult from the point of view of technology. An anti-missile or combat interceptor stage needs improved guidance systems. The GOS must ensure the timely detection of a ballistic target, including in a difficult jamming environment. Then her task is to take the interceptor to the meeting point with the target.

MKV prototype on trial, 2008 Photo by Missile Defense Agency /
The trajectory of the ballistic target is predictable, which to some extent facilitates the work of the seeker. However, in this case, special requirements are imposed on it in the field of guidance accuracy. The slightest miss without touching the target is a failure. As practice shows, the creation of an anti-missile with such advanced detection and guidance systems is an extremely difficult task. Moreover, even the created samples do not provide one hundred percent probability of hitting relatively simple targets and objects of average complexity.
While the issue of combating ICBMs carrying MIRVs with individual guidance units remains relevant. Currently, they can be fought by interception in the active area, before the deployment of warheads. After the warheads are dropped, the complexity of the missile defense system increases many times over, and the probability of successfully repelling an attack is proportionally reduced. In the past, an attempt was made to create an anti-missile missile with several interceptors on board, but it was unsuccessful. A similar project is being worked out now, but its prospects are unclear.
For all its advantages, kinetic intercept could not supplant other methods of destroying enemy missiles. So, in the recent past, the RIM-174 ERAM / SM-6 long-range interceptor missile was adopted by the US Navy. In terms of its flight performance, it surpasses the SM-3. Guidance is carried out using an active radar seeker, and a high-explosive fragmentation warhead weighing 64 kg is used to hit the target. This allows the SM-6 missile to be used not only in missile defense, but also to destroy aerodynamic air and surface targets.
Kinetic interception of ballistic targets has its own pros and cons of various kinds, which directly affect the specifics of the development, production and use of anti-missile systems. A few decades ago, the Pentagon appreciated this concept and made it key in the field of missile defense. The development of technology based on these ideas continues and bears fruit. To date, the United States has been able to build a sufficiently developed layered missile defense system capable of dealing with certain threats. It is to be expected that its development will continue in the future, and that new projects will be based on tried and tested ideas.