At the end of June, at the Army-2019 forum, NPK Uralvagonzavod presented for the first time three promising universal minelayers developed as part of the Kleshch-G development work. Such equipment in the future may enter service with engineering units and simplify the setting of minefields. The real future of the proposed vehicles still remains unknown, but there is already an opportunity to evaluate them and determine their value to the troops.

Family "Klesh-G"
The purpose of the Kleshch-G ROC was to create the appearance of a promising universal mine layer (UMP) as a whole, as well as to work out its individual elements. Using the solutions created, three variants of remote mining machines were developed based on different chassis and with some differences in capabilities.
The largest representative of the new family is the UMZ-G armored vehicle. It is built on the nodes of the T-72 and T-90 tanks and differs from other samples in its large mass and size. At UMP-G, nine launchers for 270 universal cassettes with mines were mounted. The mass of such a minelayer is 43.5 tons, the mobility remained at the level of the main tanks.
The middle minelayer is designated as UMZ-K and is built on the basis of an armored car with a three-axle chassis "Asteis-70202-0000310". Such a machine with a curb weight of 18, 7 tons carries six installations with 180 cassettes. From the point of view of mobility, UMP-K is comparable to a truck vehicle.
The lightest example of the Kleshch-G ROC is the UMZ-T machine. It was built on a biaxial chassis "Typhoon-VDV" and equipped with two launchers with ammunition of 60 cassettes. The curb weight of the minelayer does not exceed 14, 5 tons. The driving performance remained at the level of the base model.

UMP "Kleshch-G" are intended for the installation of mines supplying, incl. on the way of enemy troops. Due to the use of universal cassettes, they can use mines of different types and for different purposes. A common feature of all samples is the use of modern controls that ensure work with mines. With the help of on-board communications, the minelayer is included in the Unified tactical control system. Through it, the receipt of commands for mining and the sending of the barrage form to the command is carried out.
Benefits of unification
As part of the Kleshch-G design and development project, a set of tools and devices for mining was developed, suitable for use on different chassis. The creation of such a unified set can be considered the main advantage of the project. The customer gets the opportunity to choose the desired chassis and place on it the optimal set of systems from the Kleshch-G set. A similar potential of the project has already been shown using three UMPs on different chassis. In the future, new samples of this kind may appear, again demonstrating the advantages of unification.
It should also be noted that the launchers of the new minelayers are as similar as possible to the equipment of older vehicles. Maintains compatibility with existing cassettes of remote mining systems. Thus, the re-equipment of engineering units will not lead to problems in the production and supply of ammunition.
Two of the three prototypes shown are built on existing chassis with minimal modifications. The third chassis was developed anew, but makes the most of the components and assemblies of serial tanks. We are talking only about the produced equipment of new models, which in the future should ensure the unification of army vehicles for various purposes.
Performance characteristics
UMP line "Kleshch-G" receive unified launchers with 30 cells for cassettes on each. The installation is equipped with an electrical start-up control system and programmers for entering data into fuses for min. Preparation and shooting of mines are controlled from the operator's console.

The installation is capable of firing the contents of the cassettes one at a time, in series or in one gulp. The release of mines is provided at a distance of at least 40 m. The presented UMPs carry out the setting of mines in the rear hemisphere, both in the traffic lane and on the sides of it. Different types of mines are used with universal containers. The volume of the salvo, the size of the minefield, etc., depends on the model of the mine.
The onboard equipment provides launch control, and also collects data on the conduct of mining and prepares an electronic minefield form. This information is automatically sent to the command.
From the point of view of the principles of operation and the main characteristics of mining, the Kleshch-G product hardly differs from the serial minelayer UMZ on the ZiL-131 chassis. The advantages over the older model are provided by the new chassis, control systems and other components. In addition, it is necessary to note the difference in the age of the samples and the use of modern technology in the Kleshch-G project.
Two of the three minelayers of the new family are built on the basis of already known armored cars. The third sample, UMZ-G, was made on the basis of the original tracked chassis, which is based on the developments in MBT. This piece of equipment, presented by NPK Uralvagonzavod, may be of interest in isolation from the ROC Kleshch-G.

On the basis of the tank chassis, a multipurpose armored platform was built, suitable for installing various means and systems. The power units and chassis of the tanks probably have not undergone dramatic changes. At the same time, they used a new body with protection of the Br4 level, withstanding shelling from a machine gun using armor-piercing bullets. The resulting vehicle has a large cargo area with perimeter protection and is distinguished by a certain reserve of carrying capacity while maintaining tank mobility.
Such a tracked armored vehicle can be used not only as an UMP. On its basis, you can build a protected vehicle for personnel, commanders or the wounded, and also use it to install the necessary equipment - from radio stations to various weapons. The relatively high tactical and technical characteristics of such samples will again be supplemented by the advantages of unification.
A spoon of tar
However, the shown results of the Kleshch-G ROC have not only advantages. You can also find reasons for criticism, affecting all the main components of the demonstrated technique. It is curious that such disadvantages of cars turn out to be the "reverse side" of their obvious advantages.
The unification of the ammunition used with the existing means of remote mining leads to the absence of a serious increase in performance. Only the UMZ-G tracked vehicle, which carries 270 mine cartridges, has advantages over the serial UMP with six launchers. UMZ-K is comparable to the old model in terms of the ammunition carried, and the UMZ-T is inferior to it.

The operated UMPs are built on a well-mastered automobile chassis, while the Kleshch-G design and development center offer equipment based on new platforms, including those that have not yet reached mass production. Armored cars "Typhoon-VDV" and "Asteys" have not yet become widespread in our army, and the base for the UMP-G is still under testing. As a result, the early introduction of new minelayers may lead to a de-uniformization of the engineering troops fleet. The positive consequences of using such chassis will manifest themselves only in the distant future, when the share of modern machines will increase.
Estimated future
Introduced at the end of June, three types of universal mine layers have pros and cons. They are not ideal, but they are not a failure either. In the proposed form, such a technique may be of interest to the troops, but the need for certain improvements cannot be ruled out.
The available information about the Kleshch-G design and development work suggests that the work on the new UMP has not yet been completed, and the equipment is not ready for commissioning. It is possible that in the course of further development, various changes of various scales will be introduced into the project. Probably the improvement of all the main components of technology and its equipment, aimed at getting rid of the existing shortcomings.
In the medium term, minelayers of the Kleshch-G family will be able to enter state tests, which will show their real potential and compliance with the requirements of the army. If the checks are successful, the engineering troops will receive new models of remote mining systems with a number of characteristic advantages.