In recent years, the development of private companies operating in the aerospace industry has attracted particular interest of specialists and the general public. A number of foreign organizations of this kind have already presented several different designs of different classes with different characteristics. Similar organizations operate in our country as well. To date, some new developments in this area have been presented. Thus, the Lin Industrial company presented a project of the Vyuga aerospace system.
The project of the Vyuga aerospace system (AKS) was developed by the Moscow company Lin Industrial, working with the assistance of the Skolkovo Foundation, at the request of an unnamed customer. The goal of the project was to develop the appearance of a reusable two-stage system designed to put people and various cargoes into orbit. At the same time, due to the limited carrying capacity of the system, the implementation of various scientific studies, etc. is considered as the main task. In addition, the military use of the system for the purpose of performing reconnaissance or as a carrier of high-precision weapons is not excluded.
In the proposed form, the "Blizzard" system has a number of characteristic advantages. It provides full reusability of all components of the system, the use of the existing carrier aircraft, the possibility of placing the load into orbits in a wide range of inclinations, as well as environmental safety. In addition, the use of a carrier aircraft makes it possible to launch payloads from various regions of the planet, including those taking off from the territory of the customer country.

General view of the AKS "Blizzard" before takeoff
The Vyuga AKS project involves the use of a complex consisting of three main components. The main element that ensures the performance of the rest is the carrier aircraft with a set of mounts for transporting the rest of the equipment. It is also proposed to use the first stage with rocket engines, which is responsible for the acceleration of the so-called. orbital stage. The latter is an apparatus capable of flying both in the atmosphere and beyond. All elements of the "Blizzard" complex must be able to return to the base.
According to the organization-developer, the creation of the Vyuga AKS began with the study of the available capabilities and the determination of the parameters of the required equipment. So, the payload of the complex was determined at the level of 450 kg, brought to low near-earth load. It is noted that technological satellites of the "Photon" type have similar parameters of carrying capacity. Further, taking into account calculations for various elements of the complex, the range of potential carriers of the system was determined.
It was decided to abandon the military transport aircraft An-124 "Ruslan" and An-225 "Mriya" due to excessive carrying capacity. The Tu-160 missile carrier did not fit due to the small number of existing vehicles of this type. As a result, only the M-55X Geofizika, MiG-31 and Il-76 aircraft were considered. Further calculations showed that Geofizika and MiG-31 cannot be used as a booster aircraft for the aerospace system. These aircraft have a high practical ceiling, but have insufficient payload. With their use, the payload of the "Blizzard" could not exceed 50-60 kg, which did not correspond to the original calculations.

Assembly scheme
Thus, the only suitable carrier for the system was the Il-76 military transport aircraft. However, even in this case, not all design features made it possible to use the technique without any modifications. Calculations have shown that for the transportation and launch of the booster and orbital stages, the aircraft needs to be strengthened and installed some new equipment. Such modifications made it possible to fully realize the existing advantages in the form of high carrying capacity, as well as compensate for the existing loss in altitude in comparison with other potential carriers.
The "Blizzard" project in its current form provides for the modernization of the Il-76 aircraft with the use of some new units. In the central part of the aircraft's cargo compartment, it is proposed to mount a special support truss that redistributes the weight of the missile systems to the power elements of the aircraft. This product is an openwork structure with a length of 12.9 m, a width of 3.3 m and a height of 2.7 m with protruding elements in the upper part, which are taken out of the fuselage. Initially, it was proposed to make the truss from carbon fiber reinforced plastic, but later, for reasons of strength, the project was changed. The product should now consist of titanium elements with a diameter of 85 mm. In this case, the mass of the truss is 6, 2 tons. Some simplification of the structure is possible by reducing the thickness of the parts of the lower part of the truss.
After installing the truss on the aircraft, several nodes appear on the upper surface of its fuselage for docking with the first stage of the rocket system. With their help, it is proposed to connect the carrier aircraft with other elements of the complex. Mounts must have control systems that allow the release of missile systems at the required moment.
Based on the results of preliminary design work and research with the use of computer modeling, the designers of Lin Industrial formed the general appearance of the first stage of the Vyuga AKS. This product should be a relatively large rocket-powered aircraft designed to accelerate an orbital stage after separation from the booster aircraft. Such methods of application have led to the need to work out some of the design features. In particular, it was necessary to develop a wing and a stabilizer designed to retract the missile system from the carrier aircraft after separation.

Truss design proposed for installation on a booster aircraft
A fairly simple design of the first stage is proposed. All the main units of this technique must be mounted on an elongated truss, which is the basis of the structure. On the top of the truss, it is proposed to mount the fuel and oxidizer tanks, behind which the engine should be placed. In this case, the rear tank, in contrast to the front one, must have a more complex shape, which is necessary for the correct placement of the orbital stage. On the lower part of the truss, fastenings for the planes are provided. Due to the expected mechanical and thermal stresses, the first stage should receive thermal protection from the lower fuselage.
For flight in the atmosphere immediately after separation from the carrier and during landing, the first stage of the "Blizzard" must use a set of different planes. It is proposed to mount a low wing in the central part of the fuselage. A two-fin tail unit with comparatively small stabilizers has also been developed. It is proposed to mount a landing gear inside the airframe, which is necessary to return the first stage to the required airfield.
By now, it is reported that the shape of one of the main elements of the first stage, the oxidizer tank, has been formed. High requirements were imposed on this product in terms of strength, volume, tightness and other parameters, up to the need for maximum production of the filled liquid. Taking into account these requirements and the characteristics of liquid oxygen, the general design of the tank was determined. The cylindrical side surface of the tank should be made of carbon fiber with an epoxy binder, and also receive an inner coating in the form of a PMF-352 film. The latter is necessary to reduce the negative impact of a low-temperature oxidizer on composite parts. Frames and bottoms glued into the composite part are proposed to be made of aluminum-magnesium alloy. Baffles, pipelines and other necessary parts should be installed inside the tank.

General view of the first stage
It is proposed to mount a single-chamber liquid-propellant rocket engine with the required characteristics in the tail section of the first stage. The power plant, using kerosene and liquid oxygen, must show the gas outflow velocity at the level of 3.4 km / s, which will allow achieving the required thrust parameters. The design speed of the first stage is about 4720 m / s.
With a total length of 17.45 m, the first stage of the Vyuga AKS should have a dry weight of 3.94 tons, a full launch weight of 30.4 tons. Most of the starting weight is fuel: 7050 kg of fuel and 19,210 kg of oxidizer.
To the aft fuselage of the first stage, it is proposed to attach the so-called. an orbital stage designed to transport the payload and launch it into the required trajectory / orbit. The characteristic features of the operation of such equipment led to the formation of an unusual type of stage. The orbital stage of the "Blizzard" should have a streamlined shape of the external units of the airframe with the ogival upper part of the nose fairing and the section of the tail block close to oval. The bottom with a heat-shielding coating should have a slightly curved shape.
In the upper part of the hull of the orbital stage, it is proposed to place a parachute compartment, a control equipment compartment, behind which there must be a large volume to accommodate the payload. Places for mounting spherical and cylindrical tanks for fuel components are provided under these compartments. The tail section of the hull is placed under the engine. In the upper part of the fuselage, hatch flaps can be installed, designed for mounting the payload in the stage housing, as well as for removing it outside when performing various works. In particular, such a hatch can be used to deploy solar panels when using the spacecraft in an orbital configuration.

Description of the first stage
In its current form, the Vyuga project involves the construction of an orbital stage 5505 mm long, 2604 mm wide and 1.5 m high. The dry mass of the orbital stage is 950 kg. Payload - 450 kg. Together with the supply of fuel and oxidizer, the apparatus should weigh 4.8 tons. At the same time, according to calculations, there are 914 kg of kerosene, and 2486 kg of oxidizer. The speed of the product should be up to 4183 m / s.
The principles of using the Vyuga aerospace system look quite simple and allow the payload to be placed on the required trajectory or into a low reference orbit with the minimum necessary costs. In preparation for the task, the required payload must be installed in the cargo hold of the orbital stage. This apparatus is then placed on the first stage and the complete system is mounted on the mounts of the booster aircraft. After filling the tanks of both stages with kerosene and liquid oxygen, the Vyuga AKS can start working.
The first stage of the system operation requires the correct operation of the carrier aircraft crew. IL-76 with elements of "Blizzard" on the fuselage should rise to an altitude of 10 km and with the desired course go to the launch area of the missile system. Further, it is proposed to uncouple, after which the first stage must move away from the carrier and turn on the sustainer liquid engine. The carrier aircraft, in turn, gets the opportunity to return to its airfield. Further flight is performed in stages independently and using our own control systems.
The first stage has a supply of fuel required to operate the engine for 185 s. During this time, the orbital stage is accelerated with ascent to a given altitude. With the help of the first stage, the Vyuga AKS should rise to an altitude of 96 km and bring the orbital stage to the required trajectory. After running out of fuel, the orbital stage is dropped. The orbital stage continues to move along a given trajectory, while the first one must go into planning and take a course to the landing site. Decreasing and decelerating the speed, the first stage must eventually land with the existing landing gear, using the "airplane" method. After landing, the stage can undergo the necessary maintenance, which allows it to be used again.

General view of the orbital stage
After separation, the orbital stage should include its own engine and perform an exit to a given orbit. At full payload, it is possible to operate the engine for 334 seconds with an ascent into an orbit with an altitude of 200 km. After entering orbit with the required parameters, the payload in the form of scientific equipment or other equipment can begin its work. Having completed the assigned tasks, the orbital stage can return to Earth.
For deorbiting, it is proposed to use a braking impulse, which transfers the orbital stage to the landing trajectory. With the help of thermal protection and a streamlined hull, the stage enters the dense layers of the atmosphere without risks and exits into the landing area. At a given height, it is proposed to open the parachute, which is responsible for the soft landing of the apparatus. Landing "airplane-like" is not provided for technical and operational reasons. After landing, technicians can begin work with the payload. In addition, it is planned to carry out maintenance of the orbital stage with subsequent preparation for a new flight.
A similar algorithm for using the Vyuga AKS is proposed for scientific use. In addition, the possibility of using such technology in the interests of the armed forces is being considered. In this case, the aerospace system, instead of an orbital stage, can receive combat equipment with the required characteristics. However, the exact parameters of this version of the complex have not yet been determined. At the moment, only the possibility of creating a combat version of the "Blizzard" is being considered and possible areas of its application are being determined.
The combat version of the Vyuga AKS can be a carrier of a strike system or means of intercepting enemy spacecraft. In the latter case, a high efficiency of combat work can be obtained, provided by the possibility of a fairly simple deployment of combat equipment into orbits with different parameters. However, the implementation of such ideas can be associated with some difficulties. First of all, the difficulties must be associated with the limitations on the mass of the payload. Even a complete replacement of the orbital stage with a special combat system will not make it possible to create a product weighing more than several tons.

Orbital stage, bottom view, bottom not shown. White is the hull, blue is the fuel tanks, red is the engine, orange is the parachute compartment, gray is the payload compartment
The proposed architecture of the aerospace system allows obtaining some advantages over other complexes of a similar purpose. The main advantages of the Vyuga project, which can give a significant positive economic effect, are the use of the existing carrier aircraft (nevertheless, in need of noticeable modifications), as well as returnable rocket stages. The possibility of multiple use of the first and orbital stages imposes specific requirements on their design, primarily on the characteristics of the engines, but can lead to a noticeable reduction in the cost of individual launches.
The second characteristic advantage of the project is the absence of a "tie" to the existing spaceports. The launch pad for the Vyuga AKS can actually be any airfield capable of receiving Il-76 transport aircraft and having a certain set of equipment for working with missile systems. Thanks to this, the launch of the payload into orbit can be carried out from almost anywhere on the planet. As a result, a relatively simple launch of the payload into orbit with the required inclination is provided.
According to available data, currently the project of the Vyuga aerospace system from the Lin Industrial company remains at the stage of preliminary studies. The general features of the project have been determined, but the technical documentation has not yet been developed. There is information according to which the preliminary version of the Vyuga project did not receive the approval of the customer, who initiated its development, and, as a result, was left without funding. According to the developer's estimates, the first stage of the research work requires funding in the amount of 3.2 million rubles. Further work will require new investments. At the same time, estimates of the time and financial costs required to complete the project have not yet been clarified.
It should be noted that the Vyuga AKS project is not the first such domestic development of its class. Work in this direction in our country started back in the sixties of the last century and was carried out by several organizations headed by OKB-155. The goal of the Spiral project was to create a complex capable of using a hypersonic booster aircraft, a booster block, etc. orbiting aircraft to launch a payload into orbit. The ready-made complex "Spiral" could be used for various purposes, primarily in the military.

The scheme of using the Vyuga aerospace system
From the late sixties to the mid-seventies, several prototypes of promising technology were built, which were used in various tests. In particular, the BOR series vehicles made several suborbital and orbital flights. For tests in the atmosphere, a MiG-105.11 aircraft was used. After the completion of the tests, work on the Spiral project was terminated. The customer considered the new Energia-Buran project more promising. Some prototypes built as part of the Spiral program later became museum exhibits.
Since the beginning of the eighties, NPO Molniya has been developing the Multipurpose Aerospace System (MAKS) project. It was proposed to include an An-225 carrier aircraft and an orbital aircraft with an additional fuel tank in this system. Depending on the configuration, the MAKS complex could deliver 7 or 18 tons of payload into orbit. Both automatic cargo and manned versions of the system were considered.
Due to the problems of the early nineties, work on the MAKS project was terminated. Only in 2012, there were reports of a possible resumption of work and the creation of a modern version of the complex. In addition, the possibility of finalizing the existing project using other carrier aircraft, etc. was mentioned. As far as is known, no particular progress has been made in the course of the renewed MAKS project since then.
The private rocket and space company "Lin Industrial" is currently creating a new version of a promising aerospace complex capable of solving various problems of a scientific and other nature. By now, the general appearance of the system has been worked out and its main features, characteristics, etc. have been determined. However, the work has not yet been able to progress further due to lack of funding. Time will tell whether the developer company will find an investor and whether it will be able to bring an interesting project to practical implementation. If the project AKS "Vyuga" manages to reach at least tests with the launch of an orbital stage into space, it will be a great success for the entire domestic space industry, both public and private. However, it is still far from such success: the project still needs a long continuation of development.