Will the Aerospace Forces protect our Far East? Past and present of the 11th Red Banner Army of the Aerospace Forces. Part 2

Will the Aerospace Forces protect our Far East? Past and present of the 11th Red Banner Army of the Aerospace Forces. Part 2
Will the Aerospace Forces protect our Far East? Past and present of the 11th Red Banner Army of the Aerospace Forces. Part 2

In the second part of the review, we will try to analyze how the forces and means of air defense of the Russian Aerospace Forces in the Far East are able to withstand potential aggression.

At the moment, 8 S-300PS and two S-400 missiles have been deployed on the territory of the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories. And in the Jewish Autonomous Region and Sakhalin there are four S-300V divisions. The Kamchatka air defense center, where there are two deployed S-400 divisions and one S-300PS, is too remote and isolated from the rest of the Russian Aerospace Forces, and in the event of the outbreak of hostilities, it will be forced to fight autonomously.


As part of the S-300PS mobile multichannel anti-aircraft missile system, in addition to means of detecting air targets and control, there can be up to four 5P85SD launchers, each of which consists of one main 5P85S launcher and two additional 5P85D launchers. Each self-propelled launcher has four vertically launched missiles, in sealed transport and launch containers. The rate of fire is 3-5 seconds, up to 6 targets can be fired at the same time with 12 missiles while aiming up to two missiles at each target.


In total, up to 48 anti-aircraft missiles ready for battle can be in the firing position, however, judging by the satellite images at our disposal, the S-300PS anti-aircraft missile battalion is usually on alert with three or two launch batteries - thus, the ready-to-use ammunition load is 32 -24 rockets. Apparently, this is due both to the deterioration of the material part of the anti-aircraft systems built in the 80s, and to the lack of conditioned missiles of the 5В55Р type, the warranty period of which ended in 2013. However, this does not mean that these missiles cannot be used for air targets, but after the expiration of the guaranteed storage period, the technical reliability coefficient is reduced, that is, at launch, a missile failure may occur - a breakdown of escort or an untimely start of the main engine, which happened more than once during the control - training launches at the range.

Will the Aerospace Forces protect our Far East? Past and present of the 11th Red Banner Army of the Aerospace Forces. Part 2
Will the Aerospace Forces protect our Far East? Past and present of the 11th Red Banner Army of the Aerospace Forces. Part 2

The S-400 long-range anti-aircraft missile division can have up to 12 towed transport launchers of the 5P85TE2 or 5P85SE2 type. Each launcher has 4 missiles. That is, the ammunition load of one anti-aircraft missile battalion is 48 missiles. Compared to the S-300P family of air defense systems, the combat capabilities of the S-400 have increased significantly. The S-400 controls are capable of simultaneously tracking up to 300 air targets and providing fire on 36 of them while guiding 72 missiles. The command post of the anti-aircraft missile system is capable of controlling the actions of other anti-aircraft missile systems and complexes. As part of the S-400, 48N6E, 48N6E2, 48N6E3 missiles with a launch range of 150-250 km and a defeat height of up to 27 km can be used, used as part of the modernized S-300PM1 / PM2 air defense systems, as well as new highly maneuverable 9M96E and 9M96E2 missiles with a kill zone of up to 135 km. Unfortunately, there is still no 40N6E long-range missile in the ammunition load of the S-400 combatant divisions, which does not fully reveal the potential of the anti-aircraft system.

The S-300V anti-aircraft missile system was developed as a front-line means of protecting ground forces from strikes by nuclear tactical and operational-tactical missiles and for intercepting cruise missiles and attack aircraft of strategic, tactical and carrier-based aircraft at distant approaches. The variety of tasks has led to the fact that the S-300V uses two missiles for various purposes: 9M82 - to destroy ballistic missiles and strategic bombers and jamming aircraft at long range and 9M83 - to destroy aerodynamic targets at a distance of up to 100 km. In the modernized version of the S-300VM, the engagement zone of combat aircraft and cruise missiles has been increased to 200 km. In 2015, information appeared about the adoption of the S-300V4 modification with a missile launch range of up to 400 km.


All combat assets of the S-300V air defense missile systems are located on a unified self-propelled tracked chassis of high cross-country ability, equipped with unified means of autonomous power supply, navigation, orientation, topography, life support, telecode, radio and telephone communications.


As part of the anti-aircraft system, there are two self-propelled launchers 9A82 - with two 9M82 missiles and four SPU 9A83 - with four 9M83 missiles. One 9A84 launcher with two missiles is designed to work with the 9A82 SPU, and two 9A85 ROMs with four missiles are intended for the 9A83 SPU. In addition to transporting and loading missiles, it is possible to launch missiles with ROMs 9A84 and 9A85 when coupled with combat vehicles 9A82 and 9A83. Thus, the ready-to-use ammunition load for one S-300V missile is 30 missiles.

In addition to units and formations of the 11th Red Banner Army of the Aerospace Forces, there is an air defense force of the Ground Forces in the Eastern Military District. Although the combat potential of the air defense of the air defense of the ground after the seizure of the S-300V air defense system and part of the Buk air defense system was seriously damaged, the troops still have a significant number of short-range mobile air defense systems Strela-10 and Osa-AKM, ZSU-23 -4 "Shilka" and 23-mm twin anti-aircraft guns ZU-23. In addition, in each combined-arms army (there are four of them in the Eastern District), there should be an air defense missile system equipped with a Buk air defense system.

The three Far Eastern fighter aviation regiments in total have a little more than a hundred Su-27SM, Su-30M2, Su-35S and MiG-31 fighters. The Su-27SM and Su-30M2 fighters have a combat radius with four missiles (2xR-27 and 2xR-73) of about 1000 km. In this case, the time of duty in the air with a full refueling is 4 hours.


The maximum launch range of the latest R-27 missiles on a collision course is 95 km. But for the guidance of a missile with a semi-active seeker, target illumination with an onboard radar is required. R-73 missiles with a heat-cooled cooled homing head are designed to engage air targets in close maneuvering combat. The maximum launch range into the front hemisphere can reach 40 km.


Compared to the Su-27SM and Su-30M2, the combat capabilities of the Su-35S fighters have increased significantly. The Su-35S avionics include an on-board radar with a passive phased antenna array N035 "Irbis", with a target detection range with an RCS of 3 m² up to 400 km. In addition to active radar, a passive optical-location station is used, which does not unmask the aircraft with radar radiation.


In addition to the R-27 and R-73, the Su-35S armament includes the new R-77-1 medium-range missiles (RVV-SD) with a single-pulse Doppler AGSN. Unlike the R-27R, the R-77-1 does not require target illumination along the entire flight path of the rocket. The launch range is up to 110 km.

Three dozen long-range supersonic interceptors MiG-31 are based at the airfields of Primorye and Kamchatka. Some of the aircraft have been upgraded to the level of the MiG-31BM. The basis of the MiG-31 aircraft armament control system is a pulse-Doppler radar station with a passive phased antenna RP-31 N007 "Zaslon" capable of detecting a fighter or cruise missile at a distance of 180 km. Since 2008, the troops have been receiving the upgraded MiG-31BM with the Zaslon-M radar, with a maximum detection range of air targets up to 320 km. An additional means of detecting air targets is the 8TP heat direction finder, with a range of up to 56 km.


The MiG-31BM airborne radar system is capable of simultaneously detecting up to twenty-four air targets, eight of which can be simultaneously fired upon by R-33S missiles. The R-33S long-range missiles have a combined guidance system - inertial in the middle segment of flight and semi-active radar with radio correction in the final segment. The launch range is up to 160 km. A number of Russian sources have information that the modernized MiG-31BM interceptors carry long-range missiles R-37 (RVV-BD) with an active radar seeker. The maximum launch range in the front hemisphere is up to 200 km. For the MiG-31 with four missiles and two outboard fuel tanks, launching missiles in the middle of the path, dropping outboard tanks after they are depleted, the practical range at a subsonic flight speed is 3000 km.

All anti-aircraft missile subunits stationed in the Far East, subject to their technical serviceability and combat readiness, theoretically in the first salvo can launch: S-300PS - 216-288 missiles, S-300V - 120 missiles, S-400 - 192 missiles. In total, in the course of repelling the first massive raid, we have up to 552 missiles with a target area of up to 90-250 km. Taking into account the fact that two anti-aircraft missiles are usually aimed at one air target, in ideal conditions, in the absence of fire resistance in the form of strikes at launch positions with anti-radar and cruise missiles with an autonomous guidance system and in a simple jamming environment, with a probability of destruction of about 0, 9 can be fired at approximately 270 targets. However, such a probability can be achieved against tactical and carrier-based aircraft flying at a transonic speed at altitudes not lower than 200 m. Cruise missiles that fly around the terrain at low altitude are much more difficult targets. In this case, the probability of defeat can be 0.5 - 0.7, which, in turn, increases the consumption of missiles. In addition, there is every reason to believe that at the first stage, intensive strikes by anti-radar and cruise missiles will be launched against the positions of radio-technical and anti-aircraft missile units, communication centers, headquarters, command posts and airfields. Until the enemy's reconnaissance assets, and first of all, these are electronic reconnaissance aircraft and radar and optoelectronic reconnaissance satellites, will identify workable medium and long-range anti-aircraft systems, the enemy will refrain from using manned combat aircraft for bombing strikes in order to minimize losses. After the suppression of the air defense system, adjustable and free-fall bombs can be used. According to expert estimates, the S-300P and S-400 air defense systems are capable of destroying more than 80% of air targets in the affected area. At the first stage of the conflict, anti-aircraft missile forces in a difficult jamming situation, being under enemy fire, will have to mainly fight cruise missiles flying at low altitudes. At the same time, taking into account the difficult terrain, the detection of CDs and the guidance of missiles at them in a number of regions of the Far East can be difficult. It should also be understood that some of the old S-300PS air defense missile systems will fail after launch and the number of targets fired will be less. Knowing the number of combat-ready missiles of the first stage, based on the probability of defeat, the destruction of 120-130 air targets can be considered a very good result. However, in the event of a prolonged military conflict, due to inevitable losses and depletion of anti-aircraft missile stocks, the combat potential of anti-aircraft missile forces and fighter aircraft will decrease. The S-400 anti-aircraft missile divisions, in comparison with the old S-300PS, in terms of protecting firing positions from the breakthrough of low-altitude air attack weapons, are in a more advantageous position, since they are covered by the Pantsir-C1 self-propelled anti-aircraft missile and cannon systems. The positions of the S-300PS should be protected by 12, 7-mm machine guns and MANPADS, but these weapons are capable of firing only visually visible targets.

Taking into account the fact that some of the combat aircraft are constantly under repair and in reserve, the command of the 11th Air Force Air Force will be able to allocate about 70 fighters to repel a massive raid, which is certainly not enough for such a vast territory. When performing interception tasks at the maximum combat radius and the suspension of four medium-range air combat missiles and two melee missiles, one can expect that a pair of S-35S can shoot down four enemy cruise missiles in one sortie. However, the capabilities of the Su-27SK and Su-30M2, equipped with less advanced radar, in the ammunition of which there is no missile launcher with AGSN, is much more modest. The number of modernized MiG-31BMs in the 865th and 23rd IAPs is relatively small, although these machines have rather high capabilities to counter not only cruise missiles, but also their carriers. There is no doubt that cruise missile carriers will be covered by fighters until the launch line. At the same time, the enemy can be well informed about the air situation, since a significant number of AWACS aircraft are deployed in Japan and Alaska. At the same time, there is no permanent deployment of DRDO A-50 aircraft and Il-78 tankers in the Far East, which significantly limits the capabilities of interceptors. The last time one A-50 aircraft was present in our area was in September 2014, during major exercises of the fleet, combat aviation and air defense forces in Kamchatka. Apparently, this is due to the fact that in the Far East region one can count on one hand the airfields where heavy aircraft can be based. Unlike front-line bombers, attack aircraft and fighters, our radar patrol aircraft are not capable of operating from prepared sections of highways.

Thus, the permanent locations of fighter air regiments and anti-aircraft missile subunits in peacetime are well known, with the onset of a "special period", fighters must disperse over field airfields, and anti-aircraft battalions must move to secret reserve positions. However, in the event of a surprise attack, this will be very problematic. In addition, to the north of Khabarovsk, the condition and ramification of the road network leaves much to be desired. Most of this territory - steep hills covered with taiga and swampy mari - absolutely impassable for heavy equipment. In addition, one should not overestimate the mobility of ground aviation units providing training and maintenance of combat aircraft, and the passability of self-propelled elements of anti-aircraft missile systems. Like any weapon, the S-300 and S-400 have both advantages and limitations. The main launcher 5P85S S-300PS air defense system on the MAZ-543M chassis with four missile launchers, separate cockpits for preparing and controlling missile launch and autonomous or external power supply systems with a length of 13 and a width of 3.8 meters has a mass of over 42 tons. It is clear that with such weight and dimensions, despite the four-axle base, the vehicle's passability on soft soils and various irregularities will be far from ideal. And all the S-400 air defense systems available in the Far East are made in a trailed version, which, of course, is a step back in terms of mobility and will make relocation even more difficult.

The main potential enemy of the Russian Aerospace Forces in the Pacific-Asian region is considered to be the US Air Force Command in the Pacific Air Force, headquartered at Hikkam airbase, Hawaii. Subordinate to the Pacific Command are the 5th (Japan), 7th (Republic of Korea), 11th (Alaska) and 13th (Hawaii) air armies. As part of the 5th Air Force Army, with its headquarters at the Yokota airbase, the 18th air wing deployed at the Kadena airbase is considered the main striking force. F-15C / D fighters of the 44th and 67th squadrons are based here. Frequent guests at the airbase are 5th generation F-22A Raptor fighters stationed on a permanent basis in Hawaii.


Air refueling of fighter squadrons is provided by the KC-135R of the 909th tanker aircraft squadron. Aiming at air targets and general management of the actions of military aviation outside the zone of visibility of ground-based radars is assigned to the 961st radar patrol and control detachment equipped with AWACS and U E-3C Sentry aircraft. Reconnaissance off the coast of Russia, North Korea and China is conducted by RC-135V / W Rivet Joint aircraft and long-range high-altitude unmanned reconnaissance aircraft RQ-4 Global Hawk. Reconnaissance functions are also assigned to the base patrol aircraft P-8A Poseidon, P-3C Orion and the US Navy's EP-3E Aries II radio reconnaissance aircraft, which are stationed at Kadena AFB. The F-16C / D of the 35th Fighter Wing is deployed at the Misawa airbase. It includes the 13th and 14th squadrons, the main task of which is to provide air defense for American bases in Japan. The number of fighters in squadrons deployed in Japan is different. So in the 44th squadron - 18 single and double F-15C / D, and in the 14th squadron - 36 light F-16C / D. In total, there are about 200 US Air Force aircraft at Japanese air bases. In addition, since October 1973, the Yokosuka naval base has been the permanent forward base of American aircraft carriers. Since 2008, the Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN-73) has been located here. He was recently replaced on duty in Japan by the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76). Combat aircraft from aircraft carriers in the Yokosuka naval base use the Atsugi airbase for coastal deployment, 7 km from the Japanese city of Atsugi.


The airfield is home to the carrier-based aircraft of the 5th Aircraft Carrier Wing. It includes three F / A-18E / F Super Hornet fighter and assault squadrons, an EA-18 Growler electronic warfare squadron, an E-2C / D Hawkeye AWACS squadron, as well as carrier-based transport aircraft and helicopters for various purposes. Thus, on the territory of Japan on a permanent basis there are about 200 combat aircraft of the US Air Force and Navy, which is almost twice the number of Russian fighters deployed throughout the Far East. In addition to American fighters, the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force has: 190 heavy F-15J / DJ fighters, 60 light F-2A / B (a more advanced Japanese version of the F-16), about 40 multi-purpose F-4EJs and about 10 RF-4EJ / EF-4EJ. Also, 42 F-35A fighters have been ordered in the United States. That is, taking into account the fleet of Japanese combat aircraft, the superiority over the Russian Aerospace Forces in the region is fourfold.

The forces of the 7th Air Army stationed in South Korea are represented by the 8th Fighter Aviation Regiment - 42 F-16C / D at Gunsan Air Base, and the 51st Fighter Wing - 36 F-16C / D belonging to 36 Fighter Squadrons and 24 Attack Aircraft A -10С Thunderbolt II from the 25th Fighter Squadron.

In Alaska, within walking distance from Chukotka and the Kamchatka Territory, the forces of the 11th American Air Force are deployed. Its most combat-ready unit is considered to be the 3rd fighter wing, which includes two fighter squadrons 90 and 525 on F-22A fighters, the 962nd air group of the E-3C radar patrol and control and the 517th military transport squadron C -17A Globemaster III. All of these aircraft are deployed at Elmendorf-Richardson airbase.


Eilson Airbase is home to the 354th Fighter Aviation Regiment equipped with F-16C / D. In the event of an aggravation of the situation, some of the fighters are to be relocated to Shemiya Island, the Aleutian archipelago. In the interests of the aviation contingent in Alaska, the KC-135R of the 168th wing of tanker aircraft and the 176th military transport wing equipped with the C-130 Hercules, HC-130J Combat King II and C-17A operate. In terms of strength, the US Air Force in Alaska is roughly equal to the Russian fighter fleet in the Far East.

Andersen Air Force Base in Guam is operated by Wing 36. Although there are no permanently assigned combat aircraft to the base, F-15C and F-22A fighters (12-16 units), unmanned reconnaissance aircraft RQ-4 Global Hawk (3-4 units), B-52H Stratofortress, B bombers are based here on a rotational basis. -1B Lancer, B-2A Spirit. Usually 6-10 strategic bombers are on duty in Guam, but if necessary, up to fifty heavy bomb carriers are free to accommodate here. To support long-range non-stop flights of fighters, strategic bombers and anti-submarine aircraft, 12 KC-135R tankers are assigned to "Andersen".

F-15C and F-22A fighters, KC-135R tankers, and C-17A military transport aircraft belonging to the 15th Air Wing and 154th Air Wing of the National Guard Air Force are assigned to the Hikkam airbase in Hawaii. Although the Hikkam airbase is quite remote from the Russian Far East, it can be used as an intermediate airfield, and for basing tanker aircraft and long-range bombers. And fighters permanently based here can be quickly deployed to Japanese airbases. Based on the foregoing, it follows that even without taking into account the combat aviation of Japan and South Korea, about 400 F-15C / D, F-16C / D, F-22A and A-10C attack aircraft can be used against the Russian Far East. To this should also be added about 60 deck-mounted F / A-18E / F Super Hornets.

The carriers of AGM-158 JASSM cruise missiles in conventional equipment are B-1B, B-2A and B-52H bombers permanently present on the island of Guam, as well as tactical and carrier-based aircraft F-16C / D, F-15E and F / A-18E / F. B-52H bomber can take 12 missiles, B-1B - 24 missiles, B-2A - 16 missiles, F-16C / D fighters, F / A-18E / F - 2 missiles, F-15E - 3 missiles.


The AGM-158A JASSM cruise missile was developed by the Lockheed Martin Corporation specifically for hitting point fortified stationary and mobile targets covered with high-tech air defense systems. The rocket is equipped with a turbojet engine, is made with elements of low radar signature and carries a warhead weighing 450 kg. The shell of the warhead, equipped with 109 kg of explosives, is made of high-strength tungsten alloy at a speed of 300 m / s, it can penetrate into the ground to a depth of 6 to 24 meters and penetrate reinforced concrete shelters with a thickness of 1.5-2 meters. The possibility of using a cluster warhead is also provided. For guidance, an inertial system is used with the accumulated error correction according to the data of the NAVSTAR satellite navigation system signal receiver. On the final part of the flight trajectory, IR seeker or software and hardware for autonomous target recognition using a pre-recorded image can be used. According to the manufacturer's data, the KVO is 3 m. With a length of 2.4 m, the rocket has a launch weight of 1020 kg and a flight range of 360 km. The speed on the route is 780-1000 km / h.


To date, Lockheed Martin has built more than 2,000 AGM-158 cruise missiles. In 2010, supplies of the improved AGM-158B JASSM-ER with a launch range of 980 km began. With such a range, a missile can be launched from a carrier not only long before entering the S-400 air defense system, but also outside the supersonic line of interception of MiG-31 fighters.

However, the AGM-158 is not the only type of cruise missile in service with the Air Force and Aviation of the US Navy and ILC. The armament of the B-52H bombers includes AGM-86C / D CALCM cruise missiles with a launch range of 1100 km. One B-52N is capable of carrying up to 20 CD.


A cruise missile with a launch weight of up to 1950 kg can be equipped with a warhead weighing 540-1362 kg with a programmed detonation point. Although the first AGM-86 entered service in the early 80s, thanks to the phased modernization, they still represent a fairly effective weapon. The missiles, equipped with a conventional warhead, have a Litton inertial guidance system with correction based on GPS satellite navigation signals of the 3rd generation with high noise immunity. The circular probable deviation from the aiming point is 3 m. The speed is 775-1000 km / h (0.65-0.85 M). Flight altitude control is carried out using a radio or laser altimeter. The most advanced modification of the AGM-86D CALCM Block II to date was quickly deployed in 2002. As of 2017, the US Air Force had about 300 AGM-86C / D missile systems.

US Navy aircraft F / A-18C / D, F / A-18E / F, P-3C, P-8A are capable of hitting ground targets with AGM-84 SLAM missiles. This missile was created on the basis of the AGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missile system, but differs in the guidance system. Instead of the active RGSN, the SLAM uses an inertial system with GPS correction and the possibility of remote tele-guidance. In 2000, the CR AGM-84H SLAM-ER was adopted, which is a deep processing of the AGM-84E SLAM. The rocket's aerodynamic design has been completely revised. Instead of the previous X-shaped short wings inherited from the "Harpoon", the SLAM-ER received two low-set, elongated wings, made in a "reverse gull" pattern. The wingspan reaches 2.4 m. Due to this, it was possible to significantly increase the lift and flight range. When creating SLAM-ER, considerable attention was paid to reducing the missile's radar signature.


The missile guidance system has also been modified. SLAM-ER can independently identify a target based on data pre-stored in the missile's on-board computer and does not require the participation of an operator. The possibility of remote control, however, remains, so that the operator can intervene in the guidance process at any time. The missile weighs 675 kg, is equipped with a 225 kg warhead and is capable of striking targets at a distance of 270 km. Flight speed - 855 km / h. In addition to naval aviation aircraft, the SLAM-ER KR was introduced into the F-15E Strike Eagle armament.

The AGM-88 HARM anti-radar missile is specifically designed to destroy the guidance stations of air defense missile systems, air defense systems and surveillance radars. According to data published by the manufacturer Raytheon Corporation, the AGM-88C PLR modification is capable of targeting radio sources operating in the 300-20,000 MHz range.


A solid-propellant rocket with a launch weight of 360 kg carries a 66 kg warhead and is capable of hitting targets at a range of up to 150 km. The maximum flight speed is 2280 km / h. The latest modification of the AGM-88E AARGM, which was put into operation in 2012, in addition to the passive radar seeker, is equipped with satellite navigation equipment, memorizing the coordinates of the radio signal source and an on-board millimeter-wave radar, with the help of which precise targeting is carried out.

In addition to air-launched cruise missiles, the RGM / UGM-109 Tomahawk naval cruise missiles pose a great danger to coastal areas. These missiles have been widely used in all major military conflicts involving the United States in the 21st century. As of 2016, the US Navy can simultaneously install about 4,600 Tomahawk missile launchers on more than 120 surface and submarine carriers. At the moment, the RGM / UGM-109E Tactical Tomahawk is considered the most modern. For flight control, inertial guidance, TERCOM system and GPS navigation are used. There is also a two-way satellite communication system that allows you to retarget the missile right in flight. The image obtained from the on-board TV camera allows assessing the state of the target in real time and making a decision to continue the attack or strike at another object. The launch range of about 1,600 km makes it possible to launch Tomogavks at a considerable distance from the interception lines and the affected area of our coastal anti-ship systems. The missile is equipped with a cluster or high-explosive warhead weighing 340 kg, and on the route develops a speed of up to 880 km / h. The circular probable deviation is 10 m. The duty forces of the American 7th Fleet constantly have carriers capable of launching at least 500 sea-based cruise missiles.

In addition to the proximity of the US Air Force and Navy bases, which pose a potential threat to our Far Eastern territories, Russia has a long border with the PRC. At the moment, we have normal relations with China, but it is not a fact that this will always be so. After all, no one in the mid-1950s could have assumed that in 15 years the situation on the Soviet-Chinese border would aggravate so much that it would come to the use of heavy artillery and multiple launch rocket systems. Even now, despite the chatter about strategic partnership, the "strategic partners" are not only in no hurry to conclude any military alliances with us, but also refrain from actively supporting Russia in the international arena. At the same time, there is an intensive build-up of military power in the PRC, and an increase in military spending is taking place every year. Contrary to the optimistic statements of our "patriots" about the backwardness of the Chinese military aviation, it is a rather formidable force. Already, the PLA Air Force has more than 100 modernized H-6 long-range bombers capable of carrying CJ-10A cruise missiles with a range of about 1000 km. The obsolete Q-5 attack aircraft are being replaced by the JH-7A fighter-bombers, of which at least 200 have already been built. The J-10 (about 350 aircraft) is in the segment of modern light fighters.


Two-engine heavy fighters in the PLA Air Force are: Su-27SK (40 units), Su-27UBK (27 units), Su-30MK (22 units), Su-30MKK (70 units), Su-35S (14 units).). In addition, the aircraft plant in Shenyang is building J-11B aircraft, which have a lot in common with the Russian Su-30MK. At the moment, more than 200 of its own built J-11 fighters are already in operation in China. Also, there are still about 150 J-8 interceptors and scouts built on their base in service. In the rear and training air regiments, approximately 300 J-7 light fighters (the Chinese analogue of the MiG-21) are operated. The Chinese naval aviation has more than 400 combat aircraft. Thus, in the air force and aviation of the PLA Navy, there are about 1,800 combat aircraft in service, of which 2/3 are modern. A significant number of Chinese fighters and strike vehicles are equipped with fuel rods. Air refueling is assigned to the JH-7 and H-6 aircraft of early modifications and the Russian-made Il-78. To control the actions of Chinese aviation and timely detection of targets, two dozen AWACS KJ-2000, KJ-200 and KJ-500 aircraft can be used. The radio-technical reconnaissance is assigned to the Tu-154MD and Y-8G aircraft. The "strategic ally" radio-technical reconnaissance aircraft regularly fly along the Russian border in the Far East.

Given the multiple numerical superiority of potential adversaries, our air defense forces in the Far East may not be able to cope with the abundance of air attack weapons that are very difficult to defeat. The positions of the S-400 air defense systems near Nakhodka, Vladivostok and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky are not far from the coast, and in conditions of a difficult jamming environment and a large number of potentially dangerous air targets, a few anti-aircraft missile divisions can be suppressed after the use of ready-to-use ammunition. The aiming and control of the actions of the interceptors will be difficult due to the setting of strong radio interference and strikes at radar posts and control points. Airbases with capital airstrips will also inevitably be exposed to powerful fire.

In the event of an escalation of tension in the Far East, additional forces may be deployed here from the western regions of the country. But these reserves are not so great as to have a noticeable impact on the balance of power. In addition to Moscow, St. Petersburg and some other territories, the rest of the country is very poorly covered from air strikes. The supplies of new equipment and weapons that began about 10 years ago have not yet made it possible to eliminate the gaps that have formed in the Air Force and Air Defense during the years of "reform". It is impossible to quickly transfer long-range anti-aircraft systems from the central part of the country. In the best case, it will take about a week, despite the fact that the Transsib is very vulnerable. Fighter air regiments are more mobile, but as already mentioned, 2/3 of the capital airfields built in Soviet times are currently unsuitable for use, and it may happen that the existing fighters simply have no place to land.

As you know, the best air defense system is your own tanks at the enemy's airfield. However, a series of concrete-piercing bombs precisely placed in the hangars with aircraft and the runway is also very effective. However, our capabilities in terms of the impact of non-nuclear weapons on the airbases of Japan and Alaska are very modest. Front-line bombers Su-24M and Su-34 of the 277th bap based at the Khurba airbase, and the Su-30MS of the 120th air regiment from the Domna airbase, taking into account how well the territory of Japan is covered by the MIM-104 Patriot anti-aircraft missile systems and how many F-15C interceptors there are, have little chance of retaliating, even when using Kh-59M guided missiles with a launch range of more than 200 km. Until 2011, two regiments of Tu-22M3 missile carriers were based in the area of Sovetskaya harbor and not far from Ussuriisk. These vehicles carrying the Kh-22 supersonic cruise missiles were considered by potential adversaries as a serious threat to aircraft carriers and coastal airfields. However, in 2011, our top military-political leadership decided to eliminate the naval missile-carrying aircraft. After that, the aircraft capable of taking off were transferred to the central part of the country, and the rest of the Tu-22M3 in need of repair were “disposed of”. Currently, the Russian Aerospace Forces in flight condition has about three dozen Tu-22M3. But since the KR X-22 are outdated and have exhausted their resource, the armament contains only free-fall bombs.

Long-range Tu-95MS bombers of the 182nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment, located at the Ukrainka airbase in the Amur Region, can be used to attack enemy airbases. The weapons of the modified Tu-95MS include the Kh-101 long-range cruise missile. According to information published in the Russian media, a cruise missile weighing 2200-2400 kg is capable of delivering a 400 kg warhead at a distance of more than 5000 km. A missile equipped with a combined guidance system can be retargeted in flight after being dropped from a carrier, and demonstrated an accuracy of about 5 m during tests. the case of actions on targets in Japan, South Korea and Guam.

Based on the foregoing, it is quite obvious that the 11th Red Banner Army of the Aerospace Forces is not able to compete on an equal footing with the aviation of the United States, Japan and the PRC, and will be able to conduct mainly defensive military operations. If the conflict drags on, the prognosis is seen as unfavorable. Our potential adversaries in the Far East have much greater resources and are able to multiply their forces. Due to the remoteness from the central regions of the country, the insufficient number of large airfields, vulnerability and low capacity of transport communications, the transfer of our reserves to the Far East looks very problematic. In these conditions, the only solution to avoid the defeat of our troops and the destruction of the life support structure of the population and industrial potential is the use of tactical nuclear charges, which will devalue the numerical superiority of the aggressor.

RS: All information contained in this publication was taken from open and publicly available sources, the list of which is given.
