Deck aviation. Part 3. Europe

Deck aviation. Part 3. Europe
Deck aviation. Part 3. Europe

Table of contents:


To date, the second largest and most effective carrier-based combat aviation forces France.


Charles de Gaulle (FR. Charles de Gaulle, R91) - the flagship of the French naval forces, the only operational aircraft carrier of the French Navy, the first French surface warship with a nuclear power plant and the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier built outside the United States. Among the aircraft carriers of other countries, excluding the United States, it is the second largest (after the Russian "Admiral Kuznetsov"). Came to replace the outdated aircraft carrier "Clemenceau".


Despite the lower displacement compared to the "Kuznetsov", the number of aircraft based on it is much larger. The aircraft carrier is small compared to its American counterparts. The length is 261.5 m, the width is 64, 36 m, the height is 75 m. The displacement is more than 40 600 tons. The air group includes: 36 Rafal-M fighter-bombers or Super Etandar attack aircraft, 2-3 E-2S AWACS aircraft "Hawkeye", 2 search and rescue helicopters AS-565 MB "Panther". A characteristic feature of the air group is the predominance of attack aircraft and the absence of anti-submarine squadrons.

"Rafal-M" - carrier-based multipurpose aircraft. Similar to the Rafale C, but equipped with a landing hook and modified nose strut of variable length.


The first prototype of the single-seat multipurpose carrier-based aircraft Rafale M, created according to the ACM (Avion de Combat Marine) project, made its first flight on December 12, 1991. The main difference of this modification is the weight of the structure increased by 750 kg, reinforced landing gear. Other differences include 13 suspension nodes instead of 14, and a 2000 kg reduction in maximum takeoff weight (19,500 kg). The Rafale M of the Standard F1 modification was put into service in December 2000 and reached full combat readiness in 2004. From the middle of 2006, aircraft of the Standard F2 modification began to enter service with the French Navy. They, like the French Air Force vehicles, were used during the operation in Afghanistan and Libya. The Navy has requested 86 vehicles.


Crew: 1-2 people

Length: 15, 30m

Wingspan: 10, 90 m

Height: 5, 30m

Wing area: 45.7m²

Normal takeoff weight: 14,710 kg

Maximum takeoff weight: 24,500 kg

Payload weight: 9500 kg

Flight characteristics:

Maximum speed at high altitude: ~ 1900 km / h (Mach 1, 8).

Combat radius: 1800 km

Combat radius: 1093 km as a fighter-interceptor

Service ceiling: 15 240 m

Thrust-to-weight ratio: 1, 0

Maximum operational overload: -3.2 / + 9.0 g


Cannon: 1x30 mm Nexter DEFA 791B (rate of fire 2500 rds / min), ammunition - 125 rounds of the OPIT type (armor-piercing incendiary-tracer) with a bottom fuse.

Missiles: "air-to-air": MICA, AIM-9, AIM-120, AIM-132, MBDA Meteor, "Mazhik" II

Air-to-surface: ASMP with nuclear warhead, Apache, AM39, Storm Shadow, AASM.

French supersonic deck attack aircraft-Dassault Super-Etandar (French Dassault Super-Étendard).


Developed on the basis of the "Etandar" IVM aircraft. Made its first flight on October 28, 1974. 74 aircraft built. In the French Navy, aircraft of this type are being withdrawn from service, they are planned to be gradually replaced by the Rafale-M multipurpose fighters. Participated in many military conflicts.

Exported to Argentina. The aircraft gained great fame during the Falklands War, during which the Argentine Super Etandars, using Exocet anti-ship missiles (ASM), sank two British ships without suffering losses.


Crew: 1 person

Length: 14, 31m

Wingspan: 9, 60m

Height: 3.8m

Wing area: 28.40 m²

Normal takeoff weight: 9450 kg

Maximum takeoff weight: 12,000 kg

Internal fuel tanks capacity: 3270 l

Flight characteristics:

Maximum speed at 11,000 m: 1,380 km / h

Maximum speed at sea level: 1180 km / h

Combat radius: 850 km

Service ceiling: more than 13,700 m

Climb rate at sea level: 100 m / s (6000 m / min)

Armament: up to 2100 kg of combat load on 6 pylons, including

including two SD "Exocet", NAR, bombs, nuclear weapons, two SD "air-to-air"

"Mazhik", two containers with DEFA air cannons (30 mm).

Helicopter AS-565 "Panther" - in the French Navy it is used as a search and rescue, transport and combat helicopter.


Armament, depending on the purpose of the helicopter, may include two Mistral-type guided missiles with an IR guidance system, two suspended cannon mounts with 20mm CIAT M-621 cannons (180 rounds of ammunition), eight Hot or Toy ATGMs. installation of NAR caliber 70mm. Weapon kits are suspended on removable beams. For fire control, a stabilized SFIM "Vivian" sight or sights of the third generation with enhanced image brightness are provided.

Universal landing ship (UDC) type "Mistral"(as part of the Navy - 2 units) carries up to 16 helicopters - the standard composition of the air group is 8 NH90 landing helicopters and 8 Tiger assault helicopters.


NH90 - a multipurpose helicopter developed by the Franco-German consortium "Eurocopter".


There are options: NH90 NFH - ship transport and combat helicopter, designed to solve anti-submarine and anti-ship missions.

Used from the deck of a ship. May be considered a replacement for Westland Lynx or AB 212ASW helicopters.

NH90 TTH - a transport and landing helicopter, designed to solve landing tasks, but could be equipped to solve search and rescue missions, including in combat conditions, conducting electronic warfare.

Attack helicopter "Tiger" --- developed by the Franco-German consortium "Eurocopter".


The fuselage, completely made of composite materials, can withstand hits of projectiles up to 23 mm caliber. The cockpit is double, the seats are arranged in tandem. The shape of the cockpit with a movable bulletproof glass canopy minimizes reflections of light and radar radiation (the rest of the fuselage is also designed in accordance with this principle).

The helicopter is equipped with a movable 30 mm cannon with 150 rounds of ammunition, 4 air-to-air missiles and NAR units.

Depending on the variant, the sight can be installed above the main rotor hub or in the forward fuselage.

On Landing Ships Type "Fudre" (2 pieces), 4 amphibious assault helicopters AS.332 Super Puma are based.


Military version of the model, AS.332B, designed to carry 21 paratroopers.


The helicopter is equipped with a thermal imaging system for viewing the front hemisphere, meteorological or search radar, inflatable ballonets, a winch, cockpit instrumentation compatible with night vision goggles, and increased capacity fuel tanks.

United Kingdom

The Navy has the only Invincible-class Illastries aircraft carrier.


Aviation group: up to 22 aircraft and helicopters. Until recently, the main striking force was the Sea Harrier VTOL aircraft, a carrier-based vertical takeoff and landing fighter-bomber. Created on the basis of the land-based Harrier aircraft.


The most modern version of "Harrier" II - - the second generation of attack aircraft

vertical takeoff and landing "Harrier". The British version is based on

American aircraft AV-8B, which, in turn, was developed on the basis of

British "Harrier" of the first generation. The British version of the Harrier II differs from the American AV-8B in the presence of an additional pylon for placing missiles under each wing console and the use of original avionics.

Flight characteristics:

Maximum speed: 1065 km / h

Combat radius: 556 km

Service ceiling: 15,000 m

Climb rate: 74.8 m / s


Small arms: 2 × 30 mm ADEN cannon

Suspension points: 9 (8 under the wing, 1 under the fuselage).

Combat load: 3650 kg

Guided missiles:

air-to-air missiles: 6 × AIM-9 Sidewinder

air-to-surface missiles: 4 × AGM-65 Maverick

Unguided rockets:

4 × 18 × 68 mm SNEB missiles in Matra blocks

4 × 19 × 70 mm CRV7 missiles in LAU-5003 blocks

Bombs: free fall and adjustable.

The British government has decided to sell all aircraft of this type to the United States. To arm the aircraft carriers under construction, purchase the deck version of the F-35.


Helicopter carrier "Ocean" combines the functions of a helicopter carrier, military transport and a command ship. The ship is based on the Invincible-class light aircraft carrier project. The main task of the helicopter carrier is fast delivery and landing of amphibious assault forces from helicopters. The ship's flight deck measures 170m x 32.6m and is designed for twelve EH101 Merlin and six Lynx helicopters and has two elevators for transporting helicopters from the hangar to the deck.

Marine deck helicopter EH101 "Merlin" for anti-submarine defense was developed in two different modifications, differing in equipment for the fleets of England and Italy.

The helicopters will be able to be used for independent anti-submarine and anti-ship operations, with waves of 6 points, as well as for search and rescue operations, for reconnaissance and electronic countermeasures. The maximum patrol time for anti-submarine operations is 5 hours. In addition to special equipment and weapons, the naval version is distinguished by an increased length and volume of the cargo compartment, folding rotor blades and a tail boom.


Transport and landing, capable of carrying up to 30 paratroopers with weapons or cargo weighing up to 3 tons. This version of the helicopter has a rear cargo hatch with a ramp and the size of the cargo compartment (6.50x2.50x1.83m) allows it to transport light army all-terrain vehicles and artillery pieces;

Multipurpose ship helicopter Lynx HAS.8 is in service with the British Navy and is designed to combat both submarines and surface ships of the enemy.


In the anti-ship version of the Lynx HAS.8 with four Sea Skug or Penguin Mk2 mod.7 anti-ship missiles, it can stay in the air for 3 hours 35 minutes and have a range of up to 160 miles. To combat submarines, it is possible to equip the Super Links of a lowered GAS AN / AQS-18 or Kormoran with a magnetometer (AN / ASQ-81 or AN / ASQ 504). With one torpedo and OGAS, the search for submarines can be carried out for 2 hours 25 minutes at a distance of up to 20 miles from the ship. In the shock version (two torpedoes), the range reaches 160 miles.

For search and rescue operations, the maximum distance from the home base is 340 miles, under normal conditions with additional fuel tanks - from 150 to 260 miles. The Lynx HAS.8 (Super Lynx) helicopter can also perform reconnaissance tasks, including radio-technical ones, and supply ships at sea.


The Navy has 2 aircraft carriers, armed with VTOL AV-8B "Harrier" and helicopters of the British-Italian design EH101 "Merlin".

The flagship of the Naval Forces of the Republic of Italy, the aircraft carrier Cavour (pennant C550), is one of the newest ships of this class in the world.


It was laid down on July 17, 2001, launched on July 20, 2004, and handed over to the fleet on March 27, 2007.

Full operational readiness of the ship was achieved on June 10, 2009.

The creation of this rather large (full displacement of up to 30,000 tons, twice the size of another Italian aircraft carrier - "Giuseppe Garibaldi") and powerful ship marked a course for a qualitative expansion of the capabilities of the Italian fleet and its claim to the status of a global maritime power. Accommodates 8 Harrier fighters and 12 helicopters.

"Giuseppe Garibaldi" entered service in 1985.


It is the smallest aircraft carrier in the world, with a total displacement of 13.850 tons.

It is intended to fight submarines and surface ships at the head of a search and strike group, to perform the functions of the flagship of the Italian Navy, to gain local air superiority and provide close air support to ground forces in landing operations on a limited scale. A decision was made to convert it into a helicopter carrier.

The landing ships of the Italian Navy are amphibious assault dock ships (DVKD) of the type San Giorgio.


The tactical and technical design assignment provided for their dual purpose: in wartime and in crisis situations - the transfer by sea and landing on an unequipped coast of landing forces, weapons and military equipment, and in peacetime - to provide assistance to the population in an emergency situation caused by earthquakes, floods, fires, etc. The landing of assault units of the Marine Corps can be carried out using two heavy transport and landing helicopters CH47. In addition to transport and landing helicopters, an air group of five multipurpose helicopters can be based on the ship. AV-212 (licensed version of Bell 212).

Deck aviation. Part 3. Europe
Deck aviation. Part 3. Europe

These helicopters, depending on the installed weapons and equipment, can perform the functions of transport and landing (landing capacity - 10-12 soldiers), anti-submarine and combat helicopters. The designers have also worked out the possibility of basing on the ship 3-5 fighters of vertical or short take-off and landing AV-8B "Harrier".


Aircraft carrier "Prince of Asturias" - entered the Spanish Navy in 1988


This ship, to a greater extent than the aircraft carriers of the Invincible and J. Garibaldi types, is adapted for basing vertical take-off and landing aircraft. This ship was the first to use the original hull architecture with a significant rise of the flight deck in the bow over its entire width instead of the ramp installed by the British in the bow of the flight deck on an Invincible-class aircraft carrier. This rise of the deck (5 … 6 °) should ensure the take-off of vertical take-off and landing aircraft. The displacement of the aircraft carrier is 16,200 tons, the length of the hull at design waterline is 196 m, the length of the flight deck is 175 m, with a width of 27 m. The main armament of the ship consists of 20 aircraft.


At the same time, the composition of the air group may change depending on the problem being solved. As a rule, it includes six to eight vertical take-off and landing aircraft "Matador" (Spanish designation of the British carrier-based aircraft "Sea Harrier"), six to eight anti-submarine helicopters Sea King and four to eight helicopters of the AB 212 type.


Spanish landing ship " Juan Carlos I"The concept is close to the Wasp class of the US amphibious assault ships. This ship is named after Juan Carlos I, the current king of Spain.


The ship was laid down in 2005. Launched in 2008. In 2011 he became a member of the Navy. The new ship will play an important role in the Spanish Navy. The ship has a 202 m long flight deck with a springboard. On the deck there are 8 landing sites for Harrier, F-35 or medium helicopters, 4 landing sites for heavy CH-47 Chinook helicopters and 1 landing site for the V-22 Osprey tiltrotor. The air group includes up to 30 aircraft and helicopters.
