As you know, any PR implies a demonstration of success. For this, the Romans kept mercenaries-Klibanarii, who captivated the audience with the shine of armor, in which they were dressed from head to toe and therefore were called that ("klibanus" - an oven for baking bread). The Germans drove their soldiers at a "goose step", and the Pz. I tanks - in circles, which created the appearance of huge tank masses. Well, and the episode with the passage in 1957 across Red Square of our "atomic cannons" - "Oka" and "Condenser" generally entered the annals of information wars.
Our last military parade on Red Square was also very cool! He did not deceive anyone's expectations - it is not for nothing that the technique shown on it is discussed almost more than ourselves. But … all the same, it seems to me, the possibilities of PR-work with the population of our own country and, as Chapaev said - “on a global scale”, are not fully realized by our military! It is clear that we had some history in history, when, for example, the tsarist army spent more money on ceremonial uniforms than on horse feed, but now we have become wiser. We have our own experience, there is the world experience, and why not use all of this ?!
Well, for example, a few years ago in Russia an interesting study was carried out regarding the color scheme of the new ceremonial uniform of the Russian army. And 62% of those surveyed, both in Moscow and in one of the small towns, expressed their opinion that, yes, it would be nice to change it! Moreover, this assumption was based on the idea that the Russian armed forces are the army of the world, and if so, the ceremonial uniform of the ground forces cannot be green, since it is militaristic in nature! Take, for example, the ceremonial uniform of the British guard … Black bear hats, red jackets, black trousers. You cannot fight in all this! The Chinese have a white dress uniform, which is better than green, but the white is easily soiled. What color is “military” enough, but at the same time “peaceful”, beautiful, not very easily soiled and evokes positive emotions? And here's what - burgundy, a mixture of red and blue, "the color of maximum trust", as psychologists describe it. It is festive, moderately bright, not red, like the British, and heightens the emotional mood of others. By the way, have you noticed that many doctors now wear just such a "uniform" and not white coats? Because they listen to psychologists!
People live in the captivity of associations, and the stronger they are, the easier it is to manage people! For the infantry, the color should be burgundy, for the pilots - sky-blue - "the color of the high sky", and for the sailors - "dark blue" - "the color of a stormy sea", but the instrument metal - gold! As for the troops associated with outer space, they must be dressed in black uniforms, the "color of outer space" and given silver as their instrument metal. The emblem on the cap: the globe, inscribed in a triangle with balls on the tops, depicting satellites in Lagrange points: "I can see everything from above, you just know!" And their daggers should not be the same as the others, but resemble … the dagger of the leader Botuallo from the old Soviet cartoon "The Secret of a Distant Island". After all, it consisted of only rays, didn't it? And the "rays" are the most "cosmic image"!
The passage of such parts along Red Square would evoke persistent subconscious associations in everyone, and everything that is persistent is a positive moment in creating the image of the country along with its symbols, flag, emblem and anthem!
And you can imagine a parade that would serve the purposes of exclusively PR-impact on society, both ours and foreign, and this last in the first place! The roar of motors heralds the advent of technology, and what do we see? Something like "KAMAZ", in "bodies" in which you can see short, but monstrous thickness of the trunks. The announcer announces that these are 406-mm self-propelled mortars, created taking into account combat experience … effective. They do not particularly need a long firing range, but a shell weighing 800 kg has tremendous destructive power, even in a conventional, non-nuclear, version. Such a mortar (well, sort of like that of the same "Oka") does not need to make a long barrel: the main thing is to shoot once or twice and quickly change positions. And do you think that this will not impress the Germans, the Dutch and the same Poles, 80% of whom live in such "medieval cities"? Donetsk will then seem to them just paradise, because the striking power of such a projectile is not difficult to imagine. As well as the cheapness of the production of such weapons!

A drawing from an article from an American pre-war magazine depicting "an American mobile coastal defense fort" is in fact a PR of pure water. Can you imagine the weight of the turret with two 152-mm guns, the weight of the vehicle itself, its dimensions and its cost? But visually impressive, isn't it?
Further more! The Kamaz is on its way again, only in its body it has four pins on the turntables and on each 420-mm rocket mine. The announcer reports that the first stage of the mine is the rocket ring that unwinds it, and the second stage is everything else, including the six rocket engines that are launched after the charge of the unwinding ring has burned out. Mines can be simply ballistic, or they can be guided at targets through UAVs, and all at once, since they start at short intervals. Or each such mine has its own operator, but what is better, they say, our military has not yet decided! Sounds like, huh? There is even a certain element of doubt for starting a discussion among the masses: “I would do it like this!”. That is, to multiply information in various networks at the expense of the talkativeness of their users. And "there" let them wonder what to spend money on in order to protect themselves from the next "Russian sledgehammer"!

Such is the "super tank", but at the modern level it may well be shown at our PR-parade. Four tracks cover the entire perimeter of its hull. People inside! And the tower is on top of the tracks, with remote control. The picture shows a 1939 project, but at a new level it will be just an impressive car in every respect!
Then the rockets go and everyone sees that they are … packages of Grad, Hurricane and Smerch rockets, fastened with metal bands. Each package contains seven missiles! Moreover, a warhead in the form of a container for a collective farm water tower is also attached to the central one. The charge is explosive dynamon-Zh, based on ammonium nitrate and oil cake from sunflower, but rapeseed cake and anything else is also suitable. The range is several times less than that of one rocket, but what is the throw weight ?! The same "Tochka-U" did not stand nearby, did it? Once - and there is no checkpoint, twice - and there is no battery shelling a peaceful city! And, by the way, nothing really needs to be produced anew - everything is there: rockets, cake, rolled metal. You can, again, put a control system in the bow through a video camera with aerodynamic rudders and deliver it to everyone. And on these rockets, made according to the principle of Tsiolkovsky and Korolev, let the interested persons install them themselves!
Next comes the "batch installation" again, but the caliber of the missiles is 82-mm, less than 100-mm, that is, the caliber of the world order stipulated by various agreements there. There are also seven missiles, or on the contrary - 21 missiles, but only the central one in this package has a gas-dynamic disengagement system for all the others. Therefore, not one such "small-caliber" rocket hits the target, but many at once. So the agreement is not violated, and the effectiveness of the strike is very high!

However, everyone is waiting for the tanks the most, and they finally appear. It seems to be ordinary, serial cars, but with some kind of "body" behind the tower. "And this is the place for tank fire support soldiers!" - says the announcer. “It has been proven that it is better for the human eye to keep track of what is happening around the tank! And the more eyes, the better! Here on this lodgement there are places for 4-6 soldiers who are able to provide fire support to the tank in urban conditions, that is, shoot in all directions!"
And again - it will be so, it will not be, in fact it does not matter. What matters is that this is obvious, everyone understands and … can be discussed on the networks! Here, they say, the Russians have come up with something …

Further, there are tanks with towers rising right on the move. And the announcer reports that the creation of the Armata tank opened the way for the creation of tanks with a completely uninhabited tower, which can rise several meters above the tank. Thanks to this, the vertical guidance angle of the gun of this vehicle approaches 90 degrees, and it can also shoot from behind fences, bushes and even low buildings without being exposed to enemy fire!
An armored vehicle of the "tandem" type for such a parade is very easy to make, but outwardly it will again look very impressive, and most importantly - everyone will see that the Russians are bypassing everyone else here, that they even have such combat vehicles already!

Our new BMPs certainly made an impression. But … you can think of something even more impressive. For example, a car in which six paratroopers are located … not inside the hull, but on it, each in an individual armored capsule. The engine is raised above the bottom so that no mine can reach it. The propeller is wheeled-caterpillar (the wheels are in the body, because it is empty!), So that the vehicle can get out of the battle in any case. There is no tower as such. There is a lifting module to fire at the enemy from above. Well, the paratroopers land on the ground right in their capsules with a special crane system. He opened their doors and … run for yourself, shout "hurray"!

Why is this BMP good? But what: it is not clear where to shoot at her! Wherever you get from the RPG (and if you did, and if your grenade was not destroyed on the way!), Then more than one paratrooper will not be killed, but then you yourself will be destroyed after that for sure and … well, is it worth it to be so heroic ?
And then a very strange car goes: the chassis is from MLTB, and on the back on the platform there is something similar to a drone, but with a wire reel. And the announcer explains that this is not a drone, but a combat module that launches to a height of 100 m, sees everything from there and can fire in all directions with missiles and from a cannon, and receives power for the engines from the ground via a cable, so its carrying capacity is very great!
On the BMP-3, you just need to put a pipe with a diameter of 152 mm, while informing that this is a new word in weapons practice and … that's it! Let them look, respect and be afraid! After all, this may well be! And then, after all, you can always say that "the doctrine has changed", that "tests have revealed some shortcomings", that "a new, even more perfect machine is being developed." We have already received the main thing: popular opinion, primarily abroad, and A. S. Pushkin in his tragedy "Boris Godunov" said: "But what is he strong? No, not with weapons, not with Polish help, but with the opinion, yes, the opinion of the people!"
Drawings by A. Sheps