Destroyers pr. 956. Review of technical condition

Destroyers pr. 956. Review of technical condition
Destroyers pr. 956. Review of technical condition

Of all the ships of the 3rd generation of the USSR Navy, the destroyers of Project 956 suffered the greatest non-combat losses. Of those laid down in 1976-1992. 22 corps (planned 50) were transferred to the fleet 17, and to this day only 10 survived in one condition or another. Of these ten, three are in the combat composition of the Navy, two are in the technical reserve of the 2nd category, one is in frozen repair. and four are awaiting disposal.


Destroyer "Bystry" project 956

1. "Admiral Ushakov"

It is part of the constant readiness forces of the Northern Fleet. The youngest of the destroyers of Project 956 (21 years old) - transferred to the Navy on 1993-30-12 under the name "Fearless", the flag was raised on 1994-17-04, renamed on 2004-17-04 - on the day of its 10th anniversary. (Presumably, after the transfer of the name, the fate of the head TARKR pr. 1144 was finally decided). 2000-20-06-2003-07-21 the ship underwent factory overhaul (VTG) at the Zvezdochka MP in Severodvinsk, which at that time was perceived almost as a miracle. After renovation. "Ushakov" twice went to the northeastern Atlantic. As part of the KAG. Led by "Admiral Kuznetsov" -

23.09-21.10.2004. And. 23.08-14.09.2005.. There is information that the destroyer underwent dock repairs at the 35th shipyard at least once.


Probably the freshest photo of "Ushakov" (with a new number applied), January 2015 (from avsky from

The ship is still actively engaged in combat training, often goes to sea (unfortunately, now only in Barents and Novyezhskoe) - it took part in the Zapad-2013 exercise, in April 2014 it successfully passed K-2, in September - K- 3, March 16-21, 2015 was involved in an unscheduled check of the combat readiness of the forces of the Northern Fleet and the Western Military District. In 2015, the destroyer "will take part in a number of exercises of the Northern Fleet and ensure the implementation of important events as part of the USC in the Arctic zone." The crew of "Ushakov" is 70% manned by contractors. The commander of the ship is Captain 1st Rank Oleg Gladky.

2. "Fast"

It is part of the permanent readiness forces of the Pacific Fleet. The "oldest" of the combatant 956s (25 years old) - transferred to the Navy on 1989-30-09, the flag was raised on 1989-28-10. An invariable participant in tactical and operational-tactical exercises of the Pacific Fleet, in particular - 09.08-26.09.2013 OTU in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean (in the Okhotsk and Barents seas, off the coast of Kamchatka). 14.05-01.06.2014 made a trip to Shanghai to participate in the Russian-Chinese exercise "Sea Interaction" (Joint Sea 2014) in the East China Sea (20-26.05).. This trip became the longest for the destroyers of Project 956 after a long break (since the time of the second Atlantic BS "Admiral Ushakov").


"Fast" in the Bosporus-Vostochny Strait during a joint exit with the "Varyag", 2014-08-07 (photo pressa_tof, 2950 pix.)

07/2014-19-15 "Bystry" was supposed to participate in the naval unit of the Russian-Indian exercise INDRA-2014. 08.07 together with "Varyag" (and, possibly, with "Peresvet") went out to sea for a dress rehearsal, but "Admiral Vinogradov" went to "Indra" instead. During the Vostok-2014 command and control squadron (September 19-25, 2014), the Bystry, in tandem with the Rubezh missile defense system, launched a missile attack on surface targets at a distance of up to 120 km. 27-29.10.2014. the destroyer performed almost its main task as intended - it supported the landing of amphibious assault forces at the Klerk training ground.

As of 2015-03-04 "Bystry" was undergoing repairs (VTG) at the Dalzavod Central Station. The previous visit to the CSD was only a year ago (16.02? -28.04.2014) - apparently, the notorious capriciousness of the SEU affects. The commander of the ship is Captain 2nd Rank Ruslan Petrachkov.

3. "Persistent"

It is part of the BF combat strength as the flagship of the fleet. In the series - the youngest after "Ushakov" (22 years old), transferred to the Navy on 1992-30-12, the flag was raised on 1993-27-03. In July 2008, he made a military-political cruise on the Baltic Sea, visiting Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Poland. Before this campaign (or immediately after it), there were serious problems with the power plant, which were "solved" by moving the turbines from the drill "Restless". At the beginning of 2012 "Nastya" (naval nickname) underwent repairs (VTG) at the Yantar shipyard (04.03 the ship was still there).


"Persistent" and "Restless" in Baltiysk, 08.10.2014 (photo by Drakon 64 from, by clicking - 3640 px)

On September 4, 2013, information appeared that "Persistent" was urgently preparing for a march to the Mediterranean Sea in order to strengthen the operational unit operating there, but on September 12 the march was canceled. September 20-26, 2013, the destroyer took part in the Zapad-2013 command and control system, on the last day of which it supported the amphibious assault landing at the Khmelevka training ground. 10-20.06.2014. Was involved in the demonstration exercise of the Western Military District. In contrast to the NATO exercises Saber Strike and BALTOPS.

On 2015-28-01, the crew of the "Nastoichivny" began to work out the K-1 mission, after which the ship was supposed to go to the naval combat training grounds to test the K-2. 2015-18-03 the destroyer went to sea as part of an unscheduled check of the combat readiness of the forces of the Northern Fleet and the Western Military District (March 16-21). The commander of the ship is Captain 1st Rank Alexander Morgen.

Among other things, information from was used.

Other photos:


"Admiral Ushakov" in Severomorsk, 07.05.2010 (photo from sam7 from


"Ushakov" in the dry dock of the 35th shipyard (undated photo from the company's website)


"Fast" supports the landing during the exercise of the Pacific Fleet Marine Corps, 2014-29-10 (photo pressa_tof)


"Quick". The launch of a 3M80 rocket of the Moskit complex during the Vostok-2014 command and control squadron, 2014-23-09 (photo fragment by pressa_tof)


"Persistent" goes to sea during an unscheduled inspection of the Northern Fleet and the Western Military District, 2015-18-03 (screenshot from the RT report)


The destroyer "Nastoichivy" in the "Yantar" shipyard, 04.03.2012 (photo by I. Mikhailov from the submission of A_SEVER,

"Restless", "Fearless", "Stormy"

The fate of the second trio of the 956s was different from that of the first. They have not gone to sea for a very long time, are served by reduced crews and have very vague prospects for the future. Nevertheless, they raise the flag and jack in the morning. do the tidy,. they refurbish the paint. and even (at least on one of them) train and train personnel. These are the ships of the technical reserve, from which, if you are lucky, you can return to duty.


"620th" and a strong mooring line as a symbol of its current status (photo by chistoprudov dated 16.02.2012)

4. "Restless"

It is in the technical reserve of the 2nd category in Baltiysk - the main base (main base) of the Baltic Fleet. The third most "young" destroyer of Project 956 after "Admiral Ushakov" and "Persistent" (23 years old) - transferred to the Navy on December 28, 1991, the flag was raised on February 29, 1992. For a long time, along with the "Persistent" was a representative ship of the Baltic Fleet, in the role of which he regularly demonstrated the flag at international naval exercises in the Baltic and during visits to ports of European countries.

In the spring of 2004, during the next exit to the sea, the destroyer lost its speed and returned to the base in tow. The technical readiness of the ship was restored by personnel, after which the "Restless" went to sea in 2006 and, most likely, the last time, in 2007 (in the latter case, with artillery fire). According to other sources, the last exit took place in 2009, but this information cannot be considered entirely reliable.

Soon the "Restless" was completely immobilized - by order of the division commander (12th dna), the main engines were removed from it and transferred to the "Persistent". There is an assumption that this was done in the first half of 2008 so that the BF flagship, whose power plant was out of order, could make the planned July cruise across Europe. This event determined the fate of "Restless" for many years to come.


"Restless" in Baltiysk, 2008-26-01 - possibly still on the move (photo by I. Mikhailov from, 3050 pix.)

During 2012-2013. the media have repeatedly touched upon the topic of the imminent high-precision engineering and even the modernization of the ship, and in some publications it was said about the beginning of work as a fait accompli: "Repairs are being carried out in all directions, from navigational and electromechanical equipment to missile and artillery weapons and communications … We hope that by 2015 the Destroyer destroyer will meet the most modern requirements for the warships of the Navy."

At present, "Restless" performs the duties of a stationary training ship, preparing personnel for other, more modern and successful, BF ships. This can be illustrated by the example of the commander of an electronic warfare group of a destroyer, who from time to time is seconded for advanced training on a sailing ship (in particular, on the Boyky corvette). On the "Restless", his main duties are to lead the process of training personnel for the naval services of the electronic warfare of the Baltic Fleet.

5. "Fearless"

It is in the technical reserve of the 2nd category in Fokino - one of the bases of the Pacific Fleet (Abrek Bay, Strelok Bay). The destroyer is 24 years old. -. Transferred to the Navy on 28.11.1990, the flag was raised on 23.12.1990. Having served only 8, 5 years, in the middle of 1999 (most likely in June) it was put into reserve due to the poor technical condition of the boilers and put on a joke in Vladivostok awaiting a medium repair (Yu. Apalkov). In 2002-2003 "Fearless" stood in Abrek.


"Fearless" (w / n 754) at the 1st pier in Fokino (undated photo from inquisitive808 from Next to him - the same type "Combat" and "Fast", behind - BDK pr. 1174 "Alexander Nikolaev", expelled from the Navy on 2006-18-12

Judging by the available photographs, at least from 02.10.2004 to 21.09.2005 the ship was tried to be repaired in Dalzavod, then towed back to Fokino, where it was spotted on 18.07.2007. There is information that at the end of October 2010 it was decided to continue repairing the destroyer in the nearby 30th shipyard (Danube town, Strelok bay). According to some reports, even the "boat" DVZ "Zvezda" took part in unsuccessful attempts to return the ship to service. Be that as it may, "Fearless" still stands idle at the 1st pier in the Abrek Bay.

6. "Stormy"

It is under repair at the Dalzavod Central Station (Vladivostok). The oldest of the 956s in the Navy (26 years old) - handed over to the Navy on 1988-30-09, the flag was raised on 1988-16-10. In 2003 he passed VTG at Dalzavod (04.08.2003 was there together with Bystry - link 12),. In April 2004, during the exercise, the Pacific Fleet launched an anti-ship missile system, and on August 18-25, 2005, it took part in the Russian-Chinese exercise Peace Mission 2005 together with Shaposhnikov and Peresvet (link 14).


Destroyer Burny in Dalzavod, October 24, 2014 (photo by Alex omen from, by click - 2000 px)

It is generally believed that Burny was undergoing a prolonged renovation at Dalzavod in 2005, that is, shortly after the Peace Mission, but no official (or photo-) confirmation of this could be found. (according to the executive director of the enterprise) that work on the ship began in September 2007. Since then, the destroyer has become a kind of architectural landmark of the plant.

The God-forgotten ship was remembered only in February 2013, when the St. Petersburg Kirov-Energomash (a subsidiary of the Kirovsky plant) began to repair the GTZA parts dismantled from the Burny. The units were to be repaired and delivered to Dalzavod by the end of the year. On October 24, 2013, the TsSD management announced the completion of the repair of the ship's electromechanical installation and the expected receipt from the customer (again, by the end of the year) of a technical assignment for the repair and modernization of the destroyer's weapons.

In 2014, there was no time for Burny. The progress of work on it can be judged by the appearance of the ship, which is for a year (from 20.09.2013 to 17.10.2014). has not changed at all. (see photo at the end of the entry).. As for the repair of the power plant,. it is better to listen to an eyewitness (with copyright edits): "Until December 2013, he worked at Kirov-Energomash, which in Soviet times made 674 machines for Sarychs (project 956)., no turbine) and an assembly and welding shop. Energomash is absolutely bad: there are only three CNC machines in the shops, and the rest are terrible rubbish. I saw a turbine from "Burny." there are no people at the plant who remember how it is done. Over the past 20 years, the Kirov plant has not produced a single turbine."

The quote does not cause much optimism, but it is not given in order to whip up despondency,. but only to understand the root causes of the 10-year long-term construction and the possibility of its completion in the near foreseeable future. The question concerns not only "Burny", but also "Restless" and "Fearless" - it is planned to consider it in the 4th part of this review.

Among other things, information from was used.

Other photos:


"Restless" and "Persevering" in Baltiysk, 2014-08-10 (fragment of the Drakon 64 photo from, clicked - 2690 pixels) When zoomed in. "Restless". looks pretty decent. -. Painted, with a brand new jack, all antenna posts are in place


Destroyer "Restless" with her younger brother - corvette "Smart", 16.02.2012 (photo by mannaz from


"Fearless" and "Fighting", Fokino, 2014-13-04 (a fragment of a Pim photo from - the freshest snapshot that could be found. Even from behind the tree, the main thing is clearly visible - the jack (the ship is part of the Navy) and the freshly painted side of the 754


"Fearless" before "repair", Fokino (7th pier), May 2003 (photo by Bull from


"Fearless" during "repairs" at Dalzavod, 02.10.2004 (photo by Amur73 from via


"Fearless" after "repair", Fokino (7th pier), 18.07.2007 (photo by Mehanoid from Behind - BARZK "Ural"


"Fearless" is towed to the 30th shipyard (Danube), tentatively - October 2010 (photo from inquisitive808 from


"Burny" in "Dalzavod", 2014-17-10 (photo by VitTE from, by click - 2240 pix.)


"Burny" in "Dalzavod" about a year earlier - 2013-20-09 (photo by Vitaliсus from Find 12 differences:)


"Burny" with the PLA destroyer "Guangzhou" (type 052B, 6500 gross tons) during the Peace Mission 2005 exercise in the Yellow Sea, 2005-23-08 (photo from, source:– one of the extreme exits of "Burny" in the sea (hopefully not the last)

"Combat", former "Thundering", "Quick"

If the "Restless", "Fearless" and "Stormy" still have some (albeit insignificant) chances to go out to sea again, then the last four destroyers of the project 956 remaining in the flesh have nothing to hope for. They were expelled from the Navy, their crews were disbanded (instead of them there were detour watches or "layover" teams), the flags were deposited in the naval museums, and the names were transferred to other ships or reserved until better times. Now these are the monuments of the last era of timelessness in the history of the Russian navy. Let's hope that it is the latter, and not the extreme.


Looking at this photo, it is believed that for the Russian Navy all the worst is over, because it simply cannot be worse - the 12-year-old destroyer Stoyky, which sank on 1999-06-04 at the 1st pier in Fokino due to the plundering of the outboard fittings (from A. Pavlov's book)

7. "Combat"

Excluded from the fleet, located in Fokino (1st pier) awaiting disposal. The oldest surviving destroyer, project 956 (28 years old), was handed over to the Navy on 1986-28-09, the flag was raised on 1986-11-10. … The next year, "Combat" again took the prize in the same nomination, despite the fact that some of its boilers were out of order.. In 1997, boilers were repaired at Dalzavod. (Yu. Apalkov), and nevertheless in 1998 at the age of 11-12 the ship was put into reserve.


"Fighting" (w / n 720) and "Fearless" in Fokino, 02.07.2011 (photo from inquisitive808 from

According to available data, since then the destroyer did not leave its "eternal" anchorage at the 1st pier in Fokino, and on 2010-01-12 was excluded from the fleet ( "Due to the fact that the ship was used (disassembled) as a source of spare parts for the same type of destroyers of the Pacific Fleet" its technical readiness as of 2013-11-03 was estimated at no more than 20% of the "nominal". The fact of active use of "Boyevoy" as a spare parts and accessories donor is also confirmed by the reports of the participants of the well-known maritime forum.

8. "Thundering" (w / n 404)

Excluded from the fleet,. Is in Severomorsk (presumably, at the 5th pier). Awaiting scrapping.. The ship is 26 years old - transferred to the Navy on 1988-30-12, the flag was raised on 1989-14-01, renamed to "Thundering" shortly before the transfer to the fleet - 1988-18-08 (according to A. Pavlov - 1988-14-09),. before that it was called "Leading".. 23.04-27.10.1994 underwent current repairs in the 35th shipyard with replacement of boiler tubes. In the period 03.1995-01.1996 periodically went to sea. In September 1996, due to the condition of three boilers (out of 4 standard ones), going out to sea was prohibited.

On 1997-28-03, the destroyer was removed from the permanent readiness forces to the technical reserve of the 2nd category in anticipation of a medium repair, on 1998-15-06 the crew was reduced. On December 18, 2006, the ship was excluded from the fleet (, although they were going to do it back in June 2005…. 2007-09-12 the name "Thundering" was given to the same type "Unrestrained", and the welded letters were painted over with ball paint. It was used as a "donor".. In 2013, the destroyer's hull leaked, which is why the ship had to be towed to Murmansk (in the 35th shipyard), where emergency repairs were made to seal (convert) the hull. 2013-07-09 the former "Thundering" was returned to its place.


Two former "Thundering" (404 and 406) at one pier, Severomorsk, July 10, 2014 (fragment of the Kai-8 photo from, 3250 pix.)

9. "Thundering" (w / n 406)

Excluded from the fleet, located in Severomorsk (at the same pier as w / n 404) awaiting disposal. The ship is 23 years old - transferred to the Navy on 1991-25-06 under the designation "Unrestrained", the flag was raised on 1991-12-07, renamed 2007-09-12. 1997-14-04 went to sea for a comprehensive check of combat readiness (possibly for the last time). In May 1998, he was transferred to the technical reserve of the 2nd category due to the need for docking, replacement of diesel generators and pipes on all boilers.

According to available data, on 2012-01-12 the destroyer was excluded from the fleet (link 3), the flag was lowered (with subsequent transfer to the museum of the Atlantic squadron) on 2013-01-05. The dates given do not agree very well with the fact that on 2012-01-02 at Severnaya Verf the corvette "Gremyashchy" pr. 20385 was laid down, unless we assume that from the moment of the transfer of the name to the decommissioning, the destroyer was listed in the Navy under the former name - "Unbridled" (at least officially - according to the order of the commander-in-chief).

This happened, of course, not by malicious intent, but with the name "Thundering" the confusion turned out to be thorough. They tell an anecdote how "in one department, people far from the Navy fell into a stupor when they were brought documents for the disposal of two" Thundering "at once. Severomorsk, on holidays, the colors are still raised, and in some reports from the press service of the Ministry of Defense, the Guards destroyer "Gremyashchy" is still listed in the 43rd drk of the Northern Fleet.

10. "Agile"

Expelled from the fleet, located in the Military Harbor of Kronstadt, awaiting disposal. The ship is 25 years old - transferred to the Navy on 1989-30-12, the flag was raised on 1990-23-03. The last exit to the sea took place, most likely, on 1996-20-08, when of all the tasks of combat training, only artillery firing was performed, since due to the poor technical condition of the boilers, it was necessary to return to the base (in the future, going out to sea is prohibited). 1997-31-12 withdrawn to the second category shadow reserve, 1998-18-01 ammunition unloaded.


"Rapid" during towing from Severnaya Verf to Kronstadt, 2014-16-09 (photo by Alexey Akentiev vs kuleshovoleg, 2560 pix.). One of the rare pictures of the destroyer pr. 956 with a hangar (shelter for a helicopter) in a working (extended) position

At the beginning of November 2000, having completed (in tow?) An inter-fleet transition, the ship arrived at Severnaya Verf (St. Petersburg) for a mid-life repair. The renovation work began two to three months later and lasted for six months, after which it was curtailed due to the cessation of funding. Nonresident officers "by hook or by crook tried to escape from the plant back to the North … The crew carried out minimal work on their own." Due to lack of funds, the renovation was frozen for a long 14 years (counting from the date of arrival).

According to some sources, the destroyer was decommissioned on 2012-08-08 (, according to others, the documents for cancellation submitted for a long time as of 2013-29-05 were never signed. It must be assumed that the presence of an "outside" object in the water area of the enterprise and the lack of money for its repair annoyed the management of Severnaya Verf every year more and more, which became the reason for a litigation between the Army and the Ministry of Defense. In the end, the problem with the "Rastoropny" was resolved - on September 16, 2014. The ship was towed to the Kronstadt Military Harbor.. There is not entirely reliable information that as of December 20, 2014, the aft tower had already been dismantled from it.

Among other things, information was used from (link 18), from A. Pavlov's book "Destroyers of the first rank" (Yakutsk, 2000), and Yu. Apalkov's reference books "Ships of the USSR Navy", Volume II, Part I (St. Petersburg, 2003) and "Shock Ships" (Moscow, 2010).

Other photos:


"Fighting" and "Fearless", Fokino, 2014-13-04 (a fragment of a Pim photo from - the freshest snapshot that we managed to find (a repeat from the 2nd part of the review). You can clearly see the absence of jacks on the "Combat" and its extremely neglected state.


B / n 404 (former "Thundering") is towed from Murmansk to Severomorsk after conversion to the 35th shipyard, Kola Bay, 2013-07-09 (photo by R_G from, clicked - 4320 px). When zoomed in, the filled letters of the name are visible


"Thundering" in the 35th shipyard (undated photo from the company's website). Most likely, this is w / n 404 for conversion in 2013.


"Thundering" (formerly "Unrestrained") before writing off (with jack), 2009-02-03 (photo Shtorm_DV via, 3890 pix.)


"Rapid" at Severnaya Verf, 04.08.2008 (photo by Evgeniy 5110 from


"Quick" at Severnaya Verf, 2013-25-05 (photo by Curious from


"Quick" in Kronstadt awaiting disposal, 2014-03-10 (photo by fyodor_photo from vmart2005 from

Not so bad walkers

The deplorable state in which the ships of the series found themselves in post-Soviet times, and a number of authoritative publications that touched on this topic, caused the emergence of a stereotype about the inferiority of the destroyers' boiler-turbine power plant. In particular, Yu. Apalkov's reference book "Ships of the USSR Navy" (volume II, part I, St. Petersburg, 2003) says: building boilers and complicates the operation of the main mechanisms ". In the revised edition "Shock Ships" (Moscow, 2010) added: "As it turned out, Soviet. (And then Russian). The Navy turned out to be technically and organizationally unprepared for the intensive operation of units with high-pressure boilers."

However, the experience of the combat service of the destroyer Otlichny alone (the third ship of the series) with its truly extraordinary floatation largely refutes this thesis. It should be emphasized that high-pressure boilers KVN-98/64 were installed on the first six buildings - less advanced and reliable than boilers KVG-3 (with gas turbocharging and natural water circulation) used on those 956s that are now in service or in the reserve of the 2nd category (A. Pavlov "Destroyers of the first rank", Yakutsk, 2000).


Destroyer "Otlichny" off the coast of Libya, 03.24.1986 (photo by U. S. Navy from

Let's list only the most outstanding achievements from the track record of "Excellent", taken mainly from the book of A. Pavlov.

From 1984-06-12 - combat service in the Atlantic, in particular, from 1984-25-12 - in the Caribbean, including three visits to Havana (the last one - 1985-05-02) and joint exercises with the Cuban Navy, monitoring the AUG "Dwight Eisenhower". Then - crossing the Atlantic Ocean and BS in the Mediterranean Sea (from 16.03.1985). 05/1985-31-16 operated in the western part of the SPM and in the Atlantic, the date of return to Severomorsk is not known. In total, combat service lasted at least six months.

Already on 20.01.1986 (after about 7 months) - access to the next BS in the Mediterranean.. On the way.–. participation in an anti-submarine search operation at the North Cape-Bear line and the Dozor-86 exercises of the Baltic Fleet (09-15.02), tracking the AUG Saratogi (20-23.03) and America (10-15.04). 26-29.04.1986 - business call to Benghazi (Libya), 29-30.04 - tracking the AUG "Enterprise", 21.05 - "accident" at anchorage near Sicily due to the fault of a Panamanian dry cargo ship with damage to the starboard side, launcher, anti-ship missile complex "Moskit", Radar. 6-30.06.1986 - repairs in Sevastopol at the Sevmorzavod. The date of return to the main base is not known (in January 1987 he was in the 82nd shipyard), the total duration of the BS is more than six months.

Since 1988-26-05 as part of a detachment of ships led by the TAVKR "Baku" (pr. 11434, today - 11430 "Vikramaditya") the third combat service in the Mediterranean. 07-12.07 tracking of the Eisenhower AUG, 13-18.07 approach to Tartus to restore technical readiness and rest of the personnel, 18-24.07 continued tracking of the American AUG. On 22-29.08 and 27-31.10 calls into Latakia (Syria), for the second time - joint exercises with the Syrian Navy. 01-21.11 parking and VTG in Tartus, then - combat escort "Baku" on the way home, arrival in Severomorsk - 1988-18-12. The duration of the BS is about seven months.

1989-30-06 entry into combat service in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea - the fourth in 4, 5 years. 21-25.07 visit to Norfolk (naval base on the East Coast of the USA) together with RRC "Marshal Ustinov". 09.10-05.11 call to Tartus for repair and rest of personnel, 12-17.11 call to Algeria to ensure the visit of Commander-in-Chief of the Navy S. Gorshkov.. Arrival in Severomorsk.–. 1989-14-12. The time spent on the BS is about six months.


"Excellent". Takes fuel (and water?). From the tanker of the Novorossiysk Shipping Company "Marshal Biryuzov" (type "Split"), Mediterranean Sea, 01.06.1988 (photo from sam7 from In the distance - TFR SF pr. 1135 "Loud" (w / n 962)

Today it is hard to believe, but in eight years of service - from raising the flag (19.11.1983) to transferring to the reserve of the 1st category in anticipation of the failed average repair (10.1991), the destroyer "Excellent" covered 150,535 miles, which corresponds to seven lengths of the equator (history is silent about any serious troubles associated with the power plant). It is significant that the total 17-year "mileage" of one of the most running ships of the modern Russian fleet - the Peter the Great TARKR was "only" 180,000 miles. It is worth writing this in capital letters:

The destroyer of the USSR Navy pr. 956 "Excellent" with an "unreliable", "capricious", actively criticized boiler-turbine power plant covered 150,500 miles (18,800 miles per year) in 8 years, while the Russian Navy TARKR pr. 11442 "Peter Great "with a reliable, not satisfactory nuclear power plant ─ about 180,000 miles in 17 years (10,600 miles a year - almost half the size)."

It hardly makes sense to look for the reason for the high flotation of the "Otlichny" in the special attitude of the fleet command to it (expressed, say, in the selection of selected personnel and in the extraordinary allocation of spare parts for the VTG), or in the outstanding professional qualities of the commanders of the ship and the BCh-5, or in simple irrational luck, finally, since he was far from the only one in the series who served for a long time (up to six months or more) in distant waters.

"Modern" - 1981-30-12 - 1982-06-08 hike (within the framework of tests) along the route: Liepaja - Mediterranean Sea - Sevastopol - Mediterranean Sea - Severomorsk (seven months); 15.01-04.07.1985 combat service in the Mediterranean Sea as part of the KUG headed by the TAVKR "Kiev" - 19,985 miles were covered in less than six months; 08-26.09.1988 jointly with the Stroyny missile defense complex - control over NATO exercises in the Norwegian Sea with 53-hour tracking of the Forrestal AUG.

"Desperate" - 10/17/1983-11-06 BS in the Atlantic; 15.01-05.06.1985 (about five months) military service in the Mediterranean Sea, 08-26.03 direct tracking of the Eisenhower AUG, 02-06.05 visit from the Kiev aircraft carrier to Algeria; 03/1987-17-09 BS in the Atlantic with the provision of inter-fleet passage of the RRC "Marshal Ustinov" (from the Faroe Islands); 03-23.09.1987 combat service in the North Sea and North Atlantic with tracking of the Forrestal AUG; from the hoisting of the flag (31.10.1982) to the withdrawal to the reserve (22.05.1992) he covered 121,920 miles - 5, 5 "round the world" in 9, 5 years.

"Discreet" - 21.08-22.11.1985 transition from Baltiysk to Vladivostok around Africa as part of the IBM led by the Frunze TARKR, with calls to Angola, Mozambique, South Yemen and Vietnam (three months, 67 running days, about 21 300 miles); 15.02-09.09.1988 (about seven months) - military service in the Persian Gulf with pilotage of 31 ships in 16 convoys.

"Impeccable" - 1986-28-08-12.1986 military service in the Mediterranean (about four months); 05.01-23.06.1987 (almost immediately) a new BS in the SZM as part of the CBG led by the Kiev aircraft carrier with tracking the Nimitsa AUG and a visit to Tripoli (Libya) - about six months, 20,197 miles; 03/1989-17-04 jointly with "Winged" - control over NATO exercises and tracking AUG "America"; 01-21.07.1990 trip to Great Britain with a visit to Portsmouth; 01/04/1991-07-25 (more than half a year) - the third BS in the Mediterranean, together with the Kalinin TARKR (Admiral Nakhimov) with visits to Alexandria and Port Said; from raising the flag (November 16, 1985) to withdrawal to the reserve in mid-1993, he covered 62,000 miles - about 3 "round the world" in 8 years.


"Flawless" in the North Atlantic en route to the Mediterranean, 09.1986 (US Navy photo from

"Combat" - 22.06-22.12.1987 (six months) inter-naval transition from the Baltic to the Pacific Fleet with combat duty in the Persian Gulf (22 ships were conducted in 16 convoys), with visits and calls to Aden, Bombay and Cam Ranh; 04.04-23.09.1989 - (about six months). Combat service in the Persian Gulf. With the performance of reconnaissance and escort missions, with a call to Madras (India) - 16 880 miles covered; 12.07-22.08.1990 - a trip to the USA together with the BOD "Admiral Vinogradov" with a visit to San Diego (31.07-04.08) - 12,100 miles covered, 5 refueling was made on the move at sea.

"Steady" - 10.1987-04.1988 (six months) inter-naval transition from the Baltic to the Pacific Fleet with military service in the Persian Gulf, escorting convoys during the Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988), during the BS was subjected to shelling (received hull damage), repair of boilers at PMTO in the Dahlak archipelago (Ethiopia); 15.01-07.1990 (six months) long-distance cruise (BS) along the route Vladivostok - South China Sea - Indian Ocean - Suez Canal - Mediterranean Sea - Bosphorus - Sevastopol and back.

"Winged" - 05-24.08.1988 transition from Liepaja to Severomorsk; December 21-30, ensuring the inter-fleet passage of the Kalinin TARKR (2,430 miles covered); 03/1989-17-04 as part of the IBM, tracking the British AV "Ark Royal" during NATO exercises in the Norwegian Sea; 01.12.1989-13.06.1990 (six months) military service in the Mediterranean with calls to Tartus and tracking the Eisenhower AUG; 01/1991-23-04 exit to the Atlantic to escort the Kalinin TARKR to the BS in the SZM (to Gibraltar);. from raising the flag (1988-10-01) to withdrawal to the reserve (1994-09-03). passed 69 480 miles - more than three "round the world" for 6 (total six) years as part of the Navy.

"Burny" - 14.10-14.12.1989 (two months) inter-fleet passage from Baltiysk to the Pacific Fleet with calls to Crete, Port Said, Aden and Cam Ranh - covered 12,000 miles in 44 sailing days; 03.01-20.07.1991 (more than six months) military service in the South China Sea based in Cam Ranh - 6555 miles covered.

"Thundering" (formerly "Leading") - 01.24-21.07.1990 (six months) military service in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea (in the SPM - with the "Winged"), 05.03 joint maneuvers with an Italian frigate, 25.06-01.07 visit to Havana, joint exercises with the Cuban Navy - 24,000 miles covered in 176 sailing days.


"Winged" in the Mediterranean, 1989-22-12 (US Navy photo from

The biographies of the other 956s, due to their late birth, are not so rich in miles traveled, but long-distance campaigns (and even one military service) are also in their service records (events before 2000 are listed, later in the previous parts).

"Bystry" - 09/1990-03-15 inter-fleet passage from the Baltic to the Pacific Fleet with the "Chervona Ukraine" ("Varyag") RRC with a call to Kamran; 08/18/1993-09-06 hike from the "Admiral Panteleev" spacecraft with visits to Qingdao (China) and Busan (South Korea); from the moment of construction (raising the flag - 1989-28-10) to the withdrawal to the reserve of the 1st category (1998-29-12) covered 43,790 miles - two "round the world" for 9 years of service, which subsequently continued successfully.

"Rapid" - 05-09.07.1990 inter-fleet passage from Baltiysk to Severomorsk;. from 25.09.1993 a trip to the Mediterranean Sea with a visit to Toulon (11-15.10), the date of return to the OPB is not known - 6460 miles have been covered.

"Fearless" - 25.11.1991-07.01.1992 inter-fleet passage from Baltiysk to Vladivostok, without calls to foreign ports - in about 1.5 months and covered about 12,000 miles.

"Unrestrained" ("Thundering") - 26-30.10.1991 inter-fleet passage from Baltiysk to Severomorsk; 06.05-16.06.1993 a trip to the United States with a visit to New York (26-31.05) to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic, after the parade - joint exercises with the ships of the American Navy.

"Restless" - there were no long trips; 04-24.07.1998 friendly visits to Plymouth (Great Britain), Zeebrugge (Belgium), Denhelder (Holland) - about 3000 miles covered.

"Persistent" - 17.02-30.04.1997 a long-distance campaign around Africa, with participation on 15-18.03 in an arms exhibition in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) and visits to Simonstown (02-06.04) and Cape Town (South Africa) during the celebration of the 75th anniversary South African Navy - covered 19,800 miles in 2.5 months.

"Fearless" ("Admiral Ushakov") - 09-16.08.1994 transition from Baltiysk to Severomorsk; 21.12.1995-22.03.1996 military service in the Mediterranean Sea as part of the CAG headed by the TAVKR "Admiral Kuznetsov" 14 160 miles have been covered in three months.

Other photos:


"Excellent" off the coast of Libya, 03.24.1986 (US Navy photo from sam7 from


"Excellent" and "Sea King", possibly 01.01.1987 (photo from DDR from


"Excellent" leaves Norfolk, 1989-25-07 (US Navy photo from


"Desperate" in combat service in the Atlantic, 1983-26-10 (US Navy photo from


"Fearless" in Malta, 02.1986 (photo from Shtorm_DV from from
