Gorbachev's "perestroika" did not lead to the creation of a "new economy" competitive in the world market, as originally planned. Since 1986, the situation in the Soviet economy has steadily deteriorated. There was a landslide drop in production efficiency and labor productivity. The return on assets was falling. It was not possible, as planned, to reduce the consumption of materials. A slow but gaining pace began to decline in the volume of production of hydrocarbons - oil and gas. The era of "oil communism", which allowed the Soviet elite to conclude a "big deal" with the people, abandon radical modernization and do nothing in the 1970s and most of the 1980s, has come to an end.
Due to problems in the economy, a drop in the quality of management and, apparently, due to the sabotage of a part of the Soviet elite, which was already betting on the collapse of the USSR, there were interruptions in the supply of food and consumer goods to the population. This process was especially noticeable in large cities, Soviet capitals - Moscow and Leningrad. This was painfully perceived by the population of the cities, weaned from the asceticism of the period of mobilization, corrupted by the years of the Brezhnev "golden age" and the victorious ideals of a consumer society.
In 1987, it became clear to Gorbachev and his entourage that the country was facing a severe systemic crisis. The system went into an unstable state, which could lead to the complete collapse of the USSR. A reduction in the rate of production could already lead to an absolute drop in production and a sharp drop in consumption. And this threatened with a sharp increase in social tension, on the outskirts - national. The crisis could have been resolved by civil war.
Gorbachev was surrounded by "architects and foremen of perestroika" - destroyers who were already deliberately betting on the collapse and destruction of Soviet civilization, entry into the "civilized community of states" and privatization (plunder, plunder) of people's property and the country's wealth. First of all, it is worth highlighting Alexander Yakovlev - the ideologist, "architect" of perestroika. Obviously, he was a conscious agent of Western influence, who believed that it was necessary to destroy the USSR, that “it was time to end the Soviet system”. They talked about "renewing and improving socialism", but in reality they were crushing the USSR (Great Russia). Soviet intelligence, state security had information about the destructive activities of the Yakovlev group, which had contacts in the West. Gorbachev was informed about this, but he showed indecision, tried to settle everything within the party, behind the scenes (as was then customary).
Representatives of national elites were also among the destroyers of the USSR. They wanted to dismember the Soviet Union in order to become the sovereign rulers of the new states (and, accordingly, their wealth). Among them was Gorbachev's closest associate, the former Minister of Internal Affairs of the Georgian SSR, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Georgia and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR in 1985-1990. Eduard Shevardnadze. Later, he admits that from the very beginning he set himself the goal of liberating Georgia from Russian rule. It is clear that such a person at the head of the foreign policy department of the Soviet empire has done many misfortunes that cannot be called anything other than high treason.
In fact, this The "modern", "democratic" Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, who was immediately liked in the West, surrendered the national interests of the USSR. He surrendered the USSR in the "cold war" - the third world war. The milestones of his betrayal were the practically unilateral disarmament of the Soviet armed forces; handing over of positions in Eastern Europe and around the world; permission for the unification of Germany - in fact, the surrender of the GDR, and without corresponding concessions from the West; withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan; In 1990, Shevardnadze, together with US Secretary of State D. Baker, signed an agreement on the transfer of the Bering Sea to the United States. It was the surrender of the sea possessions (shelf) of Russia-USSR to the USA. Loss of Russian territory, rich in biological resources and promising oil and gas fields.
Gorbachev was afraid of an uncontrollable catastrophe in the vastness of the USSR (collapse and civil war) and tried to save the country and the party through a profitable surrender to the masters of the West. Gorbachev wanted to offer the West a "big deal." It was between the Soviet elite and the real masters of the West. They say that the Soviet economy can no longer compete with capitalism, the life of the people is deteriorating. Therefore, it is necessary to exchange communism for the right to enter the "civilized community of states", the "golden billion" of the planet. Moscow abandoned the ideology of communism; helped to painlessly dismantle the socialist bloc, first in Eastern Europe, in the Union's zone of influence throughout the planet, then within her own country; carried out disarmament, reducing the risk of a nuclear war to a minimum; introduced a "market economy". In return, the "world community" provided access to advanced technologies, equipment, investments and a sea of cheap consumer goods for the population, a consumer paradise was coming. The Soviet elite became part of the global elite, the "masters of the world."
The possibility of an internal catastrophe, an uncontrolled collapse of the USSR became the main motive for Gorbachev's policy. He was afraid that if the resources for Brezhnev's "big deal" run out, then a social catastrophe will occur in the USSR. It was not possible to raise the productivity of the Soviet economy in order to strengthen the resource base. This means that it is necessary to take resources from outside, from abroad. The difference from Andropov's plan was that he first planned to carry out economic modernization, to create a special “new economy” competitive in the world market, corporations (military-industrial complex, space, nuclear industry, energy, scientific centers, “black gold”, etc.).), restore order in the country - among the elite and the people, restore discipline; and in foreign policy - to scare the West strongly with the threat of a new round of the Cold War, the arms race. The West itself was in crisis, the next stage of the crisis of capitalism was developing. The predatory, parasitic system of the West degraded and self-destructed. It can exist only with the constant expansion of the "living space". There was already no one to plunder on the planet. The United States, as the flagship of the Western world, was doomed to collapse and death until the end of the century. The question was who would collapse first - the USSR or the USA, the socialist or the capitalist system. With successful modernization, the USSR had every chance of outliving the United States and winning the Cold War. That is, the terms of the “big deal” with the West were good.
Gorbachev was afraid of an internal catastrophe, did not have the spirit, will and mind to decisively modernize the party and country, to restore the ideological basis of the Soviet project-civilization, destroyed after the elimination of Stalin. A big idea, the creation of an advanced civilization of all mankind, a society of knowledge, creation and service. That could again mobilize the society, the people, give them the meaning of being. Save the USSR. Gorbachev did not understand such a need or was frightened.
He preferred a cowardly surrender, trying to gain time to save the party and the country. Therefore, Gorbachev, unlike Andropov, decided that there was no need to frighten the West, it was just necessary to sell it profitably. To surrender the communist idea, the Soviet system, which you still need to get rid of, since it is supposedly unviable, uncompetitive and ineffective in the new global world.
In fact, it was the convergence and integration of the Russian (Soviet) and Western civilizations, but on the terms of the masters of the Western world. Surrounded by Gorbachev, agents of Western influence took up, who were conscious opponents of communism and the special path of Russian civilization, the mission of the Russian people, which they then repeatedly admitted (like Yakovlev). They powdered the brains of people with concepts such as "universal human values", "common European home", "world cooperation", "civilized community of states", etc. In fact, these concepts concealed surrender, the surrender of the Soviet project, the defeat of the USSR in the third world ("cold") war and the total plundering of the heritage of many generations of Russian and Soviet people.
Gorbachev and his entourage completed the process of the country's abandonment of its civilizational, global project. This inevitably led to the national, geopolitical, economic and social catastrophe of the USSR (Great Russia).
Thus, the dismantling of the socialist bloc and Soviet civilization began from above. Can be selected immediately several leading destructive processes:
1) enhanced, explosive formation, organization and financing of a heterogeneous "fifth column";
2) playing the "national card" - the stake of representatives of national elites on the collapse of the USSR, "grabbing" of its inheritance, activation of the national radical intelligentsia, inciting ethnic minorities against Russian, especially this process was actively developing in the Baltics, the Caucasus and Central Asia; incitement of interethnic hatred;
3) the decomposition of the Soviet elite, its demoralization; mopping up the state security organs and the armed forces from the opponents of perestroika;
4) with the tacit consent of the CPSU Central Committee, their own press in those years actually waged a propaganda, information war against its own country and its people. TV and the media launched a massive, powerful attack on government agencies, all institutions of state and power, the Communist Party, the Soviet army, the police, and on Soviet history. Incessant slander, deception, discrediting, gruesome, driving the people to hysteria, paranoia. Total programming, instilling the schizophrenic idea that “you cannot live in this country”, “everything must be rebuilt,” “changes are needed,” etc.
5) with the help of the Soviet special services, the dismantling of the social bloc begins, "velvet revolutions" are organized in the countries of Eastern Europe. In particular, in 1989 there was an anti-communist coup in Romania;
6) a series of man-made disasters, accidents like the 1986 Chernobyl tragedy were organized on the territory of the USSR. The goal is demoralization, deprivation of the will of the Soviet elite and the population;
7) accelerated unilateral disarmament, curtailment and destruction of promising military and space programs that turned the USSR into a global superpower, ahead of the entire planet for decades ahead; withdrawal of troops from the sphere of influence of the USSR, Eastern Europe. Surrender in Afghanistan, although the Soviet army was victorious. Surrender of East Germany.

Joint dinner of the Soviet and American delegations aboard the Soviet ship "Maxim Gorky", Malta. December 2, 1989
The Americans and Westerners, seeing the signals from Gorbachev and his team, were pleased. Since 1981, Reagan has consistently tried to crush the Soviet "evil empire", and here is such a gift. The USA and the West are saved! They can overcome their systemic crisis at the expense of the collapse and plunder of the socialist world, the richest resources of the USSR! Victory in the third world war! Destruction of the millennial strategic enemy, which itself renounces its global mission, civilizational and national project. Therefore, Reagan in 1987 stopped harsh actions against Russia. They say, do not prevent Gorbachev and his perestroika gang from breaking the USSR themselves, do not dispel the delusions of the Soviet elite and the people on the merger of the Western and Soviet systems, on the fact that Russia will become a full-fledged member of the "world community."The West began to actively create a myth about Gorbachev's "progressive" policy, to support his initiatives on disarmament, including nuclear disarmament, dismantling the social bloc and communism.
Itself the surrender was formalized at the Malta Summit in December 1989. There, on December 2-3, a meeting was held between US President George W. Bush (Art.) And Secretary General of the CPSU Central Committee Mikhail Gorbachev. The end of the Cold War - World War III - was proclaimed. It was a capitulation: Moscow promised non-interference in the affairs of the countries of Eastern Europe, consent to the unification of Germany, concessions in relation to the Baltic republics. Bush only verbally supported perestroika in the USSR. After the meeting in Malta - the betrayal of Gorbachev, Yakovlev and Shevardnadze, an avalanche-like process of collapse and surrender begins at all levels.
In the West, in the United States, from the very beginning, they were not going to let Russians into the “golden billion”. Russian civilization and the state, the Russian people are subject to destruction (the so-called Russian question) under any authorities and ideologies - under tsars, general secretaries and presidents, under a monarchy, Soviet power or liberal democrats. Why is Russia in the western metropolis, if it is destined for the role of a raw material colony and a place of possible resettlement of the "golden elite" in the conditions of the already predicted global biosphere catastrophe? With its riches, resources, sales market, Russia was supposed to save the West from the crisis, help it make a technological breakthrough into the “new world order”. To carry out a "reset of the matrix" - to create a stable global slave-owning civilization. The United States also needed Russia as "cannon fodder" against China and the Islamic world.
Unsurprisingly, Washington's project easily crushed Gorbachev's illusory designs. The masters of the West supported the illusions of Moscow in exchange for the scrapping of socialism, the Soviet civilization was given large loans, putting Russia on a financial hook. This reinforced Gorbachev's hopes - if they give money, then everything is going well. We are on the right track, comrades. We go to the civilized world community. This illusion finished off the USSR.