In the Navy, replenishment: at 13.00 on 14.10.2011, the Russian naval flag was raised for the first time on the Soobrazitelny multipurpose corvette. SK Severnaya Verf handed over the ship, laid down in May 2003, to the Baltic Fleet. The ship was taken over by the commander of the Baltic Fleet. When signing the acceptance certificate of the ship, the General Director of Severnaya Verf Insurance Company made a statement that today there are no analogues of this multipurpose corvette in the world. A surface ship is capable of solving any assigned tasks, the scope of activity is not only naval combat operations, but also the protection of naval groupings and naval bases from air attacks, countering enemy submarines, as well as providing comprehensive assistance to ground forces conducting combat operations on the sea coast.

SK Severnaya Verf currently has guarantees from the government of the Russian Federation and is the only company producing upgraded ships of the 20381 project. According to the signed contract with the military department, SK Severnaya Verf will build four multipurpose corvettes. The need for the Navy in ships of the near sea zone is 20 units.

The main characteristics practically do not differ from the ships of project 20380, except for changing the underwater base, this made it possible to install a newer and more powerful, but at the same time, light power plant on the corvette, which also reduced the ship's displacement by 15%:
- Width 13 meters;
- length 104.5 meters;
- draft 3.7 meters;
- autonomous swimming for half a month;
- range of 4 thousand miles;
- speed 27 knots;
- the ship's crew is 99 people.
The modernization significantly affected the radio-electronic equipment and armament of the ship.

Nowadays, the latest information and observation systems are one of the decisive factors that make it possible to solve the assigned tasks, outstripping the enemy's capabilities with maximum efficiency. The radar station "Furke-2" is responsible for the air situation on the corvette, the detection range of enemy aircraft is more than 100 km. The sea surface is monitored by the "Monument-A" radar with a maximum detection range of enemy surface targets up to 100 km, and detection of operating enemy radars up to 500 km. The Zarya-2 hydroacoustic station with a detection range of up to 20 km, the Vignette-M hydroacoustic system with a detection range of up to 60 km, the Anapa-M search engine and search buoys of an anti-submarine helicopter based on the corvette are responsible for observing enemy underwater targets. …
Another indispensable system of the Soobrazitelny spacecraft is the GKP based on the Sigma-20830 automated control system, which sorts, selects, and issues all available information from external and internal tracking and information collection devices. The GKP makes an accurate assessment of the situation and issues decisions at the beginning of certain hostilities to a corvette or a group of surface ships performing a common mission.

The strike complex of the multipurpose corvette turned out to be very powerful after the modernization:
- missile system for countering surface targets - "Uranus", the firing range reaches 260 kilometers, ammunition for 8 missiles;
- SAM "Kortik-M" with the ability to use missiles at a distance of up to 8 kilometers, 64 missiles ammunition, 12,000 anti-aircraft rounds;
- anti-aircraft gun caliber 30 mm "AK-630M", range of 4 kilometers, ammunition 6-12 thousand rounds;
- artillery mount of caliber 100 mm "A-190", the range of destruction is more than 20 kilometers, 80 rounds of ammunition;
- torpedo tubes of 324 mm caliber, ammunition for 8 torpedoes;
- anti-submarine helicopter KA-27PL.
The radar suppression system is represented by the TK-25-2 complex for generating active interference, the PK-10 complex, which has 4 launchers and 90 rounds of ammunition.
When developing the project "Smart" was applied the modern technology of invisibility "Stealth". Detection of the ship was reduced by using fiberglass made with radio-absorbing properties and placing antennas in radio-transparent boxes.

The multipurpose corvette successfully combines a powerful strike complex and a lighter hull, tests have shown that this did not in any way affect the sailing and combat characteristics of the ship.
In mid-March 2011, Severnaya Verf Insurance Company announced the conclusion of a new contract with the military department of the Russian Federation. The contract provides for the creation of 11 multipurpose corvettes of the 20385 project. The approximate cost of the corvette is 10 billion rubles. Six modernized corvettes of the "20385" project are scheduled to be launched by 2020.