Not so long ago, Russian shipbuilding and ship repair yards sounded the alarm that the total underfunding from the state and the "calm" in the sea of orders forced many employees to look for more "lucrative" places to work. In this regard, many enterprises in this industry were either closed or sold into private hands to businessmen who converted them into factories for the production of cans, dishes and other things, far from the Russian fleet. Today the situation with government orders has turned 180 degrees. Thus, the management of the enterprises received so many orders for the construction and repair of military and civil ships that they will be enough for the next ten years of the most intensive work. According to the new Russian tradition, in this case, the plant bosses suddenly grabbed their heads and announced that they would hardly be able to master such a quantity of resources due to the lack of qualified personnel and the deterioration of equipment. Here everything is like in a joke that our peasant is at least a drought bad, at least a big harvest. So the officials of the Ministry of Defense thought about how to solve such a problem. And there seems to be money, and what kind of money, and the people's desire to earn money has not run out, but this is where to gather those people who can build and repair so many ships. And our admirals came up with what would be better if we send some ships to Bulgaria for repairs. As the saying goes, "abroad will help us."
It is worth dwelling a little on this very foreign country. If someone perceives Bulgaria as almost a continuation of Russia, a fraternal state that sleeps and sees, as it were, stronger friendships with Moscow, then this is not entirely true. Well, to be lexically precise, it's better to say: not at all. Bulgaria has been a NATO member for a long time. Its troops take part in various operations as part of the Allied Alliance strike teams. And if we talk about the deployment of missile defense on their territory, then the Bulgarians are unlikely to refuse. It was to this country that warships from Russia were sent for repairs.
Here the following remark suggests itself: is it possible to use these ships in battle later if the potential enemy knows all their "cracks", as it is sung in the famous song. The answer, I think, is clear even to a schoolchild … Everything is like how a hare who has broken his leg resorts to being treated in a wolf's den. What can happen to him there is obvious to everyone. Of course, military officials declare that these ships will not be involved in long-range cruises, and military officers will practice on them. Like, well, let NATO know where our latrine is, and where is the galley …
The Bulgarian ship repairers, of course, repaired everything as it should be. It is pointless to make claims to them. The main thing is that in this small country both qualified specialists and equipment were immediately found, which was simply impossible to do in Russia.
The situation for an ordinary person looks simply paradoxical. The huge state, which positions itself as a superpower, does not have ten thousand pairs of workers to realize the funds provided from the state budget. If so, then what kind of modernization can we talk about in general? It is unclear what our factories are designed for then, if they are not able to "patch up" a couple of ships. Maybe they will also switch to the production of cans and lids - there is no need for seven spans across the forehead.
Many were still wondering why, they say, we buy several Mistrals from the French - can't we build our own ships. As it turned out, not only we can’t, but we don’t want to. If there is money, let NATO build everything for us … You can even pay the Americans so that they stop considering us as a potential enemy. And what? - The idea, I think, is quite in the spirit of what is happening with our defense industry today. Now we do not have enough money, then the mind, then everything together. And in order to have enough, you can buy everything from the Chinese in general: disposable corvettes, unsinkable plastic submarines - "Made in China".
Here you can really talk about what kind of power is insulting …