The newest stealth destroyer will replace three classes of ships

The newest stealth destroyer will replace three classes of ships
The newest stealth destroyer will replace three classes of ships
The newest stealth destroyer will replace three classes of ships
The newest stealth destroyer will replace three classes of ships

The plans to create a destroyer project were first announced on June 19, 2009, from sources in the military department it then became known that the tender for the new project would take place before the end of 2009, and most likely, research and development work (R&D) would begin immediately to create a new look of the projected ship. The design work was planned to be carried out in three years. At the same time it became known that the ship would become multipurpose and the main tasks assigned to it were suppression of coastal defenses before the landing and the fight against enemy surface ships, anti-submarine and air defense.

“At the moment, intensive work is underway to find and form a new appearance of the projected ship, a design and technical base for this ship is being assembled. The very process of research and selection of technical solutions will last approximately 30-36 months, the specialist noted. He also clarified that the ship does not have a serial number and series, but the new ship is a promising solution, a multipurpose destroyer with a certain choice of weapons and ammunition. … The project will receive the latest universal launchers with rocket ammunition, vertical launch of missile weapons will provide fire on surface, underwater and ground targets of the enemy. The air defense of the new ship will consist of anti-aircraft complexes with missiles of various ranges.

On March 11, 2010, the media reported that the development of a new generation ship using the Stealth technology by Russian specialists had successfully begun.

At the end of June 2011, the State Shipbuilding Company "USC" announced that it was already engaged in a project for a new fifth-generation ocean-going ship of the "destroyer" class with a new nuclear power plant.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky this summer, confirmed the information about the design of the new ship and added that the laying and construction of a multipurpose destroyer would begin in mid-2012.

OJSC United Shipbuilding Company reported some data on the project:

The destroyer will have a speed of about 30 knots, unlimited seaworthiness, with an average speed of 17 knots, the autonomous navigation range will be 10,000 miles.

The crew of the ship will be slightly smaller than usual on ships of this class; it is planned to increase the comfort of the interior. The ship will have a hangar for two anti-submarine helicopters.

Depending on the special tasks and the nuclear power plant, the displacement of the destroyer will range from nine to twelve thousand tons.

All ammunition, which includes: cruise missiles "ship-to-ground" to destroy ground targets, anti-ship missiles, missile-torpedoes to destroy enemy submarines, anti-aircraft missiles of various ranges, is 90-130 combat units.

The air defense on the ship will be represented by anti-aircraft universal missile and artillery complexes of close combat, it is known for sure that there will be a 152-mm artillery mount, consisting of several guns and will be able to hit enemy ground and surface targets with high-precision shells.

The destroyer will be equipped with a new hydroacoustic system for detecting mines, submarines and enemy combat swimmers.

The multipurpose destroyer, like other projects of new generations, will be equipped with a combat information and control system (BIUS), which will provide the possibility of joint defense and control of naval weapons of an entire naval group. To date, only ships of the United States of America and their partners in the NATO bloc are provided with this opportunity.

The destroyer itself of the new project will be made almost invisible to the enemy's radar, using the modern stealth technology. The invisibility and invisibility of the ship for the enemy will ensure the design features of the ship's hull, specialized coating of the hull elements and materials with high radio-absorbing properties. The ship's protection and survivability will be increased through the use of technological developments. Improved environmental safety, which is practically absent on all ships of the Russian fleet created so far.

The price of the new multipurpose destroyer is approximate, it is about 70 billion rubles. The expected completion date and launch date is 2016.

The Russian fleet should receive about 16 ships of this project within the next 10-15 years. These multipurpose destroyers will be able to replace ships of three series. Due to the use of universal missile systems, it surpasses large anti-submarine ships (BOD), and the use of air defense systems of the new ship leaves behind the existing missile cruisers of the 1164 series and destroyers, except for ships of the Orlan project.

These ships are primarily needed to provide anti-submarine and anti-aircraft protection for heavy nuclear missile cruisers of Project 1144, such as the Peter the Great TARKR.

Now in the Russian Navy there are 7 destroyers "Sarych", series 956, built in the Soviet Union at the end of the 80s, and it is not known how many of them can carry out combat missions and go to sea. The destroyers are armed with the Moskit anti-ship complex, the Uragan anti-aircraft missile system, a 130-mm AK-130 twin gun mount, two 533-mm torpedo tubes, and two RBU-1000. Displacement -6500 tons, speed -33 knots, cruising range - 4500 miles. One of the main disadvantages of this project is the outdated boiler and turbine plant.
