The foreign press became aware of the continuation of testing one of the newest Russian weapons systems. According to information received from sources in the intelligence structures, a few days ago Russian specialists carried out the second successful launch of the promising interceptor missile of the Nudol complex. In the foreseeable future, this system should go on alert and replace existing types of complexes.
Information about the new tests of the Russian anti-missile system was published by the American edition of The Washington Free Beacon on May 27. This data was published in Bill Hertz's article "Russia flight tests Anti-satellite missile" ("Russia conducted flight tests of an anti-satellite missile"). The author of the American edition collected the available information and tried to make some assumptions about the prospects for a new Russian development.
Referring to unnamed American military officials, B. Gertz claims that on Wednesday, May 27, Russia conducted another successful test launch of a promising anti-satellite missile. This system, according to the American author, has the ability to hit targets in near-earth orbit. The anti-satellite missile, known as the Nudol, was launched from the Plesetsk cosmodrome. The tests were tracked by American reconnaissance satellites. According to intelligence, the tests ended in success.

The alleged appearance of the 14Ts033 "Nudol" system. Figure
It is noted that the successful test launch of the Russian satellite interceptor is the most important event in the development of modern weapons. The recent launch shows how far Russia has come in developing intercept systems capable of destroying US spacecraft used in a variety of fields, from reconnaissance to navigation. The emergence of such systems could seriously hit the key strategic advantage of the United States associated with the operation of a large constellation of spacecraft.
Unfortunately, there is no detailed information about the recent launch and its tasks. For example, it is not known what the purpose of the tests was: a test attack of a spacecraft was carried out or the rocket passed along a predetermined trajectory without hitting any target.
It is known that the second successful launch of an interceptor missile took place a few days ago. The first successful tests took place on November 18 last year. Thus, the development of anti-satellite systems continues. In addition, modernization of all classes and types of strategic weapons is underway, and the development of promising complexes, including anti-satellite weapons, has begun.
B. Gertz tried to get a comment from US military officials, but they refused to talk about the latest intelligence data.
The current Russian projects are causing the American command to be seriously worried. Concerns associated with the latest Russian developments lead to the regular appearance of statements that directly speak of possible threats. Several similar speeches of the military leaders are quoted by B. Gertz.
Not so long ago, in March of this year, Lieutenant General David J. Buck, the head of the Joint Functional Component for Space Affairs (a division of the US Strategic Command), spoke about the potential of new Russian developments. According to him, the Russian industry is currently engaged in projects that can be designated as "counter-space capabilities" ("anti-space capabilities").
General Buck argues that Russia views the United States' dependence on the existing constellation of spacecraft as a serious vulnerability that can be exploited for its own purposes. For this reason, the Russian command intends to develop the potential of the armed forces in the destruction of spacecraft of one purpose or another.
The head of space command, General John Hayten, has also expressed concern about new overseas projects. He noted that the promising developments of Russia and China in the field of anti-space weapons affect the interests of the United States and may negatively affect the potential of the American armed forces.
The author of The Washington Free Beacon recalls the history of the project, which is now at the testing stage. Not too much is known about the Nudol system due to the general secrecy regime. It is known that the new complex is directly related to the anti-missile defense system of Moscow. In the Russian press, "Nudol" is called a new long-range interceptor missile to protect against various threats. Other details, unfortunately, are not yet available.
Former US military officer, and now analyst Mark Schneider, quoted by B. Gertz, recalls that Pentagon leaders have been talking about the threats associated with new foreign anti-satellite systems for several years in a row. Such complexes are considered as a serious security threat. M. Schneider is also concerned that the United States does not have its own means of intercepting spacecraft, which can be used as a symmetrical response.
The main cause of concern is the widespread use of satellite navigation. The US military is accustomed to relying on the GPS system, which is why the loss of its satellites can seriously hit the combat capability of the troops. With the loss of full-fledged navigation, the army will not be able to use high-precision weapons and other systems.
Also, the American journalist quotes the words of the military analyst Pavel Podvig, who works in Geneva. According to this specialist, at the moment it is extremely difficult to assess how the Nudol project fits into the Russian military doctrine. He believes that the development of a new project may not be part of a well-planned program. For this reason, P. Podvig does not intend to be surprised if the Nudol project is created only because it could have been developed, and the role of the system in the troops will be determined only after the completion of all work. The specialist also expresses doubts about the real prospects of the new complex. He does not understand how, in a real conflict, the possibility of attacking targets in near-earth orbits can be used.
In February 2015, a military intelligence report was read to the US Congress on the development of the Russian military and the associated risks for the United States. Intelligence has warned that Russia's new defense doctrine is focusing on space defense, which is now seen as a vital component of national security. In addition, the Russian leadership is already openly talking about research and development in the field of anti-satellite weapons.
Also, the Chinese military industry is engaged in similar projects. Back in 2007, China managed to hit a meteorological satellite in orbit, which, among other things, led to the appearance of a mass of debris that could threaten other space technology.
According to the blog, four test launches of the Nudol rocket have been carried out to date. The first launch, which ended in failure, took place on August 12, 2014. On April 22, 15th, new tests were carried out, also unsuccessful. On November 18, 2015 and May 27, 2016, Russian industry specialists managed to carry out two successful test launches of a new product. The blog also gives the alleged factory designation of the new system - 14TS033.
Interestingly, the latest launch of the Nudol rocket took place on the eve of the start of the most important training event held by the Pentagon. At Maxwell Air Force Base, the Schriever Wargame 2016 headquarters exercise took place, during which the military leaders worked out the actions of the troops in a hypothetical conflict. This year, the legend of the exercise implied the beginning in 2026 of a clash between American forces and their NATO allies with an "equal adversary", which this time turned out to be Russia.
It is reported that the legend of the exercises provided for the use of a conditional enemy of various promising weapons, including anti-satellite systems and other space complexes. In addition, the training participants had to face conditional cyberattacks of the GPS system and other threats that may be characteristic of future conflicts.
According to the Air Force Space Command, which was the organizer of the exercises, specialists from seven unnamed friendly states were involved in the activities. The details and results of the exercise have also not yet been announced. At the same time, it is noted that the purpose of the event was not confrontation with Russia, but the development of a global scenario focused on European commands. In total, 200 military personnel from 27 different structures of several states took part in Schriever Wargame 2016. The site of the simulated clashes was the area of responsibility of the NATO European Command.
In recent years, headquarters exercise scenarios have been drawn up with new threats in mind. So, in recent similar events, such as the recent Schriever Wargame 2016, the imaginary enemy has a variety of modern weapons, including spacecraft interception systems.
Foreign press publications on the Nudol complex are of certain interest. Thus, foreign authors in most cases consider the new Russian weapon as a system for destroying the spacecraft of a simulated enemy. Nevertheless, the data of domestic sources provide other information, which, at best, only partially corresponds to the data of the foreign press.
According to available data, the Nudol complex is an element of the program for the further development of domestic systems for strategic missile defense. The 14TS033 index, in turn, is used to designate a firing complex that carries missiles and a number of auxiliary equipment. The range of the new missile defense system is estimated at least 200-300 km. The exact characteristics, for obvious reasons, have not yet been announced. Also, the domestic industry is in no hurry to talk about current successes, which is why all data on test launches of new missiles come from foreign sources.
The possibility of using the Nudol system not only to protect against ballistic missiles, but also to destroy spacecraft has not yet received official confirmation or denial. Nevertheless, according to various estimates, the 14Ts033 complex may indeed have such an opportunity, expanding its combat potential.
Like many other domestic developments in the field of missile defense, the Nudol system is classified and there is very little open data on it. As a result, experts and amateurs show an increased interest in any published information about this complex. Foreign and domestic media, in turn, are trying to get new information about a promising development and publish it, including with expert comments. Therefore, the article "Russia flight tests Anti-satellite missile" was probably not the last of its kind, and the press, including The Washington Free Beacon, will repeatedly raise the topic of the Nudol missile defense system.