The S-300V anti-aircraft missile system ((9K81) was created for the defense of groupings of troops and the most important military and civilian objects from massive strikes of tactical ballistic missiles (such as "Lance", "Pershing"), aeroballistic (such as SRAM) and cruise missiles (type ALCM), strategic and tactical aircraft, patrolling active jammers, combat helicopters in difficult air and jamming situations, when maneuvering combat operations are carried out by troops covered by the S-300V is the first mobile universal anti-missile and anti-aircraft defense system.
The developer of the S-300V air defense system as a whole is the Scientific Research Electromechanical Institute (NIEMI) (chief designer V. P. Efremov). The tests of the system were carried out at the Emben test site of the Main Missile and Artillery Directorate (GRAU) of the Ministry of Defense in 1985-1986. In a full set of combat assets, the S-300V air defense system was adopted by the air defense forces of the ground in 1988. The S-300V front-line anti-aircraft missile brigades were intended to replace the army-front anti-aircraft missile brigades of the 2K11 Krug air defense missile system. The high combat capabilities and mobility of the complexes were confirmed by combat training and special exercises. For example, in the exercises "0borona-92", the complex ensured the destruction of aircraft with the first missile, and ballistic missiles were destroyed by it with a consumption of no more than two missiles.
In the West, the air defense missile system received the designation - SA-12 Gladiator / Giant.
The complex has great potential for modernization. Thus, the Antey concern has developed a deep modernization of the S-300V - the S-300VM Antey-2500 air defense system. Antey-2500 is a universal missile defense and air defense system capable of effectively fighting both ballistic missiles with launch ranges of up to 2500 km and all types of aerodynamic and aeroballistic targets. The S-300VM uses new anti-aircraft guided missiles with increased flight ranges, a range of developed overloads (up to 30 units) and a half-time preparation for launch. The radar system was modernized, which led to a significant increase in the energy potential. Improved computing facilities and built-in systems for topographic reference, navigation and orientation were used, optimization of combat work algorithms was carried out. These and other improvements made it possible to double the maximum firing range of the system (up to 200 km), increase the maximum speed of destroyed targets from 3000 to 4500 m / s, and the flight range of destroyed ballistic missiles, as well as significantly reduce the time system reactions. Full automation of combat work, high operational reliability, the use of modern means of troubleshooting have determined the minimum number of crews. The combat vehicles of the complex are capable of making long marches over rough terrain and taking up positions for firing without any preliminary preparation.
The composition of the S-300V air defense system (S-300VM)

Command post 9С457 (9С457М).
Radar of circular review "Obzor-3" 9C15M (9S15M2).
Radar program review "Ginger" 9S19M2.
Multichannel missile guidance station (MSNR) 9S32 (9S32M).
Launchers: 9A83 (9A83M) - with four 9M83 (9M83M) missiles, 9A82 (9A82M) - with two 9M82 (9M82M) missiles.
Launching units: 9A85 (9A85M), 9A84 (9A84M).
Technical means:
- rocket-technical support (PTO) - AKIPS 9V91, a set of rigging equipment 9T325, transport vehicles.
- means of maintenance and repair (TO and R) - maintenance machines (9V868-1, 1R15, 9V879-1), repair and maintenance machines (9V898-1, 1R16), group spare parts 9T447-1;
- training facilities (TCB) - training device 9F88 for training the calculation of the MNR 9S32, overall weight models of missiles, training and operating missiles.
KP 9S457M provides automated control of the combat operation of all air defense systems operating as part of a single system, analysis of the air situation and the identification of the most dangerous targets, their distribution between fire weapons, the issuance of target designations to the MSNR of complexes and commands for the destruction of selected targets, as well as interaction with a higher command post. Data exchange with the radar, the MSNR and the superior command post takes place in the telecode mode.

Three-dimensional radar of circular view (9S15M2, 9S15MT2E, 9S15MV2E) type "Obzor-3" centimeter range serves for airspace monitoring, detection and tracking of all types of aerodynamic targets at a distance of up to 250 km, tactical ballistic and cruise missiles, their identification and recognition, issuing radar information to the command post anti-aircraft system.
Sectoral radar (9S19ME) type "Ginger" with HEADLIGHTS provides search, detection and tracking of ballistic, aerodynamic and cruise missiles and aerodynamic targets in a given sector of the airspace according to the control center with the command center of the system, giving him information about them, as well as determining areas of space covered by electronic interference.

Three-coordinate MSNR 9S32ME with a phased array (PAR) centimeter range solves the problems of search, detection and simultaneous accurate tracking in the designated sector of up to 12 air targets, incl. low-flying, assignment of launchers and missiles of the required type for firing them, issuing the necessary target designation data, as well as commands to launch a rocket. Outwardly, this station differs from its prototype (9S32) from the S-300V air defense system by the increased geometric dimensions of the antenna fabric.
SAM two-stage solid-propellant vertical launch of both types are made according to the aerodynamic configuration "bearing cone" and ensure the defeat of: 9M83ME - maneuvering aircraft, tactical cruise (type ALCM) and ballistic (type "Scud" and "Lance") missiles; 9M82ME - warheads of operational-tactical ballistic and aeroballistic (Pershing and SREM) missiles, as well as active jamming aircraft at a distance of up to 100 km.

PU 9A83ME provides transportation, storage, preparation, input of a flight task and launch from TPK of four 9M83ME missiles of the second type, transmission of commands for correcting their flight trajectory and continuous target illumination. In addition, the launcher provides control of the associated ROM 9M84ME with two missiles of the first type (9M82ME), inputting a flight task into them, launching and subsequent guidance to the target.
ROM 9A84ME serves to transport two 9M82ME missiles of the first type in a TPK, charging and discharging a launcher, launching missiles at a target, charging (discharging, recharging) itself with missiles from a transport vehicle, other vehicles or from the ground.
In a simple air situation, the control of missiles with an active radar homing head (GOS) is carried out according to the method of proportional navigation with the transition to homing 10 seconds before approaching the target. In the presence of powerful response radar interference, the missile is guided at the target by the command-inertial control system with the transition to homing in the last 3 seconds of flight. The target is hit by a directional high-explosive fragmentation warhead with a proximity fuse. SAMs are operated in a sealed TPK for 10 years without routine maintenance and inspections. The designs of both rockets are unified and differ in launching accelerators.
All combat assets of the S-300V air defense missile systems are located on a unified self-propelled tracked chassis of high cross-country ability, equipped with unified means of autonomous power supply, navigation, orientation, topography, life support, telecode and voice radio and telephone communications. There are built-in automated functional control systems that provide a quick search for a faulty replaceable piece of equipment, a device for deploying to a combat position and folding to a stowed position.
The C-300V anti-aircraft missile division consists of: KP 9S457, 9S15M radar, 9S19M2 radar and four anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which included: one 9S32 multi-channel missile guidance station, two 9A82 launchers, one 9A84 launcher, four 9A83 launchers and two 9A85 launchers.
The anti-aircraft missile brigade consists of: from an automated command post (command post, from the Polyana-D4 automated control system), with a radar post that included 9S15M all-round radar, 9S19M2 program review radar, 1L13 standby radar and PORI-P1 radar information processing point, three four anti-aircraft missile battalions.
Tactical and technical characteristics: S-300V (S-300VM)
The affected area of aerodynamic targets, km:
by range - up to 100 (up to 200)
in height - 0.025-30 (0.025-30);
The area of destruction of ballistic targets, km
by range - up to 40 (up to 40)
in height - 1-25 (1-30)
Maximum speed of targets hit, m / s - 3000 (4500)
Maximum firing range of the targeted ballistic missiles, m / s - 1100 (2500)
The number of targets simultaneously fired upon by the battalion - 24 (24)
The number of missiles simultaneously guided by the division - 48 (48)
Rate of fire with one launcher, s - 1.5 (1.5)
Time of SAM preparation for launch, s - 15 (7.5)
Time to transfer the system from standby to combat mode, s - 40 (40)
Ammunition of the air defense missile division - 96-192 (144)
The probability of hitting a target of the type:
BR "Lance" one 9M83 SAM - 0.5-0.65 (-)
plane of one 9M83 missile defense system - 0.7-0.9 (-)
the head part of the "Pershing" missile of one 9M82 missile defense system - 0.4-0.6 (-)
SRAM missiles of one 9M82 SAM - 0.5-0.7 (-).