In the early 1980s, the British Army announced a competition to replace the aging Enfield L42 sniper rifles. The main participants of the competition were the British companies Parker-Hale with a model 82 rifle, and Accuracy International with a model RM rifle.

The RM rifle won this competition, and in the mid-1980s it was adopted by the British Army under the designation L96. The main distinguishing feature of this rifle is a stock of an unusual look and design: the basis of the stock is an aluminum beam that runs along the entire length of the stock, to which the barrel with the receiver, the trigger and all other parts of the rifle, including the stock itself, consisting of 2 plastic half - left and right. In addition, the L96 rifles are equipped with open sights in addition to the mandatory telescopic sight.

In the mid-1980s, the Swedish army also began searching for a new sniper rifle suitable for use in severe northern weather. Accuracy International offers the Swedes a modified version of the L96 rifle called Arctic Warfare, and in 1988 the Swedish army adopted it under the designation PSG.90. The British Army, in turn, is also adopting Arctic Warfare rifles (new designation L96A1).

The main model of the series, the AW, was developed as an army weapon, in addition to it, four more basic models are produced: Police (AWP), Suppressed (AWS), Folding (AWF) and Super Magnum (AW SM). The name of the series (Arctic Warfare) comes from the fact that rifles have special design features that allow them to be used in Arctic conditions (at temperatures down to -40 degrees Celsius). The AW, AWP and AWS models are available only for the 7.62mm NATO cartridge, while the SM model is available for.338 Lapua Magnum,.300 Winchester Magnum and 7mm Remington Magnum cartridges. The barrel of the AW model is 660mm long, the AWP model 609mm. The barrels of the AW SM model are available in lengths from 609mm to 686mm. The AWS model is equipped for use with a silencer and subsonic ammunition. The accuracy of the basic AW model is such that at a distance of 550 meters, a series of 5 shots fits into a circle less than 50mm in diameter! The rifles are equipped with the Smidt & Bender 3-12X variable magnification or Leupold Mark 4 fixed 10X scopes, as well as a folding removable bipod.
Arctic Warfare is a non-automatic bolt action magazine rifle. Locking is provided by turning the bolt, the angle of rotation is reduced to 60 degrees, as, indeed, in many other modern rifles of a similar design. The bolt has three lugs in the front part, the fourth stop is the handle for turning, which is included in the cutout of the receiver. The handle has a massive spherical knob at the end and is operated quite easily, thanks to its large size - to the touch. The shutter travel is just over 100 mm, with 2/3 of the cocking of the trigger occurring when opening, and the remainder when closing the shutter. The striker travel to the cartridge primer is only 6 mm, which ensures a very short response time of the mechanism. The anti-icing design of the valve - with longitudinal grooves - allows it to operate reliably at low temperatures in harsh conditions.

A characteristic feature of the rifles is the attachment of all parts to a rigid frame (the so-called chassis) made of aluminum alloy. This design contributes to increased rigidity, which in turn has a positive effect on accuracy. Many manufacturers drew attention to this precisely after the appearance of Accuracy International rifles. The chassis makes it easier to maintain and repair the rifle, the shooter may no longer think about the accuracy of fitting parts that are loose with wear. Shooting is possible even with no stock.

Heavy AW match barrels come in a variety of lengths and are typically stainless steel (except for short barrels). The barrel is free-vibrating, screwed into the threads in the receiver, giving it additional rigidity. A locking ring with grooves for the entry of the lugs is screwed onto the barrel and, with wear, it is possible to install a new ring in a matter of seconds. Some variants of rifles can be equipped with a flame arrester, muzzle brake, muffler of the sound of shots.
There are also variants with an integrated muffler.

The receiver is first glued during manufacture and then screwed to the frame. The adhesive, which is epoxy resin, provides an even distribution of forces, which is very important to reduce vibration. Both the receiver and barrel are epoxy coated - black, green or camouflage.
The stock consists of two halves attached to the chassis, which are made of a high-strength polymer (filled nylon). The color can be different - in most cases it is olive. The stock has a thumb hole and a height-adjustable cheek rest. The set comes with several replaceable butt pads for the buttstock of different thicknesses - to fit a particular shooter or his clothes. The base to which the butt pad is attached can be adjusted vertically and horizontally in the transverse direction, for convenience when shooting from different positions - often bizarre when shooting in cramped conditions in the forest or in the city.

The trigger pull is adjustable from 1.6 to 2 kg. The trigger mechanism remains operational even with heavy pollution or freezing. The safety lock locks the trigger, striker and locks the bolt handle, preventing any possibility of accidental firing.
Rifles Accuracy International can be equipped with various optical sights - the Weaver rail serves as a seat, which allows you to install the appropriate (and, if adapters are available, almost any other) sights without zeroing or adjusting in seconds. The company offered Schmidt & Bender 6CH42, 10x42 or 2.5-10x56 sights. AW for Sweden had Hensoldt 10X42 sights, the Super Magnum model is usually equipped with Bausch & Lomb Tactical 10x optics. For short-barreled variants, the Schmidt & Bender 3-12x50 telescopic sight is recommended.
L96A1 also possessed a mechanical sight for a range of up to 800 meters. In most cases, Arctic Warfare is also equipped with a spare mechanical sight, consisting of a front sight, the base for which is a muzzle brake and a rear sight. The front sight can be adjusted in height and has protective pads.
There are two types of pillars - "Swedish" and "Belgian" options, created by orders of the armies of the respective countries. "Swedish" option - a diopter drum with a range setting of 200-600 meters, horizontally adjustable. "Belgian" - folding diopter, without adjustments, for shooting at a distance of up to 400 meters.
Stores - removable steel box-type for 10 rounds for rifles calibers. 223,.243 and.308, or 5 rounds for others.
Also comes standard with a foldable, height-adjustable, removable bipod, a variation of the Parker-Hale bipod. Possibility of attaching a thrust strap for the supporting arm. The carrying strap can be attached to either side or bottom of the stock, offering the shooter any of the possible ways to carry it. It can also be carried in a padded aluminum carrying case or a sturdy field container. The first option has space for a set of accessories, two spare magazines and a scope, the other - for accessories, four magazines, a rifle case and other small items.
Caliber: L96, Arctic Warfare, Police, Folding: 7.62x51mm NATO (.308 Win); Super Magnum:.338 Lapua (8.60x70mm),.300 Win Mag, 7mm Rem Mag
mechanism: manual reloading, sliding bolt
Length: 1270 mm
Barrel length: 660 mm
Weight: 6.8kg without cartridges and optics
Magazine: detachable box magazine, 5 rounds
Max. eff. range: up to 800 meters for 7.62mm NATO variants, up to 1100+ meters for Super Magnum variants