"Krasuha". A name that has recently become public. Something formidable and powerful. We managed to get to know this miracle of domestic technology up close, and it did not disappoint us.

Chernozem mud "Krasukha" does not care. 8x8 is power. Plus two front pairs of wheels, fully steerable.

Construction, problem statement …

And the deployment process started.

An engine that provides energy to the antenna complex. Modern and maximally protected from IR guidance.

Deploy "chamomile".

And sometimes so - from a dive, because time is running out.

It is impressive that the complex is maximally mechanized. All lifting mechanisms are controlled from one control panel.

The antenna compartment cover slides on casters. Comfortable.

And now the antenna moves out.

View from the antenna compartment.

With the antenna finished, the crew goes to the command post.

With the help of these cylinders, the KUNG with the gearbox can "stand" on its feet. Further KamAZ drives out from under the KUNG and calmly rolls aside. And the command post falls to the ground. This was invented so that especially smart ones could not aim a rocket based on the residual heat of the engine. The operation, according to the crew, is hemorrhoid, but very useful in combat conditions.

KP from the inside. I amused the good old "Tair" as a means of communication. In principle, the complex is equipped with the latest communication system, but this is an extra radio emission, which means that it is possible to take a bearing. So if it is possible to use a cable, they use it.
In the search and tracking mode, the station is absolutely passive. So if someone is impatient to find her before the blow is struck, you are welcome. There will be something to occupy your time.
"Krasuha" - complex "C", that is, it is designed to work on air targets. Everything that flies and uses the radar is guaranteed to receive its electronic brains. The range of the complex is up to 300 km, the height of the target is from 10 meters. The maximum height … well, as I was told, "almost no one flies there."
The antenna turning radius is 360 degrees horizontally and 90 degrees vertically. There are practically no "dead zones". The principle of operation is simple: a target is detected, captured, carried out, in case of receiving an order, a radar signal is caught, distorted, amplified and sent back through the same channel. Catch, as they say, serve. Hello radars. You can, of course, try without radars and other electronics, but it's not like the 20th century in the yard … It won't work.
A beautiful, powerful, comfortable car. What a pity that our problems slowed down its production at the wrong time. But even today "Krasuha" is something that makes the knees tremble and relax the sphincters of all potential opponents.
And I will tell you a secret that the troops already have complexes that are the next generation after the "Krasukha". But that will be a different story. Hopefully in the near future.