Strange exercises "Center-2011"?

Strange exercises "Center-2011"?
Strange exercises "Center-2011"?
Strange exercises "Center-2011"?
Strange exercises "Center-2011"?

The large-scale exercises "Center-2011" have ended, which, rather, left more questions than answers. Experts and analysts are still wondering what exactly was worked out in the course of these diverse operations on the territory of various CSTO member states.

At the same time, some people are absolutely sure that the exercises were designed to suppress an internal enemy, which can be fueled by financial and military support from third countries, in particular the United States and other NATO member states. This version is very popular due to the fact that it was demonstrated to President Medvedev at the Chebarkul training ground. There, events unfolded to eliminate a large terrorist group that seized a certain fictional settlement of Pashino. These terrorists were neutralized in every way: with armored vehicles and UAVs, they were attacked by infantrymen and special forces. In general, Medvedev saw how our troops are able to neutralize bandit groups in Russia.

In this regard, many citizens have a reasonable question: if everything is so good with the elimination of terrorist entities, then why are the explosions in Dagestan, Ingushetia and other North Caucasian republics not abating? Really, in this case, things do not go further than demonstrative exercises?

Others are confident that the Center-2011 exercises and, in particular, their Caspian segment, were aimed at protecting the natural resources of the Caspian from the encroachments of other states. In this regard, the ghost of Iran appears before our eyes, which can unexpectedly strike the oil production facilities, which are located on the territory of the Mangustan region of Kazakhstan. The question is, why would Iran suddenly start fighting against its Caspian neighbor? The fact is that the development of oil fields in this Kazakhstani region is being carried out not by anyone, but by the American corporation Exxon Mobile. And the Americans have repeatedly stated that the possibility of a military operation against Iran cannot be ruled out. In this case, if the Americans "make Iranian porridge", Tehran can calmly recoup on the fact that the closest American property is located to the borders of the Islamic Republic.

Russia and Kazakhstan used their naval forces in the Caspian segment of the Center-2011 exercise, as well as significant air force power. According to the representatives of the command, this is also due to the fact that in the future to maintain stability in Central Asia. The talks about stability in this region are becoming more acute in connection with the impending withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. In this regard, neither Kazakhstan nor Russia wants the threat from the Taliban to come close to their borders. The radical Islamization of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan is completely useless for the CSTO.

Numerous journalists, asking official representatives of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs questions about the direction of the exercises, received very vague answers, which boiled down to the fact that all the exercises are primarily anti-terrorist. But these words can be called into question, if only because they do not fight terrorists with the help of Tu-22 bombers, Iskander and Pantsirei. It turns out that the exercises are a whole complex operation, which is aimed at protecting the CSTO member states from both internal enemies and external military insinuations.

The presence of an external enemy, possible combat actions with which were practiced during the Center-2011 exercises, is also evidenced by the fact that during the exercises, not anti-terrorist weapons were used, in particular TOS (heavy flamethrower systems). If you believe that the CBT was also used to expel terrorists from the schools and administrative buildings they seized, then it is difficult to imagine how the hostages survived under such fire …

If an external enemy exists, then who? Iran? This state, as we have already examined, can threaten the CSTO countries in one single case. But NATO is a constant threat to security for both Russia and Central Asia. Remember at least the military exercises of NATO in the waters of the North and Baltic Seas, when there was a military operation against a certain virtual state "Sandora". The NATO military came up with a legend that Sandora is a large state with huge resources, which suffers from internal contradictions. It can be assumed who the NATO generals had in mind. In addition, the deployment of a missile defense system under Moscow's very nose is also a real threat to the country's security.

Based on such considerations, it becomes obvious that the exercises "Center-2011", during which more than 1000 pieces of equipment and about 12 thousand soldiers and officers were involved, were of a multipurpose nature. This is understandable due to the fact that today a security threat can be expected from anywhere.
