The Russian military department has already managed to assess all the advantages of unmanned vehicles of various classes and order the development of various types of equipment. Among other unmanned systems, land-based multipurpose platforms are of great interest, suitable for use for various purposes, including as combat vehicles. As it became known a few days ago, at present, another similar project is being developed in our country, which has some interesting features.
On March 14, the TASS news agency published an interview with the general director of the Kalashnikov concern, Alexei Krivoruchko. In a conversation with the head of a large defense company, many topics were raised concerning the development of weapons and equipment, the development of new niches, etc. Among other things, the interviewer recalled the projects of land-based unmanned systems. Some features of the already well-known project "Companion" were clarified, after which some of the most interesting statements were made.

Modern combat robot "Uran-9". Photo
When asked about creating something larger than the existing Soratnik vehicle, A. Krivoruchko answered in the affirmative. According to him, similar work is already underway. It is planned to create a reconnaissance and strike complex with a combat weight of about 20 tons. Moreover, the prototype of such a complex is "already rolling". Unfortunately, other information about this project has not been made public.
In our country, several reconnaissance and strike unmanned systems have already been created, suitable for operation in various units. Nevertheless, they all differ from the new development of the Kalashnikov concern in their smaller size and weight. A. Krivoruchko indicated the combat weight at the level of 20 tons, while well-known domestic models, such as "Companion" or "Uran-9" weigh half as much. You can also recall the Vikhr complex presented last year, built on the BMP-3 chassis. Despite the use of such a basic vehicle, the combat mass of such a complex still does not exceed 15 tons. Thus, a promising development, having some similarity with existing models, should differ significantly from them, both in terms of its dimensions and technical or combat characteristics.
At the moment, almost nothing is known about the promising domestic development of the heavy class. The combat weight has been announced, as well as the purpose of the vehicle. In addition, it is known that it will be performed in a crewless configuration. All other details of the project are still unknown. Of course, this does not allow us to draw up a complete picture and draw certain conclusions. On the other hand, such a situation with information leaves room for the most daring assessments. Taking into account the existing developments in the field of ground combat robots and the known facts about the new project, it is possible to draw up a general appearance of promising technology. Let's try to guess what kind of vehicle a leading domestic arms manufacturer may present in the near future.
The above-mentioned domestic unmanned combat vehicles "Companion", "Uran-9" and "Whirlwind" are vehicles on a tracked chassis of high cross-country ability, equipped with combat modules with the required weapons. At the same time, the firepower of technology varies within a fairly wide range. It can carry both machine guns and an automatic cannon in combination with anti-tank missiles. For example, in the case of the BAS-01G "Companion" automated combat system, we are talking about a modular architecture that allows you to select the composition of weapons or special equipment in accordance with the current needs and characteristics of the task.
Information about the combat weight at the level of 20 tons suggests that in its size the promising army robot will resemble existing infantry or airborne combat vehicles. In this case, it becomes possible to provide similar protection. It should be noted that the absence of a crew should lead to the release of some internal volumes that can be used in one way or another. In particular, additional space can be occupied by more powerful armor, which increases the level of protection of equipment. In this case, it should be expected that the body of the new unmanned complex will receive all-aspect protection from small arms, and will also be able to withstand the hit of small-caliber artillery shells in the frontal part.
The experience of projects of the Uranus family and the Vikhr vehicle shows that relatively large and heavy combat systems should be equipped with diesel engines, supplemented by remote control facilities. To obtain high mobility, a 20-ton vehicle will need a power plant with a capacity of about 400-500 hp. The undercarriage, traditional for modern domestic armored vehicles, based on small or medium-diameter road wheels mounted on torsion bars and balancers can be used. The large size and weight of the combat robot allows the use of existing units of serial equipment.

BAS-01G Companion is one of the latest developments of the Kalashnikov concern. Photo by TASS / Concern "Kalashnikov"
The absence of a crew on board the vehicle gives certain advantages of a technical nature, but leads to the need to solve some additional tasks. First of all, such a combat robot needs a means of monitoring the situation. The operator, being at a considerable distance from the machine, including beyond the line of sight, must retain the ability to track the road and observe the terrain. Thus, the most important element of the tracked chassis is a set of video cameras.
One camera should be located in the frontal and aft parts of the hull. In addition, according to the experience of some new projects of military equipment, the robot can receive several additional cameras to monitor the lateral hemispheres. Driving cameras can be duplicated by thermal imagers in case of work in the dark. An additional means of monitoring the situation, expanding such capabilities of the complex, should be the optoelectronic equipment of the combat module. With its help, the operator will be able to observe the entire surrounding space, as well as search for targets and attack them.
The modern level of technology development makes it possible to equip a combat vehicle with control systems that ensure a certain autonomy. It is already possible to follow a given route using satellite navigation and data from various sensors. It is also possible to use automatic tracking of the target specified by the operator. It should be noted that such innovations are already being used in domestic projects of combat robots.
Today's robotic systems are almost always built according to a modular scheme. This allows you to maximize the range of tasks to be solved due to the possibility of using one or another weapon or equipment. As a result, the customer gets the opportunity to purchase the equipment that best meets the existing requirements. In the case of a promising combat robot, a positive feature that gives it certain advantages over its counterparts is a large combat mass, which makes it possible to strengthen weapons or increase ammunition.
The Companion complex carries a relatively light and compact combat module, on a swinging installation of which a rifle or large caliber machine gun or an automatic grenade launcher can be mounted. In addition, it provides for the use of several holding devices for mounting rocket-propelled grenades or other similar weapons. The search for targets and the aiming of weapons is carried out using a swinging block of optoelectronic equipment with a "traditional" composition of devices: a video camera, a thermal imager and a laser rangefinder.

Complex "Whirlwind". Photo
Complexes "Whirlwind" and "Uran-9", having a larger and more powerful chassis, are distinguished by more serious weapons. The large turrets of these armored vehicles house 30-mm automatic cannons and coaxial machine guns. It also provides for the possibility of installing rocket or missile weapons. Depending on the characteristics of the combat operation, the robot can carry rocket-propelled grenades or flamethrowers, portable anti-aircraft systems, etc. Combat modules of both complexes are equipped with optical-electronic equipment blocks.
Armament of the "Whirlwind" robot can be considered separately. As part of this complex, the ABM-BSM 30 combat module is used, a prototype of which was first presented last year. The architecture of this combat module allows the use of weapons of various types. In particular, one of the project options involves the installation of a 30-mm six-barreled anti-aircraft machine gun. It is also possible to use single-barreled systems of a similar caliber. All these possibilities can be used to create advanced robotic systems of the heavy class.
There is reason to believe that a combat weight of 20 tons will allow a promising armored vehicle to carry a large combat module with advanced barrel and missile armament. The basis of this weapon can be a 30-mm automatic cannon and a coaxial machine gun of a rifle caliber. Missile weapons should be selected by the customer from the list of compatible systems. In this case, the possibility of installing anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles should be of particular interest. Trying to predict the appearance of a promising armored vehicle, one can also recall the AU-220M combat module, equipped with a 57-mm automatic cannon. This product has been repeatedly shown at various exhibitions in recent years, and, it is claimed, can be used on different base chassis. Probably, nothing will prevent the installation of such a module on a promising robotic complex.
An interesting innovation of some new projects is the addition of a land drone with remotely controlled aerial vehicles. So, as part of the "Whirlwind" complex, several UAVs are used, which are necessary for reconnaissance in certain conditions. The presence of a drone allows you to improve the capabilities of technology in monitoring the surrounding area. Having risen to a certain height and moving away from the carrier armored vehicle at a certain distance, the aircraft makes it possible to more effectively conduct reconnaissance of targets and issue target designation. The UAV must be controlled by the operator of the entire robotic complex from the appropriate control panel. In this case, a ground combat vehicle is a signal repeater that provides communication and data transmission.
Ground-based unmanned combat vehicles, built according to a modular scheme, can be used in a wide variety of operations and solve a wide range of tasks. The presence of a developed complex of surveillance equipment, including UAVs, allows the use of equipment in various reconnaissance operations. Also, similar capabilities can be used for patrolling and tracking specific areas. In this case, it will be useful to be able to automatically move along a given route without the direct participation of the operator. At the same time, the latter will be able to connect to work only if necessary.

Demonstration of the ABM-BSM system to 30 Iranian specialists, August 2016 Photo by Ruptly TV
The latest domestic robotic combat systems, according to the developers, can accompany transport convoys and drive in automatic mode. Having retained such capabilities, a promising model will be able to supplement or even replace armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, etc. equipment that ensures the safety of traffic. Automatic driving, in turn, will drastically reduce the operator's workload, with corresponding consequences for the efficiency of combat operations.
Existing models of remotely controlled equipment, such as the Uran-9 complex, are distinguished by a sufficiently high firepower, as well as the ability to attack and destroy enemy personnel, equipment and fortifications. An increase in combat weight up to 20 tons allows using more powerful weapons or increasing its ammunition load. Powerful weapons and an increased level of protection will allow the combat robot to be involved in operations that involve a direct collision with the enemy. Such a technique can accompany the infantry and support it with fire, in a timely manner identifying and destroying dangerous objects. In addition, when interacting with the infantry and working on the front line, an additional means of reconnaissance in the form of a UAV is of great importance.
The modern level of technology development and the availability of developments in the field of land-based remotely controlled multifunctional systems allow counting on the creation of new technology with sufficiently high characteristics, capable of solving a variety of tasks and replacing "manned" samples. Knowing the features of existing machines of this class of domestic and foreign development, one can try to predict the appearance of future samples. Nevertheless, since in recent days we are talking about creating a very specific project, predictions may or may not come true.
It should be noted that in the context of the new project of the Kalashnikov concern, at the moment, only various estimates and forecasts can appear. From official sources, only a few facts are known about the new project. The very existence of the project, the purpose of the equipment and the approximate combat weight were announced. This makes it possible to make estimates, but does not make it possible to draw up a detailed picture with a lot of details.
According to the statements of the head of the Kalashnikov concern, a prototype of the new robotic complex has already been tested. Allegedly, the combat vehicle "rolls" on the ranges, but the details of the tests were not reported. The test reports are cause for some optimism. The conclusion of the equipment to the landfill may indicate that it will soon be shown to the general public, possibly within the framework of one of the future exhibitions.
Over the past few years, the domestic defense industry has created a number of projects for armored combat vehicles with remote control facilities and a developed weapons complex. This technique is of great interest to the armed forces and can find application in certain areas. One of the ways for the further development of a promising area is to increase the technical and combat characteristics by increasing the size and combat mass of equipment. Apparently, it was precisely this logic that preceded the start of a new project. For what reasons, the development of a new reconnaissance and strike complex was previously launched, what it will be, and how much the current estimates correspond to reality - it will be known later.