In our country, over the past few decades, a large number of different armored personnel carriers have been created. Despite the differences in technical appearance and characteristics, all these machines had a common purpose. All domestic and foreign armored personnel carriers are designed to transport personnel with weapons. In addition, the "duty" of an armored personnel carrier on the battlefield is to provide fire support to the fighters. The creation of domestic armored personnel carriers was accompanied by the constant development of their weapons. From the late forties to our time, the armament of domestic armored personnel carriers has come as long as the vehicles themselves, for which it was created.
The first domestic serial armored personnel carrier BTR-40 was created in the late forties, taking into account the operating experience of American M3 Scout Car machines, which affected the main features of its appearance. This "origin" of the BTR-40 also influenced its armament. The base vehicle of this model carried defensive armament in the form of a single 7.62 mm SGBM machine gun. Depending on the situation, the gunner of the armored personnel carrier could install a machine gun on one of four mounts. There were transverse rods on the frontal and stern hull plates, and swivel brackets on the sides. Initially, the BTR-40 armored personnel carrier carried devices for attaching a machine gun of various designs, but in the mid-fifties, during the next modernization, all the brackets were unified. It was supposed to install the machine gun on the bracket only in a combat situation. In the stowed position, it was located in the troop compartment, on the left wheel arch.

When installing the SGBM machine gun on the front plate mount, the shooter could fire at targets located within a horizontal sector with a width of 160 °. The permissible lowering of the weapon was limited to 13-15 degrees, the maximum elevation depended on the design of the machine gun and the convenience of its use. The onboard attachment points of the machine gun made it possible to control sectors with a width of 140 °, the stern unit - 180 °. Thus, when rearranging the machine gun from place to place, an almost circular fire was provided. Naturally, the movement of weapons in a combat situation was very difficult.
The SGMB machine gun was powered by belts for 250 rounds. In the fighting compartment of the BTR-40 armored personnel carrier, there was room for five boxes of ammunition, each of which contained one tape. The total ammunition load consisted of 1250 rounds. In addition, for the defense of an armored personnel carrier, the shooter could use 8 fragmentation and 2 anti-tank grenades.

In 1951, an anti-aircraft version of a combat vehicle called the BTR-40A appeared. The airborne compartment of this vehicle housed the ZPTU-2 anti-aircraft gun, equipped with two KPV machine guns of 14.5 mm caliber. The elevation angles of the machine gun mount from -5 ° to + 90 ° made it possible to fire at both air and ground targets. Ammunition for two machine guns consisted of 1200 rounds. It should be noted that the ZPTU-2 anti-aircraft gun took up almost the entire volume of the troop compartment, which is why the former armored personnel carrier completely lost its transport capabilities.
In the mid-fifties, a version of the BTR-40 armored personnel carrier with a completely closed body was developed. The BTR-40B armored vehicle received a troop compartment roof with two double-leaf hatches. Hatches were located in the front and aft parts of the roof and were intended for the shooter. To fire, it was required to open one of the hatches and install the machine gun on the corresponding bracket. The shooter of the BTR-40B armored personnel carrier could use only two brackets, on the front and rear hull plates.
Simultaneously with the BTR-40 armored personnel carrier, a similar-purpose vehicle BTR-152 was created. In the design of these two armored vehicles, a noticeable number of common components and assemblies were used, including weapons. The BTR-152 armored personnel carrier was armed with one SGBM machine gun of 7.62 mm caliber. The weapon attachment systems were similar to those used on the BTR-40. The shooter could fire using one of four brackets on the frontal, stern or side hull plates. The aiming angles and the volume of ammunition did not differ from the corresponding parameters of the BTR-40.

In the early fifties, an anti-aircraft version of the BTR-152 combat vehicle, called the BTR-152A, was created. Like the BTR-40A, this vehicle was equipped with a ZPTU-2 anti-aircraft machine gun with 14.5 mm KPV machine guns. In terms of its characteristics, this weapon was similar to the armament of the BTR-40A. Despite the relatively large volumes of the troop compartment, the BTR-152A still did not retain its transport function.

In the second half of the fifties, the BTR-152, like the BTR-40, acquired an armored roof. The roof had three hinged hatches, two of which could be used by the shooter. As in the case of the BTR-40, the modification of the armored personnel carrier with a roof retained only two brackets for attaching the SGBM machine gun.
The armored personnel carrier BTR-50P, adopted in 1954, had the same armament as the previous vehicles of this class. The crew of the armored vehicle had one 7, 62-mm machine gun SGMB. After the modernization of the late sixties, all armored personnel carriers of this family were rearmed with PKB machine guns. Machine guns of both types could be mounted on one of two brackets: on the frontal and stern plate of the troop compartment.

The devices for the installation of the SGBM machine gun were unified with the units of the armored personnel carriers of the previous models. Thanks to this, the shooter of the BTR-50P machine could fire at fairly wide sectors in the front and rear hemispheres. The armored personnel carrier machine gun used 250 rounds of belts. The transportable ammunition consisted of five belts - 1250 rounds.
It is known about attempts to install large-caliber machine guns DShKM and KPV on an armored personnel carrier BTR-50P. Despite the great firepower, such options for equipping armored vehicles did not become standard. It should be noted that there are photographs showing BTR-50P armored personnel carriers with large-caliber weapons, but such machine guns were installed only for parades.
Over time, the BTR-50P armored personnel carrier received an armored roof and a new designation - BTR-50PK. After such a modernization, the armament of the armored personnel carrier remained the same, and large hatches were provided for its use in the roof.

According to some reports, the BTR-50P, like previous domestic armored personnel carriers, could become the basis for an anti-aircraft self-propelled installation. To do this, in the troop compartment, it was supposed to mount a pedestal with a machine gun installation ZPTU-2. In addition, the option of using a four-barreled installation ZPTU-4 was considered. This technique did not go into production.
The BTR-60 armored personnel carrier, which is the direct "ancestor" of all subsequent domestic vehicles for this purpose, did not have a roof in the first modifications. For this reason, the armament of the armored vehicle corresponded to the previous armored personnel carriers. The BTR-60 carried an SGMB machine gun mounted on one of three brackets. The brackets were located on the front plate and on the sides of the hull. The shooter had five belts with 1250 rounds at his disposal. There are images of BTR-60 armored personnel carriers with a DShKM machine gun on the frontal bracket and two SGBM on the side ones, but such photographs are "indicative" and do not reflect the realities of the operation of the armored personnel carrier.

In the mid-sixties, the BTR-60 armored personnel carrier repeated the fate of the previous technology and acquired an armored roof. Initially, the armored vehicle had a roof, created taking into account the developments in previous projects: a hatch was provided for the use of a machine gun in the roof. This version of the armored personnel carrier received the BTR-60A index. Later series of this machine received new machine guns, instead of the SGBM they were equipped with a 7.62 mm PKB.
The BTR-60PB project can be considered a real revolution in the field of armaments for domestic armored personnel carriers. For the first time in Soviet practice, an armored personnel carrier received not arms for attaching weapons, but a full-fledged swivel turret. The relatively small conical turret with a straight frontal plate made it possible to solve several problems at once that plagued the armored personnel carriers of previous models. The armored turret protected the shooter from bullets and shrapnel, made it possible to aim weapons more accurately, and could also carry a more powerful weapon than a rifle caliber machine gun.

In the turret of the BTR-60PB armored personnel carrier, a KPVT machine gun of 14.5 mm and 7.62 mm PKT caliber was installed. The shooter could fire in any direction, rotating the turret, and also direct the weapon vertically within the range from -5 ° to + 30 °. For aiming machine guns, it was proposed to use the PP-61 optical periscope sight with a magnification of 2, 6x. The sight made it possible to fire from a large-caliber machine gun at distances up to 2000 meters, from PKT - up to 1500 m. The KPV machine gun ammunition consisted of 10 belts of 50 rounds each (a total of 500 rounds). In the boxes for ammunition for the PKT machine gun, there were eight belts of 250 rounds (2000 rounds).
In the early seventies, a new armored personnel carrier BTR-70 entered service with the Soviet army. This machine was created on the basis of developments in the BTR-60PB project. It was assumed that the new type of armored vehicles will be able to take over all the advantages of the base vehicle, but will be devoid of its disadvantages. Apparently, the tower with two machine guns was attributed to the positive sides of the BTR-60PB armored personnel carrier, as a result of which it was transferred to the BTR-70 without any major changes.

The armament and its characteristics remained the same, although the design of the turret has undergone some changes related to manufacturing technology. In addition, it was proposed to install a modernized PP-61AM periscope sight in the BTR-70 armored personnel carrier turret. Ammunition dimensions and firing range remained the same.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, some countries, which were armed with BTR-70 armored personnel carriers, made attempts to modernize them. A number of such projects involved the use of new weapons, including new combat modules. Thanks to this, the BTR-70 was able to become a carrier of automatic cannons and grenade launchers, as well as anti-tank missiles. In the Russian armed forces, BTR-70 vehicles were operated with basic weapons.
The BTR-80 armored personnel carrier was intended to replace previous vehicles of a similar purpose. As a result, developments from previous projects were widely used in its design. For this reason, in the basic version, the BTR-80 armored vehicle was equipped with almost the same armament as the BTR-60PB or BTR-70. On the roof of the vehicle, a conical turret of a "classic" design for domestic armored personnel carriers was provided.

The armament of the first modification of the BTR-80 was borrowed from the previous armored vehicles. A KPVT machine gun of 14.5 mm and 7.62 mm PKT was installed in the turret. Machine gun mounting systems have undergone some changes. New mechanisms with a manual drive made it possible to direct machine guns in a vertical plane in the range from -4 ° to + 60 °. The turret of the new armored personnel carrier received updated sighting devices. The BTR-80 shooter must use a 1P3-2 periscopic optical sight with variable magnification (1, 2x and 4x), providing a field of view with a width of 49 or 14 degrees. The ammunition load of the machine guns remained the same: 10 belts for 500 rounds of 14, 5x114 mm and 8 belts for 2000 rounds of 7, 62x54 mm R.
Taking into account the experience of the war in Afghanistan, a modification of the BTR-80 armored personnel carrier with a new set of weapons was created. The BTR-80A armored vehicle received a new combat module with more powerful weapons. The relatively small diameter of the shoulder strap of the base vehicle's turret forced the authors of the BTR-80A project to use a gun-carriage layout, new for domestic armored personnel carriers. On the pursuit of the BTR-80A machine, a rotary platform was mounted on which there were supports and a swinging installation with weapons. The main weapon of the new model armored personnel carrier was the 2A72 30-mm automatic cannon. A 7.62 mm PKT machine gun was installed on the same design with the gun, and smoke grenade launchers were on the arms of the weapons. The tower was equipped with sights 1PZ-9 (day) TPNZ-42 (night).
The ammunition load of the turret of the BTR-80A armored personnel carrier consists of 300 rounds for an automatic cannon and 2000 rounds for a machine gun. It should be noted that all turret assemblies, including the ammunition boxes, are located outside the hull, which is why a continuous supply of ammunition was used. The design of the turret provides weapon guidance in any direction. The elevation angle is limited to 70 degrees. Depending on the ammunition used, the armament of the BTR-80A can hit targets at a distance of up to 4 kilometers. An interesting feature of the tower with a 2A72 cannon and a PKT machine gun is a relatively high aiming line - 2, 8 meters from the ground. This allows the crew of the armored personnel carrier, if necessary, to hide behind walls or buildings, leaving the possibility of observing the situation and firing. When fighting in an urban environment, these capabilities are very useful.

The tower of the BTR-80A armored personnel carrier has a number of advantages over previous weapons systems, but the power of its weapons may be excessive to perform some combat missions. In addition, to install a heavy turret with an automatic cannon, it is necessary to modify the body of the base armored personnel carrier. In order to preserve the advantages of the monitor tower and ensure the required characteristics, the BTR-80S armored personnel carrier was created. The turret of this combat vehicle is a modified version of the corresponding BTR-80A unit, but instead of a 30-mm automatic cannon it is equipped with a KPVT machine gun. The coaxial machine gun remained the same - PKT caliber 7, 62 mm.
In the 2000s, several new modifications of the BTR-80 armored personnel carrier were created. BTR-82 vehicles are equipped with new engines and a number of new equipment designed to improve their performance. As before, the armament complex of the new armored vehicles was made on the basis of the corresponding units of the previous technology. The original carriage tower, created for the BTR-80A armored personnel carrier, was improved and installed on new vehicle modifications.

The BTR-82 armored personnel carrier is armed with a turret with a KPVT heavy machine gun and a 7.62-mm PKT. The general features of the turret design were borrowed from the combat module of the BTR-80A armored personnel carrier without major changes. Machine guns KPVT and PKT have an ammunition load of 500 and 2000 rounds, respectively. The supply of ammunition to each of the machine guns is carried out using one belt. To improve firing accuracy, the weapon is equipped with a two-plane stabilizer. Separate day and night sights were replaced by a combined TKN-4GA device.

The BTR-82A armored personnel carrier carries a 30-mm automatic cannon and a PKT machine gun. The armament is stabilized in two planes. The ammunition capacity of the cannon and machine gun remained the same as on the BTR-80A - 300 rounds and 2000 rounds. The BTR-82A turret is equipped with a sight similar to that used on an armored personnel carrier with machine-gun armament.
In the early nineties, a new domestic armored personnel carrier BTR-90 was presented for the first time. This combat vehicle was created taking into account the experience of recent wars and was supposed to significantly increase the combat effectiveness of motorized rifle units. In 2011, the Ministry of Defense finally abandoned the procurement of the BTR-90 in favor of promising equipment that is currently being created. Nevertheless, the armament of an armored personnel carrier that did not go into production is of great interest.

Experienced option
For the first time in domestic practice, it was proposed to equip an armored personnel carrier with a two-man turret with a developed armament complex. By its design and equipment, the BTR-90 tower to some extent resembled the tower of the BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle. The main armament of the BTR-90 was to be a 2A42 automatic cannon of 30 mm caliber. On some mechanisms with the gun, a PKTM machine gun of 7.62 mm caliber was to be installed. The barrel armament had a two-plane stabilizer. On the roof of the tower of a promising armored personnel carrier, a launcher of the 9K113 Konkurs anti-tank missile system was provided. The gunner had at his disposal a combined (day and night) sight BPK-Z-42. At the request of foreign customers, the gunner's workplace could be equipped with a BPK-M sight with a French-made thermal imager. In addition, the armored personnel carrier was equipped with a special anti-aircraft sight 1P3-3.

BTR-90 with reinforced armor
The turret mechanisms made it possible to aim the weapon at 360 ° in the horizontal plane and from -5 ° to + 75 ° in the vertical plane. Automatic cannon ammunition consisted of 500 rounds, coaxial machine gun - 2,000 rounds. In addition, the fighting compartment of the armored personnel carrier had a place to accommodate four transport-launch containers with 9M113 Konkurs anti-tank missiles. The used complex of weapons allowed the BTR-90 armored personnel carrier to hit armored vehicles and enemy fortifications with missiles at ranges of up to 4 kilometers. The 2A42 automatic cannon had an aiming range for ground targets up to 4 km, for air targets - 2-2.5 kilometers.
In the mid-seventies, the airborne troops received a new airborne armored personnel carrier BTR-D. To facilitate the development and construction of new equipment, this project was carried out on the basis of the BMD-1 airborne combat vehicle with the widespread use of its components and assemblies. The armored personnel carrier for the Airborne Forces received two PKM machine guns installed in the troop compartment.

In the frontal leaf of the troop compartment, located behind the driver's workplace, two hatches were provided through which it was supposed to fire from two PK machine guns. The paratroopers inside the combat vehicle should shoot from this weapon. At the disposal of the shooters there are 8 belts of 250 rounds in each (1000 rounds for a machine gun).
There is information about equipping a number of armored personnel carriers BTR-D with automatic grenade launchers AGS-17. This weapon was mounted on a bracket on the roof of the troop compartment. For firing a grenade launcher, the paratrooper shooter had to use one of the roof hatches. Also, some sources mention the existence of armored vehicles with a similar installation of machine guns.
In the near future, the Airborne Forces should receive new equipment of several models. The basis for vehicles for various purposes, it is said, should be the BTR-MDM armored personnel carrier. This armored vehicle was created on the basis of the previous BTR-MD project. It is proposed to build new equipment for the Airborne Forces using existing and newly developed components and assemblies. Some of the components were borrowed from the BMP-3M infantry fighting vehicle and the BMD-4M airborne combat vehicle.

Like the previous armored personnel carrier for the airborne troops, the BTR-MDM has light machine gun armament. The armament of the BTR-MDM machine consists of a remotely controlled turret with a 7.62 mm PKTM machine gun. Machine gun ammunition is located in a box next to it. To aim the machine gun at the target, the 1P67M periscopic sight is used. If necessary, the crew can fire from an additional course machine gun. The course unit for the RPK light machine gun is located in the frontal sheet of the hull in its right half. In addition, there are four smoke grenade launchers on the front plate.
The future of armored personnel carriers
For half a century, the armament of domestic armored personnel carriers has undergone major changes. The BTR-40 carried only one rifle-caliber machine gun mounted on one of four brackets. If necessary, the machine gun could be rearranged to another place or removed and used separately. Armored personnel carriers of the latest models have solid machine-gun or cannon-machine-gun armament, many times superior to that used on the first vehicles of this class. The latest developments in the field of armored vehicles for motorized rifle forces make it possible to say with confidence that the development of weapons continues and is unlikely to stop.
In recent years, the domestic and foreign defense industry has been actively working on the creation of new combat modules suitable for installation on equipment of various models. Domestic enterprises are ready to provide the customer with combat modules of various models, equipped with weapons of different types and classes. Depending on the wishes of the military, armored vehicles can carry machine guns, automatic cannons, automatic grenade launchers and anti-tank missiles. In addition, all current combat modules are equipped with modern sighting devices.
It is the universal combat modules that currently look the most convenient and effective means of arming armored vehicles for motorized rifle units. Such systems, combining elements of reservation, weapons and various electronic equipment, make it possible to equip equipment with all the necessary systems, as well as relatively easy to carry out its modernization. As for the armament of the armored personnel carriers of the future, it is likely to retain its basic features. There is reason to believe that such armored vehicles will continue to carry automatic cannons or large-caliber machine guns paired with rifle-caliber machine guns. In addition, the weapon systems can include automatic grenade launchers and anti-tank missiles.
However, only time will tell what the armament of the armored personnel carriers of the future will look like. Demonstration of new domestic technology of this class should take place in the coming years.