What do you think, what is the worst thing, according to the Americans, is in the arsenals of the Syrian government forces? No, these are not Smerch and Hurricane multiple launch rocket systems. Non-missile systems "Tochka" and heavy flamethrower systems "Solntsepek". And certainly not armored vehicles with artillery. Western propaganda is mostly silent about them. The Western public and, personally, US President Obama are very concerned about the use of the most "savage", in their opinion, type of weapon - the so-called "barrel" or "barrel bombs" made by hand.

This photo has become a favorite illustration of materials about "barrel" bombs.
Allegedly, the villains of Assad in some secret workshops stuff barrels of gasoline with TNT and striking elements, and then, hanging them under helicopters, throw unsuspecting civilians on the heads.
For many Western people and politicians, these "barrel" bombs have become much more dangerous than chemical weapons (which were destroyed in Syria thanks to our country) and the ISIS and Al Qaeda, banned in Russia, combined. The promotion of the topic with this ominous weapon took place in accordance with all the rules of military propaganda. One has only to recall the campaign to demonize the actions of Soviet troops in Afghanistan. Many techniques, by the way, resemble those that are currently used. For example, the myth about toy mines that Soviet troops "scattered en masse near villages to kill children." Of course, these facts were not really confirmed by anything, there were no real toy bombs. But how many then talked about it. The same is with the use of chemical warfare agents, no real facts and rivers of lies.
Later, after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and to justify the intervention in the region, Western media portrayed the "atrocities" of the occupiers. Many people remember the absolutely terrible story that the soldiers of the Baghdad dictator killed premature babies in Kuwaiti maternity hospitals, throwing them out of special containers. As it turned out, this chilling story was entirely invented by American PR specialists. And what about the claims about chemical weapons in Iraq? The "freedom-loving nations" led by the United States saved the world from him. And where are these OM stocks? Also a lie from start to finish.

In most of the photographic materials about "barrel" bombs, for some reason they do not explode, but lie and wait to be photographed by foreign correspondents.
And how they demonized the population of an entire Balkan country - Yugoslavia. Serbs were killed not only with NATO bombs, but also by falsified and completely Nazi, by definition, polls in which Western propagandists tried to prove that, in terms of intellectual development, Serbs are "the most backward in Europe." Fortunately, "in enlightened Europe" it did not come to measuring the shapes of skulls and other things that were practiced in Germany during the Third Reich.
We can also recall the abominable behavior of Western propaganda during the events in South Ossetia in August 2008, as well as the situation in Donbass.
Finally, the events in Libya and Syria. The once prosperous country of Libya, which had disintegrated into parts, was also subjected to monstrous defamation - a real information aggression. And, as it turned out, much that was attributed to the regime of the deceased colonel was invented from start to finish. We see all this in Syria: informational stuffing by various bloggers, London "observatories for human rights" and professional human rights defenders.

And the villains - the Assadists - stuffed this "bomb" with some kind of white powder (where are the striking elements that they talk so much about?) And dropped it in order to once again substitute. By the way, why in many photos these bombs with 200 kg of TNT simply flatten from hitting the ground, and not tear them to shreds?
Returning to the notorious barrel bombs. If you look completely unbiased, you can understand that we are dealing with an organized campaign. In fact, analyzing the photo and video materials posted on the Web, one can understand that these are fakes, many of which are very crudely cooked up and are designed for people who absolutely do not try to analyze what they are shoving. We can confidently say that some time will pass, and we, as has already happened more than once, will find out who organized, distributed and financed all this.