The armed forces of different countries need various means of collecting, processing and transmitting information, and not only those suitable for use in the course of combat work. The personnel have the right to receive up-to-date information about events in their country and in the world, and must also usefully spend their free time. It is for the solution of such specific problems that a mobile information center IC-2006 was created by the Belarusian industry several years ago.
For information support and the organization of leisure of servicemen in the conditions of a military unit, the available "improvised means" can be used. Some may receive printed publications, campaign and other materials, etc. in a timely manner. In the field, solving such problems becomes much more complicated: for this, it is required to arrange the supply of the necessary materials, and in addition, it may not be possible to deliver special equipment. However, military personnel should still not be denied the right to receive timely information or cultural entertainment.

General view of the mobile information center IC-2006. Photo by OJSC "MNIPI" /
An original solution to such issues was proposed in the middle of the last decade by the Belarusian industry. Specialists of the Minsk Research Instrument-Making Institute (OJSC "MNIPI") have developed a specialized machine capable of traveling to the right places and organizing information work in the field. Such a sample of special equipment was named "mobile information center ITs-2006".
Center ITs-2006 is a self-propelled vehicle based on a serial chassis, equipped with a set of various equipment for various purposes. The proposed composition of the onboard equipment allows the calculation to receive and transmit various information via radio channels, independently create, edit and replicate printed materials, as well as organize screenings of film and video materials. At the same time, the maximum possible autonomy is ensured, allowing you to work at a distance from the base points without the need for a special supply of resources and consumables.
The serial MAZ 531605-262 chassis is used as the basis for the mobile information center. It is an all-wheel drive two-axle truck equipped with a 330 hp diesel engine. The carrying capacity of such a chassis reaches 5 tons, which makes it possible to use it for the construction of various types of equipment for various purposes. Within the framework of the IC-2006 project, the automobile chassis is used for mounting a van body with a set of special equipment and crew workplaces.
During the construction of the IC-2006 vehicle, the base chassis retains the standard cab of a cabover configuration. It has seats for the driver and passengers. In addition, a sleeping place of sufficient dimensions is provided in the rear of the cab. The range of tasks to be solved made it possible to do without any modifications to the cab, implying an increase in the level of protection. The Clearinghouse does not have to operate at the forefront, which is why it is not stocked with reservations.
To accommodate all the necessary equipment, a container-type box body is used, as well as several additional casings fixed outside of it. The body has a rectangular shape and is built on the basis of a frame made of metal profiles. Several additional casings are mounted on the outer surface of the walls of such a housing. One of these casings, which have a rectangular shape and a small width, is installed on the left side, with a shift towards the front of the hull. There are a couple of similar devices in the rear of the starboard side. Under the rear of the van and the rear bumper are a pair of additional covers of complex polygonal shapes. It is proposed to get into the van through a door on the starboard side, there are several windows in the sides.

Operator's cabin interior. Photo
The internal usable area of the van is only 11, 5 square meters, the useful volume is 25 cubic meters. Due to the relatively small size, the internal volumes of the van are characterized by a fairly dense layout. Despite the lack of space, MNIPI specialists managed to place all the necessary equipment and two workplaces of its operators in the car. The front part of the van, reaching the doorway, is given for the installation of cabinets and racks for various equipment. It is likely that some consumables can also be stored there. The left side of the hull has louvers for ventilation of the front instrument compartment.
Along the sides of the hull, there are tables of "civilian" type, which have several boxes and racks for storing one or another equipment. Behind the desks and workstations, at the back of the van, is a sleeping place. The back wall itself has special equipment that allows it to be used to solve one of the tasks. A characteristic feature of the IC-2006 center is a dense layout with the placement of the maximum number of devices in a minimum volume, but, despite this, it was possible to accommodate all the equipment and two places for specialists in the van, ensuring acceptable convenience of work.
The van body is equipped with a large door for access inside, as well as developed glazing. There are two medium-sized windows on each side. In this case, the front window of the starboard side is installed on the door. Windows can be opened for ventilation. In addition, the windows are equipped with movable textile blinds for blackout.
The crew of the mobile information center can work in a variety of conditions, for which the vehicle is equipped with life support equipment. The habitable compartments are equipped with an air heater, an automatic microclimate system and a filtering unit. Life support allows you to work at ambient temperatures from -40 ° to + 40 °.
Two workstations of IC-2006 are equipped with computer equipment that allows solving various tasks, as well as other equipment for one purpose or another. For example, at the port side workplace there are various means for receiving, processing and issuing information in different formats. The largest device in the right workplace is the color printer. In addition, some of the equipment is transported in cabinets and on racks.

Demonstration of the information center to the military. The printer and rear screen are clearly visible. Photo of the newspaper "To the Glory of the Motherland" /
The first workplace is intended for television and radio service of personnel. Its equipment allows receiving satellite and terrestrial television broadcasts in digital and analog formats. Audio and video signals from these sources can be recorded, stored and played back with the available means. It is also possible to transmit various information via satellite radio or using the existing Internet infrastructure. If necessary, the equipment allows you to organize direct television broadcasts from the place of work of IC-2006.
To receive signals, portable remote antenna devices are used, which are connected to the equipment using cables. In particular, an antenna with a mirror with a diameter of 900 mm is used to receive satellite television signals. In the stowed position, the antennas and cables for them are transported in the appropriate volume of the case.
The second post is designed for working with photos, videos and printing. The operator of this workplace can take photos and videos, edit videos and process photographs. It is also possible to create layouts of printed products with their subsequent printing on their own.
At the disposal of the calculation of the information center is a camera with a resolution of 6 megapixels and eight times optical zoom. Specialists can use the photos taken when creating layouts of printed products on their own, and then print them. The existing printer allows you to produce printed materials in A4 and A3 formats at a speed of up to 90 sheets per minute. Further, the printed materials can be distributed among the personnel, posted on the appropriate boards, etc.

ITs-2006 in the field cinema mode receives satellite broadcasting. Photo of the newspaper "To the Glory of the Motherland" /
Upon receiving the appropriate instruction, the IC-2006 crew can use the center as a field cinema and organize viewing of various video materials. It can be a television broadcast, various videos, movies, etc. Viewing can be organized both in the daytime and in the evening. To conduct it, the information center uses special equipment of the original architecture.
In the back wall of the van body there is a large opening covered with a transparent screen measuring 1300x1000 mm. In the stowed position, the screen is covered with a large metal cover, hinged at the rear of the hull. When preparing to use the screen, the cover is lifted into the working position and held in it using the available latches. In certain cases, fabric curtains can be suspended on the side edges of the lid to prevent the screen from being "exposed" by external light sources. Inside the van is a projector that connects to a computer. With its help, the image is displayed on the projection screen. Also, for operation in cinema mode, the ITs-2006 machine is equipped with a 130 W audio system.
On board the self-propelled center ITs-2006 there is a significant amount of electronic equipment that needs the appropriate means of power supply. To obtain maximum autonomy, the machine is equipped with a 15, 2 kW diesel power plant.
In terms of its dimensions and weight, the mobile information center hardly differs from other equipment built on Belarusian-made truck chassis. The running characteristics also correspond to other samples on a similar chassis. Thanks to this, specialists and their technicians can move along the roads, accompanying convoys or troops on the march. Upon arrival at a given position, the calculation of the center can, as soon as possible, deploy all the necessary equipment and start solving information problems.
The mobile information center IC-2006 was created in the middle of the last decade, and soon passed all the necessary tests. After the inspections, the complex of unusual designation was recommended for acceptance for supply. According to reports, the center later went into series production and in some quantities entered the Belarusian army. It was assumed that such a technique would make it possible to simplify the information service of units located at ranges at a great distance from places of permanent deployment. Previously, such capabilities were tested in the course of tests, and later on, more serious confirmation of the high potential of technology appeared.

The use of IC-2006 in the course of events in the troops. The screen is additionally protected by curtains. Photo
Soon after the adoption of the IC-2006, the air defense forces of the Republic of Belarus were involved in international exercises at the Russian Ashuluk training ground (Astrakhan region). Together with the personnel and military equipment, a mobile information center went to Russia. The units previously participating in the exercises could be left without up-to-date news and fresh information throughout all the maneuvers - up to several weeks. With the advent of the information center, the situation has changed dramatically.
Working at the Ashuluk training ground, the calculation of the information center received mock-ups of the Belarusian military newspaper "To the Glory of the Motherland" in a timely manner, printed a small print run and distributed it among the servicemen. At the same time, the specialists took photographs and videos and wrote texts about the course of the exercises. All such information describing the training and combat work of the Belarusian military was sent via the available radio communication to the editorial offices of newspapers and TV channels. It took just a few minutes to send the materials, thanks to which fresh messages appeared on television and Internet sites in the shortest possible time.
It was pointed out that during those exercises, another remarkable result was obtained, directly related to the possibility of self-production and distribution of printed products. Thanks to the work of the IC-2006 calculation, the latest issue of the newspaper "To the Glory of the Motherland" appeared at the Ashuluk training ground 12-16 hours earlier than in the Belarusian kiosks with the press. Thus, with the help of the information center, it was possible not only to solve the problem of servicing personnel, but also to set an unusual record.
According to various sources, to date, the Minsk Research Instrument-Making Institute and related organizations managed to produce several machines of the IC-2006 type, which were soon distributed among the formations of the Belarusian armed forces. Now this equipment and its crews are in service and are engaged in providing information to troops in various situations and conditions. Its work receives high marks from the command, and the benefits of some of the results of its use are obvious.
The original Belarusian development is of great interest for a number of reasons. The mobile information center IC-2006, equipped with a developed set of equipment for various purposes, is a unique development. Direct analogs of the same purpose with a similar set of equipment in foreign countries, including Russia, are simply absent. Receiving and disseminating information, collecting data and preparing press materials have to be addressed in other ways, using available tools. Naturally, in such a situation, the Belarusian army gains certain advantages over the armed forces of other countries.

Information center at the landfill. The machine is disguised, the operator is working in the open air. Photo of the newspaper "To the Glory of the Motherland" /
The main advantage of the IC-2006 center is the ability to perform various functions both on the territory of military units and at a great distance from the bases of troops. In addition, the operation of such equipment is greatly simplified due to the widespread use of serial units and devices. This applies to both the all-wheel drive vehicle chassis and the target equipment. This approach, among other things, facilitates the further development and modernization of technology.
To process and store all the information, the center uses two laptops, printing is done using a commercial model printer. Television equipment, a projector and other devices were also not developed for IC-2006 from scratch. As a result, if necessary, it is possible to replace any existing device with a newer and more modern one with improved characteristics. Given the growth in the performance of computing and multimedia devices in recent years, such a modernization of the existing data center will lead to a significant increase in its potential.
An interesting fact is that the Belarusian armed forces, having received a mobile information center IC-2006, were convinced of the usefulness of such equipment and even wished to receive a completely new sample of a special-purpose complex, featuring wider areas of application. The ideas and solutions used in the existing project in the field of television equipment were further developed, as a result of which the military received the so-called. mobile radio and television center PRTC. This complex does not have the ability to work with printing, but it has an increased potential in the field of television. The PRTC also managed to pass all the tests and enter the supply of the Belarusian army.
The task of providing information and organizing the cultural leisure of personnel is of a certain importance, although it is not a priority. The original project of the Belarusian defense industry made it possible to create a self-propelled complex in a relatively simple way, capable of providing servicemen with access to the latest press, television or cinema in any conditions and in any area. Having confirmed its capabilities, the unique information center was recommended for acceptance for supply, serial production and operation. It is likely that such vehicles will remain in service for a long time, and will be updated as needed, which will allow timely delivery of fresh news to soldiers and officers.