Armored vehicles
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
I found interesting photos of what interesting things are done by "craftsmen" from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Let's talk a little about what it is. Anti-vandal screens? Or did the guys from the Ukrainian Armed Forces want it to be like in Mad Max? Or is it done for the TV series "The Walking Dead"? Or so that insects are not on the track
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The world's only serial five-turret tank delighted the eye with impressive power. It is not surprising that the T-35 was given the role of a visible embodiment of the power of the USSR. The tank rumbled menacingly in parades and took a place on the medal "For Courage". Real combat use has become a sad fact of the biography of the tank. Everything
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Official historical information of the unit: 6 separate tank Czestochowa Red Banner, Order of Kutuzov brigade was formed on March 3, 1942 near the city of Noginsk, Moscow region on the basis of 98 and 133 separate tank battalions as 100 tank brigade. 1942 06/08/1942 100
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Not so long ago, the general public saw for the first time photographs of a promising infantry fighting vehicle based on the Armata universal platform. The official "premiere" of this technique should take place only on May 9, so while the public and specialists can only make assumptions and try
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Currently, the Russian armed forces have several types of infantry fighting vehicles, as well as equipment of other classes, built on their basis. In the future, the situation should change. Over the past years, several defense enterprises have been working on a project for a unified tracked
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The new Russian infantry fighting vehicles on the Kurganets-25 platform will be one-third heavier than the current vehicles. This is the price to pay for the increased protection of their crew and motorized riflemen. However, this may still change during the testing process. Therefore, in the coming years, the Russian Ministry of Defense continues to rely on
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Due to the specifics of their work, some types of armed forces need special equipment that differs from other existing models. In particular, the marines need specialized amphibious armored vehicles for landings. One of the most famous examples of this technique
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
At the recent international military-technical forum "Army-2016", domestic defense industry enterprises demonstrated a large number of the latest developments in various fields. In particular, the sector of remotely controlled combat modules was not left without the attention of enterprises. Several
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The history of this tank, which may well be considered the grandfather of the T-34, for me personally began a long time ago. Even as a boy, in the magazine "Science and Life" in the small pictures at the bottom of the page, executed in black and white graphics, I saw two tanks that struck me - T-24 and TG. Then the same "selection"
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Everyone who entered the dark metal box for the first time was sure to hit his head on the ceiling. It was then that the tightness in the tanks became the talk of the town, but here everything was new. Even this kind of "battle" baptism, which did not pass not a single infantryman, sapper, signalman
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In every country there are people who like to "age" their history or "add points" to their country, attributing to it all conceivable and inconceivable achievements and perfection. For what and why this was done in the USSR, it is clear: workers of the regional committee of the CPSU received sausages, but in the field of ballet … But
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Today, tanks are still the main striking force of the ground forces. However, presenting a formidable, heavily armed and armored tracked vehicle, we always consider it in the aspect of actions exclusively on the ground. However, the XX century, especially its first half, were rich in daring
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In the late thirties, the Mk VII Tetrarch light cruiser tank would have been adopted by the British army. This vehicle differed from the existing models in its relatively low weight, high firepower and an acceptable level of protection. Nevertheless, the launch of mass production of such equipment is serious
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The development of such a promising means of warfare as a tank set before its designers many different tasks, which had to be solved in a hurry, literally on the move, and solved effectively, since people's lives depended on their quality solution
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It is hardly an exaggeration to say that one of the most famous and bloody examples of the use of tanks during the First World War is the raid of the British tank "Music Box", which took place on August 8, 1918 on the first day of the Battle of Amiens - the so-called "Black Day of the German
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
“Also Swedish! Also to Lithuania! " - someone will be indignant, remembering the very recent reports of our media that armored units of the US Army, equipped with tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, arrived in Latvian and Estonian ports. "And there, they say, NATO will catch up … and now the Swedes too!" But no, this is not about that. Oh
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One of the "highlights" of W. Christie's tank was that it could very easily be "taught to swim". The designer himself even developed one such tank with a coffin-shaped body, a 75-mm French gun (in service with the US Army) Model 1897, and it was even tested by the Corps
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“Do you feel how slender it is, Winston? The idea, of course, belongs to Big Brother, - he added, recollecting himself. "J. Orwell" 1984 "Every person who is" addicted to armor "has his own" favorite tank "or armored vehicle, which they admire for a long time and persistently. Someone like, but for me this is
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Perhaps, nowhere did ideology have such an impact on the processes of creating armored weapons as in the USSR. Moreover, everything, in general, was good until "Black Thursday" October 24, 1929. This day is considered the day of the beginning of the global economic crisis. True, there was also a short-term
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So, here we come to the very end of the history of the Lee / Grant tanks, examined them comprehensively, down to what colors they were painted in. Now we just have to look at their combat use, and … that's it! But first, on the basis of the available data, let's try to evaluate them impartially. And here again
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So, the design of the first serial American tank in all respects turned out to be rather archaic. After all, a similar tank, in which the gun was placed in the hull, was created in the USSR in 1931. True, it was developed by the invited German designer Grotte, but this does not change the essence of the matter. Known
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The United States entered World War I only at the very end, which gave them many different benefits. But the American military believed that the war would continue until 1919, and from this the logical conclusion followed that to win they would need tanks: both heavy breakthrough tanks and very light ones
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
And it so happened that in 1937, several German firms were entrusted with the design of a new, heavier model of the tank, which was supposed to replace the Pz Kpfw III and Pz Kpfw IV that had just been adopted. So far, they have satisfied the military, but they understood that sooner or later, but
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Not so long ago, TOPWAR published material about the KV-1 tank. I read it and remembered that long before I started publishing my magazine "Tankomaster" and, accordingly, writing about tanks, I had the opportunity to read an interesting book by engineers of the famous Kirov plant, which was called "Constructor
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
As you name the ship, so it will float. There is a saying. But she's wrong. It's not about the name. "Call at least a pot, but don't put it in the stove!" - says another folk wisdom and it is much more rational. Well, in relation to technology and, especially, to military equipment, everything is connected with technical
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Literally just now, on the Web, including on VO, there was a material about the next improvement of the BM "Terminator", a model of which was presented at the exhibition "Days of Innovation", which was held in October in Yekaterinburg. A buzzword, a spectacularly painted model, literally studded with various
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Could an economically not very developed state, and under sanctions, create its own tank in the middle of the last century? At first glance, it seems not, but if we turn to history, it turns out that nothing is impossible in this. Moreover, the model itself, obtained in
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When the Americans read about British tanks in the newspapers and saw their photographs, their country had not yet been at war. But everyone was well aware that sooner or later, they would have to fight, that they would not be able to sit out overseas, and if so, then you need to take care of real superiority over the enemy. That's why
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At one time, the great Russian historian Klyuchevsky said that "we all came out of the rye field," that is, he emphasized the dependence of the culture of the nation on natural conditions. Accordingly, the Japanese came out of rice, the Americans - from the corn, and the French - from the vineyard! Accordingly from
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This is how interestingly history has ordered: during the Second World War, Soviet troops practically did not have to land amphibious assault forces, but our allies in the anti-Hitler coalition had to land them almost constantly. And it should be noted that the US armed forces and
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
As for the Australians, who also participated in World War II and fought the Japanese, they had a very hard time from the very beginning. The threat of the landing seemed very serious, but how could it be repelled? The Australians did not have their own tanks, well, they simply did not, because the "scrap" that
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Often, our ideas about the war and the events associated with it are gleaned in the worst case from the cinema, where the battery is commanded by the "pipe 17", and the shells for some reason explode on the ground, and in the best of the books, but … books very often of their era, which were written within a certain framework. And it turned out that when else
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
As soon as Czechoslovakia was occupied by German troops, all LT-35s were sent to Dresden, where the Germans changed their optics, installed German Fu5 VHF radios and hung their own entrenching tools. But out of 150 tanks ordered by ČKD, it managed to produce only nine vehicles. Germans their
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Amazing things happen sometimes in the world of military technology. A small country makes a contribution to its development that is incomparable with its size. Here is the Czech Republic too … A country in the center of Europe, but very small. And nevertheless, rifles were created by her designers-gunsmiths, and pistols, and cannons, and what
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Events 1936-1939 in Spain, Soviet historiography for many years was considered as a "national liberation war of the Spanish people", but it is obvious that this is not true. It was just that there was a clash between the forces of democracy and the forces of totalitarian regimes, and all this happened in an extremely
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It hardly needs anyone to prove the importance of camouflage. And now, and at the very beginning of the last century, entire institutions worked on how to make their equipment invisible from the enemy. The ships were masked with coloring according to Wilkinson and Shpazhinsky, but tanks, tanks were painted very whimsically, and sometimes
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Last time we talked about the participation of BT-5 tanks in the battle at Fuentes de Ebro. Today we will talk about the tanks of Spain itself, the history of which began back in 1914 (and the first BAs began to be tested in Spain back in 1909), when 24 Schneider-Creusot armored vehicles were bought from France - very
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Based on the experience of the Polish company, three "high-speed cuirassier divisions" (Divisioins Cuirassees Rapide - DCR) were created in France, consisting of two B-1 battalions (60 vehicles) and two battalions of H-39 tanks (78 vehicles). The fourth was in the stage of formation, moreover, these units were not enough
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In the mid-90s, when I was still publishing my magazine "Tankomaster", the editors of the "Tekhnika-youth" magazine suggested that I make a book for them about armored vehicles in the war between Germany and Poland and France. I had to go to the archives and get the photos through the Imperial War Archives in London
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“Potapov. There are 30 large KV tanks. All of them are without shells for 152 mm guns. I have T-26 and BT tanks, mostly of old brands, including two-turret ones. About a hundred of enemy tanks were destroyed … Zhukov. 152-mm KV cannons fire projectiles 09-30