Professor Hugo Junkers
… Hugo Junkers was very surprised when the secretary reported that the Russian mister Dolukhanov was waiting for him in the waiting room.
- And what does this gentleman want … Do-lu-ha-nof?
- He claims that he can sell your planes in Russia.
“Well, let him come in,” Hugo surrendered.
Respectable, with a military bearing, Mr. Dolukhanov, in decent German, explained to Junkers that he represented influential circles of Russian immigration in Germany. Soon the liquidation of the Bolsheviks in Russia is expected, and then he is taken and guarantees the organization of an airline with twenty Junkers planes.
At first, Hugo wanted to immediately expel this gentleman, but pulled himself together and said with a smile:
- Thank you, sir … Do-lu-ha-nof. I will think about your proposal and let you know. Please leave your coordinates with the secretary.
- But, Mr. Junkers, I would like to discuss in detail the business plan of this airline and present you with evidence of my competence … - the visitor did not calm down.
“No, no, it’s not needed yet,” Hugo retorted firmly. - I wish you success, all the best.
This strange visit made Hugo think about organizing the production of his aircraft in Russia. Why not in Russia? This country is even bigger than America. With its vast expanses and the absence of such a network of railways as in Europe, air services are needed there more than anywhere else. When negotiations were held in Western countries on the construction of his aircraft plant, they asked for such a high interest on loans that the cost of production turned out to be prohibitively high. Maybe Russia will be able to agree on more favorable terms?
Hugo became interested in all the news from Soviet Russia. In the post-war fate, Germany and Russia had a lot in common. Both countries were outcasts in the eyes of Western leaders and did not deserve to be treated well. Germany was crushed and humiliated by the prohibitions of the victors, and the RSFSR was excommunicated from the world community and progress by a tough blockade. This situation forced these countries to seek rapprochement. In early 1921, Hugo read in a newspaper that German-Russian negotiations on trade and industrial cooperation had taken place.
At this time, the decision came to him to glaze the cockpit of the F-13 and organize their passage through the door in the passenger compartment. Hugo did not consider the pilots' requirement for a better view in an open cockpit in rain and fog to be sufficiently solid. After all, the cockpit glass can be equipped with heating and wipers, just like on cars. But on the other hand, what are the huge advantages for the crew provided by a closed cockpit. The oncoming stream does not hit the face, and without the flight goggles, the view is better. The noise level is significantly lower and the cabin temperature can be maintained with heaters. Crew members hear each other better when exchanging information in flight. All together, this is comfort for people on whom flight safety depends. With increasing flight duration and speed in the future, these factors will play an even more important role. Professor Junkers saw this clearly and boldly changed the prevailing stereotypes. As always, in his design decisions, he was one step ahead of the rest. Junkers was the first to abandon the open cockpit, and all aircraft designers will follow his example. The first two F-13s in a modified layout with a closed cockpit were already being assembled in the workshop.
This news about Russia was fished out by Sachsenberg through his contacts with the military. It turns out that back in April, the German Reichswehr gave permission to the companies Blom and Foss, Krupp and Albatross to sell their trade secrets to the Russians. The Reichswehr pushed Albatross as a state-owned company to expand the production of wooden aircraft by organizing its aircraft factories in Russia. But the Russians showed no interest in the Albatross aircraft. Hugo listened to Sachsenberg with keen interest and asked about the details. There was a clear possibility of avoiding a ban on the production of aircraft in Germany, if they were to establish their production in Russia.
And immediately the next day in the newspaper on the front page: "On May 6, 1921, the signing of the German-Russian trade agreement took place, according to which Germany was able to sell its technical innovations to Soviet Russia and help the Russians in the industrialization of their country."
This was already a signal, and Hugo began to work out options for his proposals in the upcoming negotiations. And he had no doubts that such negotiations would begin soon. Indeed, within a few months the Russians took the initiative. Negotiations began on the establishment of a permanent air service on the Königsberg-Moscow and Königsberg-Petrograd routes. Junkers was not invited there. The initiative was taken by the united German company Aero-Union. We agreed to create a German-Russian airline with equal participation of the parties. On the Russian side, the Narkomvneshtorg became the official owner of 50% of the shares. The registration of the Deutsche Russische Luftverkehr airline, abbreviated as "Derulyuft", took place on November 24, 1921. The base was the Devau airfield near Königsberg. In Moscow, there is the Central Airfield, which was opened on Khodynka in October 1910.
And then the former partner of Junkers in the Fokker serial plant made a hustle. He now settled in Holland and built a high-wing passenger plane there, almost the same as that of Junkers, only wooden, F-III. He managed to sell ten of these aircraft to the Russian government, some of which were donated to Derulyuft in annual dues. These plywood Fokkers were used by German and Russian pilots to fly from Königsberg to Moscow and back. Permission to operate this route for five years has already been signed by the Russians on 17 December. All this Hugo Junkers learned from the ubiquitous Sachsenberg, but he firmly believed that his hour would come.
Fili plant
The real case began in January 1922, when a representative of the German government visited Junkers in Dessau.
“Our preliminary talks with the Russians revealed their interest in building metal aircraft as part of military cooperation,” he began right off the bat. - Highly assessing the success of your company, we recommend that you take part in negotiations in Moscow on a specific form of organizing the construction of German aircraft in Russia.
- If I understand you correctly, is it about the possibility of establishing the production of my aircraft in Russia? - Unwittingly worried, Hugo asked naively.
- Quite right. The army and government are extremely concerned about the bans on the construction of aircraft imposed on Germany. They will set our aviation back a few years. Therefore, if we manage to agree with the Russians on the organization of our aircraft factories with them, it will be a great success. Our military cooperation with the Bolsheviks is now very important for Germany. We use their territory for our military bases. The Reichswehr is inclined to finance this project.
- Mr. Counselor, how many years is this program designed for? - wanted to know more Hugo.
“For at least five years, I suppose. If you are interested in this project, then we can send our delegation to Moscow in the coming days. You, Mr. Junkers, must appoint your representatives. Lieutenant Colonel Schubert will go from the Reichswehr, he will be the head of the delegation, and Major Niedermeier.
Hugo promised to announce the names of his representatives tomorrow. He sent the most experienced and knowledgeable to Moscow - the director of the airline Lloyd Ostflug Gotthard Sachsenberg and the director of the JCO plant Paul Spalek.
Hugo was jubilant. His factories are in Russia! If only it succeeded. And then an incredible blow - on January 12, 1922, Otto Reiter died. It was the largest diamond in his crown.
In an atmosphere of the strictest secrecy, without protocols, the conditions for the construction of Junkers aircraft factories in Russia and the aircraft production program were discussed in Moscow. The Russians categorically demanded that the aircraft produced be military and their nomenclature was determined by orders of the Russian Air Force and Navy. Sachsenberg and Spalek consulted Junkers by telephone. After discussing all the proposals and wishes of the Russian side, the German delegation introduced a two-stage plan for the commissioning of the Junkers plants:
1. Rapid establishment of a temporary production facility at the former Russian-Baltic Carriage Works in Fili. Here Junkers specialists will train Russian engineers and mechanics to build metal aircraft. This plant will also repair wooden combat aircraft, which are badly needed by the front-line units of the Red Army in Poland.
2. Expansion of the plant in Fili for the production of various metal aircraft and the creation of the second Junkers aircraft plant in Petrograd on the territory of the Russian-Polish Automobile Plant. After the commissioning of the second aircraft plant, the total production of aircraft by both Junkers plants in Russia should amount to one hundred aircraft per month. The financing of the entire program for the creation of Junkers aircraft factories in Russia, worth a thousand million Reichsmarks, is provided by the Reichswehr of Germany. The German Minister of Defense provides subsidies to the Junkers company.
This plan formed the basis of the Protocol of Intent between the Junkers company and the government of the RSFSR, which was signed on February 6, 1922 in Moscow. Junkers, the first industrialist in a capitalist country, was allowed to build aircraft factories. Now Hugo in Russia can build his own planes, but they must be combat ones. And he has been building only civilian vehicles for three years. We'll have to again raise the blueprints of his combat aircraft of the end of the war and think over their modification, taking into account the accumulated experience. He voiced these thoughts at the next meeting with his leading designers.
A week later, the military informed Junkers, in great secrecy, that the Russians wanted a two-seater naval reconnaissance aircraft. Hugo immediately thought of the J-11 floatplane, which he designed at the end of the war for the navy. Then he simply put his two-seat percussion J-10 on the floats, added a keel, and it turned out to be a rather successful seaplane. The shape of its floats allowed for splashdown without large splashes, and their strength was tested in winds up to 8 m / s. At the same time, the anti-corrosion coating of duralumin was worked out with prolonged exposure to sea water. Two machines then managed to pass combat tests in the fleet, and the aircraft was assigned the military designation CLS-I.

Marine double scout and rescuer J-11, 1918
Now Junkers instructs his designers Tsindel and Mader to prepare a J-11 modification project, taking into account the accumulated experience under the J-20 designation, and to wait for the specific requirements of the Russians.
The preliminary tactical and technical requirements of the Red Army Navy for a naval reconnaissance aircraft on 27 sheets were on Junkers' desk very soon. It turned out that the already developed J-20 project is perfect. The Russians did not demand to arm the naval reconnaissance aircraft, but wrote down that it was necessary to ensure the possibility of installing one machine gun in the rear cockpit. Compared to the old 11th, the new 20th had a larger span and wing area. Its keel was very similar to the keel of the 13th, but was equipped with an enlarged rudder protruding from below. The floats remained the same shape with a smooth duralumin sheathing, flat-bottomed and single-edged. The rear cockpit was also equipped with a turret ring for mounting a machine gun. A week later, young Ernst Sindel brought Junkers a general view and layout of the J-20 multipurpose seaplane in the final version for approval.

Training "Junkers" T-19, 1922
The first flight from the water of the new J-20 seaplane was successfully completed in March 1922, and subsequent flight tests confirmed that the aircraft's characteristics met the requirements of the Russians.
Soon important events took place in the political life of Germany, which shaped its rapprochement with Soviet Russia. The German delegation with indignation left the Genoa conference on a post-war settlement, because the Western victorious countries put forward too onerous and humiliating conditions. On the same day, a separate Rapallo Treaty was signed with Russia. Georgy Chicherin and Walter Rathenau saved the Bolsheviks from international diplomatic isolation, legalized the nationalization of state and private German property in Russia and Germany's refusal of claims because of the "actions" of the RSFSR authorities in relation to German citizens. Article 5 of the treaty announced the readiness of the German government to provide assistance to private German firms operating in Russia. Translated from the diplomatic language, this meant the funding of programs by the German Ministry of Defense.

General view of the Junkers naval reconnaissance aircraft J-20, 1922
With the streamlined words of the most favored nation in economic relations, Germany got the opportunity to develop its military industry and armed forces in Russia.
The summer of 1922 for Hugo Junkers was filled with important things and events that inspired confidence in the future. Suddenly, in mid-April, the Control Commission lifted the universal ban on the construction of aircraft in Germany, which had lasted for almost a year. But only light, small vehicles with a payload of up to half a ton were allowed to be built, and the F-13 fits into these restrictions. Orders from various airlines for this car immediately poured in. The assembly hall of the Junkers plant in Dessau was filled with planes. In the coming years, 94 single-engine passenger Junkers will be delivered to German inexperienced airlines, most of which will then end up in Lufthansa.
The civil aviation industry was in need of more efficient aircraft, and Junkers is constantly improving them on the 13th. The wingspan is increased, more powerful motors are installed. In the summer of 1922, Hugo Junkers was quite worried when he sent an F-13, hull number D-191, on a flight over the Alps. The successful completion of this flight further raised the prestige of the aircraft designer. The 13th Junkers was the first passenger plane in the world to conquer these peaks.
Another joy of Hugo Junkers in the summer of 1922 was the first flight of his new T-19 aircraft. The Junkers Design Bureau continued to develop lightweight all-metal high-wing aircraft. It was now a three-seater trainer aircraft with one small engine.
The plane weighed a little over half a ton without load. Junkers immediately built three copies, hoping to supply them with engines of different power. They no longer needed to be hidden from the Control Commission. But their cost was significantly higher than similar aircraft made of wood and percale. Therefore, Hugo did not count on the abundance of orders, but used these machines as experimental ones. After the completion of the flight test program, these aircraft found their buyers and, as sports, participated in air races in their class.

The Fili plant, which Junkers received, 1922
In the meantime, Sachsenberg and Spalek report to Junkers from Moscow that the negotiations have been concretized and the time for signing the agreement is approaching.
Finally, on November 26, 1922, the agreed text of the agreement with the Russians lay on Junkers' table for signing. Hugo read it carefully several times. Due to the financial constraints of the Reichswehr, the final agreement did not provide for the construction of a second Junkers aircraft factory in Petrograd. The agreement gave Junkers a 30-year concession for a pre-revolutionary plant, the right to rebuild the plant for the production of aircraft and engines, locate a branch of his design bureau there, and found his own airline in Russia for air transportation and air mapping of the area. Junkers undertook to produce 300 aircraft and 450 engines per year at the plant, and to design and build several types of aircraft ordered by the Russian Air Force.
Sachsenberg and Spalek assured the chief that this was the maximum they could achieve, and Junkers signed the papers.
At the same time, he received a preliminary order for twenty reconnaissance seaplanes and Russian tactical and technical requirements for them. There was nothing fundamentally new, and Hugo, conveying these requirements to Maderu with a calm soul, gave the command to prepare blueprints for the launch of serial production of a naval aircraft for the Russians under the Ju-20 index.
On January 23, 1923, the USSR government approved an agreement with Junkers, and on the western outskirts of the capital, inside the northern semicircle of the Moscow River, on its high bank near the village of Fili, some unusual revival began. The abandoned territory of the Russian-Baltic Carriage Works began to transform. It was now Junkers' secret aircraft factory. Over the next four years, Germany will invest huge amounts of money in this plant - ten million gold marks.
The former air attaché of the German Embassy in Soviet Russia in 1918, Lieutenant Colonel Wilhelm Schubert has now been appointed by Junkers as financial director of the Fili plant. When Schubert arrived at the aircraft plant entrusted to him, an extremely nondescript picture opened up in front of him.
This plant was built in the spring of 1916 for the production of automobiles. But the revolution and the ensuing civil war prevented him from starting to work. So he stood until he waited for Junkers. Officially, it was now called State Aviation Plant No. 7. The plant management under the sign of Junkers Zentrale Russland was located in two buildings in Moscow at 32 Petrogradskoye Highway and 7 Nikolskaya Street. There you could easily find Dr. Schubert, his deputy Dr. Otto Gessler and the technical director of the plant Paul Spalek.
Soviet combat aircraft Junkers
Hugo Junkers was impressed by the volume of his upcoming aircraft. In an agreement signed between him and the government of the USSR, the Russians pledged to order him 300 aircraft and 450 aircraft engines annually. Now he must organize the production cycle at the Fili plant in such a way as to ensure the release of this huge program. We need a powerful procurement production, modern machine shops and several assembly lines. We need a large hangar for a flight test shop, an engine test station and a factory airfield. The detailed plan for the reconstruction of the Fili plant, prepared by the technical director Spalek, was approved by Hugo.

Junkers seaplane for the USSR Navy, 1923
Containers with machine tools, production equipment, tooling and tools began to arrive from Dessau to Fili. The construction of the runway of the factory airfield began, which ran on the peninsula from the western bank of the Moskva River to the eastern one. Several hundred qualified Junkers mechanics and engineers from Dessau went on a business trip to snow-covered Moscow to turn what was in Fili into a modern aircraft production plant. A factory settlement with comfortable multi-storey buildings began to grow near the closed territory. In October 1923, more than five hundred employees worked at the plant, and a year later their number doubled.
But so far, Junkers had an order for only twenty seaplanes for the Red Army Navy. Before the completion of the reconstruction of the plant in Fili and the start of work of its procurement shops, he connects the plant in Dessau for the manufacture of parts for the J-20 seaplane and sends them to Moscow. At first, the plant in Fili only assembled the ordered U-20 seaplanes. The first took off from the surface of the Moskva River in November 1923 and headed for Petrograd. There, in Oranienbaum, the commander of the seaplane detachment Chukhnovsky was impatiently awaiting him.
These Junkers seaplanes flew in the Baltic and the Black Sea. Some of the machines were operated from ships, they were lowered and raised from the water with the help of an arrow and a winch. They were the first in the fleet, built by his order. The first order for twenty U-20s was completed in April 1924. Then there was an order for another twenty, and that's it. This circumstance somewhat disappointed Junkers. Taking advantage of the right to sell 50% of the Fili aircraft on the free market, recorded in the agreement, Junkers sells several J-20 seaplanes to Spain and Turkey. Ju-20 proved to be very reliable and durable. After they were decommissioned from the Navy, they flew with polar explorers and in civil aviation. The pilot Chukhnovsky became famous, working in the Arctic on the "Junkers" and based on Novaya Zemlya.
The development of a seaplane for the Russians had favorable consequences for the Dessau plant as well. The first J-20 built there, sparkling with new paint, is exhibited by Hugo in May 1923 at the Gothenburg Air Show. Now it is a Junkers civilian plane on floats - type A. Interest in the car was great, and Hugo decides to launch on the market a modified car with a more powerful engine under the A20 index in sea and land versions. About two hundred of these aircraft with different engines in versions A-20, A-25 and A-35 will be built. They will be bought for mail transport and aerial photography.
Snow was still lying in Dessau when it became known that the Russians also wanted a ground reconnaissance officer for their air force. Their demands in February 1923 were not excessive. It must be two-seater and stay in the air for at least three and a half hours. Only the required top speed was a bit too big. Junkers decided that for the scout, the effect of increasing the aerodynamic quality of the high-wing configuration was very important, and the downward visibility was better. He ordered Zindel to start designing the J-21, using the developments on the T-19 high-wing training plane.
Now Ernst Tsindel became the de facto chief designer of the company and developed a scout project for the Russians. The long flight duration required a lot of fuel. It was placed in two streamlined tanks along the sides of the fuselage, which could be dropped in an emergency. Zindel was helped by new designers: Bruno Sterke designed the landing gear, Jehan Hazlof - the fuselage and Hans Frendel - the tail.

Experienced Scout Junkers J-21, 1923
On a warm summer day on June 12, 1923, test pilot Zimmermann had already taken off in the first prototype and confirmed the good handling of the machine. The plane looked unusual. It was a wing with a fuselage suspended from below on thin rods.
Due to the prohibitions in force in Germany, flight tests of the reconnaissance aircraft had to be organized in Holland. He could fly at low speed, and this property, according to Hugo, was the main thing for the scout. The observer from the second cockpit must make out the smallest details of the enemy's structures and equipment. But the Russians demanded a high maximum speed so that the scout could get away from the fighters. It was impossible to reconcile these conflicting requirements, and Hugo makes a compromise - he removes and modifies the wing, reducing its area by a third. The plane began to fly faster, but not as fast as the customer wanted. With the existing engine, Junkers could no longer fulfill this requirement. Two experimental aircraft were disassembled, packed in containers and brought to the plant in Fili. Russian pilots flew them there, and these machines served as standards for the series. Despite the low speed of the reconnaissance aircraft, the first order of the Red Army Air Force was 40 aircraft.
Then the serial Junkers reconnaissance aircraft for the Red Army Ju-21 were supplied with the most powerful BMW IVa engine available in Germany, two fixed machine guns for the pilot and one for the turret at the observer. The plant in Fili worked for two and a half years on the order of the scouts and fully fulfilled it.
In the summer of 1923, the Lord God dealt a terrible blow to the Junkers family. Hugo read with horror the report that on June 25 in South America, during a demonstration flight, an F-13 aircraft, tail number D-213, crashed, in which his eldest son Werner died. Five days before his death, Werner turned 21. It was difficult to survive, but now you have to exist with it. His first thought that pierced his heart was: "How can I tell my wife and children about this?"
Then everything went somersault for him, nothing went well. And with the order of fighters for the Russians, there was an embarrassment. Tsindel and his designers have developed a quite decent project at the level of the best world examples. Compared to the Fokker and Martinside biplanes, his monoplane looked better. The wing was located exactly in the same place as the upper wing of these biplanes - in front of the cockpit. Front-to-top visibility was poor, but all competitors were no better, and the lack of a lower wing even improved downward visibility. But these competitors had one advantage - their engines were much more powerful.
Many design decisions in the J-22 Siegfried fighter project are taken from the previous J-21 reconnaissance aircraft. The same wing, only the rods on which the fuselage is suspended from it became shorter, and the wing sank lower. The pilot has the same two machine guns and side drop fuel tanks, the same chassis. And most importantly, the same engine. He turned out to be the Achilles heel of the new Junkers fighter. At the time of the design and construction of the two prototypes at Dessau in the second half of 1923, Junkers could not get a more powerful engine than the BMW IIIa. Zimmermann flew the first prototype fighter on the last day of November. Even with this engine, the fighter showed a good top speed of 200 km / h and basically met the written requirements of the customer.

Fighter Junkers J-22 for the USSR Air Force, 1923
Hugo Junkers knew perfectly well that his fighter needed a more powerful engine, and for the second prototype he tried to get a BMW IV. But it did not work, and the fighter took off in Dessau on June 25, 1924 with the same BMW IIIa. Then both experienced fighters were transported to Fili, where they collected and sent Russian pilots to the court. And those have already flown on the English "Martinsides" and Dutch "Fokkers".
Back in early 1922, the Soviet representatives of Vneshtorg purchased the first twenty Martinside F-4 fighters from England, and in September 1923, the same number. All of them were operated in the Moscow Military District. This English wooden biplane, with the same takeoff weight as the Junkers' Siegfried, had twice the wing area and the power of the Hispano-Suiza 8F engine. This gave him a clear advantage in maneuvering.
At the same time, the Soviet Trade Representation in Berlin purchased 126 Fokker D. XI fighters from Holland with the same engine, which were flown by the pilots of the procurement commission. Therefore, having moved from Martinside to Junkers, the Russian fighter pilots felt nothing but disappointment. The metal monoplane in aerobatics was clearly inferior to the maneuverable biplane. They strongly objected to the launch of this Junkers fighter at the Fili plant. The order for thirty Ju-22 fighters was canceled and instead, another eighty ground reconnaissance Ju-21s were ordered.
Already in the first year of operation of the Junkers plant in Fili, 29 of its passenger aircraft under the Ju-13 index were produced in versions of a military transport aircraft and a light bomber. At the latter, a machine gun was installed behind the cockpit. Parts and assemblies for these aircraft were brought from Dessau, and in Fili the aircraft were only assembled. In the following years 1924-1925, only six cars were produced. Some of them, under the PS-2 index, were bought by the Soviet airline Dobrolet, and some of them were sold by Junkers to Iran.
In the summer of 1924, the Junkers design bureau began designing a bomber for the Red Army. It should be produced by a plant in Fili. It was possible to meet the highest requirements by installing two of the most powerful at that time in Germany BMW VI engines, 750 hp each, on the wings of the J-25 monoplane. But the German military did not want to equip the Russians with such a machine and opposed this project. And the Russians, through their channels, also did not exert persistent pressure.
Then Hugo offers the Soviet Air Force as a heavy bomber a military version of his three-engined passenger aircraft under the designation R-42 (inverted designation G-24). He organized the production of a combat aircraft banned in Germany at a factory in Sweden. In the summer of 1925, such a bomber flew to the Moscow Central Airfield to demonstrate its characteristics and made a proper impression on the Red Army Air Force command. Despite the fact that the first Soviet heavy bomber TB-1 from the Tupolev design bureau has already begun flight tests, Junkers are ordered more than twenty of his R-42s.
This combat aircraft was born in a single copy in Dessau under the secret name Kriegsflugzeug K-30 in the late autumn of 1924. According to documents that the Control Commission could verify, it passed as an ambulance plane converted from a passenger plane. It was necessary to modify the center section and the nose of the aircraft, on top of the fuselage to flank two cutouts for open cockpits of shooters with machine guns, to install a retractable shooting unit and bomb bay below the fuselage, to install underwing bomb racks for small bombs and to seal up part of the passenger compartment windows. In total, the plane could deliver one ton of bombs. But no weapons and combat equipment were installed on it. In this form, he flew to the plant in Limhamn, where he was completely finalized, completed flight tests, became the standard for the serial production of the R-42 and flew to the bride in Moscow.
Bombers in Sweden were assembled from parts and assemblies sent from Dessau, and also altered from passenger G-23s that had flown in from there. All combat vehicles were supplied with 310 hp Junkers L-5 engines. They could be operated on wheels, skis and floats. From the plant in Limhamn, the planes in containers were transported by sea to Murmansk, from there by rail to the plant in Fili. Here the aircraft were armed, tested and sent to military units called YUG-1.
The first bombers of Junkers were received by the aviation of the Black Sea Fleet. This was the last order for the Junkers plant in Fili. By the end of 1926, fifteen Yug-1s had been delivered, and the following year the remaining eight. They were in service with the bomber squadron in the Leningrad Military District and with the sailors of the Baltic Fleet. After the decommissioning, these Junkers aircraft served for a long time in the Civil Air Fleet of the USSR.

Torpedo bomber Junkers YUG-1 from the 60th squadron of the Black Sea Air Force.
There are excerpts from the book by Leonid Lipmanovich Antseliovich "Unknown Junkers"