Killed twice

Killed twice
Killed twice

Alexander Matrosov and Oleg Koshevoy crossed out from school textbooks

Ideological war is a struggle for the ideological foundations of states and communities. A targeted negative impact on the system of educational standards qualitatively changes the mentality of the people, their values and priorities, leads to the destruction of identity and the will to resist, and ultimately to the disappearance of the nation as such. How about this in Russia?

In education, civilized peoples have always seen the basis of the state, the stronghold and protection of society. There is a well-known statement by the German theologian and teacher Philip Melanchthon: "Correctly educating youth is somewhat more important than conquering Troy."

Neglecting this means the death of people, family, country. A state that is unable to provide a sufficient level of education to its citizens is doomed. People resist any dangers only at the expense of knowledge. “Experience shows that in order to destroy the state, it is enough to destroy public education,” says V. Myasnikov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Therefore, Western opponents, together with Russian agents of influence, are trying with all their might to limit the possibility of obtaining knowledge by the bulk of the population of our country. The budget of education is reduced, it becomes paid. Many educational institutions are closed and re-profiled. The refusal of education in favor of business is promoted ("High School of Fooling"). Low-quality programs are broadcast on television with an emphasis on the negative aspects of education in domestic schools and universities. The main blow is directed at secondary and specialized secondary education in Russia as the most widespread.

Knowledge according to the price list

The country adopts all the worst of foreign systems, something that Western countries are trying to get rid of. This is how the Unified State Exam, a “guessing game” for graduates, arose, focused on training teachers who are able to memorize the necessary material from now on and not aimed at determining the creative abilities of students. A wide field of activity was opened for fraudsters, since, according to the results of the exam, they began to be admitted to universities, and its very implementation was entrusted to local administrations. Let us recall with what high scores graduates of schools from the North Caucasus came to Moscow at one time, but at the very first session they could not pass the exams even for a C.

The introduction of test control dramatically reduces the level of productive thinking of students. The experience of the United States has clearly shown this. Many Americans consider themselves a nation of morons. In their schools, they teach you to choose the right answer from a set of proposed options, and not generate your own. As a result, when a specialist is faced with a non-standard situation, he enters a stupor if there is no set of possible alternative actions.

Private educational institutions do great harm to domestic education, which for a fee give students not knowledge, but excellent grades in subjects.

Education is not a subject of the market. It cannot be sold. Otherwise, it does not go to worthy people, but to those who are able to pay. Commodity education will be used not to increase the welfare of the state, but to pay for its own pocket. This is eloquently evidenced by the numerous facts of the departure of Russian specialists for permanent residence to other countries, where the standard of living is higher and the pay is higher. The brain drain poses a threat to national security. A country that prioritizes making a profit from educational services is doomed. This is exactly what all the actions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on monetization in their field lead to.

The lack of education in Russia is evidenced by the results of studies conducted by the Institute of Books. About 10 million compatriots do not read at all, 10 percent - very rarely. A third of the respondents do not have books at home. Half of children and adolescents under 17 have never been to the theater, to a concert or to the library.

All this affects the well-being and development of the country, which, incidentally, is understood by the Russians themselves. According to the research of T. Osmankina, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, 57 percent of the respondents realize that the problems of education and the socio-economic state of today's Russia are deeply interconnected. More than a third of the respondents noted that Russia cannot be pulled out without solving this issue. 42 percent say that educational issues are fundamental for the development of the national economy. 48 percent note its connection with the solution of the most complex national and cultural issues.

Unfortunately, the actions of the government are reduced mainly to the issuance of orders, directives and orders. Government officials do not even think about what is taught in educational institutions.

Dodger's Encyclopedia

Literature is of decisive importance not only on human consciousness. The outstanding thinker V. Rozanov described her role in the collapse of the Russian army and the death of the empire in the following way: “Actually, there is no doubt that Russia was killed by literature. Of the constituent "decomposers" of Russia, not a single one is of non-literary origin."

Killed twice
Killed twice

Our analysis of the current methodological materials on literature showed that a large number of works of a patriotic orientation were withdrawn from the school curriculum. For example, in the textbook "Modern Russian Literature" (1990s - beginning of the XXI century) on the theme of the Great Patriotic War, I. Brodsky's mocking epitaph "To the death of Zhukov" and G. Vadimov's book "The General and His Army" are recommended, in which Guderian is praised and the traitor Vlasov. In the encyclopedia for children, published by the publishing house "Avanta Plus" edited by S. Ismailova, two outstanding commanders are named: G. Zhukov and the same Vlasov. At the same time, several photographs of the latter are given.

Not included in the school curriculum "The Story of a Real Man" by B. Polevoy and "Young Guard" by A. Fadeev. Few of the students know "The Fate of a Man" by M. Sholokhov, "Russian Character" by A. Tolstoy. Literature about the Great Patriotic War is studied mainly in overview. These are, in particular, the works of K. Simonov, A. Tvardovsky, Yu. Bondarev, V. Bykov, V. Kondratyev, V. Nekrasov. V. Kaverin, V. Kozhevnikov, A. Chakovsky are not on the list. At the same time, the survey study, in contrast to the textual study, does not imply a detailed deepening into the work. Although one of the requirements for the level of preparation of graduates in literature reads: "The study of literature at school is designed to ensure the upbringing of high moral qualities of the individual, patriotic feelings, civic position."

What kind of defender of the Fatherland will a conscript be if at school he was "brought up" on such books as "Blue Salo" by V. Sorokin, "Encyclopedia of the Russian Soul" by V. Erofeev, "Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Soldier Ivan Chonkin" by V. Voinovich? “The Russians must be beaten with a stick. The Russians must be shot. Russians need to be smeared on the wall. Otherwise, they will cease to be Russians … Russians are a shameful nation,”says Erofeev's Encyclopedia. Why shouldn't the Main Directorate for Work with the Personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Directorate of Culture of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation insist that the Ministry of Education and Science exclude these and similar works from the school curriculum?To study novels and stories in literature lessons, in which the theme of the Motherland sounds acutely: "The Choice" by Y. Bondarev, "The Dawns Here Are Quiet …" by B. Vasiliev, "March-April" by V. Kozhevnikov, "Fate" by P. Proskurin, "The Living and the Dead" by K. Simonov, "War" by I. Stadnyuk, "Blockade" by A. Chakovsky. For non-fulfillment of these requirements, officials from education should be held accountable for the indirect preparation of notorious "deviators" from fulfilling their constitutional duty and duties in service in the Armed Forces, and therefore potential traitors to the Motherland.

Counterfeit according to the program

We analyzed textbooks and textbooks on the history of Russia published by the Drofa and Enlightenment publishing houses recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science. The Great Patriotic War is mentioned by the authors as an insignificant episode, and other milestones in the life of the country are interpreted too freely. But in the textbooks a lot of attention is paid to the crimes of domestic rulers. The tyranny of Ivan the Terrible, Stalin's repressions and other "atrocities" are painted in all their glory, but the authors either modestly keep silent about foreign atrocities, or lie. For example, none of the history textbooks cites the fact that in just one St. Bartholomew's night in France, Charles IX more people were killed than during the entire reign of Ivan IV the Terrible.


It is known that in England during the reign of Henry VIII (1509-1547) 72,000 were executed, Elizabeth I (1558-1603) - 89,000 people. These king and queen staged genocide - every 40th Englishman (2.5 percent of the population) was exterminated under them. For comparison: under Grozny, about five thousand people were executed. The Russian tsar constantly repented and prayed for the murdered, the English rulers did not feel any remorse. But the authors of history textbooks do not write about this.

The realities of the French Revolution (1789-1799) are hidden from schoolchildren, during which King Louis XVI of France and his wife Marie Antoinette were beheaded, and up to two million civilians and up to two million soldiers and officers died in armed clashes and terror. which accounted for 7.5 percent of the country's citizens. Per capita, this revolution killed more than any regime of the twentieth century.

Nothing is said about the brutality of the 17th century English Revolution, when King Charles I of England had his head chopped off and more than 100,000 people died in the class battles that culminated in the civil war.

Nor is it said in the textbooks that the American Civil War (1861-1865) was the bloodiest in their history. More Americans died in it than in any other war in which the United States participated.

Preparing for the lessons, the student will not find a single line about the destruction of 100 thousand civilians in Dresden by American and British aviation, about the use of atomic bombs (without any military need) in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which killed over a quarter of a million people, and even less about the forced resettlement to reservations of tens of thousands of American Japanese. But the deportation of the Crimean Tatars and Chechens during the war is detailed in all details.

The sections devoted to the history of the Great Patriotic War are replete with inaccuracies and deviations from the historical truth. The main emphasis is placed on the coverage of events related to our defeats, and this material is presented in a more voluminous and emotional way. The exploits of Soviet people at the front and in the rear are not written, generalized data on mass heroism are not given. The sources of our victory, the results and lessons of the war are presented in a distorted manner. It is no coincidence that school graduates do not know anything about the feat of A. Matrosov, about the air and fiery rams of Soviet pilots, and other heroes of the Great Patriotic War. According to teachers themselves, almost every second (48 percent) recognizes the quality of history education as low, and only four percent - appropriate.

At least for the sake of objectivity, the authors of textbooks need to describe not only Stalin's mistakes and miscalculations, but also his organizational abilities, thanks to which the Soviet state defeated Nazi Germany, imperialist Japan, saved Europe and all mankind from the threat of fascist enslavement and nuclear war. And if someone really wants to tell about atrocities, then you need to write not about the conquerors of Siberia, who preserved the identity and culture of the peoples that became part of Russia, but about the Spanish conquistadors who destroyed the Indian tribes of the Incas and Aztecs, about the colonizers of North America who drove indigenous people on the reservation. It is necessary to remember less about Stalin's insidiousness, and more about Churchill's meanness, who planned in July 1945 the destruction of the Soviet troops stationed in Germany. Not to suck the cruelty of the Soviet commanders out of the finger, but to cite the facts, as on the orders of the British military leaders in December 1944, tens of thousands of anti-fascists of the Greek Liberation Army ELAS (mainly soldiers and officers), who expelled the Germans from the country, were shot for their socialist orientation.

It should also tell about the British death camps, the barbaric bombing of Yugoslavia by NATO planes in 1999, the American invasion of Iraq in 2003 under the far-fetched pretext of weapons of mass destruction allegedly produced there in the form of anthrax disputes, the intervention of the international coalition in Libya in 2011- m, when its leader was killed, and the country plunged into the chaos of a civil war. In general, there is something to discuss in history lessons.

However, the authors of the textbooks have very different plans. Their goal is to transform the national consciousness of Russians, depriving the nation of the meanings and values of its historical existence, replacing the images of the winners with the idea of us as "eternal failures and historical criminals", instilling the idea that if there was nothing worthwhile in the past, then a worthy future for her.

Unfortunately, the Education Department of the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Institute of Military History of the Russian Defense Ministry, apparently, are also not much concerned with the content of textbooks, which will help future defenders of the Fatherland learn the world. But history is a science that makes a person a citizen. Will a student become one if from school he is instilled in an aversion to his own country?

For some reason, the Legal Department of the Ministry of Defense does not show the due initiative, which does not initiate criminal proceedings against authors and publishers who publish textbooks and manuals with deliberately false information, denigrating Russia and its Armed Forces. Are such indifferent people working in these institutions?

Currently, a single history textbook has appeared in Russia, but in three versions. They were selected by the Ministry of Education and Science, passed the appropriate examination, but this did not solve the named problems. For example, one of the textbooks claims that between August 1939 and June 1941 the USSR was allegedly a non-belligerent ally of Germany, which is not true. Everyone knows that the Soviet Union and Germany were the main ideological opponents. In addition, Stalin expected Britain and France to fulfill their allied obligations to Poland and start a real, not a "strange" war. This is well known to everyone, but not to the authors of textbooks. However, the Department of Education of the Ministry of Defense and the Institute of Military History are again silent.

Deserter's Guide

It is impossible not to mention the textbooks on civics. Some of them are completely deprived of what makes a person a citizen: respect for the spiritual sources of national culture. An example of antipatriotic education is the textbook by Y. Sokolov, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science.“And Yermak laid down his wild head on the land belonging to the peoples of Siberia … How would you call such actions of the tsarist power in relation to other peoples? Can it be considered that Yermak's soldiers were fulfilling their constitutional duty? - the author asks pathetically.

He pays special attention to the negative in the modern Russian army, tells in detail about hazing, which has long been gone. And although he does not openly call for evading military service, he diligently lists the reasons for such behavior, followed by advice to find out more about the committee of soldiers' mothers.

It should be noted that at present, according to the General Staff, there are more than 230 thousand draft evaders in the country, that is, almost as many as are called up in a year.

And there are potential deserters among the military. Maksim Glikin, the editor of the policy department of one of the publications, speaks about this frankly, recalling his urgent one: "If foreign aggressors appeared, we would have thrown our submachine guns and changed into civilian clothes on the enemy's distant approaches to our military unit." Should the revelations of such a potential traitor be replicated?

The glikins in the Russian army are the fruits of training and upbringing in secondary school, where history was taught from the textbooks of Kreder (who declared the USSR to be the culprit in the outbreak of World War II), Ostrovsky and Utkin (who belittled the role of the USSR in defeating the fascist troops), Ismailova's encyclopedia (exalting the fascist commanders and traitors Motherland), the works of Russophobic writers.

The Ministry of Defense should be concerned about military-patriotic education at school, so that future defenders of the Fatherland are trained there, and not potential deviators, deserters and traitors according to the recipes of the author of the textbook on civic studies, Y. Sokolov. Do not hesitate to interfere in the activities of antipatriotic forces, to revise the content of textbooks and manuals. Apparently, censorship of anti-Russian and anti-army television and radio broadcasts is also appropriate. It is necessary to seek the closure of newspapers and magazines, channels, websites in which blasphemous, rude or offensive statements about our country and its Armed Forces are allowed.

Considering the most important state task of patriotic education, it is necessary to constantly remember that it cannot be successfully solved without creating a system of argumentation that brings to consciousness the historically reliable facts of the greatness of the Russian state and people, without showing the inconsistency of the falsifiers of our past.

US President John F. Kennedy once said with bitterness that the Russians had won the competition for space at the school desk and that it was time for the Americans to adopt our educational experience. Alas, some of the domestic leaders had too short a memory …
