On June 24, the first samples of the newest TOS-2 "Tosochka" heavy flame-throwing system passed through Red Square as part of a parade column of military equipment. The development of this project was completed recently, but experimental equipment has already been built and is being tested. Also, some details of the current plans and the expected future of the new sample become known.
In the footsteps of the parade
The Moscow parade was attended by four promising vehicles with a new type of launchers. This technique was created by several companies, and shortly after the parade, they issued the relevant press releases.
So, the developer of TOS-2, JSC NPO Splav, in his message once again revealed the main design features of this combat vehicle and the advantages over other flamethrower systems.
Similar information on the trail of the parade was published by PJSC Motovilikhinskiye Zavody, which carried out the construction of the equipment shown. At the same time, they talked not only about the technical features of "Tosochka", but also about the progress of work. It is reported that new products are now undergoing combined arms tests. Other details were not provided.
In early July, the Rostec state corporation, which includes all the participants in the TOS-2 project, held a meeting in Perm on the prospects for ammunition and new weapons systems. During this event, the management of the NPO Splav again raised the topic of "Tosochki". It is claimed that the tests of experimental equipment are currently being completed. The developers expect orders from both the Russian army and foreign countries.
On July 7, Rossiyskaya Gazeta clarified this information. We are talking about the completion of preliminary tests. Based on their results, the project will be assigned the letter "O", which allows it to enter state tests. These events will last until next year. And only then will the issue of adopting the TOS-2 into service with the launch of the series be resolved.
Industrial cooperation
In recent reports on the topic of TOS-2, the modernization of production facilities and other measures are regularly mentioned, as a result of which the industry will be able to produce new equipment. The further fate of "Tosochka" directly depends on the success of a number of enterprises responsible for both the manufacture of individual units and the final assembly.
The self-propelled flamethrower is built on the Ural-63706 or Tornado-U wheeled chassis. It is a three-axle four-wheel drive vehicle with an armored cab, capable of carrying a variety of target equipment. The total weight of the Tornado-U is 30 tons, of which 16 tons are payload. The car shows high driving characteristics both on the highway and on rough terrain.

Over the past few years, "Ural-63706" has been repeatedly demonstrated at various military-technical exhibitions; in parallel, tests continued and a series was established. In October last year, the Ural automobile plant announced the start of deliveries of serial Tornado-U to the armed forces.
Thus, "Tosochka" received a modern platform, tested and adjusted, as well as being in production. It can be assumed that the new project of the flamethrower system in the future will not have problems along the line of the chassis.
The artillery unit for TOS-2 is produced by Motovilikha Plants. They also completed the final assembly of the equipment for testing and for the parade. In the future, the enterprise will master serial production. During recent meetings, the issues of modernization of production facilities and optimization of control loops were discussed.
All these measures are expected to facilitate interaction between enterprises in the region, as well as create new industrial ties and additional jobs. As a result, the production of modern military equipment will be ensured, and not only "Tosochki", as well as the economic situation in the Perm Territory will improve.
Updating production and changing control loops will take some time. However, the TOS-2 project is not yet ready for serial production, and its fine-tuning will take some time. It is likely that both of these processes will be completed within a short time frame. Accordingly, "Tosochka" will be ready for production at the same time when the factories are ready for it.
Mastering new
The main features of TOS-2 "Tosochka" are already well known and show that this project is significantly different from previous developments of its own or related classes. A number of already tested and proven solutions are used, but at the same time new components have been introduced that have the most serious impact on the result. Thus, mastering the production of new technology will not be overly complicated, but one should not expect excessive simplicity either.
The TOS-2 project provides for equipping the base chassis with a launcher and other units for various purposes. The use of a wheeled platform has given significant advantages over previous flamethrower systems. Such a combat vehicle has improved mobility and is easier to operate.

The launcher with 18 guides provides the use of rockets for the TOS-1 (A). It was also reported about the development of new ammunition with improved characteristics. TOS-2 is equipped with a modern automated fire control system. In preparation for shooting "Tosochka" does not need the help of a transport-loading machine. Ammunition is reloaded from transport using its own loader crane.
Development organizations mention that TOS-2 gets some means of reducing the visibility. Also, to increase survivability, a complex of optical-electronic suppression is used. Thus, not having tank armor, like its predecessors, "Tosochka" can defend itself from attack.
It is assumed that in the troops the new TOS-2 will become easier to operate and more mobile addition to the existing TOS-1 and TOS-1A. Depending on the specific situation and the conditions that have arisen, it will be possible to use one or another technique that is most convenient at the moment - and have a close destructive effect on the enemy.
In the early stages
The TOS-2 project is based on both proven and completely new ideas. Their correct combination makes it possible to obtain a promising model of a combat vehicle with significant advantages over existing ones. Moreover, such patterns already exist in metal. However, so far we are talking only about tests.
In the near future "Tosochki" will have to go through a full cycle of testing and development. In parallel, the enterprises participating in the project will prepare their production facilities for the future series. The adoption of the TOS-2 into service is still a matter of the future, but all current work is bringing this moment closer. So far, the situation around the project and organizational issues looks good and gives cause for optimism. The army will not be left without new equipment - it will receive it within a reasonable time frame.