Remotely controlled weapon modules
One of the leading trends in the development of military equipment of the XXI century has become the widespread use of remotely controlled weapons modules (DUMV), which are placed on ground and surface platforms.
Remotely controlled weapon modules can act both as the main weapon on small-sized platforms (SUVs, boats, ground and surface remotely controlled complexes), and as auxiliary weapons on large combat units, for example, tanks.

Machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, small-caliber cannons, hand-held rocket-propelled grenade launchers and anti-tank guided complexes (ATGMs) can be used as weapons in the DUMV.
The transition from manned turret-type weapon modules to DUMV made it possible to significantly reduce the dimensions required to accommodate weapons. As a result, small-sized platforms can be equipped with weapons previously inaccessible to them, for example, a 30-mm cannon on an off-road vehicle.

Also, the use of DUMV can significantly increase the security of the shooter-operator. From a tactical point of view, the existing DUMV are focused on performing the same tasks as the manned weapon modules previously installed on armored vehicles.
Remote controlled high-precision weapon modules
One of the most effective combat units is the sniper. The use of snipers is especially relevant during local conflicts, during special and counter-terrorist operations, when excessive use of force can lead to casualties among the civilian population, the destruction of civilian residential and industrial facilities.

The possibility of creating remotely controlled high-precision weapons modules (DUMVO), placed on ground platforms of various types, designed to solve special tasks by special and military units, can be considered
The proposed DUMVO is designed to defeat single targets at a maximum range of about 2000 meters with a minimum unmasking of the firing position. Structurally, the DUMVO will be similar in many respects to the DUVM. High travel speeds are not required from targeting drives, but increased accuracy is required.
As a weapon can be considered the installation of a twin, including a large-caliber self-loading sniper rifle of the OSV-96 type, caliber 12, 7x108 mm developed by the Tula JSC KBP and a silent rifle of the VSSK type (special large-caliber sniper rifle) Exhaust, caliber 12, 7x55 mm, developed by TsKIB SOO, a branch of KBP JSC.

To be used as part of the DUMVO, the rifles to be installed must be equipped with magazines of increased capacity, as well as electric drives that provide forced extraction of the cartridge in the event of a misfire (for VSSK "Exhaust", the electric drives will provide reloading of cartridges in the normal mode). There is a possibility that direct integration of OSV-96 and VSSK "Exhaust" rifles into DUMVO may not be possible. In this case, it will be necessary to develop a specialized weapon module based on these rifles, originally designed for automated operation and the supply of cartridges from stores of increased capacity of one type or another.
As a means of reconnaissance, an optical system should be used, including a day channel, a night vision device and a thermal imager with a large (variable) magnification factor (about x50 or more), a laser rangefinder-target designator.

Perhaps, the reconnaissance means should be supplemented with a sensor operating in the UV range, which makes it possible to effectively distinguish between certain types of targets.

To ensure high-precision shooting at long distances, a compact weather station should be placed on the DUMVO carrier.

Reducing the likelihood of unmasking the firing position should be ensured by the use of silencers (both normally installed on the VSSK "Exhaust" rifle, and additionally installed on the OSV-96 large-caliber rifle). Of course, the use of a muffler, coupled with supersonic cartridges, will not give the same effect as when using subsonic cartridges, but, nevertheless, it will significantly reduce and distort the sound of a shot, minimize the muzzle flame. For example, the muffler developed by the Rotor-43 company for the Kord ASVK of 12, 7x108 mm caliber can reduce the sound of a shot by 26-28 dB and practically remove the muzzle flame.

A decrease in visibility in the thermal part of the spectrum can be ensured by the installation of specialized casings on the barrels and forced blowing of the barrels, barrel casings and silencers with compressed air. In addition to reducing the likelihood of the enemy detecting heated barrels using thermal imagers, this will also reduce the effect of barrel heating on firing accuracy. The supplied air can be pre-cooled by Peltier elements as part of a compressor located inside the carrier platform.

An important element of the DUMVO should be a retractable mast, which ensures the lifting of reconnaissance and weapons of the module. The maximum height of the mast will be limited by the mass of equipment and weapons placed on it, as well as by the need to ensure the stability of the structure when firing. On the one hand, an increase in the lift height will increase the vibrations of the structure, on the other hand, firing will be carried out with single shots, which will simplify the requirements for the structure. Let's not forget that light carriers already carry automatic cannons with a caliber of up to 30 mm.
It can be assumed that, taking into account the above restrictions, the height of the rise of reconnaissance means and weapons of the DUMVO above the carrier's body will be about 1-2 meters. This will make it possible to fire from closed positions, when the carrier itself is behind natural and artificial obstacles, which will significantly reduce its likelihood of being detected and hit by the enemy.

To increase the firepower of the DUMVO, instead of a 12.7x108 mm rifle, a larger caliber rifle can be installed, for example, 14, 5 × 114 mm or the promising DXL-5 sniper rifle announced by Lobaev Arms with a maximum firing range of 7 kilometers. It should be noted that the ability to fire at 7 kilometers in itself does not oblige to shoot exactly at this range, but the very possibility of aimed fire at a distance of 7 kilometers suggests that defeat at shorter ranges will be more likely to be achieved than with rifles of 12 caliber. 7x108 mm or.408 CheyTac, due to the higher speed and flatness of the bullet flight.

The use of larger-caliber rifles is justified only if the lifting mast is sufficiently rigid.
Almost all types of ground vehicles can be considered as a carrier platform. One of the advantages of using DUMVO is its increased secrecy. This means that the carrier must also have minimal unmasking features. In particular, the Tiger armored car, which has already become a platform for a wide variety of weapons, or similar wheeled vehicles, may well be suitable for this role.

The DUMVO can be effectively used on other vehicles, including tracked ones, as the main or auxiliary armament. If the DUMVO is placed on large-sized platforms, other weapons, for example, anti-tank systems, can also be placed on them.

Tasks, advantages and tactics of using DUMVO
The main tasks of machines of the "Tiger-Sniper" type, equipped with the DUMVO, will be the tasks of hitting especially important targets on the battlefield: commanders, enemy snipers, ATGM crews, defeat lightly armored vehicles or disable critical elements (radar stations, optical devices, weapon elements). The high penetration capacity of bullets of 12, 7 mm and more will make it possible to hit the enemy's manpower both in open areas and behind obstacles.
In local conflicts, such as the conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic, Tiger-Sniper vehicles can block the enemy in populated areas, providing a continuous demoralizing effect on the enemy with sniper fire.
When carrying out counter-terrorist operations, vehicles of the "Tiger-Sniper" type must ensure the destruction of terrorists with a minimum probability of hitting civilians and destroying infrastructure.
Also, platforms equipped with DUMVO can act as reconnaissance and strike systems, providing the issuance of target designation to aviation and artillery, and, if necessary, ensuring the direct destruction of the enemy if delay can be dangerous.
In principle, all these tasks can be solved by an ordinary sniper with a large-caliber rifle. Why then do we need a Tiger Sniper?
Compared to sniper shooters, Tiger Sniper vehicles will have the following advantages:
- high mobility: the ability to quickly change position under enemy fire;
- comfortable conditions to ensure long-term patrolling and effective combat work;
- high security: the carrier's armor will protect the crew from small arms fire;
- more ammunition: a sniper will not carry away so many large-caliber cartridges to hold the siege of a settlement for a long time;
- highly effective means of reconnaissance: a complex of different types of sights capable of ensuring the detection of targets at a greater distance, technical vision, which simplifies the detection of targets, an advanced meteorological station.
Among the shortcomings, we can note the greater visibility of the carrier, but this is inevitable when it comes to comparing a person and a large-sized car.
Snipers and Tiger-Sniper vehicles should not replace, but complement each other
The question may arise: why not use the same Tiger for solving these problems, but with the existing DUMV, with the Kord machine gun of 12, 7 mm caliber, or even a 30 mm cannon?
Compared to them, vehicles of the "Tiger-Sniper" type will have the following advantages:
- less ammunition consumption, since firing is carried out with single fire;
- the ability to act from closed positions;
- better target detection capabilities;
- increased secrecy due to actions from closed positions, the use of mufflers, forced cooling of the barrels;
- increased security due to actions from closed positions;
- selectivity of hitting targets (no collateral damage);
- providing a strong demoralizing effect on the enemy.
Vehicles of the "Tiger-sniper" type with DUMVO should not replace similar machines with DUMV with a 12.7 mm machine gun or a 30 mm cannon, but supplement them, work with them according to the principle of a sniper pair: sniper + machine gunner
In the event that troops block any settlement, the Tiger-Sniper vehicles from the DUMVO move to positions that ensure effective fire. The positions themselves are selected based on the possibility of covering the vehicle behind an obstacle, followed by raising the mast from the DUMVO. Initially, when planning a mission, several positions may be outlined, to which the "Tiger-Sniper" can go when detected.
While in position, the "Tiger-Sniper" detects enemy targets using DUMVO reconnaissance equipment and engages them with high-precision fire. In order to reduce the likelihood of being spotted by the enemy, the Tiger Sniper can periodically preemptively change its position. This tactic can be especially effective at night.
The second vehicle with a DUMV based on a machine gun or a rapid-fire cannon protects the Tiger-Sniper vehicle from a sudden enemy attack.
The creation of remotely controlled high-precision weapon modules (DUMVO), placed on ground platforms of various types, does not require significant financial resources and can be carried out by enterprises of the military-industrial complex on an initiative basis.
Ground military equipment with DUMVO can be effectively used in large-scale and local military conflicts, special and counter-terrorist operations.