About ten years ago, the Google search engine launched a unique project called Google Earth. Many areas of the earth's surface have become available for viewing in high resolution using images taken from space.
With the advent of information technology, we have at our disposal high-quality maps that have a high resolution, can show relief and perform many other useful functions. All these features are provided completely free of charge. The program Google Earth (Google Earth) is one of the best, perhaps the best application, which is distributed free of charge and is available to absolutely everyone.
For the full operation of the program, an Internet connection is required, since only the program has a size of 16 megabytes, and the maps themselves are loaded during online viewing.
The image and layers of the program are saved in the cache, which significantly saves time and traffic. The system requirements for Google Earth are quite small: a 1-2 GHz processor and 1 GB of RAM. But if necessary, the program can run on weaker computers, including mobile phones. In many ways, the download speed depends on the Internet, but 20-50 Kb / s is quite enough so as not to wait long for the next section to download.
Google Earth offers several types of searches. For example, enter the name of a city or a specific street in English or Russian, and the program will indicate the exact location. The program can also calculate paths. To do this, you must enter the "names" of the starting and ending points and the program will show the desired path, which will be highlighted in blue and accompanied by inscriptions that help you not to get lost.
Google Earth has special layers that show panoramas, galleries, weather, and more. If a layer interferes with normal viewing or is not needed, then at any time it can be turned off. In the program, the image quality makes a good impression. In some areas of the survey, objects can be observed from a height of several tens of meters, which made it possible to see the smallest details.
There is a possibility of viewing 3d-objects, it is especially convenient when "traveling" along the streets of cities or viewing large objects.


Statue of Liberty

Arecibo radio telescope
In addition, satellite images of military installations around the world are published. Despite the presence of "closed" for viewing areas, such as the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in the United States, most of the military facilities are quite accessible for viewing. Thus, the images, which were previously only at the disposal of the special services and were branded, were available for everyone to view.
From now on, everyone can, as they say, count the number of aircraft, missiles, ships by the piece. What was recently the prerogative of the world's military intelligence services has now become the object of entertainment for amateurs. The strategic nuclear forces (SNF) are of particular interest. On the pictures with the indication of latitude and longitude, you can consider the details of interest.
As you know, the basis of the American strategic forces are submarine-based ballistic missiles (SLBMs). Each SSBN is equipped with 24 Trident-2 class SLBMs. At the moment, the naval component of the US strategic nuclear forces consists of 14 nuclear submarines (SSBNs) with 336 SLBMs.

Due to the ability to conduct long patrols while in a submerged position, SSBNs are difficult for satellite visual reconnaissance objects.

Naval base in Groton

SSBN at the pier in Bangor
It is much easier to observe the nuclear submarines located at the berths, docks and disposal points.
The ground component of the US strategic nuclear forces consists of strategic missile systems equipped with intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). Currently deployed up to 450 "Minuteman" in silo launchers (silos).

Base Malstrom, silo "Minetman"
The aviation component of the US strategic nuclear forces consists of strategic, or heavy, bombers capable of solving nuclear problems. All strategic bombers have dual-use status: they can carry out strikes using both nuclear and conventional weapons.

B-52N on alert at Mino airbase

B-1B at Texon airbase

B-2A at Anderson airbase
As part of the aviation component of the US SNS, at five air bases on the continental United States, there were approximately 230 bombers of three types - B-52H, B-1B and B-2A.
The strategic objects include missile defense radars and cosmodromes.

Missile defense radar, Bale air base

Kennedy Cosmodrome

Complex "Sea Launch", Long Beach
As of March 19, 2013, the US Navy had 284 ships and vessels of various types.

Nuclear multipurpose aircraft carriers of the "Nimitz" type parked in San Diego

Nuclear multipurpose aircraft carrier "Harry S. Truman" in Norfolk

The Ticonderoga-class missile cruiser and the Arleigh Burke destroyer

Universal amphibious ships
With the help of Google Earth, a wide variety of aircraft can be observed at airfields.

Airplane of the President E-4B, at Andrews Avabase

F-15E at Seymour Johnson AFB

F-5N Aggressor Squadron in Key West

F-22A at Elmendorf-Richadson Air Force Base

F-16 at Luke airbase

Attack aircraft A-10, Nellis airbase

F-15C at Nellis Air Force Base

F-35 at the Fort Worth factory airfield

OV-10 at the Albuquerque airfield

Combat helicopters AN-64, in Fort Knox

Transport helicopters CH-47 at Fort Lewis

UAV Global Hawk at Edwards Air Force Base

Helicopters of the Marine Corps CH-53 at Miramar airbase

Aviation Storage Center Davis Monten
Some planes can be seen on takeoff, in this case the contours of the aircraft in the picture are not much blurred.

E-3 Avax takes off

Patrolman R-3 "Orion" in the air
The technique of ground forces is easiest to study in places of permanent deployment and storage. Or at manufacturing plants.

Armored vehicles at Fort Bliss

PU SAM Patriot in Fort Bliss

Abrams at Fort Hood

Tank plant for the production and modernization of the Abrams in Lima, Ohio
A very interesting object for study is the nuclear test site in the Nevada desert, covered with numerous craters.

At the Air Force training ground, everything is covered with craters.

Soviet technology installed as targets

And this is just a small fraction of what can be found using Google Earth about military installations located in different parts of the world.