The second part of our story about the new cluster of the Patriot Park will be filled with extremely positive emotions. Firstly, because not every Russian can afford not only to touch with his hands, but even to see what was shown there.
Generally, a masterpiece. A hefty hall in blue tones, where … Better to watch.
The general panorama could not be made, but it was filmed well with a video camera. And we will go to the exhibits.
The first exhibit we were brought to is unique, like everything in this room. But in its own way.

This is a capsule for a monkey. Yes, biosatellites with monkeys flew. And they didn't just fly, but, unlike satellites with dogs, returned to Earth.

The capsule was designed to send a monkey weighing up to 5.5 kg into space. During the preparation for the flight, the monkeys learned to perform some operations, for which they received an award. Edible, of course.
These three monkeys not only flew into space in turn, but survived after "retirement" to 8-9 years. Than proved that living organisms can exist in space.
Further there was a shrine. The descent vehicle of the Vostok spacecraft. It is clear that he did not fly anywhere, but served as a simulator for the first cosmonauts.

This is how the compartment of the descent vehicle looks from the inside. Do not swing.

Astronaut's Lodge. In those days, the lodgements were not made individually for the astronaut; it was easier to choose the astronaut according to the size of the chair.

This one is from the first series.

At hand - the control of a semi-automatic parachute complex.

And this is the information panel of the Vostok spacecraft !!! I can't call it a control panel, there was not much to control there. Especially chosen (we that is) were even allowed to touch him … or something. I don’t know how anyone, but I felt awe and a sense of the deepest respect for those who flew with this.
It's like getting into a Ford-T from a Mercedes of the latest model. Not quite a correct comparison, of course, but THIS IS OUR PEOPLE FLYING INTO SPACE !!!

In principle, I think anyone will understand the purpose of these simple devices. Deepest respect to our videoconferencing for this exhibition.
But that is not all. There is one more space rover, more precisely, a moon rover.

Lunnik and Lunokhod-1 descent vehicles.

Again, it is clear that these devices did not fly anywhere, but served for testing. As they explained to us, all the equipment in the hall is absolutely working systems. And they are designed to test something new. By weight, placement, balance, and the like.

Specifically, this complex served just for the resource tests of communication modules and everything related to the operation of the "Lunokhod".

The wheels are, of course, amazing. Having looked carefully, I was stunned to find that the spokes on the Lunokhod's wheels were made to match the painfully familiar bicycle key. I could not resist, asked about it from the lieutenant colonel accompanying us. The answer was simple: "Why is it great to invent? Have you heard about the pencil in space? That's all the same. And the knitting needles were made by the Frunze plant in Tambov. Only not steel, as usual. Lighter and stronger."

Space curvimeter. Allowed to measure the distance traveled by lunar craters. The one that actually worked measured 10,540 meters.

Obviously, there was no such unit on the working Lunokhod. This is the difference between the devices.

Official status: the first earth rover to successfully work on the surface of another space body. Bold point.

Booster rockets. Layouts. It's a pity they didn't indicate the scale.
Then came the spacecraft of the last century, as well as quite modern ones.

This is "Mozhaets". A very small but interesting device. In principle, it is not even classified as a spacecraft (spacecraft), but a small spacecraft (small spacecraft). But currently there are about a dozen of them up there. "Mozhaets" is something like the Yak-130. Training. It can perform various tasks of communication and radiation research, but its main task is to teach today's cadets to control spacecraft.
GLONASS-M. Who doesn't know what it is? Everybody knows. Good.

Here, however, we were told another joke. All that's yellow is foil. Because this satellite will not fly into space. And the real device also has almost foil. But gold.
This is not a satellite. This is a part of the Lazur spacecraft. And at the same time such a blow to self-esteem that it is impossible to express. This is the LENS. For the camera.

Two tons of glass and a bit of metal. Well, the electronics are also present. Lens … But it is capable of photographing objects with a size of 20 cm anywhere in the world. Why is there radiation and what is behind the lid, we were also interested. But … alas.
Zenit-2. The first domestic reconnaissance satellite, as we were told. The Americans have spy satellites, and we have scouts. It was washed down by Sergei Pavlovich Korolev at the base … that's right, "Vostok". They threw out all unnecessary things from "Vostok", put 4 cameras ("Fluor-2R" system) and this "Zenith" shot everything very well from an altitude of 250 km on an area of 150 by 150 km.

By the way, "just in case" it was equipped with a self-detonation system …
SC "Forpost"

Purely marine contraption. The main task is communication between naval ships and submarines and coastal communication centers. Can still clarify the coordinates and transfer to the lost ship.
SC "Cyclone".

Looks like Outpost? Right! This is his son. He is also a communications specialist, but quite as good as GLONASS, he can indicate the coordinates, correct the course and "highlight" with a radio signal where they will tell if someone can't stand a rocket.
SC "Lyra":

The main task is to check the accuracy and alignment of the early warning radar and the precision guidance radar.

An interesting device. Designed for geophysical research, grid creation, blah blah blah and all that. Its main "feature" is that the device itself is just a satellite with all the necessary personal belongings, and the container with the equipment is suspended separately at the bottom. Under the petals of solar panels. And, you know, you can hang anything there. And this then "hiccup". It was after the launch of these satellites into orbit that our "potential partners" started screaming about the threat from space.
The lower part was asked not to be removed. And in general, it is better to shoot from afar.
SC "Selena-2":

Communication satellite of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Able to provide (and provides) communication where there is simply no other connection.
Spacecraft "Luch":

This is a whole series of devices. Connected. They can broadcast everything from telephone communications to the Internet and television to areas that are difficult to reach for other communications.

On the whole, a very impressive exhibition. But we would not be ourselves if we had not dragged one of the VKS representatives into a dark corner to talk. And talk about a few points of interest to us. For example, about the landing of the Americans on the moon. Or some aspect of space wars.
What we have heard and recorded allows us to return to this topic separately and tell what we have heard. In the very near future. For it is one thing when journalists-researchers write something there, and quite another thing when professionals talk about a topic. And we spoke with a professional who witnessed what was happening.