In 2011, the United States stopped operating the Space Transportation System with the reusable Space Shuttle, as a result of which Russian ships of the Soyuz family became the only means of delivering astronauts to the International Space Station. Over the next few years, this situation will persist, and after that new ships are expected to be able to compete with the Soyuz. New developments in the field of manned astronautics are being created both in our country and abroad.
Russian Federation"
Over the past decades, the Russian space industry has made several attempts to create a promising manned spacecraft suitable for replacing the Soyuz. However, these projects have not yet produced the expected results. The newest and most promising attempt to replace the Soyuz is the Federation project, which proposes the construction of a reusable system in manned and cargo execution.

Models of the Federation ship. Photo Wikimedia Commons
In 2009, the Energia Rocket and Space Corporation received an order for the design of a spacecraft designated as the “Advanced Manned Transport System”. The name "Federation" appeared only a few years later. Until recently, RSC Energia was involved in the development of the required documentation. Construction of the first ship of the new type began in March last year. Soon the finished sample will begin testing at stands and test sites.
In accordance with the latest announced plans, the first space flight of the Federation will take place in 2022, and the spacecraft will send cargo into orbit. The first flight with a crew on board is scheduled for 2024. After carrying out the required checks, the ship will be able to carry out more daring missions. So, in the second half of the next decade, unmanned and manned flyby of the Moon may take place.
The spacecraft, consisting of a reusable returnable cargo-passenger cabin and a disposable engine compartment, can weigh up to 17-19 tons. Depending on the goals and payload, it can take on board up to six cosmonauts or 2 tons of cargo. When returning, the descent vehicle can contain up to 500 kg of cargo. It is known about the development of several versions of the ship to solve different problems. With the appropriate configuration, the Federation will be able to send people or cargo to the ISS, or work in orbit on its own. Also, the ship is supposed to be used in future flights to the Moon.
The American space industry, which was left without Shuttles a few years ago, has high hopes for the promising Orion project, which is a development of the ideas of the closed Constellation program. Several leading organizations, both American and foreign, have been involved in the development of this project. So, the European Space Agency is responsible for the creation of the aggregate compartment, and Airbus will build such products. American science and industry is represented by NASA and Lockheed Martin.

Orion ship model. Photo by NASA
The Orion project in its current form was launched in 2011. By this time, NASA had managed to complete part of the work on the Constellation program, but it had to be abandoned. Certain developments were transferred from this project to a new one. Already on December 5, 2014, American specialists managed to conduct the first test launch of a promising spacecraft in an unmanned configuration. No new launches have been carried out yet. In accordance with the established plans, the authors of the project must complete the necessary work, and only after that it will be possible to start a new stage of testing.
According to current plans, the new flight of the Orion spacecraft in the configuration of a space truck will take place only in 2019, after the appearance of the Space Launch System. The unmanned version of the spacecraft will have to work from the ISS, as well as fly around the moon. Astronauts will be on board the Orions from 2023. Long manned flights are planned for the second half of the next decade, including those with a flyby around the moon. In the future, the possibility of using the Orion system in the Martian program is not excluded.
The ship with a maximum launch weight of 25.85 tons will receive a sealed compartment with a volume of slightly less than 9 cubic meters, which will allow it to transport large enough cargo or people. It will be possible to deliver up to six people to Earth's orbit. The lunar crew will be limited to four astronauts. The cargo modification of the ship will lift up to 2-2.5 tons with the possibility of safely returning a smaller mass.
CST-100 Starliner
As an alternative for the Orion spacecraft, the CST-100 Starliner, developed by Boeing as part of the NASA Commercial Crew Transportation Capability program, can be considered. The project provides for the creation of a manned spacecraft capable of delivering several people to orbit and returning to earth. Due to a number of design features, including those associated with the one-time use of technology, it is planned to equip the ship with seven places for astronauts at once.

CST-100 is in orbit, so far only in the artist's view. NASA drawing
Starliner has been established since 2010 by Boeing and Bigelow Aerospace. The design took several years, and in the middle of this decade it was planned to carry out the first launch of the new ship. Nevertheless, due to some difficulties, the test start was postponed several times. According to a recent decision by NASA, the first launch of the CST-100 spacecraft with cargo on board should take place in August this year. In addition, Boeing received clearance for a manned flight in November. Apparently, the promising ship will be ready for testing in the very near future, and new schedule changes will no longer be needed.
Starliner differs from other projects of promising manned spacecraft of American and foreign development by more modest goals. As conceived by the creators, this ship will have to deliver people to the ISS or to other promising stations currently being developed. No flights outside the Earth's orbit are planned. All this reduces the requirements for the ship and, as a result, allows you to achieve significant savings. Lower project costs and reduced astronaut shipping costs can be a good competitive advantage.
A characteristic feature of the CST-100 ship is its rather large size. The habitable capsule will have a diameter of just over 4.5 m, and the total length of the ship will exceed 5 m. The total mass is 13 tons. It should be noted that large dimensions will be used to obtain maximum internal volume. A sealed compartment with a volume of 11 cubic meters has been developed to accommodate equipment and people. It will be possible to install seven chairs for astronauts. In this regard, the Starliner ship - if it manages to reach operation - could become one of the leaders.
Dragon v2
A few days ago, NASA also set the dates for new test flights of spacecraft from SpaceX. So, the first test launch of a manned spacecraft of the Dragon V2 type is scheduled for December 2018. This product is a redesigned version of the existing Dragon "truck" capable of transporting people. The development of the project began a long time ago, but only now is it approaching testing.

Dragon V2 dj ship mock presentation time. Photo by NASA
The Dragon V2 project envisions the use of a redesigned cargo hold adapted for the transport of people. Depending on the requirements of the customer, it is said, such a ship will be able to lift up to seven people into orbit. Like its predecessor, the new "Dragon" will be reusable and will be able to make new flights after minor repairs. The development of the project has been going on for the past several years, but the tests have not yet begun. In August 2018 alone, SpaceX will launch Dragon V2 into space for the first time; this flight will take place without astronauts on board. A full manned flight, as directed by NASA, is scheduled for December.
SpaceX is known for its bold plans for any promising project, and a manned spacecraft is no exception. At first, Dragon V2 is supposed to be used only for sending people to the ISS. It is also possible to use such a ship in independent orbital missions lasting up to several days. In the distant future, it is planned to send a ship to the moon. Moreover, with its help they want to organize a new "route" of space tourism: vehicles with passengers on a commercial basis will fly around the moon. However, all this is still a matter of the distant future, and the ship itself has not even had time to pass all the necessary tests.
At medium size, the Dragon V2 has a sealed compartment with a volume of 10 cubic meters and a 14 cubic meter compartment without sealing. According to the development company, it will be able to deliver a little more than 3.3 tons of cargo to the ISS and return 2.5 tons to Earth. In a manned configuration, it is proposed to install seven lodgement seats in the cockpit. Thus, the new "Dragon" will be able, at least, not to be inferior to competitors in terms of carrying capacity. Economic advantages are proposed to be obtained through reusable use.
Spaceship india
Together with the leading countries of the space industry, other states are trying to create their own versions of manned spacecraft. So, in the near future, the first flight of a promising Indian spacecraft with astronauts on board may take place. The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has been working on its own spacecraft project since 2006, and has already completed part of the required work. For some reason, this project has not yet received a full designation and is still known as the "ISRO spacecraft".

Promising Indian ship and its carrier. Figure
According to known data, the new ISRO project provides for the construction of a relatively simple, compact and light manned vehicle, similar to the first ships of foreign countries. In particular, there is a certain similarity with the American technology of the Mercury family. Part of the design work was completed several years ago, and on December 18, 2014, the first launch of the ship with ballast cargo took place. When the new spacecraft will deliver the first cosmonauts to orbit is unknown. The timing of this event was shifted several times, and so far there are no data on this score.
The ISRO project proposes the construction of a capsule weighing no more than 3.7 tons with an internal volume of several cubic meters. With its help, it is planned to deliver three cosmonauts into orbit. Autonomy is declared at the level of the week. The first missions of the spacecraft will be related to being in orbit, maneuvering, etc. In the future, Indian scientists are planning twin launches with a meeting and docking of ships. However, this is still a long way off.
After the development of flights to near-earth orbit, the Indian Space Research Organization plans to create several new projects. There are plans to create a reusable spacecraft of a new generation, as well as manned flights to the Moon, which will probably be carried out in cooperation with foreign colleagues.
Projects and prospects
Promising manned spacecraft are now being created in several countries. In this case, we are talking about different prerequisites for the emergence of new ships. So, India intends to develop its first own project, Russia is going to replace the existing "Soyuz", and the United States needs domestic ships with the ability to transport people. In the latter case, the problem manifests itself so clearly that NASA is forced to develop or accompany several projects of promising space technology at once.
Despite the different prerequisites for creation, promising projects almost always have similar goals. All space powers are going to put into operation new manned spacecraft of their own, suitable, at least, for orbital flights. At the same time, most of the current projects are created taking into account the achievement of new goals. After certain improvements, some of the new ships will have to go out of orbit and go, at least, to the moon.
Curiously, most of the first launches of new technology are scheduled for the same period. From the end of this decade to the mid-twenties, several countries intend to test their latest developments in practice. If the desired results are obtained, the space industry will change markedly by the end of the next decade. In addition, thanks to the foresight of the developers of new technology, astronautics will be able not only to work in Earth's orbit, but also to fly to the Moon or even prepare for more daring missions.
Promising projects of manned spacecraft created in different countries have not yet reached the stage of full-fledged tests and flights with a crew on board. Nevertheless, several such launches will take place already this year, and such flights will continue in the future. The development of the space industry continues and gives the desired results.