In the future, the Russian group of reconnaissance spacecraft will be replenished with systems of a new type. A few days ago, it became known about the development of a new reconnaissance satellite project. All current work is scheduled to be completed at the end of this decade. The deployment of a constellation of new vehicles is still scheduled for 2019.
Kommersant reported about a new project of space technology for the military department. Information about the development of the new satellite was obtained from two unnamed sources in the defense industry and one in the Department of Defense. In addition, some information about a promising project, primarily the very fact of its existence, was mentioned in the documentation of the developer organization. Some supporting work within the project is also mentioned.
According to Kommersant, currently the Aerospace Forces and the Progress Rocket and Space Center (Samara) are working together on a new project for a promising reconnaissance satellite. The spacecraft of the new type received the designation 14F156 and the code "Hrazdan". Currently, the customer and the developer are engaged in consultations, during which the main features of the appearance of the new technology are determined. In the future, the design of the apparatus should begin.

Reconnaissance satellite 14F37. Figure
It is mentioned that back in the middle of last year, RCC "Progress" ordered a study on the available element base. The purpose of these works was to study the 14F156 project with the definition of a list of electronic components used in it, discontinued or produced by foreign manufacturers. In addition, it was necessary to determine the range of products that are under export restrictions and cannot be purchased for use in a Russian project.
Also recently, RCC "Progress" has updated the officially published data on plans for the purchase of various products and goods. The new procurement plan includes the 14F156 product, but details of such a project have not yet been disclosed. In general, at the moment the overwhelming majority of data on the 14F156 Hrazdan spacecraft remains secret and is not subject to disclosure. At the same time, the domestic media managed to obtain some information from their sources.
Promising spacecraft are planned to be used in the reconnaissance group. Hrazdan products will become new representatives of the family of optical-electronic reconnaissance satellites. It is proposed to use such a technique to observe various regions of the earth's surface in order to obtain the necessary data. The information obtained can be used both to control the actions of a potential adversary and to prepare for combat operations.
The source of Kommersant asserts that the promising Hrazdan satellite in its characteristics will be “a cut above” the existing equipment for a similar purpose. It will be distinguished from its predecessors by completely new special equipment, as well as communication equipment providing data transmission over a secure high-speed channel. Also revealed some details about the target equipment of the satellites. So, starting with the third apparatus of the series, the 14F156 products will be equipped with a new telescope with a diameter of about 2 m. The development of such optical equipment was ordered by the Krasnogorsk plant named after I. Zvereva. The use of a new large telescope should provide a significant increase in the main characteristics of the apparatus.
According to available data, at present the tasks of optical-electronic reconnaissance are assigned to the spacecraft of the 14F37 "Persona" family. This technique was developed at the beginning of the last decade, and its operation began in 2008. The first Persona-type satellite was lost for technical reasons a few months after commissioning. In 2013 and 2015, two other vehicles of the same project were launched into orbit. They are still in operation and are used by the Ministry of Defense for intelligence purposes. There is reason to believe that such a technique, among other things, is used during the current operation in Syria.
The Kommersant newspaper claims that in the course of recent events and operations, the Russian armed forces are faced with a shortage of reconnaissance spacecraft. Due to the need to obtain the required data and due to the lack of a large reconnaissance group, the military department had to involve civilian equipment in the extraction of data. Both its own and "leased" satellites allow the Department of Defense to collect all the data it needs.
The development of the project 14F156 "Hrazdan" is aimed, first of all, at strengthening the satellite constellation with the help of new reconnaissance equipment. With the help of new satellites, it will be possible to increase the potential of the entire reconnaissance system, as well as to some extent simplify the acquisition of the required data. The approximate dates for the deployment of the constellation of new spacecraft have already been determined.
According to the existing plans, announced by Kommersant sources, the first satellite of the new type will be sent into orbit in 2019. The launch vehicle will have to take off from the Plesetsk cosmodrome. The second unit will start operating in 2022, the third one in another two years. Judging by the published information, after 2024 the launches of new satellites will continue. In addition, from the 24th inclusively, reconnaissance vehicles with new improved optical systems will be launched into orbit. Thus, by the middle of the next decade, the existing small constellation of 14F37 "Persona" satellites will be supplemented with more advanced technology, and after "Hrazdan" they will be able to completely replace the current products.
Kommersant writes that the Defense Ministry already has certain plans in case of negative developments. If, for one reason or another, the development of a constellation of reconnaissance satellites becomes difficult, the military will have to take appropriate measures. In the event that the existing "Persons" cannot fully fulfill the assigned tasks or there is a delay in the launch of 14F156 products, the military will again attract civilian remote sensing vehicles to reconnaissance. Thus, problems with military satellites will not have serious or fatal consequences for space reconnaissance.
According to the latest data, the Russian Aerospace Forces by the end of the current decade will have to use for reconnaissance the existing mini-group of "Persona" vehicles, which, if necessary, will be supplemented with civilian satellites. In 2019, the first satellite of the Hrazdan type will be launched, which will increase the capabilities of exploration. The latest reports of the domestic press indicate that the current plans for the development of the constellation of reconnaissance spacecraft are scheduled until about the middle of the next decade. Any information about further work in this direction, for objective reasons, has not yet been published.